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John Grehan: список публикаций по вопросам панбиогеографии

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John R. Grehan

Panbiogeography - books and papers


2010 Grehan, J.R. and Schwartz, J.H. Phylogenetic evidence still problematic for human origins. Journal of Biogeography.

2010 Grehan, J.R. Panbiogeography: method and synthesis. In Claudio Carvalho and Eduardo Almeida (eds.). Biogeografia da America do Sul: Padroes e processos. Editora Roca, Brasil.

2010 Grehan, J.R, Structural variants in the morphology of the first abdominal tergite supporting the monophyly of the Latin American genera Cibyra, Druceiella, Pftizneriana and Trichophassus (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences.

2009 Grehan, J.R., and J. H. Schwartz. Evolution of the second orangutan: phylogeny and biogeography of hominid origins. Journal of Biogeography 36, 1823-1844. pdf

2009 Grehan, J.R. Evolution, issues in. In Encyclopedia of Time, Ed. by H. James Birx. Thousand Oaks, SAGE Publications, Vol. 1, pp. 469-481. pdf

2009 Grehan, J.R. Panbiogeography. In Encyclopedia of Time, Ed. by H. James Birx. Thousand Oaks, SAGE Publications, Vol. 2, pp. 960-964. pdf

2009 Grehan, J.R. Metamorphosis, insect. In Encyclopedia of Time, Ed. by H. James Birx. Thousand Oaks, SAGE Publications, Vol. 2, pp. 855-858.

2006 Grehan, J.R. A brief look at pacific biogeography: the trans-oceanic travels of microseris (angiosperms: asteraceae). In M. Ebach and R. Tangney (editors), Biogeography in a Changing World. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 83-94. pdf

2006 Grehan, J.R. Mona Lisa smile: The morphological enigma of human and great ape evolution. New Anatomist. Anatomical Record (Part B: New Anatomist) 289B 139-157. pdf

2006 Grehan, J. R. "Ape Biogeography" in Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Ed. by H. James Birx. Thousand Oaks, SAGE Publications, Vol. 1, pp. 202-207.

2006 Grehan, J. R. "Croizat, Leon C." in Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Ed. by H. James Birx. Thousand Oaks, SAGE Publications, Vol. 2, pp. 612-613.

2006 Grehan, J. R. "Lucy Reconstruction Models" in Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Ed. by H. James Birx. Thousand Oaks, SAGE Publications, Vol. 4, pp. 1500-1503.

2006 Grehan, J. R. "Non-Darwinian Evolutionary Mechanisms" in Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Ed. by H. James Birx. Thousand Oaks, SAGE Publications, Vol. 4, pp. 1747-1750.

2006 Grehan, J. R. "Orangutan-Human Evolution" in Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Ed. by H. James Birx. Thousand Oaks, SAGE Publications, Vol. 4, pp. 1778-1783.

2006 Grehan, J. R. "Schwartz, Jeffrey H." in Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Ed. by H. James Birx. Thousand Oaks, SAGE Publications, Vol. 5, pp. 2061-2062.

2006 Grehan, J.R. Why you should read this book. The Systematist 26: 15-17

2005 Grehan, J. R. The orangutan and the enigma of human evolution. The Systematist 24: 3-7

2003 Grehan, J. R. and J. E. Rawlins. Larval description of the New World ghost moth Phassus and the evolutionary biogeography of wood boring Hepialidae (Lepidoptera: Exoporia: Hepialoidea). Journal of the Washington Entomological Society, 105: 733-755.

2003 Grehan, J. R. Empire in the New World. Review of Biogeography of the West Indies: Patterns and Perspectives. C.A. Woods and F.E. Sergile. Cladistics 19: 372-375. pdf

2003 Colacino, C., and J. R. Grehan. Ostracismo alle frontiere della biologia evoluzionistica: Il caso Leon Croizat. In M. Mamone (Ed.). Atti del Convegno Scienza e Democrazia, Napoli, Aprile 2001. Hevelius, Benevento, Italy.

2003 Grehan, J. R. Panbiogeography and conservation of New Zealand's natural history. Botanical Society of Otago Newsletter 36, 5-7.

2001 Grehan, J. R. Panbiogeografia y biogeografia de la vida. In J. Llorente, and J. J. Morrone (Eds.) Introduccion a la biogeografia: Teorias, conceptos, metodos y aplicaciones. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, pp. 181-196. (Translated by editor).

2001 Grehan, J. R. Islas Galapagos: biogeografia, tectonica y evolucion en un archipelago oceanico In J. Llorente, and J. J. Morrone (Eds.) Introduccion a la biogeografia: Teorias, conceptos, metodos y aplicaciones. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, pp. 153-160. (Translated by editor).

2001 Grehan, J. R. Biogeography and evolution of the Galapagos: Integration of the biological and geological evidence. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society, 74: 267-287.

2001 Grehan, J. R. Panbiogeography from tracks to ocean basins: evolving perspectives. Guest Editorial. Journal of Biogeography, 28:413-429.

2001 Grehan, J. R. Biogeography and earth history. Research Notes: Guest Column. The biogeographer. Newsletter of the AAG Biogeography Specialty Group. Vol. 2. (1): 9-10.

2000 Grehan, J R. Panbiogeografia 1981-2000: Desarrollo de una sintesis tierra/vida. Anartia (Maracaibo, Venezuela), 10: 1-42. (Translated by Leticia de Murguia)

2000 Boone, J. H., J. R. Grehan, and B. L. Parker. A checklist of Diptera, Hymenoptera and Coleoptera from Mount Mansfield, Vermont 1991-1994. Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Vermont Miscellaneous Publication No.118. January 2000.

2000 Grehan, J. R. Atlas of biodiversity: mapping the spatial structure of life. Biodiversity 1 (4): 21-24.

1999 Craw, R. C., J. R. Grehan, and M. J. Heads. Panbiogeography: mapping the history of life. Oxford University Press, New York.

1995 Grehan, J. R. Natural biogeographic patterns of biodiversity: the research imperative. In T. B. Herman, S. Bondrup-Nielsen, J. H. M. Willison, and N. W. P. Munro (Eds.). Ecosystem Monitoring and Protected Areas, pp. 35-44. Science and Management of Protected Areas Association, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada.

1995 Grehan, J. R., B. L. Parker, G. R. Nielsen, D. H. Miller, J. D. Hedbor, M. S. Sabourin, and M. S. Griggs. Moths and butterflies of Vermont (Lepidoptera): A faunal checklist. Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Vermont and Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, State of Vermont. University of Vermont Miscellaneous Publication 116 and Vermont Monitoring Cooperative Bulletin No. 1.

1995 Grehan, J. R., M. Sabourin, and P. M. Hanson. Maple-feeding Tortricidae of the northeastern United States: guide to identification of adults. Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Vermont Miscellaneous Publication 117 and Vermont Monitoring Cooperative Research Report 11.

1994 Grehan, J. R., and B. L. Parker. Description of the first and final instar of the hemlock loopers Lambdina athasaria (Walker) and Lambdina fiscellaria (Guenee) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). The Canadian Entomologist 126: 1505-1514.

1994 Grehan, J. R. The beginning and end of dispersal: the representation of 'panbiogeography.' Journal of Biogeography 21: 451-462.

1993 Tobi, D., J. R. Grehan, and B. L. Parker. Review of the ecological and economic significance of forest Hepialidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera). Journal of Forest Ecology and Management 56: 1-12.

1993 Grehan, J. R. Conservation biogeography and the biodiversity crisis: a global problem in space/time. Biodiversity Letters 1:134-140.

1992 Grehan, J. R. Biogeography and conservation in the real world. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 2: 96-97.

1992 Grehan, J. R., B. L. Parker, D. L. Wagner, J. Rosovsky, and J. Aleong. Root damage by the conifer swift moth: a mortality factor in montane red spruce regeneration. Forest Science 38: 611-622.

1992 Leonard, J. G., J. R. Grehan, and B. L. Parker. First instar descriptions of Korscheltellus gracilis (Grote) and Sthenopis auratus (Grote) (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) with a consideration of cladistic relationships between setae. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 100: 594-614.

1992 Parker, B. L., J. R. Grehan, and M. Skinner. Method for extracting pear thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) from forest soil. Journal of Economic Entomology 85: 865-869.

1991 Grehan, J. R. Panbiogeography 1980-1990: Development of an earth/life synthesis. Progress in Physical Geography 15: 331-363.

1991 Grehan, J. R. A panbiogeographic perspective for pre-Cretaceous angiosperm-Lepidoptera evolution. Australian Systematic Botany 9: 91-110.

1991 Grehan, J. R. Evolution by ecology and history: panbiogeography and fundamental biogeography. A reply to Parenti. Journal of Biogeography 17: 690-692.

1991 Grehan, J. R. New biogeography and old geological problems: a reply to Cox. Journal of Biogeography 17: 695.

1991 Grehan, J. R. Invertebrate survey of Somes Island (Matiu) and Mokopuna Island, Wellington Harbour, New Zealand. New Zealand Entomologist 13: 62-75.

1991 Grehan, J. R. Panbiogeography: beyond dispersal and vicariance: a reply to Stace. Journal of Biogeography 17: 99-101.

1991 Grehan, J. R. Space, time and thrips: biogeographic issues in the evolutionary ecology of Thysanoptera. In B. L. Parker, M. Skinner, and T. Lewis (Eds.). Towards understanding Thysanoptera, pp. 25-39. Technical Report NE-147. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.

1990 Grehan, J. R. New Zealand panbiogeography: past, present, and future. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16: 513-525.

1990 Grehan, J. R. Panbiogeography and conservation science in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16: 731-748.

1990 Grehan, J. R. Decline in systematics (letter). Science 247: 270.

1989 Grehan, J. R. Larval feeding habits of the Hepialidae. Journal of Natural History (British Museum) 33: 469-485.

1989 Grehan, J. R. Panbiogeography: evolution in space and time. Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum 81: 469-485.

1989 Grehan, J. R. The natural biogeographic regions. Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum 81: 569-575.

1989 Grehan, J. R. Biogeographic homology. Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum 81: 577-587.

1988 Grehan, J. R. Evolution of arboreal tunneling by the larvae of Aenetus (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 14: 441-462.

1988 Grehan, J. R. Fungal and vascular plant polysaccharide digestion by larvae of Aenetus virescens (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). New Zealand Entomologist 11: 57-67.

1988 Grehan, J. R. Life cycle of the wood-borer Aenetus virescens (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 14: 209-217.

1986 Grehan, J. R. Evolving insights. New Scientist 101 (1519): 62.

1985 Grehan, J. R., and R. Ainsworth. Orthogenesis and evolution. Systematic Zoology 34: 174-192.

1984 Grehan, J. R., and P. J. Wigley. Fungal and bacterial diseases of Aenetus virescens (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). New Zealand Entomologist 8: 61-63.

1984 Grehan, J. R., and B. H. Patrick. Bog inhabiting Hepialidae (Lepidoptera) of New Zealand. New Zealand Entomologist 8: 64-67.

1984 Grehan, J. R. The host range of Aenetus virescens (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) and its evolution. New Zealand Entomologist 8: 51-61.

1984 Grehan, J. R. Evolution by law: Croizat's orthogeny and Darwin's laws of growth. Tuatara 27: 14-19.

1984 Grehan, J. R. Description of the male of the endemic New Caledonian species Aenetus cohici (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 10: 285-288.

1984 Grehan, J. R., A. Moeed, and M. J. Meads. Observations on Trioxycanus enysii (Butler) (sensu Meyrick, 1880) (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) on Kapiti Island, New Zealand, with a description of larval chaetotaxy. New Zealand Entomologist 7: 408-413.

1984 Grehan, J. R. Record of Wiseana signata (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) larvae in sand dunes. New Zealand Entomologist 7: 417-418.

1983 Grehan, J. R. Larval establishment behaviour of the borer Aenetus virescens (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) in live trees. New Zealand Entomologist 7: 413-417.

1983 Grehan, J. R. Internal evolution. New Scientist 98: 678.

1982 Grehan, J. R. Infection of Aenetus virescens larvae (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) by the fungus Beauveria bassiana. New Zealand Entomologist 8: 61-63.

1982 Grehan, J. R. Larval tunnelling and associated features of Navomorpha lineata (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the host Cyathodes fasciculata. Tuatara 26: 1-17.

1981 Grehan, J. R. Morphological changes in the three-phase development of Aenetus virescens larvae (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 8: 505-514.

1980 Grehan, J. R. Record of Ceratognathus passiliformis (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) in Wainuiomata, New Zealand. New Zealand Entomologist 7: 171-173.

1980 Grehan, J. R., and W. J. Winstanley. The puriri moth. Forest and Bird. 13: 28-32.

1979 Grehan, J. R. Larvae of Aenetus virescens (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) in decaying wood. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 8: 505-514.

1978 Grehan, J. R., and A. J. Nixon. Cabbage tree attack by Platypus (Coleoptera: Platypodidae). New Zealand Entomologist 6: 399-400.