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Atlas of Hybosoridae of Russia

Oleg Berlov, Eduard Berlov

Family Hybosoridae consists of 28 genera with about 200 species (Allsopp, 1984; Martinez, 1994).
Fauna of Russia includes 1 genus with 1 species.

Superfamily SCARABAEOIDEA (atlas of beetles of Russia)

Family Hybosoridae Erichson, 1847:

Illustrated index of genera of the family Hybosoridae of Russia



НИКОЛАЕВ Г.В. 1987: Пластинчатоусые жуки Казахстана и Средней Азии.- Алма-Ата, "Наука", 232 c.

ALLSOPP P.G. 1984: Checklist of the Hybosorinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Coleopterists Bulletin 38: 105-117.

KUIJTEN P.J. 1983: Revision of the genus Hybosorus Macleay (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Hybosorinae).- Zool. Verh. Leiden 203: 1-49, 1 pl., 60 figs.

MARTINEZ A. 1994: Notas sobre Hybosorinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), II. Elytron 8: 223-239.
