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Andrew Naumov
White Sea Biological Station
Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
Universitetskaya nab., 1
199034, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Tel: +7(812) 7140097
Fax: +7(812) 7140444, +7(812) 3282941
Research interests:  The White Sea, benthos, community structure, long-term dynamics.
1970 - Leningrad (St.Petersburg) State University, Department of Invertebrate Zoology (Diploma of the higher education)
1977 - Leningrad (St.Petersburg) State University, Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Ph.D.
2004 - Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, D.Sc.
Teaching Experience:
I supervised ten M.S. theses and one PhD theses. Currently I am heading a small team of benthologists.
Main research areas:
  • Azovsky A.I., Naumov A.D., Savchenko O.N. 2023. Long-Term Dynamics of Subarctic Intertidal Macrofauna: Common Trends and the Role of Local Environment. Estuaries and Coasts  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Abstracts of the XIV Conference "Exploration, sustainable use and protection of natural resources of the White Sea", October 4-7, 2022, Zoological Institute RAS (St.-Petersburg, Russia).  Download
  • Naumov A.D. 2021. Freewheeling reasoning about the past, present, and future of the human species. Saint Petersburg, 397 pp  Download
  • Chikina M.V., Spiridonov V.A., Naumov A.D. 2020. Modiolus modiolus communities of the Onega Bay, White Sea: How stable are they over time and space? Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 99(7): 757-771  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Savchenko O.N., Naumov A.D. 2020. The 30-year long biomass dynamics of several species in the intertidal communities of two small bights in the Kandalakshe Bay, White Sea. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 99 (7): 728–744 (In Russian).  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D. 2019. The White Sea and Its Bottom Ecosystems. Saint Petersburg, Zoological Institute RAS, 414 p. ISBN 978-5-98082-059-3  Download
  • Mikhaylova T.A., Aristov D.A., Naumov A.D., Malavenda S.S., Savchenko O.N., Bijagov K.L. 2019. Diversity and structure of epibenthic communities of the red algae zone in the White Sea. Polar Biology, 42, 5: 953-968.   Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D., Bijagov K.L., Savchenko O.N., Aristov D.A., Usov N.V. 2018. The benthic fauna of the Lov Inlet (the Kandalaksha Bay, the White Sea): up to date and forty years old archival material. Proc. Zool. Inst., St.Petersburg, v 322, 3: 481-518. (In Russian)  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Dornelas M, Antao LH, Moyes F, et al. 2018. BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene. Global Ecol Biogeogr., 27: 760–786.  Abstract  Download
  • Naumov A.D., Savchenko O.N., Aristov D.A., Bijagov K.L. 2017 A decade of observations of intertidal benthic communities in the area of Vitino specialized marine port, northern part of Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea: methodological approaches. Zool. Zhurnal. 96, 12: 1464-1481. (in Russian).  Download
  • Mikhaylova T.A., Naumov A.D., Aristov D.A. 2017. Species composition and structure of macrophytobenthos in the lower part of the photic zone of the Kolvitsa inlet (Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea). Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 51: 145–156 (in Russian).  Download
  • Denisenko N.V., Denisenko S.G., Naumov A.D., Aristov D.A., Bijagov K.L., Savchenko O.N. 2017. Structure and distribution of sublittoral macrozoobenthos in Chupa Inlet (Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea). In: Exploration, Sustainable Use and Protection of Natural Resources of the White Sea. Proceedings of the XIII Conference on the White Sea, Saint Petersburg, Zoological Institute RAS, 2017, p. 74-77. (in Russian).  Download
  • Exploration, sustainable use and protection of natural resources of the White Sea. Proceedings of the XIII conference, Saint Petersburg, Zoological Institute RAS, 2017, 290 p. (In Russian).  Download
  • Mikhaylova T.A., Naumov A.D., Savchenko O.N., Aristov D.A., Bijagov K.L. 2017. Communities of red algae belt in Chupa and Kolvitsa inlets (Kandalaksha Bay). In: Exploration, Sustainable Use and Protection of Natural Resources of the White Sea. Proceedings of the XIII Conference on the White Sea, Saint Petersburg, Zoological Institute RAS, 2017, p. 135-138. (in Russian).  Download
  • Naumov A.D., Mokievskiy V.O., Chava V.A. 2016. Tides in the Rugozerskaya Inlet and adjacent water-basins (White Sea, Kandalaksha Bay). In: Mokievsky V.O., Isachenko A.I., Dgebuadze P.Yu., Tzetlin A.B. (Editors) Proceedings of the White Sea Biological Station of the Moscow State University, V. 12, Moscow, 74-90. (In Russian)  Download
  • Martynova D.M., Kutcheva I.P., Naumov A.D. 2016. Seasonal and spatial dynamics of the zooplankton community structure in the scoop-type inlets of the White Sea (Babye More and Nikolskaya inlet). In: Mokievsky V.O., Isachenko A.I., Dgebuadze P.Yu., Tzetlin A.B. (Editors) Proceedings of the White Sea Biological Station of the Moscow State University, V. 12, Moscow, 91-109. (In Russian)  Download
  • Naumov A.D., Martynova D.M. 2016. Summer structure of the Babye More waters. Comparative analysis of the data from two different decades. In: Mokievsky V.O., Isachenko A.I., Dgebuadze P.Yu., Tzetlin A.B. (Editors) Proceedings of the White Sea Biological Station of the Moscow State University, V. 12, Moscow, 55-67. (In Russian)  Download
  • Naumov A.D., Mokievskiy V.O., Isachenko A.I., Savchenko O.N., Biyagov K.L., Aristov D.A. 2016. Subtidal communities of macrobenthos of the Babye More. In: Mokievsky V.O., Isachenko A.I., Dgebuadze P.Yu., Tzetlin A.B. (Editors) Proceedings of the White Sea Biological Station of the Moscow State University, V. 12, Moscow, 121-143. (In Russian)  Download
  • Naumov A.D. 2016. Preliminary consideration on the rate of water-exchange of the Babye More Lagoon. In: Mokievsky V.O., Isachenko A.I., Dgebuadze P.Yu., Tzetlin A.B. (Editors) Proceedings of the White Sea Biological Station of the Moscow State University, V. 12, Moscow, 67-73. (In Russian)  Download
  • A. Sukhotin, M. Frost, H. Hummel, D. Martynova, A. Naumov (Editors) 2015. Special Section: European Marine Biology Symposium Papers 2014, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v 95, Issue 8.   Abstract
  • Berger V.Ya., Bryazgin V.F., Naumov A.D., Khalaman V.V. 2015. Bioproductional potential of Karelian waters in the White Sea. In: Commercial invertebrates: VIII All-Russian scientific conference on commercial invertebrates: Proceedings of Reports. – Kaliningrad: KGTU Publishing, 2015, pp. 19-21.  Request for a reprint
  • Starikov Yu.V., Spiridonov V.A., Naumov A.D., Zuev Yu.A. 2015. First record and potential for red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus (Crustacea Decapoda Lithodidae) population establishment in the White Sea. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions. N 1, 79-95.  Abstract  Download
  • Bakhmet I.N., Naumov A.D. 2014. Storm-cast macrophytes in the Chupa bay and around Sonostrov island (Gulf of Kandalaksha, White Sea). Modern problems of science and education, 2.  Abstract  Download
  • Naumov A.D. 2014. Those Amazing Scoop Inlets. Proceedings of the conference "Natural and Cultural Heritage of the White Sea", Chupa, 2014: 103-111.  Download
  • A variety of interactions in the marine environment. Abstracts volume from the 49 European Marine Biology Symposium, St.-Petersburg, 2014, 116 p.  Download
  • Sukhotin A.A., Berger V.Ja., Naumov A.D. 2014. A rare encounter of a walrus in the White Sea. Priroda, 3: 71-73. (In Russian).  Download
  • Naumov A. 2013. Nikolay Aleksandrovich Naumov. Vestnik SPbGU, 3: 209-213. (In Russian).  Download
  • Varfolomeeva M., A. Naumov. 2013. Long-term temporal and spatial variation of macrobenthos in the intertidal soft-bottom flats of two small bights (Chupa Inlet, Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea) . Hydrobiologia, 706: 175-189.  Abstract  Download
  • Naumov A.D. 2013. Long-term fluctuations of soft-bottom intertidal community structure affected by ice cover at two small sea bights in the Chupa Inlet (Kandalaksha Bay) of the White Sea. Hydrobiologia, 706: 159-173.  Abstract  Download
  • Naumov A.D. 2012. Macrobenthos. In: V.Ja. Berger (Ed.) Biological Resources of the White Sea: Investigation and Exploitation. Zoological Institute RAS, Saint-Petersburg: 126-133. (In Russian).
  • Berger V.Ja., Naumov A.D., Sukhotin A.A. 2012. Conclusion. In: V.Ja. Berger (Ed.) Biological Resources of the White Sea: Investigation and Exploitation. Zoological Institute RAS, Saint-Petersburg: 320-331. (In Russian).
  • Solyanko K, Spiridonov V., Naumov A. 2011. Biomass, commonly occurring and dominant species of macrobenthos in Onega Bay (White Sea, Russia): data from three different decades. Marine Ecology 32 (Suppl. 1) 36–48.  Abstract  Download
  • Solyanko K., Spiridonov V., Naumov A. 2010. Benthic fauna of the Gorlo Strait, White Sea: a first species inventory based on data from three different decades from the 1920s to 2000s. Marine Biodiversity. DOI 10.1007/s12526-010-0065-9  Download
  • Naumov AD, Flyachinskaya LP, Khalaman VV. 2010. Bivalve mollusks Hiatella in the White Sea. Zoological Journal, 89(4): 407-415. (In Russian).  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • A.D. Naumov, A.P. Alekseev, A.A. Sukhotin (Editors). 2010. The White Sea: Biological Resources, Their Protection and Sustainable Use. Proceedings of the XI All-Russia Conference held in the Zoological Institute RAS, St.Petersburg, 9-11 November, 2010. (In Russian).  Download
  • Naumov A.D., Khalaman V.V., Fokin M.V. 2009. Long-term dynamics of the abundance of several intertidal polychaetes in two inlets of Kandalaksha bay (White Sea). Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 35, 5: 381–387.  Request for a reprint
  • Khalaman V.V., Long-term dynamics of mass species of polychaeta inhabiting in fouling communities of the White Sea. Biologiya Morya, 2009, 35, ¹6. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D. 2007. Long-term investigations of littoral benthos of the White Sea in the Chupa Guba (Kandalaksha Bay): seasonal and long-term dynamics of the biomass of the eelgrass Zostera marina. Complex investigations of processes, characteristics and resources of Russian seas of North European Basin. 2. Apatity: 493-502. (In Russian)  Download
  • Naumov A. D. 2007. Biogeographic zonality of the White Sea benthal zone. /Ivanov D. I. (ed.) Ichthyologic and related investigations of continental water-bodies in the beginning of the 21th century. (On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Prof. L. A. Kudersky). Collected papers. Issue 337. – St. Petersburg–Moscow. KMK Scientific Press Ltd.: 580-590. (In Russian)  Download
  • Naumov A.D. 2006. Clams of the White Sea. Ecological and faunistic analysis. Explorations of fauna of the seas 59 (67). St. Petersburg: 367. (In Russian)  Download
  • Naumov A.D., Berger V.Ya. 2004. Invasion of the White Sea by different species during the Holocene: natural and anthropogenic components. Alimov A. F., Bogutskaya N. G. (eds.) Biological invasions in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Moskow. KMK Scientific Press Ltd.: 229 237. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D., Gontar V.I. 2004. The dispersion of marine benthic animals as a mechanism of biological invasion. Alimov A. F., Bogutskaya N. G. (eds.) Biological invasions in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Moskow. KMK Scientific Press Ltd.: 214 220. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Berger V., Naumov A., Zubaha M., Usov N., Smolyar I., Tatusko R.,Levitus S. 2003. 36-Year Time Series (1963-1998) of Zooplankton, Temperature and Salinity in the White Sea. S-Peterburg Washington, Silver Springs :362  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D., Berger V.Ya., Galaktionov K.V. 2003. Features of the White Sea ecosystems: the structure and dynamics of the benthic and pelagic communities. Oceanology 43: 134-144.  Request for a reprint
  • Flyachinskaya L.P., Naumov A.D. 2003. Distribution and larval development in the horse mussel Modiolus modiolus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) from the White Sea. Trudy Zool. Inst. Ross. Akad. nauk 299: 39-51.  Download
  • Berger V.Ja., Naumov A.D. 2002. Biological invasions in the White Sea. Invasive aquatic species of Europe. Distribution, impacts and management. DordrechtBostonLondon, Kluwer Academic Poblishers: 235-239  Request for a reprint
  • Berger V.Ja., Naumov A.D. 2001. Salinity adaptations and bathyimetric distribution of the bivalve mollusks Portlandia arctica and Nuculana pernula in the White Sea. Biologiya Morya, 27, 3: 352–356. (In Russian).  Request for a reprint
  • Berger V.Ja., Galaktionov K.V., Naumov. A.D. 2001. Concluding remarks. In: White sea. Ecology and environment. St-Petersburg-Tromso :137-138  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A. D. 2001. Benthos. Ch. 4. White Sea. Ecology and environment. St. PetersburgTromso  Request for a reprint
  • Berger V.Ja., Naumov A.D. 2001. General fiatures. In: White sea. Ecology and environment. St-Petersburg-Tromso. Ch.: 922  Request for a reprint
  • Berger V., Dahle S., Galaktionov K., Kosobokova X., Naumov A., Rat'kova T.,Savinov V.,Savinova T. 2001. White Sea. Ecology and Environment. St-Petersburg-Tromso: 157  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V.V. 2000. New results on the macrobenthos of the White Sea Basin. Part 1. Macrobenthos of the White Sea beep Basin; Part 2. Small benthic organisms and juveniles of macrobenthic species in the White Sea deep-water assemblage. Berichte zur Polarforshung 359 :54-95.  Request for a reprint
  • Berger V. Ja., Naumov A.D. 2000. General features of the White Sea. Berichte zur Polarforschung: 29  Request for a reprint
  • Hummel H., Bogaards R., Bek T., Polishchuk L., Amiard-Triquet C., Bachelet G., Desprez M., Strelkov P., Sukhotin A., Naumov A., Dahle S., Denisenko S., Gantsevich M., Sokolov K., L. de Wolf 1997. Sensitivity to stress in the bivalve Macoma balthica from the most northern (Arctic) to the most southern (French) populations: low sensitivity in Arctic populations because of genetic adaptations? In: A.D. Naumov, H. Hummel, A.A. Sukhotin & J.S. Ryland (eds) INTERACTIONS AND ADAPTATION STRATEGIES OF MARINE ORGANISMS, Hydrobiologia 355: 127-138.  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Berger V. Ja., Naumov A.D. 1996. The effect of salinity on capacity of marine star-fish Asterias rubens to attach to the substrate. Biologiya Morya, 22, 2: 99–101. (In Russian).  Download
  • Berger V.Ja., Naumov A. D., Sukhotin A.A. 1995. Concluding remarks. Chapter 14. The White Sea. Biological resources and problems of their rational exploitations. Part 2. St. Petersburg: 207-214. (In Russian).  Request for a reprint
  • Berger V.Ya., Naumov A.D., Babkov A.I. 1995. Relation between abundance and diversity of marine benthos and environmental salinity. Biologia morya. 21, 1: 45-50. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V.V., Lukanin V.V. 1995. Peculiarities of benthos distribution in shallow-water inlets with a ridges in the their mouths. Berger V.Ya. (ed.)./ White Sea. Biological resources and problems of their rational exploitations. Part 1. St. Petersburg: 245-249. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V.V. 1994. Clams of the East Siberian Sea. Golikov A. N. (ed.) Fauna of the East Siberian Sea. Part 3. Explorations of fauna of the seas 49(57)– St. Petersburg: 44-68. (In Russian)  Download
  • Gontar V. I., Naumov A. D. 1994. The spreading of benthic animals of the shelf of the Northern seas of Eurasia. Matteucci et al. (eds.) Studies on ecology and paleontology of benthic communities. Boll. Soc. Paleont. Ital., spec. 2: 153-156.  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V.V. 1993. The eternally alive White Sea. – St. Petersburg. SPbGTYu publisher.: 336. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Berger V.Ja., Naumov A.D. 1992. The tales about White Sea. Petrozavodsk: 155 (In Russian).  Request for a reprint
  • Buryakov V.Yu., Naumov A. D. 1991. Anthropogenic disaster or a rare natural event? Priroda. 6: 30-31. (In Russian)  Download
  • Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V.V. 1991. Peculiarities of hydrological conditions of the North part of the White Sea. Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V.V. (eds.) Benthos of the White Sea. Populations, communities, fauna. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute. 233. St. Petersburg: 13-26. (In Russian)  Download
  • Naumov A.D. 1991. On the macrobenthos communities investigation. Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V. V. (eds.) Benthos of the White Sea. Populations, communities, fauna. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute. 233. St. Petersburg: 127-147 (In Russian)  Download
  • Naumov A. D. 1990. Fouling of mussels in White Sea. Species in area. Biology, ecology and productivity of water invertebrates. Minsk. Navuka i teknika: 184-188. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Lukanin V.V., Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V.V. 1990. Blue mussel beds: constant inconstancy. Priroda. 11: 56-62. (In Russian)  Download
  • Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V.V. 1990. Bivalvia of Novosibirskie Islands region. Golikov A. N. (ed.) Ecosystems of the New Siberian shoal and the Fauna of the Laptev sea and adjacent waters. Explorations of the fauna of the seas 49(57). St. Petersburg: 385-410. (In Russian)  Download
  • Fedyakov V.V., Naumov A.D. 1989. Marine Bivalvia of the Arctic Ocean. / Yvonne Herman (Ed.). The Arctic seas. Climatology, oceanography, geology and biology. New York: 303-324.  Request for a reprint
  • Lukanin V.V., Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V.V. 1989. Long-term structural and functional changes in an estuary mussel population in the White Sea. Zhurnal obschey biologii. 50, 3: 366-371. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V.V. 1987. Bivalve molluscs of the Arctic region. Priroda, 3: 49-57. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A D., Scarlato O.A., Fedyakov V.V. 1987. Classis Bivalvia. Starobogatov Ya. I., Naumov A. D. (eds.) Molluscs of the White Sea. Key-books on the fauna of the USSR issued by Zoological Institute Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 151. – Leningrad: 205-257. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Berger V.Ja., Naumov A.D. 1987. White Sea Biological Station. Leningrad. “Nauka”: 40 (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D., Babkov A.I., Fedyakov V.V. 1986. Bottom communities of the Kolvitsa Inlet (Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea). Fedyakov V.V., Lukanin V.V. (eds.) Ecological investigations of the benthic organisms of the White Sea. – Leningrad: 91-122. (In Russian)  Download
  • Lukanin V.V., Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V.V. 1986. Cyclic development of Mytilus edulis (L.) population in the White Sea. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 5: 1274-1277. (In Russian)  Download
  • Lukanin V.V., Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V.V. 1886. Dynamics of size-structure in a population of the White Sea mussels (Mytilus edulis L.). Fedyakov V. V., Lukanin V. V. (eds.). Ecological investigations of the benthic organisms of the White Sea. – Leningrad: 50-63. (In Russian)  Download
  • Naumov A.D., Babkov A.I., Lukanin V.V., Fedyakov V.V. 1986. Hydrological and synecological description of the Mezen’ Bay (White Sea). Fedyakov V.V., Lukanin V.V. (eds.). Ecological investigations of the benthic organisms of the White Sea. – Leningrad: 64-90. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V. V. 1985. Regression analysis in the bivalve systematics. Schmidt V. M. (ed.) Mathematical methods in the biological systems investigations. Proceedings of the Biological Research Institute 37: 99 110. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V.V. 1985. Macrofouling of blue mussel shells in the White Sea. Lukanin V.V. (ed.). Investigation of the mussel of the White Sea. – Leningrad: 70-77. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V.V. 1985. The role of certain clams in the distribution of sessile benthic species in the subtidal of the Onega Bay (White Sea). Berger V.Ya., Seravin L.N. (eds.) Ecology of the fouling in the White Sea. – Leningrad: 26-34. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D., Fedyakov V.V. 1985. Macrofouling of shells in some clam species in the Onega Bay subtidal (White Sea). Berger V.Ya., Seravin L.N. (eds.) Ecology of the fouling in the White Sea. – Leningrad: 35-43. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Ioffe B.I., Naumov A. D. 1985. Segment number relation to the body length: a possible way to its use in systematics and phylogeny of polychaetes. Buzhinskaya G.N., Khlebovitch V.V. (eds.) Polychaeta: Morphology, systematics, ecology. Explorations of the fauna of the seas 34 (42) – Leningrad: 46-51. (In Russian)  Download
  • Naumov A.D., Ioffe B.I. 1983. Statistical methods in the V.A. Dogel’s theory of oligomerization. Evolutional morphology of invertebrates. Proceedings of Zoological Institute Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 109. – Leningrad: 48-59. (In Russian)  Download
  • Naumov A.D., Ninburg E.A., Rostova N.S. 1983. The variability of shell form in Portlandia arctica (Mollusca, Bivalvia) from the White Sea. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 62. 1: 45-50. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D., Olenev A.V. 1981. Zoological excursions at the White Sea.– Leningrad. Leningrad State University Press: 176. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Naumov A.D. 1979. Sea bottom fauna of the Lov Inlet (White Sea, Kandalaksha Bay) and its peculiar properties. Ecology of bottom fauna of the shelf zone. – Moscow: 128-136. (In Russian)  Download
  • Naumov A.D. 1976. Portlandia arctica (Gray) as a key element of the Arctic species complex in the White Sea. Synopsis of the PhD dissertation, Leningrad, 26 p.  Download
  • Podlipaev S.A., Borkin L.J., Naumov A.D. 1974. On the concept of polymerization and oligomerization. Zhurnal obschey biologii. 35, 1: 100-113. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint
  • Borkin L.J., Naumov A.D., Podlipaev S.A. 1971. The role of polymerization and oligomerization in the evolution of systems of organs. Vestnik Lelingradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. 21: 7-17. (In Russian)  Request for a reprint