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16-я Встреча европейских карабидологов (Прага, сентябрь 2013)

16-я Встреча европейских карабидологов состоится в Праге в сентябре 2013 года.
Ниже мы приводим часть информации с сайта, а также первый циркуляр оргкомитета встречи и обращение председателя оргкомитета. Регистрация начнется 1 февраля 2013 года - у Вас еще есть время для подготовки выступления.

We would like to cordially invite you to participate in the XVIth European Carabidologists meeting.

The decision was made during the XVth European Carabidologists Meeting in Daugavpils, Latvia, August 2011 that in two years the organization will move to the Czech Republic for the first time. We are pleased to announce that the XVIth European Carabidologists Meeting will take place in September 2013 in Crop Research Institute, Prague, Czech Republic.


Dear carabidologists,

following the pre-announcement distributed in July I am pleased to announce that the 16th European Carabidologists Meeting will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, on September 22-27, 2013. We would like to cordially invite you to participate on this meeting. You can find the most important information in the 1st circular attached to this message, or on the web site of the conference: We place new information on the web regularly. You can take an advantage of pre-registration to receive an alert when new information will be published.
The topic of the meeting is "Carabid and Man - Can we live together". This topic reflects the variety of interactions that occur between carabid beetles and humans. Organizers thus hope in receiving high quality contributions related to the main topic, including the role of carabid beetles within the food webs, ecosystem services provided by carabid beetles to humans, success stories of landscape and habitat management to restore, conserve and promote carabid populations, conservation management of threatened species, studies on carabid population dynamics, genetics and dispersal, bioindication and biodiversity surveys, ecology and life history of carabid beetles and their life stages. Methodological issues related to carabid sampling, novel or innovative techniques for their examinations and data analysis will be especially welcome. Contributions that do not fall within these broad mantinels would also be gladly accepted given that carabid beetles will be the study organisms.
Three stimulating keynote lectures will be given by Jon Lundgren (USDA, USA), John Holland (GWCT, UK) and Andrea Di Giulio (U Roma 3, Italy).
We are hoping to have an opportunity to welcome you all in Prague.
On behalf of the organization committee,

Pavel Saska 
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pavel Saska
Crop Research Institute
Drnovska 507
Praha 6 - Ruzyne
161 06
Czech Republic

Czech carabidology

Research on carabid beetles has always formed an important part within Czech entomology, both at professional and amateur level, due to natural beauty and attractiveness of carabid beetles to collectors and nature admirers. Czech carabidology left notable traces in the science of the world Carabidae. Several names of important Czech carabid researchers from the past can be mentioned in this occasion.

Edmund Reitter (1845-1920) published 5 volumes book УFauna GermanicaФ (1908-1916), which provided a list of central European beetles, including carabid beetles, and also published several identification keys to beetles. František Sokolář (1851-1913) studied mainly intraspecific variability within the genus Carabus, and described many forms and varieties in several Carabus species. František Štěrba (1865-1951) published the first volume of identification keys to Czechoslovak Carabidae - Carabini (1945). Arnošt Jedlička (1888-1968) described more than 1000 species of carabid beetles from Asia, many of them still are valid taxa, e.g. of the genera Bembidion, Clivina, Chlaenius or Amara. Karel Kult (1918-1998) published the first identification key to the whole family Carabidae of Czechoslovakia (1947), which was frequently used until recently. He described many species of Carabidae, also from central Europe. Miloš Fassati (1921-1997) was the re-known expert on the genera of Amara and Bembidion worldwide, and described many taxa of these genera. Karel Hůrka (1931-2004) was a world leading expert in morphology and taxonomy of carabid larvae, and published modern identification key to Czech and Slovak Carabidae (1996).

From this point, it is surprising that XVIth ECM meeting will be the first one hosted in the Czech Republic.
XVIth European Carabidologists Meeting is therefore an excellent occasion for celebrating this long tradition of Czech carabidology research.