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Исправления и дополнения к 2-му тому руководства "Жуки Америки"

All known Additions and Corrections

p. 80, Bibliography, Skelley and Gordon 2001, change "(in press)" to "15: 77-93."

p. 105, col. 1, Key couplet 46(45), first part, "Lepismadera" should be "Lepismadora"

p. 139 Figure 1.50 caption and p.140 Figure 2.50-3.50 caption, change "Chelonarum" to "Chelonarium"

p. 158 and 159, page header, "Family 57. Thoscidae" should be "Family 57. Throscidae"

p. 163, couplet 14, begining of both parts, change "Mesepimeron ...." to "Mesepisternum ...."

p. 189, Figure caption missing first line. Insert "FIGURES 2.62-7.62. 2. Form of Photuris larva, dorsal view (modified from Peterson 1951). 3-5. Pyropyga nigricans (Say), larva: 3. dorsal view, ..."

p. 199., figure caption, line 2, "5. Trogomethes leechi ..." should be "5. Trogomethes oregonensis ..."

p. 199., figure caption, line 3, "6. Trogomethes oregonensis ..." should be "6. Trogomethes leechi ..."

p. 238, figures at top of page, some of the figure numbering is wrong. On the illustration, make the following corrections: for the antenna numbered 31 - 32 - 33, change them to be 29 - 30 - 31 respectively, and for the habitus numbered 29 - 30, change them to 32 - 33 respectively.

p. 369, Bibliography, Bousquet and Leschen 2002, change "(in press)" to"56: 291-298".

p. 459, col. 2, figure caption, line 6, "gralcilis" should be "gracilis"

p. 459, col. 2, figure caption, last line, needs an end parenthesis ")" to give "... Triplehorn 1972)."

p. 469, plate at top of page was cropped. The complete plate appears below. To download a higher resolution "tif" file of this image, click anywhere on the image. Then select the appropriate "save file to disc" button. Save the file to your hard drive or disc. Then open and print it from whatever program you have to work with graphics.

p. 492, column 2, the author for Gondwanocrypticus is missing a letter "Espan ol" should be "Espanol" where there "n" should have a tilda accent mark

p. 571, near bottom col. 1, Key V., couplet 1, end of second part, change "... embraced by eyes (Tribe Atimiini).......5" to "... embraced by eyes........2"

p. 639, col. 1, under heading "Higher Classification of North American Chrysomelidae", after SAGRINAE Leach 1815, "[subfamily]" should read "[extralimital subfamily]"

p. 639, col. 2, under heading "Higher Classification of North American Chrysomelidae", near the middle of the page, after SPILOPYRINAE Chapuis 1874, "[subfamily]" should read "[extralimital subfamily]"

p. 789, column 1, couplet 29, third line in both parts, change " .... hind femur ...." to " ..... hind tibia ...."

Front Cover illustrations, figure caption on p. iv, second line, change ".... Meloidae, Lytta magister Horn [by ...." to " .... Meloidae, Tegrodera sp. [by ...."

Color Figure 17 caption, line 2, "Staphylindae" should be "Staphylinidae

Color Figure 31 caption, line 3, "axyridus" should be "axyridis"