Local migration and feeding habits of Carpathian lamprey Eudontomyzon Danfordi (Petromyzontes: Petromyzontidae) in Tisza River System (Danube drainage, Ukraine)

E.M. Talabishka, N.G. Bogutskaya and A.M. Naseka

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2012, 316(4): 361–368   ·   https://doi.org/10.31610/trudyzin/2012.316.4.361

Full text  


The paper presents data on the feeding habits and migratory activity of Carpathian lamprey Eudontomyzon danfordi Regan, 1911, one of the few predatory lampreys resident in rivers. Observations made in winter revealed some feeding activity though it was commonly supposed that the lampreys cease feeding by the end of autumn. The most intensive feeding occurs from May till August; during the same period, the lampreys actively migrate upstream. Observations made at the rapids revealed that E. danfordi actively preys and feeds during day time when and where the concentration of its prey is high, not only in the evening or at night as was believed earlier.

Key words

fecundity, feeding, migrations, parasitic lampreys

Submitted May 16, 2012  ·  Accepted November 14, 2012  ·  Published December 25, 2012


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