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Additions and Corrections to first volume of the Guide "American Beetles"

American Beetles Volume 1
All known Additions and Corrections to First Printing


p. 4, Figure caption, line 3, for Fig. 11, change "... pectinate antenna of Calochromus sp. (Lycidae); ..." to read "... pectinate antenna of Lycidae; ..."

p.24, bottom of column 1 as a footnote, add the following acknowledgments and note:
"Acknowledgements. I would like to thank Al Newton and Margaret Thayer (Field Museum of Natural History) for editorial reviews. Their comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

NOTE: Due to a recent ruling (ICZN 2000), the family and generic names Sphaeriusidae Erichson, 1845, and Sphaerius Waltl, 1838, are both available names and have priority over Microsporidae Crotch, 1873 for the family name and Microsporus Kolenati, 1846 for the single included genus, respectively."

p.24, column 1, paragraph 2 of Description, third line from bottom: "apicex" should be "apex".

p.24, column 2, Larval description paragraph, line 14: between "...mala, mentum..." add "...mala, labial palp 2-segmented, small, bilobed, possessing sensillae, mentum...".

p. 25, bottom of column 1, in Distribution, add: "The family is monogeneric".

p. 25, bottom of column 1, in Distribution: change "...19 species that in Africa..." to "...19 species that are in Africa...".

p. 25, column 2, Bibliography, add: ICZN. 2000. Opinion 1957. Sphaerius Waltl, 1838 (Insects, Coleoptera): conserved; and Sphaeriidae Erichson, 1845 (Coleoptera): spelling emended to Sphaeriusidae, so removing the homonymy with Sphaeriidae Deshayes, 1854 (1820) (Mollusca, Bivalvia). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 57 (3): 182-184.

p. 26, near bottom of column 2, Bibliography, in Waltl 1938: "nähern" should read "näheren".

p. 27, bottom of column 1 as a footnote, add: "Acknowledgments. I would like to thank Al Newton and Margaret Thayer (Field Museum of Natural History) for editorial reviews. Their comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated."

p. 27, column 1, paragraph 3 of Description, line 6, before "Mesosternum...", add: "Notopleural suture present.".

p. 27, column 2, paragraph 2 (description of larva), line 13: delete "maxilla" from next to "maxillary"

p. 27, column 2, paragraph 2 (description of larva), line 26, "broad but..." should read "broad as butÅ".

p. 27, column 2, paragraph 2, in description of larva, third line from bottom of page: "shapes" should read "shaped" .

p. 28, column 2 (Distribution paragraph), line 2 from top of column : add "Csiki, 1911" before "Lawrence and Newton, 1995".

p. 28, column 2 (Distribution paragraph), line5 from top of column: replace "include" with "are".

p. 28, column 2, Bibliography, in Arce-Perez, Novelo-Gutierrez and Gomez-Anaya 1996 : "Mexico" should read "México" in title.

p. 29, column 1, Bibliograph, in Lawrence and Newton 1995.: add a " )" after "names" in title.

p.30, end of first line of introduction, add a hyphen after "Colydi"

p. 31, column 2, Bibliography, Costa, Vanin, and Casari-Chen 1988: add an end parenthesis after "...Zoologica, ...." to become "...Zoologica), ..."

p. 32, Title of chapter, "CARABIDAE Latreille, 1810" should read: "CARABIDAE Latreille, 1802"

p. 32, Family Synonymys, line three, following "Chlaeniidae Westwood, 1838" add: "Cicindelidae Latreille, 1802 (for family-group junior synonyms of this name, see p. 70)"

p. 32, col. 2, paragraph 2, line 5, "...Goulet (1994)" should read "... Goulet (1984)"

p. 33, col. 2, paragraph 2 starting "FIXED SETAE.", at end of paragraph add: "Fixed setae on the abdomen are: ambulatory, on sterna IV-VI; and apical, on sternum VII."

p. 40, figures at top of column 2, figure numbering for 36 and 37 are reversed, change "36" to "37", and "37" to "36"

p.40, figures at top of column 2, figure numbering for 39 and 40 are reversed, change "39" to "40", and "40" to "39"

p. 44, col. 2, move the heading "XIII. Key to the Nearctic Genera of Scaritini" to be below the figure caption.

p. 44, col. 2, Figure caption, line 1, change "substriatus Fabricius" to "quadriceps Chaudoir"

p. 46, col. 2, Figure caption, line 4, change "morionoides" to "morionides"

p. 48, col. 1, couplet 26(25), first part, line 2, change "posteriiolateral" to "posteriolateral"

p. 50, col. 1, couplet 5(4), first part, line 1, delete "absent"

p. 53, col. 2, couplet 20(19), second part, last line, replace "Aztecarpalus" with "20A"

p. 53, col. 2, following couplet 20(19), add the new couplet 20A(20) as follows:
"20A (19). Legs rufous (Key XLIV) (in part) . . . . . . Trichotichnus
--- Legs generally dark, tibiae black . . . . . . Aztecarpalus

p. 53, col. 2, couplet 23(21), first part, last line, change "... America (in part) . . . . . .Aztecarpalus" to read "... America (Key XLIV) (in part) . . . . . . Trichotichnus

p. 60, col. 2, Figure caption, line 1, change "Horn" to read "Haldeman"

p. 60, col. 2, couplet 12(8), second part, line 1, change "umbiliscal" to "umbilical"

p. 62, col. 1, line 7 from top of column, delete: "23. Micratopini"

p. 62, col. 1, line 29 from top of column, change "44. Dryptini" to "44. Galeritini"

p. 65, col. 1 at top, sentence under heading "Pelophilini", change "Pelophila Mannerheim" to "Pelophila Dejean"

p. 66, col. 2, paragraph 1 under "Calosoma Weber, 1801", line 9, change "... Waldheim 1821" to "...Waldheim 1820"

p. 67, col. 2, synonyms under under "subgenus Microcallisthenes Apfelbeck", change "Isotenia" to "Isostenia"

p. 67, col. 2, paragraph under "subgenus Microcallisthenes Apfelbeck", line 2, change "... Waldheim 1821" to "... Waldheim 1820"

p.68, col. 1, paragraph 1 under "Carabus Linnaeus, 1758", line 2 from bottom of paragraph, following "Aulonocarabus", add "Reitter"

p. 68, col. 2, line 3 from top of column [under "subgenus Carabus ( sensu stricto)"], following "goryi Dejean", add "1831"

p. 68, col. 2, line 3 from top of column [under "subgenus Carabus ( sensu stricto)"], change "vinctus Walker 1801" to: vinctus Weber 1801

p. 68, col. 2, line 3 from bottom of paragraph [under "subgenus Carabus ( sensu stricto)"], following "hibernicus Lindroth", add "1956"

p. 68, col. 2, paragraph under "subgenus Autocarabus Seidlitz 1887", line 3 from bottom, change "Linnaeus 1758" to "Linnaeus 1761"

p. 69, col. 1, paragraph under "subgenus Tomocarabus Reitter 1896", last line, change "... Waldheim 1822" to "... Waldheim 1820"

p. 69, col. 2, paragraph under "Scaphinotus Dejean 1826", line 1, change "Van Dyke (1936..." to "Van Dyke (1938..."

p. 69, col. 2, paragraph under "Scaphinotus Dejean 1826", last line, following "Maronetus", add "Casey 1914"

p. 70, col. 1, paragraph under "subgenus Brennus Motschulsky 1865", line 2 from bottom of paragraph, change "... Waldheim 1822)" to " ... Waldheim 1820)"

p. 70, col. 2, top of column, in heading "Subfamily VI. Cicindelinae (Latreille 1804)", change "(Latreille 1804)" to "(Latreille 1802)"

p. 70, col. 2, replace the family group synonymy for Cicindelinae (list of 4 names), with the following: " Family Group Synonyms: Amblychilinae Csiki, 1903; Apteroessina Rivalier, 1971; Caledonicini W. Horn, 1893; Collyridae Hope, 1838; Ctenostomidae Laporte de Castelnau, 1834; Distipsiderini W. Horn, 1893; Dromicitae J. Thomson, 1859; Eucalliini W. Horn, 1893; Euprosopini W. Horn, 1893; Euryodini W. Horn, 1899; Iresina Rivalier, 1971; Manticoridae Laporte de Castelnau, 1834; Megacephalidae Laporte de Castelnau, 1834; Odontochilini W. Horn, 1899; Omites W. Horn, 1907; Oxychilini Chaudoir, 1860; Platychilidae W. Horn, 1893; Prepusini W. Horn, 1899; Prothymini W. Horn, 1906; Tetrachae Leng and Mutchler, 1916; Theratidae W. Horn, 1893. "

p. 72, col. 1, synomymy under "Loricera Latreille 1802", change "Lorocera Bedel 1878" to "Lorocera Agassiz 1847"

p. 72, col. 1, paragraph under "Loricera Latreille 1802", line 10, following "L. decempunctata" add "Eschscholtz 1833"

p. 72, col. 2, line 2 at top of column, following "L. decempunctata" , delete "Eschscholtz 1829"

p. 76, col. 2, paragraph under "Miscodera Eschscholtz 1830", line 2, change "(Paykull 1800)" to "(Paykull 1798)"

p. 77, col. 2, paragraph 3 from top of column, line 2 from bottom, following "Aphaenops series", add: "(= Aphoenops)"

p. 80, col 1, synonymy under "subgenus Plataphodes Ganglbauer 1892", change "kuprianovi" to "kuprianovii"

p. 80, col. 2, paragraph under "subgenus Peryphodes Casey 1918", line 2, change "ephippigerum" to "ephippiger"

p. 89, col. 1, [paragraph of "subgenus Hypherpes Chaudoir 1838" beginning on previous page], line 1 at top of column, change "P. morionoides" to "P. morionides"

p. 89, col. 2, synonymy under "Amara Bonelli 1810", change "Lirus Zimmermann" to "Leirus Zimmermann"

p. 90, col. 1, in heading "subgenus Bradytus Stephens 1827", change "1827" to 1828"

p. 91, col. 2, paragraph under "Subtribe Anisodactylina", line 5 from bottom of paragraph, change "Anisodactylus Dejean 1821" to "Anisodactylus Dejean 1829"

p. 94, col. 1, in headiing "Amerinus Casey 1914", change "1914" to 1884"

p. 96, col. 1, paragraph 2 under "Trichotichnus Morawitz 1863", line 2, following "Episcopellus Casey", add "1914"

p. 96, col. 1, paragraph 2 under "Trichotichnus Morawitz 1863", last line, following "Iridessus Bates", add "1883"

p. 97, col. 2, in heading "subgenus Euharpalops 1914", change "1914" to "1924"

p. 99, col. 2, in heading "subgenus Harpalobrachys Tschitschùrine 1898", change 1898" to "1899"

p. 99, col. 2, paragraph under "subgenus Harpalobius Reitter 1900", line 2, following "Harpalus basilaris Kirby", add "1837"

p. 101, col. 1, paragraph under "subgenus Badister (sensu stricto), line 3 from ottom of paragraph, change "Lindroth (1969: 957)" to "Lindroth (1969a: 957)"

p. 101, col. 2, synonymy under "Panagaeini", following "Tefflini Basilewsky", add "1946"

p. 101, col. 2, paragraph under "Panagaeus Latreille 1804", line 9, change "P. crucigerus Say 1825" to "P. cruciger Say 1823"

p. 101, col. 2, paragraph under "Panagaeus Latreille 1804", line 13, change "P. crucigerus" to "P. cruciger"

p. 102, col. 2, in heading "subgenus Anomoglossus Chaudoir 1856", change "1856" to "1857"

p. 105, col. 1, paragraph under "Tetraleucus Casey 1920", line 3 from bottom of paragraph, change "Hygrophilus" to "Hygrophilous"

p. 108, col. 2, [paragraph under "Lachnophorini" beginning in previous column], line 7 from top of column, change "Stigmaphorus Motschulsky 1861" to "Stigmaphorus Motschulsky 1862"

p. 109, col. 2, paragraph 2 under "Cyclosomini", in the list of genera under "Somoplatini", in 3 places change "Basilewsky 1987" to "Basilewsky 1986"

p. 109, col. 2, paragraph 4 under "Cyclosomini", in the list of genera under "Masoreini", change "Masoreus Dejean 1831" to "Masoreus Dejean 1821"

p. 110, col. 2, [under "Lebiini" beginning in previous column], paragraph 3 from top of column, line 2 from end of paragraph, change "Britton 1949" to "Britton 1940"

p. 110, col. 2, paragraph under "Phloeoxena Chaudoir 1869", last line, change "Shpeley and Ball (in press)" to "Shpeley and Ball (2000)"

p. 111, col. 1, paragraph under "Eucheila Dejean 1831", last line, change "Shpeley and Ball (in press)" to "Shpeley and Ball (2000)"

p. 111, col. 2, paragraph under "Apenes LeConte 1851", line 3 from bottom of paragraph,
change "A. lucidula" to "A. lucidulus"

p. 111, col., 2, paragraph under "Subgenus Cymindis s. str.", line 3 from end of paragraph,
change "Lindroth's (1969:..." to "Lindroth's (1969a: ..."

P. 111, col. 2, in heading "Subgenus Pinacodera Schaum 1859", change "1859" to "1857"

p. 112, col. 1, paragraph under "Apristus Chaudoir 1856", line 4 from end of paragraph, change "Lindroth's (1969:..." to "Lindroth's (1969a: ..."

p. 112, col. 2, paragraph under "Microlestes Schmidt-Goebel 1846", line 4 from bottom of paragraph, change "Lindroth (1969: ..." to "Lindroth (1969a: ...."

p. 113, col 1, synonymy under "Lebia Latreille 1802", change "Loxopeza Chaudoir 1870" to "Loxopeza Chaudoir 1871"

p. 113, col. 2, synonymy under "subgenus Lebia (sensu stricto)", delete "Poecilothais Chaudoir 1871"

p. 113, col. 2, synonymy under "subgenus Lebia (sensu stricto)", 5 places, change "Lindroth 1969" to "Lindroth 1969a"

p. 113, col. 2, paragraph under "subgenus Lebia (sensu stricto)", last line, change "Lindroth (1969: ..." to "Lindroth (1969a: ..."

p. 114, col. 2, synonymy under "Tecnophilus Chaudoir 1877", change "LeConte 1961" to "LeConte 1861"

p. 114, col. 2, paragraph under "Infernophilus Larson 1969", line 2, change "(Horn 1882)" to "(Horn 1882c)"

p. 116, col. 2, synonymy under "Helluomorphoides Ball 1951", change "Castelnau 1840" to "Laporte de Castelnau 1834"

p. 117, col. 1, paragraph under "Pseudomorphini", line 3, change "... Ritsema 1874)" to "... Ritsema 1875)"

p. 118, col. 1, paragraph 1 under "Brachinini", line 4, change "Solier 1833" to "Solier 1834"

p. 118, col. 1, paragraph 1 under "Brachinini", line 2 from end of paragaraph, change "[Erwin, 1967, 1976 and 1979; Habu ..." to "[Erwin, 1967 and 1979; Erwin and Erwin, 1976; Habu ..."


p. 121, col. 2, change BASILEWSKY "1987." to BASILEWSKY "1986."

p. 122, col. 1, following reference to "BLATCHLEY 1910", add: "BOLIVAR Y PIELTAIN, ROTGER, B., and CORONADO-G. L. 1967. Estudio de un nuevo Carabus del estado de Nuevo Leon. Ciencia, 25: 155-160."

p. 125, col. 1, following reference to "ERWIN, BALL, WHITEHEAD & HALPERN", add: "ERWIN, T.L, and ERWIN, L.J.M. 1976. Relationships of predaceous beetles to tropical forest wood decay. The natural history of Neotropical Eurycoleus macularis Chevrolat (Carabidae: Lebiini) and its implications in the evolution of ectoparasitoidism. Biotropica, 8: 215-224. "

p. 131, col. 2, following reference to SHPELEY & BALL 1993, add: "SHPELEY, D. and BALL, G.E. 1999. The Cymindis vaporariorum complex in North America: taxonomic and zoogeographical aspects (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Lebiini), pp. 417-428. In, Advances in Carabidology (A. Zamotajlov and R. Sciaky, Eds.). Krasnodar, Russia. 473 pp."

p. 131, col. 2, change SHPELEY & BALL "(in press)" to "2000." and following "Insecta Mundi," add "14(1-3): 1-185."

p. 131, col. 2, change "SILFERBERG to "SILFVERBERG"

p. 131, col. 2, following reference to "SILFVERBERG", add the following: "SMITH, M.E. 1959. Carabus auratus L. and other carabid beetles introduced into the United States as gypsy moth predators (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 61: 7-10."

p. 132, col. 2, following reference to "WILLIS, H.L.", add: "ZAMOTAJLOV, A. and SCIAKY, R. (Editors). 1999. Advances in Carabidology. Krasnodar, Russia. 473 pp."

p. 145, col. 2, paragraph 3, line 1, change "Trachypachididae" to: "Trachypachidae"

p. 145, col. 2, paragraph under Trachypachus Motschulsky 1844, line 4, change "...T. gibbsii and...", to "... T. gibbsii LeConte, 1861, and..."

p. 145, col. 2, Bibliography, change BALL "1960a" to BALL "1960"

p. 146, col 2, change HAMMOND "1969" to HAMMOND "1979"

p. 160, col. 1, at end of Distribution paragraph change ".... 500 species (Larson ...." to ".... 500 species in the Nearctic (Larson ...."

p. 192, figure caption at bottom of page, change ".... Fig. 14.13, Helopherus sp., habitus, ...." to " .... Fig. 14.13, Laccobius sp., habitus ...."

p. 233, bottom of column 1 as a footnote, add: "Acknowledgements. I would like to thank Al Newton and Margaret Thayer (Field Museum of Natural History) for editorial reviews. Their comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated."

p. 234, top, Figure caption, delete "(Fig. 4, Besuchet, 1971)"

p. 235, col. 1, paragraph 2 (near end), the 2 consecutive sentences "Newton and Thayer (1992) list a 'Pselaphidae + Ptiliidae + Scydmaenidae' classification. Lawrence and Newton (1995) propose a 'Hydraenidae + Ptiliidae + Agyrtidae association." should be replaced with "Newton and Thayer (1992) list all families in alphabetical order due to unresolved phylogenetic relationships of the groups. Lawrence and Newton (1995) list Hydraenidae + Ptiliidae as a monophyletic family cluster. "

p. 235, col. 2, Figure caption, line 2, change "Nossidum" to read "Nossidium"

p. 235, col. 2, Figure caption, last line, change "(Fig. 5, Dybas, 1990; 6, Besuchet, 1971)" to read "(Fig. 7, Dybas, 1990; 6 and 8, Besuchet, 1971)"

p. 236, col. 2, Figure Caption, last lines, change "(Figs. 15-19, 26-27, Dybas, 1990; 20, 22, 23, Bescuchet, 1971; 24, Severs and Dybas, 1943; 25, Wilson et al., 1954)" to read "(Figs. 17-21, 23, Dybas, 1990; 15, 16, 22, 24, 25, Besuchet, 1971; 26, Seevers and Dybas, 1943; 27, Wilson et al., 1954)"

p. 238, col. 1, Figure Caption, last lines, change "(Figs. 40-44, Dybas, 1990; 45, 47, Seevers and Dybas, 1943; 48, Wilson et al., 1954)" to read "(Figs. 40-46, Dybas, 1990; 47, 49, Seevers and Dybas, 1943; 48, 50, Wilson et al., 1954)"

p. 239, top, Figure caption, line 1, change "Nossidum" to read "Nossidium"

p. 240, col. 1, Figure caption, the abbreviation "sp." should be placed after each genus name as the figures represent species level characters and are variable within a genus.

p. 240, col. 2, paragraph 2, line 3 from bottom, "Urotrianus" should read "Urotriainus".

p. 243, col.2, paragraph 2 from top, line 2, add author name after "Cephaloplectus" should read "Cephaloplectus Sharp 1883".

p. 261, col. 2, Key couplet 2(1), first part, line 2, "(Fig. 20a.20)" should read "(Fig. 26a.20)"

p. 261, col. 2, Key couplet 2(1), first part, last line, ". . . . Chevrolatia (Fig. 20.20)" should read ". . . . Chevrolatia (Fig. 26.20)"

p. 272, col. 2, Acknowledgments, line 3, add s-hacek to "Ale" to give "Ales"

p. 273, large Figure caption at bottom, line 10-11, replace beginning of sentence "(Modified from: ...; 7 -- Hansen 1997a...." with: "(Modified from: 5, 6, 9, 16-18, 27-31, 33-35, 38-40 -- Lohse 1964; 11-14, 15 [Claviger] -- Besuchet 1974; 19, 20, 22, 23 [Atemeles] -- Lohse 1974; 10 -- von Peez 1967; 7 -- Hansen 1997a ..."

p. 277, col. 2, Distribution, line 8, replace "521" with "523"

p. 282, Figure caption, line 2, change "(after Campbell..." to "(modified from Campbell..."

p. 290, col. 1, couplet 18(9), part 2, change "....26" to "....27"

p. 290, col. 2, couplet 32(31), part 2, line 1, change "three" to "two to three"

p. 294, Figure caption, lines 3 and 4, change "(after Campbell..." to "modified from Campbell..."

p. 319, col. 2, couplet 58(56), part 2, change semicolon before "Xenota" to a comma

p. 327, col. 1, Figure caption, 6 places, change "(after Herman..." to "(modified from Herman..."

p. 337, col. 1, paragraph under "Paraphloeostiba", line 3, add a period after California

p. 337, col. 2, paragraph under "Phloeonomus", delete last two sentences, starting "The species keyed out as..."

p. 338, col. 1, paragraph under "Xylodromus", line 4, first sentence, after "North America" insert "and Mexico"

p. 340, col. 2, paragraph under "Phyllodrepoidea", first sentence should read: "One or two apparently new species, California and Wyoming; in forest pitfall trap and litter and squirrel middens."

p. 341, col. 1, paragraph under "4. Tribe Coryphiini", line 11: change "10" to "11"

p. 341, col. 2, paragraph under "4a. Subtribe Boreaphilina" [beginning in previous column], line 4 from top of column, replace sentence starting "Coryphiini can be separated..." with "He also described Boreaphilina as mostly having the sides of the pronotum angled or narrowly arcuate at the widest point and with the lateral margins bent downward anteriorly so that they are not visible in dorsal view."

p. 344, col. 1, paragraph 1 under "Pselaphinae", line 3 from bottom of paragraph, change "paratergites" to "tergites"

p. 344, col. 2, paragraph 1, line 12 from top of column, change "setose foveae" to "male secretory pores" to give: "De Marzo and Vovlas (1989, male secretory pores and defensive glands). . ."

p. 345, col. 1, paragraph under "7a. Subtribe Trogastrina", line 7, insert "other" to give "variably distinct in a number of other genera. . ."

P. 345, col. 2, 8. Tribe Euplectini, end of line 3, insert a comma after "Trogastrini"

p. 346, col. 2, paragraph under "Eutyphlus", last line, make "litter" plural: "litters".

P. 346, col. 2, paragraph under "8e. Subtribe Trichonychina", line 3, italicize "Trichonyx"

p. 348, col. 2, paragraph under "Sebaga", line 2, insert comma: "from leaf litter, or leaf litter at cave. . ."

p. 351, col. 2, paragraph under "14d. Subtribe Eupseniina", last sentence, replace "as far north as" with "in" to give: "one of them found in the southeastern . . ."

p. 352, paragraph under "17. Tribe Tychini", line 7, add "of 12 genera" to give "a largely Holarctic group of 12 genera, with Atychodea. . ."

p. 354, col. 1, paragraph under "23. Tribe Arhytodini", first sentence, line 2, change "carina" to "carinae" and insert "(present in Caccoplectus)" before first semicolon to give: "ocular-mandibular carinae absent (present in Caccoplectus);"

p. 354, col. 1, paragraph under "23. Tribe Arhytodini", sentence beginning in line 10, change "Ten" to "Thirteen", insert "each" after "one", insert "and Sabah", and change "four" to "five" to give: "Thirteen genera are known," "one each is known from Zaire and Sabah, and five are Neotropical. . ."

P. 354, col. 2, paragraph under "Neopselaphus", line 4, delete "about" to give "includes eight species."

p. 358, col. 2, paragraph 2 under "XII. Subfamily ALEOCHARINAE", insert at beginning of paragraph: "The subfamily Aleocharinae is the largest in the Staphylinidae and is undoubtedly one of the most taxonomically difficult large groups of Coleoptera."

p. 389, col. 2, paragraph under "XXV. Subfamily STAPHYLININAE", delete repeat of last sentence.

p. 395, col. 1, paragraph 1 under "71d. Subtribe Xanthopygina", lines 2-3 (first sentence), delete clause "or with carina originating near base of mandible and not connected to nuchal carina;"


p. 399, col. 2, Bohac 1978 and 1982, should have a-acute and c-hacek in author's name, to give BOHÁ .

p. 399, col. 2, Bohac 1982 , add a C-hacek in Ceskoslovenská to give eskoslovenská

p. 401, col. 2, "CASEY 1893", replace "1893" with "1894"

p. 401, col. 2, CASEY "1894", Last word of journal title should be: "Sciences"

p. 401, col. 2, CASEY "1894" Add nominal year of publication at end: "[1893]".

p. 402, col. 1, CHANDLER 1987, line 2, add hyphen to get "old-growth"

p. 402, col. 1, CHANDLER 1997, line 4, add hyphen to get: "Handbook 529-31"

p. 402, col. 1, CHANDLER 1997, add reference: "CHANDLER, D. S. 1999. New synonymies and combinations for New World Pselaphinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 125: 163-183."

p. 402, col. 2, COIFFAIT 1956, line 1, italicize "Staphylinus"

p. 402, col. 2, COIFFAIT 1963, line 2, add hyphen to get: "sous-famille"

p. 402, col. 2, COMELLINI 1985, line 2, replace "5 La tribu" in subtitle with: "5 - La tribu"

p. 402, col. 2, COSTA, VANIN & CASARI-CHEN, add hyphen to last author's name (as here) and twice in line 3 add an a-tilde to "Sao" to become "São"

p. 402, col. 2, CROWSON 1938, line 3, add hyphen to plate numbers: "pls. 1-13."

p. 402, col. 2, CROWSON 1944, line 3, add hyphen to plate numbers: "pls. 1-10."

p. 403, col. 1, CUCCODORO & LÖBL, line 1, insert hyphen to get original spelling: "rove-beetles"

p. 403, col. 1, DANOFFBURG 1994 and 1996, add hyphens to get: "DANOFF-BURG"

p. 403, col. 1, DANOFF-BURG 1996, line 1, add hyphen to get: "ant-guest"

p. 403, col. 1, DEMARZO 1985, line 3, add hyphen to get: "morfo-istologico"

p. 403, col. 1, DEMARZO 1986a, line 2, replace "Aubè" with "Aubé "

p. 403, col. 1, DEMARZO 1986b, 1987, 1988b, 1989, replace "Pselafidi" with "pselafidi" [i.e., lower-case]

p. 403, col. 2, DEMARZO & VIT, line 2, replace "Aubè" with "Aubé "

p. 403, col. 2, DETTNER 1993, line 2, replace "free living stapylinid beetles their bearing" with "free-living staphylinid beetles -- their bearing"

p. 404, col. 1, FENYES, line 1, replace "191821"with: "1918-1921"

p. 404, col. 1, FENYES 1918-1921, line 3, add hyphen to "Fasc. 173ac." to get: "Fasc. 173a-c."

p. 404, col. 2, FRANK 1981b, last line, add two hyphens in pagination to get: "pp. i-vii + 1-60."

p. 404, col. 2, FRANK 1983, line 2, add hyphen to get: "circum-Caribbean"

p. 404, col. 2, FRANK & THOMAS 1984c, line 1, add hyphen to get: "Cocoon-spinning"

p. 405, col. 2, HAMMOND 1976, line 4, add hyphen to plate numbers: "pls. 1-3."

p. 405, col. 2, HAMMOND 1979, line 1, add hyphen to get: "Wing-folding"

p. 406, col. 1, HANSEN 1997a, correct pagination from "13-39" to "1-339"

p. 406, col. 1, HATCH 1957, line 3, add comma after journal title

p. 406, col. 1, HERMAN 1970b (line 2) and 1972a (line 1), add hyphen to get "rove-beetle"

p. 406, col. 1, HINTON 1944, line 1, add hyphen to get "sub-social"

p. 407, col. 1, HOEBEKE 1995b, line 2, replace "Coleotpera" with "Coleoptera"

p. 407, col. 1, HORION , line 3, in publication city, add hyphen to get: "Überlingen-Bodensee"

p. 407, col. 2, HOWARD 1980, line 1, add hyphen at beginning of title to get: "Trail-following"

p. 407, col. 2, HOWARD, MCDANIEL & BLOMQUIST, replace "MCDANIEL" with "McDANIEL"

p. 407, col. 2, HU & FRANK 1997, line 1-2, replace "Horn Fly" with "horn fly"

p. 407, col. 2, HUTH & DETTNER, line 3, correct "oleoptera" to "Coleoptera"

p. 407, col. 2, ICZN 1961a, 1961b, 1969, insert hyphen in "typespecies" to get: "type-species"

p. 408, col. 1, JACOBSON & KISTNER 1998, line 3, add hyphen to get: "free-living"

p. 408, col. 1, JACOBSON, KISTNER & ABDELGALIL, add hyphen to last author's name: "ABDEL-GALIL"

p. 408, col. 2, before JEANNEL 1959, insert the reference: "JEANNEL, R. 1940. Croisière du Bougainville aux iles australes françaises. III. Coléoptères. Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (N.S.) 14: 63-201."

p. 408, col. 2, JEANNEL 1959, 1962, 1964, replace "Psélaphides" with "psélaphides" (i.e., lower case)

p. 408, col. 2, JEANNEL 1959, line 3, change "Série 81" to "Série 8°" (octavo, 8 with small raised "o")

p. 408, col. 2, JEANNEL 1964, line 4, add hyphen to get "Expedition 1960-1961)."

p. 409, col. 1, KING et al., add hyphen to last author's name: "AL-KHALIFA"

p. 409, col. 1, KISTNER & HOWARD 1980, add comma after journal

p. 409, col. 2, KLIMASZEWSKI all references (including those with co-authors), add comma after journals

p. 410, col. 1, after KUKALOVÁ-PECK AND LAWRENCE, add reference: "KUSCHEL, G. 1990. Beetles in a suburban environment: a New Zealand case study. DSIR Plant Protection Report, 3: 118 pp."

p. 410, col. 1, LAWRENCE & NEWTON 1995, line 4, modify "Slipinski" with acute accents on initial "S" and on "n" to get " lipi ski"

p. 410, col. 2, LIPKOW, line 1 and 2, add two hyphens to get: "Biologisch-ökologische ... Tachyporus-Arten"

p. 410, col. 2, LOHSE 1991, line 1, replace "Arctic" with: "arctic" (lower-case)

p. 411, col. 1, LOHSE & SMETANA 1988a, 1988b, add hyphens to pagination, respectively: "265-268" and "269-278"

p. 411, col. 1, after MATTHEWS 1970, add the reference, "MAUS, C., MITTMANN, B., & PESCHKE, K. 1998. Host records of parasitoid Aleochara Gravenhorst species (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) attacking puparia of cyclorrhapheous Diptera. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 45: 231-254."

p. 411, col. 1, MICKEY & PARK 1956, line 2, replace "Pselaphid" with "pselaphid" (i.e., lower case)

p. 411, col. 1, MOORE 1964e, correct "Leconte" to: "LeConte"

p. 411, col. 1, MOORE 1975b, replace "Devil's Coach Horse" with "devil's coach horse" (lower-case)

p. 411, col. 2, after MOORE 1977, add 2 references:
"MOORE, I. 1979a. Platystethus cornutus Gravenhorst reported from the United States is P. degener Mulsant and Rey (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin, 33: 32.
MOORE, I. 1979b. Teropalpus lithocharinus (LeConte), a seashore species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin, 33: 40."

p. 412, col. 1, NAOMI 1987-90, change year range to: "1987-1990"

p. 412, col. 1, NAVARRETEHEREDIA & NEWTON, add hyphen to first author's name: "NAVARRETE-HEREDIA"

p. 412, col. 1, NEWTON 1984, add hyphen in title to get: "Fungus-Insect Relationships"

p. 412, col. 2, NEWTON & THAYER 1995, line 6, modify "Slipinski" with acute accents on initial "S" and on "n" to get " lipi ski"

p. 413, col. 1, ORTH, MOORE, FISHER & LEGNER 1976, line 3, replace "Brown Garden Snail" with: "brown garden snail" (lower case)

p. 413, col. 1, ORTH, MOORE, FISHER & LEGNER 1978, line 2, add hyphen to get: "Year-round"

p. 413, col. 1, delete the two "OTOTSKAYA" references (duplicates of the two POTOTSKAYA references, with misspelled name)

p. 413, col. 2, PARK 1935a, line 1, add hyphen to get: "mound-building"

p. 414, col. 1, before PESCHKE AND FULDNER 1977, insert the reference: "PEEZ, A. von. 1967. 58. Familie: Lathridiidae, pp. 168-190. In: Freude, H., Harde, K. W. and Lohse, G. A. (eds.), Die Käfer Mitteleuropas, Vol. 7, Clavicornia, 310 pp. Goecke and Evers, Krefeld."

p. 414, col. 1, PUTHZ 1971a, change "Série 81" to "Série 8°" (octavo, 8 with small raised "o")

p. 414, col. 2, after PUTHZ 1989, add the reference: "PUTHZ, V 1998. Beitrôge zur Kenntnis der Euaesthetinen. LXXIX. Neuweltliche Euaesthetus-Arten (Staphylinidae, Coleoptera). Philippia, 8: 223-244."

p. 414, col. 2, QUEZADA, AMAYA & HERMAN 1969, line 3, replace "Coconut Weevil" with: "coconut weevil" (lower case)

p. 414, col. 2, after RICHARDS 1983, add the reference: "RYABUKHIN, A. S. 1999. A catalogue of rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae exclusive of Aleocharinae) of the northeast of Asia. Pensoft, Sofia & Moscow. 137 pp."

p. 414, col. 2, SAALAS 1917, line 4, add hyphen near end of title to get: "Larven-Bestimmungstabelle."

p. 415, col. 1, SCHEERPELTZ 1972, line 2, add hyphen in title to get: "Gemminger-Harold"

p. 415, col. 1, SCHMID 1988, line 2, add hyphen in title to get: "... Neu- und ..."

p. 415, col. 2, after SCHUSTER and MARSH 1958b, insert the following references:
"SCHUSTER, R. O., MARSH, G. A. and PARK, O. 1960. Present status of the tribe Mayetini in the United States - Part II, California (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 36: 15-24.
SCHWARZ, E. A. 1894. Additions to the lists of North American termitophilous and myrmecophilous Coleoptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 3: 73-77.
SEEVERS, C. H. 1951. A revision of the North American and European staphylinid beetles of the subtribe Gyrophaenae (Aleocharinae, Bolitocharini). Fieldiana: Zoology 32: 655-762.
SEEVERS, C. H. 1957. A monograph on the termitophilous Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Fieldiana: Zoology 40: 1-344.
SEEVERS, C. H. 1959. North American Staphylinidae associated with army ants. Coleopterists' Bulletin 13: 65-79.
SEEVERS, C. H. 1965. The systematics, evolution and zoogeography of staphylinid beetles associated with army ants (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Fieldiana: Zoology 47: 139-351.
SEEVERS, C. H. 1978. A generic and tribal revision of the North American Aleocharinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Fieldiana: Zoology 71: vi + 275 pp.

p. 415, col. 2, "SCHUSTER & MARSH 1994" entry, author should be: "SETSUDA, K."
rest of reference is correct, and it belongs in this location, before SHARP

p. 415, col. 2, SILVESTRI 1945, line 3, replace "Ditteri Tripaneidi" with: "ditteri tripaneidi" (i.e., lower case)

p. 415, col. 2, SILVESTRI 1946, line 2, add hyphen at end of title to get: "III-IV."

p. 415, col. 2, SMETANA 1971, line 2, add "(" to get: "Mexico (Coleoptera: ..."

p. 416, col. 1, SMETANA 1984, line 3, add hyphen to get: "sous-tribu Heterothopsi"

p. 416, col. 2, after SMETANA & CAMPBELL 1980, insert the reference: "SMETANA, A. and DAVIES, A. 2000. Reclassification of the north temperate taxa associated with Staphylinus sensu lato, including comments on relevant subtribes of Staphylinini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). American Museum Novitates, 3287: 1-88."

p. 416, col. 1, after SPAHR 1981, insert the reference: "STANIEC, B. 1997. A description of the developmental stages of Aploderus caelatus (Gravenhorst, 1802) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 44: 203-230."

P. 416, col. 2., STEEL 1957, line 2, correct generic name to: "Acrolocha"

p. 416, col. 2, after STEEL 1959, insert the reference: "STEEL, W. O. 1960. Three new omaliine genera from Asia and Australasia previously confused with Phloeonomus Thomson (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 112: 141-172."

p. 417, col. 1, after TIKHOMIROVA 1973, insert the reference: "TIKHOMIROVA, A. L. 1978. Role of hormonal juvenilization in formation of specific characters of insects (as exemplified by staphylinid beetles). Doklady Biological Sciences, 240: 307-309 (translation of Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 240: 1258-1261)."

p. 417, col. 1, TIKHOMIROVA. & MELNIKOV, 1970, line2, add hyphen in title to get:
"aleocharo- and"

p. 417, col. 1, TOPP 1975, add comma after journal: "... Biologie), No..."

p. 417, col. 1, after TOPP 1978, insert two references:
"TRONQUET, M. 1998. Staphylins intùressants ou nouveaux pour les Pyrénées-Orientales. 1re Note. Entomologiste, 54: 9-16.
TRONQUET, M. 2000. A propos de Paraphloeostiba gayndahensis (MacLeay 1871) (Col. Staphylinidae). Entomologiste, 55: 234 [1999]."

p. 417, col. 1, VIT 1985, lines 1 and 3, replace "Quelque" "Colùoptùrologique" and "Annai" respectively with: "Quelques" ... "colùoptùrologique" ... "Annali"

p. 418, col. 1, WYATT 1986, line 3, add comma after journal title

p. 418, col. 2, ZERCHE 1990 replace "Paläarktischen" with: "paläarktischen" (lower case)

p. 418, col. 2, ZERCHE 1993, add space to get: "Coryphiini (Coleoptera" (line 2), and add comma after journal title (line 3)