Volume 15, Number 4 (2021)

About this front cover figure

Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4



Vasily V. Zlatogursky
Microtubular cytoskeleton-based cell outgrowths: from pseudopodia to axons and dendrites.
Protistology 15 (4) 195–205 (2021) | Summary | PDF |
| Published online: November 9, 2021 |

Irena V. Telesh and Elena N. Naumenko
The impact of nuisance planktonic invaders on pelagic communities: a review of the Baltic Sea case studies.
Protistology 15 (4) 206–219 (2021) | Summary | PDF |
| Published online: November 9, 2021 |

Alexander Kudryavtsev, Ekaterina Volkova and Fyodor Voytinsky
A checklist of Amoebozoa species from marine and brackish-water biotopes with notes on taxonomy, species concept and distribution patterns.
Protistology 15 (4) 220–273 (2021) | Summary | PDF |

| Published online: December 6, 2021 |

Olga Matantseva, Mariia Berdieva and Ilya Pozdnyakov
Sensitivity of dinoflagellates to mechanical stressors as a potential target to control harmful blooms in aquaculture.
Protistology 15 (4) 274–283 (2021) | Summary | PDF |
| Published online: November 26, 2021 |


Mariia Berdieva, Vera Kalinina, Alena Fel and Sergei Skarlato
Heterotrophy in dinoflagellates: components of endocytosis molecular machinery in Prorocentrum cordatum and Amphidinium carterae transcriptomes.
Protistology 15 (4) 284–293 (2021) | Summary | PDF | Supplementary material |

| Published online: November 26, 2021 |

Ludmila Chistyakova, Mariia Berdieva, Andrew Goodkov and Alexander Frolov
A forgotten Pelomyxa species: redescription of Pelomyxa tarda Gruber, 1887 (Archamoebae, Pelobiontida).
Protistology 15 (4) 294–303 (2021) | Summary | PDF |
| Published online: December 9, 2021 |

Natalya I. Bondarenko, Anna A. Glotova, Elena S. Nassonova, Alexey E. Masharsky and Alexey V. Smirnov
The complete mitochondrial genome of an unusual strain of tiny vannellid amoeba (Amoebozoa, Discosea, Vannellida) isolated from the Niagara River (Canada).
Protistology 15 (4) 304–311 (2021) | Summary | PDF |
| Published online: December 14, 2021 |

Anna A. Glotova, Sergey V. Loiko, Georgy I. Istigichev, Anastasia I. Kulemzina, Evgeny V. Abakumov, Alla L. Lapidus and Alexey V. Smirnov
Description of Leptomyxa silvatica n. sp. (Amoebozoa, Tubulinea, Leptomyxida), a new soil amoeba species from Chernevaya taiga soil of West Siberia, Russia.
Protistology 15 (4) 312–320 (2021) | Summary | PDF |
| Published online: December 17, 2021 |

Protistology 15 (4) 321-322–97 (2021) | PDF |