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Key to Insects of the Russian Far East (part 2)

D.V. Potanin

Introduction, Lists of abridgments (P. 3-8).

PDF: FarEast_vol3p2_pages_3-8.pdf

Fam. Throscidae, Eucnemidae, Lycidae, Drilidae, Lampyridae, Cantharidae (P. 9-40).

PDF: FarEast_vol3p2_pages_9-40.pdf

Fam. Derodontidae, Nosodendridae, Dermestidae (P. 40-60).

PDF: FarEast_vol3p2_pages_40-60.pdf

Fam. Bostrychidae, Lyctidae, Anobiidae, Ptinidae, Trogositidae, Peltidae, Cleridae, Melyridae, Lymexylonidae (P. 60-106).

PDF: FarEast_vol3p2_pages_60-106.pdf

Key to Cucujoidea and Tenebrionoidea, key to families of Cucujoidea (P. 107-114).

PDF: FarEast_vol3p2_pages_107-114.pdf

Fam. Nitidulidae, Kateretidae (P. 114-216).

PDF: FarEast_vol3p2_pages_114-216.pdf

Fam. Rhizophagidae, Phalacridae, Sphindidae, Cucujidae, Cryptophagidae, Helotidae, Byturidae, Biphyllidae, Languriidae, Erotylidae, Cerylonidae, Bothrideridae, Corylophidae (P. 216-323).

PDF: FarEast_vol3p2_pages_216-323.pdf

Fam. Phaenocephalidae, Mychothenidae, Endomychidae, Coccinellidae, Aphanocephalidae, Lathridiidae (P. 323-392).

PDF: FarEast_vol3p2_pages_323-392.pdf

Key to families of Tenebrionoidea (P. 392-397)

PDF: FarEast_vol3p2_pages_392-397.pdf

Fam. Colydiidae, Prostomidae, Mycetophagidae, Cisidae, Tetratomidae, Melandryidae, Synchroidae, Scraptiidae, Cephaloidae (P. 397-479).

PDF: FarEast_vol3p2_pages_397-479.pdf

Fam. Mycteridae, Inopeplidae, Salpingidae, Trictenotomidae, Pythidae, Pilipalpidae, Ischaliidae, Pyrochroidae, Othniidae, Boridae, Zopheridae, Monommidae, Lagriidae, Alleculidae, Mordellidae, Rhipiphoridae, Aderidae (P. 480-533).

PDF: FarEast_vol3p2_pages_480-533.pdf

Fam. Chrysomelidae (P. 533-602).

PDF: FarEast_vol3p2_pages_533-602.pdf

A ddition: Fam. Carabidae (P. 602-621).

PDF: FarEast_vol3p2_pages_602-621.pdf

A ddition: Fam. Tenebrionidae, Melandryidae (Serropalpus marseuli Nikitsky, sp. n.) (P. 621-659).

PDF: FarEast_vol3p2_pages_621-659.pdf

References (P. 660-668)

PDF: FarEast_vol3p2_pages_660-668.pdf

Corrections to "Key to Insects of the Russian Far East" Vol. 3, pt 1, Contents (P. 699-704)

PDF: FarEast_vol3p2_pages_699-704.pdf