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Tribe Callichromini: Aromia moschata (L., 1758) - photos by E.V. Varlamov

E.V. Varlamov

       Atlas of beetles of Russia
    Subfamily Cerambycinae: Tribe Callichromini (atlas of longhorn beetles of Russia)

Aromia moschata
2005, Tver

Photos by E.V. Varlamov

Aromia moschata<br> (Cerambycidae)

Aromia moschata<br> (Cerambycidae)

Aromia moschata<br> (Cerambycidae)

Aromia moschata<br> (Cerambycidae)

Aromia moschata<br> (Cerambycidae)

Aromia moschata<br> (Cerambycidae)