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K.V. Makarov and A.G. Koval: "A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Biology of a Troglobiont Carabid Species, Jeannelius birsteini..." (2003)

K.V. Makarov and A.G. Koval 
A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Biology of a Troglobiont 
Carabid Species, Jeannelius birsteini Ljovuschkin, 1963 
(Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini) 
Entomological Review, Vol. 83, No. 7, 2003, pp. 819-826. 
Translated from Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, Vol. 82, No. 4, 2003, pp. 836-845. 
Abstract. Biology and larval stages of the carabid genus Jeannelius are described for the first time. Jeannelius 
birsteini lives at temperatures varying between 8.0 and 15.5-C, and its temperature tolerance is rather high for 
troglobiont forms. Larvae of Jeannelius exhibit many distinctive features (absence of sulci and carinae on the 
head capsule, presence of macrochaetae in the posterior part of the frons, 
shortening of setae LA5, structure and arrangement 
of setae CO1-CO3, FR4 and FR5, etc.), being, however, very similar to larvae of the genus Allegrettia. 
Data on the larval morphology substantiate the placement of this species to the Aphaenops group of the tribe Trechini. 

PDF: makarov_koval_2003.pdf