Transfer of Platycola circularis Dons, 1941, symbiont of wood-boring isopod Limnoria, to Lagenophrys (Ciliophora, Peritrichia)

A.W. Jankowski

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2015, 319(1): 23–39   ·

Full text  


Dons described several new ciliates on the gribble Limnoria lignorum in Norway, including Platycola circularis Dons, 1941. My samples of wood borers on Murmansk coast of Barents sea, in White and Black seas and in NW Pacific from Vladivostok to Bering island had only Lagenophrys on pleopods. L. circularis (Dons, 1941) comb. nov. is redescribed using samples made on Murmansk coast not far from its type locality (Trondheimsfjord). Previous descriptions of this species under 3 different names are analysed.

Key words

Ciliophora, Isopoda, Lagenophrys, Limnoria, Platycola

Submitted February 25, 2014  ·  Accepted March 2, 2015  ·  Published March 25, 2015


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