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Ground beetles of the tribe Dryptini (Carabidae): atlas of beetles of Russia

Oleg Berlov

Most of species of ground beetles of the tribe Dryptini are tropic. Only some species occur in Palaearctic.
One genus with 2 species is known for Russia.

Ground beetles of the tribe Dryptini of Russia:

Illustrated index of ground beetles of the tribe Dryptini of Russia




КРЫЖАНОВСКИЙ О.Л. 1983: Триба Dryptini // Фауна СССР, Жесткокрылые (Том I, вып. 2).- Ленинград, "Наука", 287.

ЛАФЕР Г.Ш. 1989: Подсем. Lebiinae // Определитель насекомых Дальнего Востока СССР (Том III, Часть 1).- Ленинград, "Наука", 209-220.

JEDLICKA A. 1963: Monographie der Truncatipennen aus Ostasien (Lebiinae-Odacanthinae-Brachyninae). // Entomol. Abh. Ber. Mus. Tierk. Dresden, Bd. 28 (7), 269-577.

KRYZHANOVSKIJ O.L. et al. 1995: A Checklist of the ground-beetles of Russia and Adjacent Lands (Coleoptera, Carabidae). - Sofia: Pensoft Series Faunist. 3, 271 pp.