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Complete list of publicatins of A.G. Ponomarenko in PDF-format

Ponomarenko A.G. 1999.
Fossil beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) from the Purbeck Limestone Group of Dorset - a preliminary report. //
Dorset Proceedings, 121: 107-112.
PDF-файл: Ponomarenko - Fossil Beetles from Purberk 99.pdf

Ponomarenko A.G. 1993.
Two new species of Mesozoic Dytiscoid beetles from Asia. //
Palaeontological Journal, 27, 1A: 182-191.
PDF-файл: Ponomarenko - new 2 Dysticoid from asia 93.pdf

Ponomarenko A.G. 2000.
New beetles from the Permian of European Russia. //
Palaeontological Journal, 34, Suppl. 3: 312-316.
PDF-файл: Ponomarenko - new beetles from the permian of european russia 00.pdf

Ponomarenko A.G. 1997.
New beetles of the family Cupedidae from the Mesozoic of Mongolia. Ommatini, Mesocupedini, Priacmini. //
Palaeontological Journal, 31, 4: 389-399.
PDF-файл: ponomarenko - new cupedidae from mesozoic mongolia 97.pdf

Ponomarenko A.G. 1972.
The nomenclature of wing venation in beetles (Coleoptera). //
Entomological Review, 51, 4: 454-458.
PDF-файл: Ponomarenko - nomenclature wing venation 72.pdf

Ponomarenko A.G. 2003.
The first beetles (Permosynidae, Coleoptera) from the Upper Tatarian of Eurppean Russia. //
Palaeontological Journal, 37, 2: 170-173.
PDF-файл: ponomarenko - permosynidae upper tatarian 03.pdf

Ponomarenko A.G. 1998
Palaeobiology of Angiospermatization. //
Palaeontological Journal 32, 4: 325-331.
PDF-файл: Ponomarenko - angiospermization 98.pdf

Ponomarenko A.G. 2000.
Beetles of the family Cupedidae from the Lower Cretaceous Locality of Semen, Transbaykalia. //
Palaeontological journal, 34, Supl., 3: 317-322.
PDF-файл: Ponomarenko - beetles of cupedidae from the LC of semen 00.pdf

Ponomarenko A.G. 1994.
New Mesozoic Cupedid beetles from Mongolia. Brochocoleini and Notocupedini. //
Palaeontological Jornal, 28, 3: 102-115.
PDF-файл: ponomarenko - brochocoleini and notocupedini 94.pdf

Ponomarenko A.G. & Martinez-Declos X. 2000.
New beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain. //
Acta Geologica Hispanica, 35, 1-2: 47-52.
PDF-файл: ponomarenko - cupedidae coptoclavidae LH MT 00.pdf

Ponomarenko A.G. 1996.
Evolution of continental aquatic ecosystems. //
Palaeontological Journal, 30, 6: 705-709.
PDF-файл: Ponomarenko - evolution continental aq ecosyst 96.pdf