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D. Telnov: list of publications

(last updated: March 29, 2008)

Telnov D., 1992.
Biology of Latvian Cerambycidae (Coleoptera). - 8. Baltijas republiku Skolenu zinatnisko biedribu konferences tezes. Riga: 7 [in Russian].

Telnov D., 1996.
Sixty Three New and Rare Species of Coleoptera in the Fauna of Latvia. - Latvijas entomologs 35: 36-43.

Telnov D., Kovalevsky F., 1996.
New Data on the Fauna and Ecology of the Superfamily Histeroidea (Coleoptera) in Latvia. - Latvijas entomologs 35: 44-48.

Telnov D., 1997A.
Anthicidae aus Nordvietnam (Insecta: Coleoptera). - Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins e.V. 22, Nr. 1/2: 59-65.

Telnov D., 1997B.
Some New Species of Coleoptera in the Fauna of Latvia. - Acta Coleopt. Latvica 1, NR. 2: 83-87.

Telnov D., A. Barsevskis, F. Savich, F. Kovalevsky, S. Berdnikov, M. Doronin, R. Cibulskis, D. Ratniece, 1997.
Check-List of Latvian Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera). - Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins e.V., Supplementum 5: 1-141.

Telnov D., 1998A.
Anthicidae (Coleoptera) of the Collection from the Moscow Pedagogical University. - Latvijas entomologs 36: 5-10.

Telnov D., 1998B.
Zur Salpingidenfauna Lettlands (Coleoptera, Salpingidae). - Latvijas entomologs 36: 17-20.

Telnov D., 1998C.
Palaerktische Anthicidae des Zoologischen Museums Kopenhagen (Insecta: Coleoptera). - Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins e.V. 22, Nr. 3/4: 165-171.

Telnov D., 1998D.
Anthicidae aus Nordvietnam, 2 (Insecta: Coleoptera). - Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins e.V. 23, Nr. 1/2: 85-93.

Telnov D., 1998E.
Bluetenmulmkaefer (Coleoptera, Anthicidae). - Check-Listen Thueringer Insekten, 6: 33-34.

Telnov D., 1998F.
Anthicidae (Coleoptera) der Sammlung Sergej Kurbatov, mit Beschreibung von sechs neuen Arten aus der Orientalis. - Bull. Annls. Soc. r. belge Ent. 134, Nr. 1: 81-100.

Telnov D., 1998G.
Afrikanische Anthicidae (Coleoptera) aus der Sammlung des Naturkundemuseums in Erfurt. - Veroff. Naturk. Mus. Erfurt 17: 59-70.

Telnov D., 1999A.
Trictenotomidae of the World (Coleoptera: Heteromera). --

Telnov D., 1999B.
Zoogeographie der Trictenotomidae Blanchard, 1845 (Coleoptera: Heteromera). - 7. DPU zinatniskas konferences rakstu krajums, A9: 95-97.

Telnov D., 1999C.
Lucanidae (Coleoptera) of the Baltic Sea region. -
(Japanese version:

Telnov, 1999D.
Weitere Anthicidae verschiedener Regionen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Kopenhagen (Insecta Coleoptera). - Bull. Soc. r. belge Ent. 135, Nr. 1-6: 72-81.

Telnov D., 1999F.
Eine wenig bekannte Stricticomus-Art (Coleoptera: Anthicidae) aus dem Himalaya. - Latvijas entomologs 37: 14-17.

Telnov D., 1999G.
Sechs neue Ptiliiden- Arten fur die Fauna Lettlands und Checkliste der Federflugler (Coleoptera, Ptiliidae). - Latvijas entomologs 37: 18-22.

Telnov D., 1999H.
Anthicidae und Trictenotomidae (Coleoptera) der Sammlung Siebert im Museum fur Systematische Zoologie der Universitat Lettlands / Riga. - Latvijas entomologs 37: 23-32.

Telnov D., 1999I.
Anthicus oustaleti Oustalet, 1874 nom. nov., a New Name for Anthicus melancholicus Oustalet, 1874 nec A. melancholicus LaFerte-Senectere, 1848 (Coleoptera: Anthicidae). - Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins e.V. 24, Nr. 1/2: 61-62.

Telnov D., 1999J.
Formicomus fascifer (Uhmann, 1983) - n.comb. (Coleoptera: Anthicidae). - Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins e.V. 24, Nr. 1/2: 63-66.

Telnov D., Kalnins M., 1999.
Elmidae (Coleoptera) of Latvia and Adjacent Territories: Fauna and Ecology. - Latissimus 12: 7-9.

Telnov D., Kejval Z., 1999.
Revision der Tribus Formicomini (Coleoptera: Anthicidae) - erste Ergebnisse. - 7. DPU zinatniskas konferences rakstu krajums, A9: 93-94.

Telnov D., Sakai M., 1999.
Studies on Asian Anthicidae (Coleoptera), I. -- Japan. Journ. Syst. Entomol. 5, Nr. 2: 171-175.

Telnov D., 2000A.
Ein neuer Ischyropalpus aus Nikaragua (Coleoptera: Anthicidae). - Lambillionea 100, Nr. 3, II: 475-478.

Amiryan A.L., Telnov D., Hlavac P., Willers J., 2000.
To the Knowledge of Phloeophilic, Nidicolic and Myrmecophilic Staphylinid-Beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from Armenia. - Proc. Republ. Youth Sci. Conf., Yerevan: 7-15.

Telnov D., 2000B.
Trictenotomids (Trictenotomidae). - URL:

Telnov D., 2000C.
Anthicids (Anthicidae). - URL:

Telnov D., 2000D.
Neue Anthicidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) aus der Sammlung des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt. - Veroeff. Naturk. Mus. Erfurt 19: 173-184.

Telnov D., 2001A.
Anthicidae (Coleoptera) aus der Sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums in Basel, Teil I: Einleitung, Steropinae, Tomoderinae, Ischaliinae. - Entomologische Zeitschrift 111, Nr. 4: 117-123.

Telnov D., 2001B.
Anthicidae aus Peru (Coleoptera). - Entomologische Zeitschrift 111, Nr. 5: 130-131.

Telnov D., 2001C.
Zur Kenntnis asiatischer Anthicidae (Coleoptera), II. - Entomologische Zeitschrift 111, Nr. 6: 182-186.

Sakai M., Telnov D., 2001.
Leptaleus sasajii , a New Species and the First Representative of the Genus Leptaleus from Japan (Coleoptera, Anthicidae). - Sukunahikona, Spec. Publ. Japan Coleopt. Soc. 1: 327-332.

Telnov D., 2001D.
To the knowledge of Latvian Coleoptera, 1. - Latvijas entomologs 38: 61-69.

Telnov D., 2001E.
Gefaehrdete und seltene Wirbellose Lettlands. Teil I. Oryctes nasicornis (L., 1758) (Insecta Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). - Latvijas entomologs 38: 70-75.

Telnov D., 2002A.
Yunnanomonticola nanzhao - eine neue Gattung und Art der orientalischen Anthicini (Coleoptera: Anthicidae, Anthicinae). - Entomologische Zeitschrift 112, 2: 47-50.

Telnov D., 2002B.
To the knowledge of Latvian Coleoptera. 2. - Latvijas entomologs 39: 16-19.

Telnov D., 2002C.
Vorlaeufige Auflistung der Anthicidae (Coleoptera) von Afghanistan, mit Beschreibung einer neuen Art. Ö Latvijas entomologs 39: 20-29.

Telnov D., 2002D.
Gefaehrdete und seltene Wirbellose Lettlands. Teil II. Gnorimus nobilis (L., 1758) (Insecta, Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). Ö Latvijas entomologs 39: 38-43.

Telnov D., 2003L.
Neue Arten der Gattung Anthelephila Hope, 1833 (Coleoptera: Anthicidae). - Entomologische Zeitschrift 116, 5: 130-137.

Telnov D., 2003B.
Zwei neue Gattungen und eine neue Art der notogaeischen Anthicidae (Coleoptera). Ö Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins e.V. 28, 1/2: 13-23.

Telnov, 2003C.
Saproxylic Latvia Ö The Situation, Species Diversity and Possibilities. In: Bowen C.P. (ed.) Proceedings of the second pan-European conference on Saproxylic Beetles. London, PeopleÒs Trust for Endangered Species: 39-40.

Telnov D., 2003D.
Latvian News. Ö Latissimus 13: 23.

Telnov D., 2003E.
Trictenotomidae und Anthicidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) des Himalayas und angrenzender Regionen, Teil 1. Systematik, Faunistik, Zoogeographie: 279-303. In: Hartmann M., Baumbach H. (eds.) Biodiversitaet und Naturausstattung im Himalaya [Biodiversity and Natural Herietage in Himalaya]. Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt e.V., Erfurt.

Telnov D., 2004A.
Gyrinidae Recorded in Latvia, Lithuania & Estonia. - Latissimus 18: 21.

Telnov D., 2004B.
Neue und wenig bekannte Anthicidae (Coleoptera) von dem malayischen Borneo. Ö Entomologische Zeitschrift 114, Nr. 5: 209-222.

Telnov D., 2004C.
Zwei neue Arten und ein neues Synonym der Anthicidae Coleoptera) aus Sarawak und Neu Guinea. Ö Entomologische Zeitschrift 114, Nr. 2: 87-89.

Telnov D., 2004D.
Check-List of Latvian Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera). In: Telnov D. (ed.) Compendium of Latvian Coleoptera, volume 1. Riga, ÓPetrovskis & KoÔ: 114 pp.

Chandler D.S., Nardi G., Telnov D., 2004.
Nomenclatural Notes on the Palaearctic Anthicidae (Coleoptera). - Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins e.V. 29, Nr. 4: 109-173.

Telnov D., Gailis J., Kalnins M., Napolov A., Piterans U., Vilks K., Whitehead P.F., 2005.
Contributions to the Knowledge of Latvian Coleoptera. 4. - Latvijas entomologs 42: 18-47.

Telnov D., 2005A.
Ceruchus chrysomelinus (Hochenwarth, 1785) (Lucanidae) in Latvia: Distribution and Ecology: 93-96. In: Barclay M.V.L., Telnov D. (eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles, Rīga / Latvia, 07th-11th July, 2004. Ö Latvijas entomologs, Supplementum VI.

Telnov D., 2005B.
A Case of the Mimicry in the Oriental Coleoptera Ischaliinae (Anthicidae), Lagriinae (Tenebrionidae), and Galerucinae (Chrysomelidae). Ö Entomologische Zeitschrift 115, Nr. 4: 149-150.

Telnov D., 2005C.
Anthicidae (Coleoptera) aus Sulawesi: Ergebnisse des ÄProject WallaceÓ der Royal Entomological Society of London. Teil 1 (Coleoptera: Anthicidae: Tomoderinae). - Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins e.V. 30, Nr. 3/4: 89-132.

Telnov D., 2005D.
Anthicidae (Coleoptera) aus der Sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums in Basel. Teil II: Bemerkenswerte und neue Notoxini, Endomiini, Anthicini (Anthicinae) aus der palaearktischen und orientalischen Region. Ö Entomologica Basiliensia et Collectionis Frey 27: 161-180.

Ranius T., Aguado L.O., Antonsson K., Audisio P., Ballerio A., Carpaneto G.M., Chobot K., Gjurasin B., Hanssen O., Huijbregts H., Lakatos F., Martin O., Neculiseanu Z., Nikitsky N.B., Paill W., Prinat A., Rizun V., Ruicănescu A., Stegner J., Sueda I., Szwałko P., Tamutis V., Telnov D., Tsinkevich V., Verstreit V., Vignon V., Voegeli M, Zach P., 2005.
Osmoderma eremita (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae) in Europe. Ö Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 28.1: 1-44.

Telnovs D., Gailis J., 2006.
Lapkoku praulgrauzis Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli). Riga, Petrovskis & Ko: 1-17.

Telnov D., 2006A.
Papuanthicus, a New Genus of Anthicini (Coleoptera: Anthicidae: Anthicinae) from New Guinea. - Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 6, Nr. 1: 1-13.

Telnov D., 2006B.
Nomenclatural Notes on Anthicidae and Pyrochroidae (Coleoptera). 1. - Latvijas entomologs 43: 33-38.

Telnov D., Faegerstroem C., Gailis J., Kalnins M., Napolov A., Piterans U., Vilks K., 2006.
Contributions to the Knowledge of Latvian Coleoptera. 5. - Latvijas entomologs 43: 84-131.

Telnov D., Faegerstroem C., Kalnins M., 2006.
Ochthebius (Asiobates) remotus Reitter, 1885 (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) in Latvia, with Selected General Information on this Species. Ö Latvijas entomologs 43: 33-38.

Telnov D., 2006c.
The First Record of Steropinae from the Oriental region, with the Description of a New Steropes from Vietnam (Coleoptera: Anthicidae). - Journal of the Zoological Society Wallacea 2: 63-66.

Telnov D., 2007A.
Revision der Tomoderinae. Die Macrotomoderus gracilicollis- Artengruppe (Coleoptera: Anthicidae). Ö Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins e.V. 32, Nr. 1/2: 1-25.

Telnov D., 2007A.
Revision der Tomoderinae. Die Macrotomoderus gracilicollis-Artengruppe (Coleoptera: Anthicidae). - Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins e.v. 32, Nr. 1/2: 1-25.

Telnov D., 2007B.
Redefinition of Pseudoleptaleus Pic, 1900 (Coleoptera: Anthicidae, Anthicinae). - Entomologische Zeitschrift 117, Nr. 2: 71-82.

Telnov D., 2007C.
Zur Kenntnis asiatischer Anthicidae, IV (Insecta: Coleoptera). - Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins e.V. 32, Nr. 3/4: 89-105.

Telnov D., 2007D.
Nomenclatural Notes on Anthicidae and Pyrochroidae (Coleoptera). 1. - Latvijas entomologs 44: 31-44.

Telnov D., Bukejs A., Gailis J., Kalnins M., Napolov A., Sorensson M., 2007.
Contributions to the Knowledge of Latvian Coleoptera. 6. - Latvijas entomologs 44: 45-61.

Telnov D., Salmane I., 2007.
Laelaptidae Mites (Parasitiformes, Mesostigmata) of East African Millipedes (Diplopoda). - Latvijas entomologs 44: 127.

Telnov D., 2007E.
Genus Lemodes Boheman, 1858 (Coleoptera: Anthicidae: Lemodinae) - a preliminary review. - Veroeffentlichungen des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt, 26: 241-258.

Bukejs A., Telnovs D., 2007.
Materials about the Fauna of Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) of Naujene Rural Municipality (Daugavpils district, Latvia). Part 2. - Acta biologica universitatis daugavpiliensis 7, No 2: 191-208.

Telnov D., 2007f. Order Coleoptera, family Anthicidae: 270-292. In: van Harten A. (ed.) Arthropod Fauna of the UAE, volume 1. Abu Dhabi, Dar Al Ummah Printing, Publishing, Distribution & Advertising: 1-754.