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Tribe Agapanthiini: Agapanthia (s.str.) daurica Ganglb., 1884 - scanography by Oleg Berlov

Oleg Berlov

Agapanthia (s.str.) daurica Ganglb., 1884.
Maykhe River, near Nikolaevka, Suchan, 1-VI-1916, leg. Emelyanov (from collection of ZIN).
Body length: 15,5 mm.
Scanography by Oleg Berlov.

Agapanthia (s.str.) daurica Ganglb., 1884.
Transbaikalia, Ingoda, Buryatskiy Mir, 16-VI-1898, leg. G. Suvorov (from collection of ZIN).
Body length: 15 mm.
Scanography by Oleg Berlov.