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Forum/Registry for Tracking New Records of North American Ground Beetles (Geadephaga)

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The large beetle group designated "Geadephaga", commonly known as the "ground beetles", is the superfamily Caraboidea composed of the three families Trachypachidae, Rhysodidae, and Carabidae. The latter family is by far the largest one. Its members, known as the "carabids", account for 99.55 percent of the nearly 2700 known species of North American ground beetles. Carabidae includes several subfamilies of which Cicindelinae is represented by the popular "tiger beetles".

At this interactive website the users of are able to provide new information that supplements the geographic distributions and taxonomies published in the massive 2012 catalogue of North American Geadephaga by Yves Bousquet (1). Documented new states or provinces follow the species names which are listed alphabetically below. This registry has the opportunity to verify geographic records that were previously questioned by Bousquet, that is, those regions that he placed in square brackets. We will also attempt to track species names given new taxonomic status, not necessarily associated with new range extensions. I (=PWM) look forward to contributions and notices obtained from any of the following important sources:

(1) A well-documented image on BugGuide or other website that links the specimen to a new record;
(2) A securely identified but unphotographed specimen that bears a new record;
(3) Monitoring of the current literature for new records, new species, and taxonomic changes;
(4) A new record discovered among the photographed specimens ("photo-vouchers") mailed to a carabid specialist;
(5) Comment by expert or non-expert that is either posted here or communicated via personal e-mail to PWM.

Keep in mind that geographic records are based on artificial political areas of widely varying dimensions. Most new records are not unexpected as they simply extend the known range to a neighboring state (USA) or province (Canada). In the United States, range extensions that newly span two or more states are quite unexpected. A specimen linked to an unexpectedly wide geographic extension could merely represent one "accidental" individual (possibly among a few others) that occurred one time in a small tenuous population. When the unexpected does occur we naturally wonder about the possibility of human error. Error can creep in two ways. The more common way is that the species identification was incorrect ("nomen falsum"). The second way is that the wrong collection data was inadvertently attached to a correctly identified specimen in which case its suspected status becomes "locus falsus" or "inscriptio falsa". A more specific designation is "Patria falsa" when a different country is suspected. For example, I am aware of several instances in which authority Fritz Hieke recently attached label "Patria falsa: Europa" to certain old Amara specimens in the Milwaukee Public Museum that bear doubtful data from North America. Scientific acceptance depends on our confidence in the source of new information, confidence in the people variously linked to it, and of course the reassurance that comes from actually seeing the specimen (even if just a photograph) and reading the associated collection data.

Abbreviations: det =determiner; ex(x) =example(s)=specimen(s); leg. =field collector; sp. n. =species new; syn. =synonym; @ =reposited at; → =moved to; % =opinion/observation by; pers. com. =personal communication to PWM; mm/dd/yy =date > 2012. Institutions are identified by their familiar abbreviations.

How to search for a particular state or province on this page: hit Ctrl + F, enter the standard two capital letters that identifies the region, under Options select "Match case", all instances on this page will be highlighted. Steps may vary with operating system.

Watch for continuous updates. (2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)

Acupalpus pumilus IN[Porter Co & Tippecanoe Co: det PWM @FMNH]
Agonum aeruginosum OK(6)
Agonum cupreum ME(10)
Agonum galvestonicum MA image | WI(8)
Amara aenea KY image
Amara aeneopolita WI image
Amara anthobia ME(10)
Amara angustata OK(6)
Amerinus linearis OK(6)
Anillinus acutipennis sp. n. TX(7)
Anillinus cavicola sp. n. AL(11)
Anillinus comalensis sp. n. TX(7)
Anillinus davidsoni sp. n. AL(11)
Anillinus forthoodensis sp. n. TX(7)
Anillinus hirsutus sp. n. AL(11)
Anillinus inexpectatus sp. n. TN[Annals of Carnegie Museum 82:225-229, 2014]
Anillinus kingi sp. n. AL(11)
Anillinus tombarri sp. n. AL(11)
Anillinus wisemanensis sp. n. TX (7)
Anisodactylus dulcicollis DC(9) PA image
Anisodactylus harrisii OK(6)
Anisodactylus laetus ME(10)
Anisodactylus melanopus KY image
Apenes lucidula lucidula WI(8) image
Apristus subsulcatus OK(6)
Badister flavipes flavipes OK(6) VA(2)
Badister grandiceps VA(2)
Bembidion cheyennense UT["Utah 1874", det PWM @UW-IRC]["UT" %D.Maddison pers. com. 02/14/13]
Bembidion diligens WA(5)
Bembidion intermedium ME(10)
Bembidion sejunctum sejunctum ME(10)
Blemus discus IA image
Brachinus cordicollis OK(6)
Brachinus vulcanoides ME(10)
Bradycellus insulsus MA image | image
Calleida platynoides CO image
Calleida punctata verified TX ["leg. F.Rauterberg before Oct 1897", det G.Noonan & PWM @MPM]
Calosoma obsoletum WA(5)
Carabus granulatus ME image SK[Coleop. Bull. 68:700-702, 2014]
Chlaenius erythropus MD image
Chlaenius pennsylvanicus OK(6)
Cicindela formosa generosa AL[Cincidela 45:1, 2013]
Cicindela (Cicindelidia) ocellata rectilatera AR[Cicindela 44:49, 2012] KA[image] MS[Cincidela 45:1, 2013]
Cicindela pulchra pulchra UT[Cincidela 45:9, 2013]
Cicindela trifasciata ascendens IN image
Cicindelidia melissa sp. n. AZ [ZooKeys 464:35-47, 2014]
Clinidium apertum allegheniense VA(2)
Clivina pallida OK(6)
Clivina rufa MA image WI image
Colliuris caymanensis TX image
Colliuris ludoviciana DE image
Coptodera aerata WI(8)
Cyclotrachelus nonnitens OK(6)
yclotrachelus sodalis colossus OK(6)
Cymindis abbreviata → syn. of C. p. platicollis (3)
Cymindis ampliata → syn. of C. p. platicollis (3)
Cymindis atripennisCymindis platicollis atripennis stat. n. (3)
Cymindis blanda → syn. of C. p. punctigera (3)
Cymindis complanata MS image
Cymindis obscura → syn. of C. p. platicollis (3)
Cymindis platicollisCymindis p. platicollis stat. n. ND(3) NM(3)
Cymindis punctigeraCymindis p. punctigera subsp. n. (3)
Cymindis rufostigma sp. n. FL (3) image
Cymindis subcarinata → syn. of C. p. punctigera (3)
Diplocheila impressicollis ME(10)
Discoderus amoenus TX[Brewster Co: det/@ PWM]
Dromius piceus OK(6)
Discoderus aequalis CO[Prowers Co: leg. H.Zirlin, det/@ PWM]
Dyschirius erythrocerus VA(2)
Dyschirius sellatus MI[Schoolcraft Co: det PWM @FMNH]
Dyschirius truncatus OK(6)
Elaphropus anceps DC(9)
Elaphropus dolosus ME(10)
Elaphropus ferrugineus WI(8)
Elaphropus conjugens NM image
Elaphropus parvulus MA [new to eastern North America] image
Elaphropus quadrisignatus NJ[first North American record: image] VA(9)
Elaphrus californicus OK(6)
Ellipsoptera puritana removed VA per (2)
Galerita lecontei lecontei OK(6) UT [Coleop. Bull. 67(1):56-57, 2013]
Habroscelimorpha pamphila AL[Cincidela 45:13, 2013]
Harpalus affinis CA[Pan-Pacific Entomologist 90:66-71, 2014] UT image | image
Harpalus opacipennis OK(6)
Harpalus rubripes VA(9) WI(8)
Lebia abdominalis OK(6)
Lebia collaris OK(6)
Lebia fuscata OK (6)
Lebia grandis ME(10)
Lebia lobulata KY image
Lebia pleuritica OK(6)
Lebia rugatifrons TX[new to North America] image | image
Lebia variegata AZ[new to North America] image
Lebia 'UASM Lebia 53' LA image
Leptotrachelus dorsalis OK(6) MA image | image
Leptotrachelus pallidulus MS["Hancock Co: det R.Davidson" per D.Hildebrandt pers. com. 02/20/13]
Loricera pilicornis pilicornis NV image
Loxandrus cincinnati OK(6)
Loxandrus nr. circulus VA(9)
Loxandrus duryi OK(6)
Loxandrus erraticus OK(6)
Loxandrus nitidulus OK(6)
Loxandrus parallelus OK(6)
Loxandrus rectus OK(6)
Loxandrus robustus OK(6)
Loxandrus saphyrinus OK(6)
Loxandrus velocipes OK(6)
Microlestes pusio VA(9)
Myas coracinus ME(10)
Notiobia nitidipennis KY image
Oodes americanus DC(9) OK(6)
Oodes brevis WI(8)
Olisthopus micans ME(10)
Panagaeus fasciatus ME(10)
Pentagonica picticornis ME(10)
Platynus opaculus VA(9)
Plochionus timidus OK(6) KY image
Pseudaptinus (Thalpius) dorsalis MO image NC image
Pseudaptinus (Thalpius) rufulus WA(5)
Pseudomorpha huachinera sp. n. AZ(4)
Pseudomorpha patagonia sp. n. AZ(4)
Pseudomorpha penablanca sp. n. AZ(4)
Pseudomorpha pima sp. n. AZ(4)
Pseudomorpha santacruz sp. n. AZ(4)
Pseudomorpha santarita sp. n. AZ(4) NM(4)
Pterostichus (Anilloferonia) lanei (Hatch, 1935) → replacement Pterostichus (Anilloferonia) diana LaBonte, 2013 [Zootaxa 3682 (4):563-571]
Pterostichus permundus DC(9) VA(9)
Pterostichus punctatissimus WI(8)
Pterostichus sculptus VA(9)
Rhadine caudata NC[first documented state record claimed by Riley & Browne in Coleop. Bull. 68(2): 239-240, 2014. NC status given earlier by Bousquet (2012)]
Rhadine nivalis AZ image
Scaphinotus fissicollis WI image
Scarites vicinus DC(9) GA[Cherokee Co: det/@ PWM] VA(9)
Selenophorus trepidus TX images
Sericoda obsoleta OK(6)
Somotrichus unifasciatus verified TX image
Stenolophus lineola WA(5)
Stolonis intercepta ?OK(6)
Synuchus impunctatus AR image
Tachys (Paratachys) oblitus WI(8)
Tachys (Paratachys) potomaca DC(9)
Tachyta angulata OK(6)
Tachyta parvicornis ME(10)
Tetraleucus picticornis OK image
Thalpius: see Pseudaptinus
Trachypachus inermis SD[as syn. T. holmbergi in Coleop. Bull. 66:357, 2012]

Species recently removed from above registry.
Bembidion cf. or nr. fortestriatum AZ [UW-IRC: Graham Co, det PWM; Tree of Life website: Greenlee Co, det Maddison 2005] discussed below

A cited work that affects more than three species is assigned a number as follows.
1. Catalogue of Geadephaga (Coleoptera, Adephaga) of America, north of Mexico. Bousquet, Y. 2012. ZooKeys 245:1Ц1722.

2. New and Additional Records of Ground Beetles and Wrinkled Bark Beetles for Virginia (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Rhysodidae). Roble, S.M. & R.L. Hoffman. 2012. Banisteria No 40:42-48.

3. A taxonomic revision of the Cymindis (Pinacodera) limbata species group (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini), including description of a new species from Florida, U.S.A. Hunting, W.M. 2013. ZooKeys 259: 1Ц73.

4. Beetles that live with ants (Carabidae, Pseudomorphini, Pseudomorpha Kirby, 1825): A revision of the santarita species group. Erwin, T.L. & L.M. Amundson. 2013. ZooKeys 362:29-54.

5. Ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the Hanford Nuclear Site in south-central Washington State. Looney, C., R.S. Zack, & J.R. LaBonte. 2014. Zookeys 396: 13-42.

6. List of Coleoptera Collected in Latimer County, Oklahoma by Karl Stephan (2002).

7. Life beneath the surface of the central Texan Balcones Escarpment: genus Anillinus Casey, 1918 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Bembidiini): new species, a key to the Texas species, and notes about their way of life and evolution. Sokolov, I.M., J.R. Reddell, & D.H. Kavanaugh D.H. 2014. ZooKeys 417:71-101.

8. Additions to the Checklist of Wisconsin Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) including Adventive Harpalus rubripes (Duftschmid) among Seven New State Records. Messer, P.W. 2014. The Great Lakes Entomologist 47: 66-72.

9.Twelve Ground Beetles New to Virginia or the District of Columbia and an Annotated Checklist of the Geadephaga (Coleoptera, Adephaga) from the George Washington Memorial Parkway. Steury, B., & P.W. Messer. 2014. Banisteria 43:40-55.

10.The Ground Beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Fauna of Maine, USA. Dearborn, R.G., R.E. Nelson, C. Donahue, & R.T. Bell. 2014. The Coleopterists Bulletin 68: 441 - 599.

11. Five new species of Anillinus Casey from Alabama with a key to the Alabama species (Carabidae: Trechinae: Bembidiini). Sokolov, I.M. 2012. Annals of Carnegie Museum 81:61-71.

Internal memo for new records that need permission to be fully posted above.
B. e.(M-T) MD-Calvert Co [det: B. Steury & PWM] subtract one

Just a note, maybe is need an update on above list.
Colliuris tetrastigma on BG page is under Colliuris caymanensis new name.
(Colliuris tetrastigma caymanensis Darlington; elevated to species by Bousquet, 2010)

Colliuris caymanensis Darlington
is indeed the valid name acknowledged on page 1270 of the catalogue by Bousquet (2012). Thanks Iustin for alerting me to the new taxonomic combination.

new to continent?

Lebia lobulata LeConte, KY

Anisodactylus melanopus, KY

Notiobia nitidipennis, new for KY

Chlaenius erythropus MD

Amara aenea, KY
Didn't see KY listed in Bousquet, though surrounding states are all represented.

B. fortestriatum is probably not in AZ
Those specimens of "Bembidion fortestriatum" that are mentioned from Greenlee Co. are almost certainly not B. fortestriatum, even though there is a claim in this list that I identified them. There is a species in Greenlee County that is similar to B. fortestriatum, which I typically call "B. cf fortestriatum" or "B. sp. nr. fortestriatum", but it is not B. fortestriatum.

New list of removed species is started
thanks to your clarification David. Sorry in this case for not notating your qualifiers "cf." or "nr." in my original hand-written database. I'll look for those labels again when I revisit collections at UW-Madison-IRC and Milwaukee Public Museum later this year. For comparison I have a good example of B. fortestriatum that I recently captured in WI, Ashland Co. This is just the kind of expert feed back I was hoping for!

The designation "Bembidion fortestriatum" in AZ, Greenlee Co,
presented without the qualifier "cf." or "nr." in the name, was not derived from a curated/labeled specimen as I mistakenly suggested above. I now recall that the source was the information posted on Tree of Life website. It shows beautiful habitus images of the beetle culprit by determiner/photographer David Maddison, 2005. The straight forward name "Bembidion fortestriatum" that I assigned to a single examined specimen from Arizona-Graham County (adjacent to Greenlee Co) had apparently been influenced by my reading the same designation posted on that website. David and I had a good telephone discussion about the matter today. He intends to make the necessary change to the species name on the website soon.

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