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Title: The effect of silatrans on the predatory ladybug Cycloneda limbifer Casey.
Personal Authors: Klimpinya, A. E., Mikhnevich, O. Ch., Zelchan, G. I.
Author Affiliation: Lab. Exp. Entomologii, Inst. Biol., AN LatvSSR, Riga, USSR.
Editors: Shternbergs, M.T.
Document Title: Aspekty biologicheskoi regulyatsii chislennosti vreditelei rastenii.


In laboratory experiments carried out in Lativa, USSR, to investigate the effect of the growth-stimulating silatrans ipsilan and benzitran on Cycloneda limbifer, addition of these substances at 0.03% in a sugar syrup to the food of the larvae (Aphis fabae on bean shoots) resulted in considerable shortening of the period of larval development and the prereproductive period of the females. When ipsilan was added to the food of the adults, however, the development cycle of the following generation was lengthened and the body mass of the adults reduced.

Publisher: Zinatne

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