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Dmitry Telnov, Latvia: photos of beetles in nature (trip to Central Latvia, June 2007)

Carabidae: Broscus cephalotes (L.) - Latvia (central), Tukums district, Kemeri NP, Bigaunciems vill., 03.VI.2007, Riga Gulf shore, leg. D.Telnov.

Cerambycidae: Agapanthia villosoviridescens (DeGeer) Latvia (central), Riga district, Kemeri NP, raised bog Raganu at the Lake Melnezers, 03.VI.2007, forest edge, leg. D.Telnov.

Chrysomelidae & Coccinellidae: Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), Coccinella septempunctata L., Anatis ocellata (L.) Latvia (central), Tukums district, Engures ezera dabas park (nature park), Engure vill., 03.VI.2007, Riga Gulf shore, leg. D.Telnov.