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Curriculum Vitae

Alexander G. Kirejtshuk (Dr. Sc.)

  • The list of published scientific works includes more than 200 papers in different editions of the former USSR (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia), Poland, Hungary, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Great Britain, France, Spain, Switzerland, India, Japan, Australia, USA, as well as more than 250 electronic publications in INTERNET, which are dealing with different questions of the systematics, morphology and phylogenetics of the Coleoptera, taxonomy and faunistics of the Auchenorrhyncha, ecology of insects and protection of nature, Internet technology. More than a hundred of publications are connected with systematics and phylogenetics of the family Nitidulidae and order Coleoptera.
  • At present A.G. Kirejtshuk is editor of web-site "Beetles (Coleoptera) and coleopterists", member of the Editorial Board of the "Coleoptera of Europe" (Apollo Books), leader of palaeoentomological team of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) in the program of the Presidium RAS "Origin and evolution of biosphere", leader of the grant of the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR) "Elaboration of software for multientry polytomous keys to animals in the INTERNET on server of the Zoological institute RAS", participant of the RFBR grant "Retrospective analysis of the macrotaxonomical diversity in the recent faunas of orthopteroid insects and Coleoptera (aspects of the Caenozoic stage of evolution) " and participant of the RFBR grant "The information retrievel system ZOOINT as a base of the digital collection of the Internet-museum", coordinator of foreign affairs at the Coordinating Soviet of the Saint-Petersburg Association of Scientists and Scholars, participant of study of insects in French and Lebanese amber at Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris.
  • A.G. Kirejtshuk was as consultant, official opponent or reviewer of more than 40 candidate (PhD) and 15 doctor (ScD) theses defended in Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine and Spain as well as editor of coleopterological and some other volumes of the Proceedings of Zoological institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Wife - Marina V. Kirejtshuk, born 1962 and daughter - Polina A. Kirejtshuk, born 1986.


    Nationality - Ukrainian
    Citizenship - Russian
    Position - Leading Research Scientist
    Place of Work - Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

    Work Address - University emb. 1 St. Petersburg, 199034 Russia
    tel. work - (812) 328-12-12 (257)
    fax - (812) - 328-29-41
            (812) - 114-04-44
    e-mail -


    Home Address: 6th linia V.O., 49, flat 34 St-Petersburg,
    199004 Russia
    Home Telephone: (812) 328-55-88


    Highest Degree: Doctor of biological sciences (Doctor of Science), A-T N 979008 17 July 1992
    Institution of Degree - Zoological Institute RAS


    Intermediate Degree - Candidate of biological sciences (Doctor of Phylosophy), BL N 005350 25 April 1979
    Institution of Degree - Zoological Institute USSR AS

    Last updated - July, 2007