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Superfamily Schizophoroidea: atlas of extinct beetle taxa



Superfamily Schizophoroidea: Atlas of extinct groups of beetles


Composition (families):


+ Schizophoridae Ponomarenko, 1968 (Upper Permian – Lower Cretaceous)


+ Catiniidae Ponomarenko, 1968 (Upper Trias – Upper Jurassic)


+ Schizocoleidae Rohdendorf, 1961 (Upper Permian – Lower Cretaceous)





(Look also at the page Systematic list of fossil beetles of Cupedina, Carabina и Scarabaeina (1part) and table Distribution of families of Coleoptera in the fossil record)


Пономаренко А.Г. 1969. Историческое развитие жесткокрылых-архостемат. (Труды Палеонтологического института АH СССР. 125) Москва. Наука. 1-239.


Пономаренко А.Г., Жерихин В.В. 1980. Надотряд Scarabaeidea. Жесткокрылообразные. (Труды Палеонтологического института АH СССР. 175) Москва, Наука. 75-84.


Kirejtshuk A.G. 1991/1992. Evolution of mode of life as the basis for division of the beetlrs into groups of high taxonomic rank. In: M. Zunino, X. Belles, M. Blas, eds. Advances in Coleopterology. Baecelona, Ass. Europ. Coleopt. 249-261.


Ponomarenko A.G. 2002. Superoredr Scarabaeidea Laicharting, 1781, Order Coleoptera Linne, 1758. The beetles. In: Rasnitsyn, A.P. and Quicke, D.L.J. (eds). 2002. History of insects. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London: 164-180.