Theodosius Dobzhansky Papers
(12.25 linear feet)

B D65

©American Philosophical Society
105 South Fifth Street * Philadelphia, PA 19106-3386
American Philosophical Society
105 South Fifth Street 
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3386
Table of contents Abstract
One of the four horsemen of the evolutionary synthesis of the 1940s, Theodosius Dobzhansky played a crucial role in bridging the gap between theoretical and empirical approaches in genetics and in promoting the Neo-Darwinian synthesis. His contributions to the biological species concept and to an understanding the evolutionary dynamics of wild populations of Drosophila were fundamental to the development of modern population genetics and evolutionary thought.

The Dobzhansky Papers are a remnant of the correspondence and writings of the geneticist and evolutionary biologist, Theodosius Dobzhansky. The correspondence (7.5 linear feet) provides insight into Dobzhansky's scientific, philosophical, and social views, particularly during the last decade of his life. Equally valuable are the 54 notebooks (ca.1917-1975) which comprise an almost uninterrupted self-commentary on Dobzhansky's career, replete with typescripts of personal letters and short essays sent to colleagues and friends. The collection also contains two unbound volumes of annotated "reminiscences" from the Columbia Oral History Project, 1962; two bound volumes of papers dedicated to him on his 70th birthday; and 1.5 linear feet of photographs.
Background note
One of the four horsemen of the evolutionary synthesis of the 1940s, Theodosius Dobzhansky played a crucial role in bridging the gap between theoretical and empirical approaches in genetics. His contributions to the biological species concept and to an understanding the evolutionary dynamics of wild populations of Drosophila were fundamental to the development of modern population genetics and evolutionary thought.

Theodosius Dobzhansky, ca.1935
Theodosius Dobzhansky, ca.1935

Born in Nemirov, Ukraine, on January 29, 1900, Dobzhansky came of age during the Bolshevik Revolution, but preferring the revolution in biology to the one in politics. After receiving a degree from the University of Kiev in 1921, he stayed on as an instructor in zoology, working initially on the anatomy and systematics of the coccinellid (ladybird) beetles. On a trip to Moscow in 1923 or 1924, however, he obtained stocks of Drosophila melanogaster that had been imported to the USSR by H. J. Muller and altered the taxonomic course of his research. His demonstration of pleiotropic effects in Drosophila soon brought him to the attention of Yuri A. Filipchenko, so that in 1924 -- the year in which he married the evolutionary biologist Natalia (Natasha) Sivertsev -- he was rewarded with a lectureship at the University of Leningrad.

Although his position in the troubled world of Soviet genetics was rising, Dobzhansky sought out an International Education Board fellowship in 1927 to work in the creative hothouse of T. H. Morgan's fly lab at Columbia, following Morgan to Cal Tech two years later. The years at Cal Tech were particularly exciting ones in the history of genetics, as the largely cytogenetic work of Morgan, Calvin B. Bridges, Alfred H. Sturtevant, and H. J. Muller had begun to unravel the mechanisms of inheritance through the use of cytological and developmental techniques. When Dobzhansky joined the group in 1927, its members were busy constructing linkage maps, locating specific genes on chromosomes by statistically analyzing the frequency with which certain traits are inherited together. Furthermore, only a few months before Dobzhansky's arrival, Muller (by this time at the University of Texas) had announced his discovery that x-ray exposure dramatically increased the natural rate of mutation in Drosophila. Not surprisingly, then, Dobzhansky began irradiating flies during the summer of 1928, and he spent the following winter studying the resultant chromosomal aberrations, mapping them by the use of gene markers. His long years dissecting beetles stood him well in the enterprise, for after removing, sectioning, and staining the ovaries of a young female fly, he provided the first cytological proof of the linear arrangement of genes on chromosomes: under the microscope, Dobzhansky saw a piece of the long, rod-like third chromosome attached to the tiny dot-like fourth chromosome. In the Reminiscences, he wrote: "I don't remember whether I emitted a loud yell. No question that I felt that way." Dobzhansky was promoted to full professor in 1936.

The cytological and developmental approach at Cal Tech continued to serve Dobzhansky well into the early 1930s as he worked on the analysis of translocations and the nature of sex determination, however his differences with the Morgan group soon became evident. All along, he had maintained an active field program, roaming into the California deserts, the Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks, and as far away as Alaska and Mexico in search of wild flies. More importantly, however, he began increasingly to conceptualize the major problems in genetics within an evolutionary and populational context. For over a decade, R. A. Fisher, J.B.S. Haldane, and Sewall Wright had been reaching toward a quantitative methodology for uniting Mendelian and Darwinian theory by shifting the locus of study from the individual to the population. Recognizing that morphological change was the product of shifting gene frequencies, Fisher, Haldane and Wright developed sophisticated mathematical models to assess the relative effects of selectional pressure, mutation, and genetic drift on evolutionary change. What they lacked, above all, was empirical weight.

With this in mind, Dobzhansky and Sturtevant recognized that they could use chromosomal inversions in wild populations of D. pseudoobscura to construct phylogenies and to study evolutionary dynamics at a highly refined scale. Simultaneously, in 1935 Dobzhansky began the fundamental task of reformulating the taxonomic and morphological term "species" to bring it into line with evolutionary theory. Aware from his studies of variability in natural populations that morphological similarity could mask considerable genetic variability, he argued that regardless of the degree of morphological differentiation between populations, reproductive isolation was the surest and most biologically meaningful criterion for distinguishing species. The Jessup Lectures he delivered at Columbia University during the fall of 1936 provided him with a unique opportunity to synthesize the enormous amount of observational, experimental, and theoretical genetics he had acquired, interpreted in light of the emerging quantitative population genetics. These lectures were published in 1937 as Genetics and the Origin of Species, quickly becoming a classic in the emerging fields of evolution and population genetics and in the canon of the Neo-Darwinian Synthesis.

In 1940 Dobzhansky accepted a professorship at Columbia University, and moved back to New York. There he became a close friend of the mouse geneticist, L.C. Dunn, collaborating with him on several books, and he developed close working relationships with George Gaylord Simpson and Ernst Mayr, among others. His growing collaboration with Sewall Wright was particularly productive, with Dobzhansky providing the critical empirical tests for Wright's mathematical insights. Together, they devised methods for measuring the forces of natural selection in the laboratory and, further, for studying the interaction of evolutionary forces in natural populations. With the help of his student Bruce Wallace and Wright, Dobzhansky worked out an elaborate theory of population structure based on inherent genetic diversity. It has been said that Dobzhansky's most significant contribution was the demonstration of vast genetic diversity within each species, a diversity that coexists with the uniformity of the molecular model of the gene and the universality of the genetic code.

Dobzhansky traveled widely during his twenty-two years at Columbia: hunting flies in Guatemala, Brazil, Chile, Australia, New Guinea, Egypt, India, Indonesia, and the western United States. He published prolifically on hybrid sterility, developmental rates, enzyme polymorphisms, genetic responses to environmental change, and behavioral phenomena, such as dispersion rates (how far flies actually fly). Among his more frequent collaborators were J. T. Patterson, C. Epling, C. D. Darlington, and his two research assistants, Olga Pavlovsky and Boris Spassky. He left a substantial legacy, as well, through his students, who included Bruce Wallace, R. C. Lewontin, and E. D. Spiess, as well as several colleagues and students from South America, including A. B. da Cuhna, A. R. Cordeiro, C. Malogolowkin-Cohen, and C. Pavan.

Yet as much as Dobzhansky enjoyed the intellectual climate at Columbia, from the late 1940s on he felt underappreciated and afflicted by the grind of university politics. As a result, he abandoned Columbia in 1962 to accept a position at the Rockefeller Institute (soon to become the Rockefeller University), remaining there until his retirement in 1971. At Rockefeller he expanded the scope of his work into behavioral genetics, while continuing his analysis of enzyme polymorphisms in Drosophila willistoni. In 1966, he adopted the still novel technique of gel electrophoresis to assay individual genotypes within a population, contributing to a raging debate with Muller, James Crow, and Motoo Kimura over the amount and significance of genetic variation in natural populations.

Retiring from Rockefeller in 1971, Dobzhansky continued to remain active in the field as an adjunct professor in the department of his former student Francisco J. Ayala at the University of California, Davis. At the time of his death from lymphatic leukemia in 1975, he was actively co-editing the series Evolutionary Biology, collaborating on a textbook dealing with evolutionary topics with Ayala, G. Ledyard Stebbins, and James Valentine, and was engaged in a series of experiments on chromosomal differences between populations of Mexican Drosophila with A. L. de Garay, R. Félix Estrada, L. Levine, J. Powell, and V.M. Salceda.

Summarizing Dobzhansky's career on the basis of his scientific productivity does not quite capture its scope. From his days at Cal Tech onward, Dobzhansky regularly engaged with the philosophical and social implications of his work. His view of scientific progress was essentially Popperian -- "A scientific 'model,'" he wrote to Arthur R. Jensen in 1972, "is tested in attempts to falsify it, and the more steps it stands successfully, the more convincing it is, until finally it is taken as 'truth.'" He also situated himself within the "process" school of philosophy, although he was critical of mainstream Whiteheadian philosophers for having established "a special religion... a non-Christian religion. A sort of Unitarianism on the Whiteheadian basis" (June 15, 1974). For his own part, Dobzhansky was acutely sensitive to criticism of his philosophical (or scientific) work by other scientists, especially with respect to the reception of his popular works Mankind Evolving and The Biology of Ultimate Concern.

Theodosius Dobzhansky, ca.1966
Theodosius Dobzhansky, ca.1966

Deeply imbued with his faith in the Eastern Orthodox church, and steeped in an evolutionary world view, Dobzhansky held to a transcendent, cosmic evolutionism deeply influenced by the writings of the Jesuit priest, Teilhard de Chardin. His interests drew regularly him into public debates on the intersection of religion and science, criticizing Pope Paul for his antievolutionary views in the 1960s, and assailing the growing tide of Protestant creationsim of the 1960s and 1970s. In 1972, he wrote J. Kunamoto, that for him "The evolution of life, and the evolutionary origin of mankind, are scientifically established as firmly and completely as any historical event not witnessed by human observers. Any concession to anti-evolutionists, suggesting that there are scientific reasons to doubt the facticity of evolution, would be propagating a plain untruth."

The great problems of the century -- totalitarianism and racism -- also weighed heavily on Dobzhansky's conscience. With L.C. Dunn, a political fellow traveler, and later with Ashley Montagu, Dobzhansky produced a number of works on the biology of race, highlighted by the book Heredity, Race, and Society (1946). Dobzhansky argued that modern genetic studies had demonstrated that eugenical claims about the biological basis of personality and behavior were at best grossly simplified, and were more likely simply wrong. A strong critic of eugenics in the interwar period, he continued to combat "scientific" efforts to establish the facticity of racial differences, participating in the debates over IQ during the 1960s and 1970s. He was particularly adamant that a scientist working on projects concerning the genetics of behavior must remain honest and committed to the logic of his discipline, and he often wrote to scientists to remind them of this fact. At the same time, his own experiences in Russia made Dobzhansky keenly aware of the problems of intellectual freedom and the necessity of supporting even unpopular modes of speech. He bore an unwavering hatred for the Soviet system and took an active role in writing about the Lysenko controversy.

Scope and content
The Dobzhansky Papers are a remnant of the correspondence and writings of the geneticist and evolutionary biologist, Theodosius Dobzhansky. Offering far richer documentation for the last decade of his career than the first three, the correspondence (7.5 linear feet) provides insight into Dobzhansky's scientific, philosophical, and social views. Equally valuable are the 54 notebooks (ca.1917-1975) which comprise an almost uninterrupted personal commentary on Dobzhansky's entire career, replete with typescripts of personal letters and short essays sent to colleagues and friends. The collection also contains two unbound volumes of annotated transcripts from the Columbia Oral History Project, 1962; two bound volumes of papers dedicated to him on his 70th birthday; and 1.5 linear feet of photographs.

"There is in this office a letter-filing cabinet," Theodosius Dobzhansky wrote to a friend in 1968, "where letters are kept for some time, usually two or three years, and then most are either discarded or placed on a back shelf" (Dansereau, 1968). The periodic destruction of files which Dobzhansky described was further accentuated by five major moves during his career, once from Russia to the United States and three times across the North American continent. At each remove, he further weeded out materials that he considered superfluous, uninteresting or unimportant. Thus the majority of the surviving papers either date from after his move to Davis in 1971, or reflect those memories he consciously wished to preserve. The majority of letters concern his ongoing genetic projects from 1971 to 1975; philosophical, ethical and religious issues (including problems raised by behavioral genetics and the IQ debate); and political issues, but routine office correspondence is also abundant. Above all, the Papers display the mix of scientific pugnacity and warm personal relationships with friends and former students that characterized Dobzhansky's writing.

The forty-four page summary of Dobzhansky's career prepared by R. C. Lewontin, M. M. Green, F. J. Ayala, and I. M. Lerner for G. W. Beadle's nomination of Dobzhahsky to the Nobel Committee in 1975 gives a comprehensive analysis of Dobzhansky's scientific accomplishments, and contains his complete bibliography, 1918-1975.

Series I Correspondence, 1927-1975 15 boxes (7.5 linear feet)
Series II Correspondence with Ernst Mayr, 1937-1975 1 box (0.25 linear feet)
Series III Research notebooks, ca.1917-1975 3 boxes (1.5 linear feet)
Series IV Human Culture (manuscript) 1 box (0.25 linear feet)
Series V Papers dedicated to Dobzhansky, 1970 2 vols. (0.25 linear feet)
Series VI Reminiscences, 1962 2 vols. (0.25 linear feet)
Series VII Journal, 1926 1 vol. (0.1 linear feet)
Series VIII Awards and memorabilia, 1935-1975 3 boxes (1.25 linear feet)
Series IX Photographs, ca.1929-1974 3 boxes (1.5 linear feet)

Administrative information
Materials in Series VIII, correspondence between Ernst Mayr and Dobzhansky, 1937-1975, may not be published without the permission of Ernst Mayr.

The Dobzhansky Papers have come to the APS in several distinct donations. The bulk arrived as a bequest of Theodosius Dobzhansky in 1976, with later accruals from Ernst Mayr (Series II) and Francisco J. Ayala.

Photocopies of Dobzhansky's correspondence sent to Vavilov (1931), Filipchenko (1925-1930), and Medvedev (1963-1975) were obtained from the M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library, Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Russia.

Preferred citation
Cite as: Theodosius Dobzhansky Papers, American Philosophical Society.

Alternate formats
The originals of Dobzhansky's correspondence with Filipchenko, Vavilov, and Medvedev housed at the M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library, Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Russia, has been microfilmed on Film 1484.

Additional information
Related material
Dobzhansky appears as a correspondent in many APS collections, some in substantial quantity. Among the more important sources for Dobzhansky are the papers of Hampton Carson (22 items), Ernst Caspari (36 items), Milislav Demerec (171 items), L. C. Dunn (353 letters), I. Michael Lerner (280 items), Ashley Montagu (125 items), George Gaylord Simpson (88 items), Alexander Sokoloff (100 items), Curt Stern (101 items), and Bruce Wallace (114 items).

Mark B. Adams, ed., The Evolution of Theodosius Dobzhansky: Essays on His Life and Thought in Russia and America (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton, 1994).

Francisco Ayala, Obituary of Theodosius Dobzhansky, National Academy of Sciences Biographical Memoirs 55 (1985), 163-215.

Bentley Glass, The Roving Naturalist: Travel Letters of Theodosius Dobzhansky, APS Memoir 139 (1980).

Added entries
  • Columbia University
  • Drosophila--Genetics
  • Evolution
  • Genetics
  • Russians--United States
  • University of California, Davis

  • Contributors
  • Dobzhansky, Theodosius Grigorievich, 1900-1975

  • Contact information
    American Philosophical Society
    105 South Fifth Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19106-3386


    Collection overview

    Series I. Correspondence ca.1920-1975 7.5 lin. feet

    The bulk of the correspondence in the Dobzhansky collection is comprised of invitations, letters of recommendation, travel arrangements, referee reports, requests for visits, reprints, etc., inquiries concerning fellowships, scholarships, graduate study, and postdoctoral work. His travel itinerary was astounding; his letters abounding with comments on the marvels of jet-age transportation.

    Many of the letters between Dobzhansky and his former students date from his years at Davis. In addition to the correspondence with L. Ehrman, R.C. Lewontin, J. Powell, R.C. Richmond, E.B. Spiess, and B. Wallace, correspondence with W.W. Anderson (14 items, 1971-75), D.W. Crumpacker (24 items, 1969-75), and D. Weisbrot (12 items, 1971-75) has survived. Dobzhansky considered his graduate students to be his "intellectual progeny," and he remained actively concerned for their work and careers long after they had received their degrees.

    Dobzhansky had strong opinions about current political issues, and especially the effect of politics on the freedom of scientists to pursue their work. His letters to J. Powell and his diaries during the early 1970s contain numerous comments on Richard Nixon and Watergate, moreover, he addressed himself to the situations in Chile (Koref-Santibañez, 1970-74; see also Ehrman), Greece (Kastritsis, 1970), and Israel (Weisbrot).

    Between 1969 and 1975, Dobzhansky also dealt with the conditions under which Russian geneticists in general, and Zhores Medvedev in particular, were working (see correspondence with M. M. Green, M. D. Grmek, A. Gustafsson, T. H. Jukes, D. G. Kenefick, I. M. Lerner and Medvedev (many in Russian); Muntzing, and van Gelder). Correspondence between Dobzhansky and his Russian colleagues was severely restricted by Soviet authorities for many years, nevertheless he was able to reestablish contact with several of them in the late 1960s, and approximately 175 letters in Russian are preserved in the collection. All date either from 1927-1935 or from 1968-1975, and among the significant correspondents are Y.A. Filipchenko, N.I. Dubinin, I.I. Schmalhausen, N.W. Timoféeff-Ressovsky, and Dobzhansky's former students, Julius Kerkis and M. Levit. Photocopies of Dobzhansky's letters received by Filpchenko, Vavilov, and Medvedev have been added to the collection courtesy of the State Public Library, Leningrad.

    Series II. Correspondence with Ernst Mayr 1937-1975 0.25 lin. feet

    Revealing correspondence between Dobzhansky and the evolutionary biologist, Ernst Mayr, regarding speciation, evolutionary theory, and genetics.

    Permission to quote from Series II must be obtained in advance from Ernst Mayr.

    Series III. Research notebooks ca.1917-1975 1 lin. feet

    The fifty-four notebooks and diaries give a virtually uninterrupted first-hand commentary on Dobzhansky's life and career, save for the period 1936-1941. Although the earliest dates are 1934, the first entries (sketches and data on coccinellid beetles) may have been made as early as 1917. With few exceptions, the entries are all in Russian, although two long stretches written in English occur during the late 1940s and early 1950s (presumably the years during which he felt most alienated from Russia) and from 1971 until his death. In an entry from this period, he commented that he was again writing in English so that his last thoughts would be accessible to friends and relatives unable to read Russian.

    Throughout the notebooks, Dobzhansky included extracts or copies of personal letters to or from family members and close friends. These record details of Dobzhansky's day-to-day life often lacking in his professional correspondence, and serve to round out the picture of his personality. These preserved items become increasingly numerous as he became older, particularly after the death of his wife in 1968. Among the manuscripts in the collection are 46 essays Dobzhansky wrote about his travels and sent home to his friends. He was often urged to publish these in collected form, but failed to do so. Excerpts from one appeared in 1970; but they were not published in their entirety until edited by Bentley Glass in 1985.

    Series IV. Human Culture (manuscript)
    0.25 lin. feet

    Manuscript of Dobzhansky's Human Culture: A Moment in Evolution (N.Y.: Columbia, 1983), with proofreader's notations.

    Series V. Papers dedicated to Dobzhansky 1970 0.5 lin. feet

    Two bound volumes of published articles dedicated (and usually inscribed) to Dobzhansky on the occasion of his 70th birthday in 1970, written by colleagues, former students, and friends.

    Series VI. Reminiscences 1962 0.25 lin. feet

    With the paucity of material from early in Dobzhansky's life, the Reminiscences assume a considerable importance for documenting the early parts of his career and, apart from some materials in Russia, are the only source for his life prior to emigration.

    The two volumes of "Reminiscences," transcripts from the Columbia Oral History Project interviews conducted by Barbara Land in 1962, give a remarkably coherent and self-conscious picture of Dobzhansky's life. Encompassing descriptions of his childhood and student years in Russia, candid and anecdotal accounts of the people he had known throughout his career, and the places where he had worked and the experiments he had done, the reminiscences also include thoughts on various historical and political issues. Dobzhansky annotated them between 1962-1975, supplying names and dates as he remembered them, and adding information about his family background. The final notes are dated December 17, 1975, the day of his death.

    Series VII. Journal 1926 0.25 lin. feet

    Journal, in Russian, kept during the year prior to Dobzhansky's departure from the Soviet Union.

    Due to the fragility of the original, photocopy must be used.

    Series VIII. Awards and Memorabilia 1935-1975 1 lin. feet

    A miscellaneous collection of awards and memorabilia, including major awards such as the Kimber Award in Genetics, the National Medal of Science, and the Daniel Elliot Giraud Medal.

    Series IX. Photographs ca.1929-1974 1.5 lin. feet

    A mixture of candid photographs of Dobzhansky, his wife Natasha, and their friends, and photographs taken during field excursions and at meetings from throughout his career. Includes some formal portraits of Dobzhansky at various stages of life.

    Detailed inventory

    Series I: Correspondence ca.1920-1975 7.5 linear feet

    Abbitt, Raymond 1970 2 items Box 1

    Abbou, Richard 1973 2 items Box 1

    Abraham, J. C. B, 1970-1972 4 items Box 1

    Achievement Rewards for College Scientists 1973 1 item Box 1

    Adams, Forrest H. 1971 2 items Box 1

    Adam, Hans 1970 2 items Box 1

    Adams, Mark 1970-1975 2 folders Box 1

    Folder 1 1975 10 items Box 1

    Folder 2 1970-1974 4 items Box 1

    Agnew, J. D. 1973 5 items Box 1

    Ahrens, A. R. 1933 1 item Box 1

    Aldine Publishing Company 1974 2 items Box 1

    Alexander, Richard D. 1974 4 folders Box 1

    Folder 1 1974 3 items Box 1

    Folder 2 n.d. 1 item Box 1

    Folder 3 1974 1 item Box 1

    Folder 4 1974 1 item Box 1

    Alfert, Max 1969 2 items Box 1

    Alger, Ian E. 1974 2 items Box 1

    Allard, Robert Wayne 1971-1972 2 items Box 1

    Allen, Garland 1969 3 items Box 1

    Almeida Machado, Paulo de 1969-1971 3 items Box 1

    Alpatov, V. V. 1930 2 folders Box 1

    Folder 1 1930 22 items Box 1

    Folder 2 1930 2 items Box 1

    American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1975 2 items Box 1

    American Association for the Advancement of Science 1931-1962 3 items Box 1

    American Eugenics Society 1970 1 item Box 1

    American Historical Review 1973 2 items Box 1

    American Institute of Biological Sciences 1973 5 items Box 1

    American Museum of Natural History - Distinguished Achievement in Science Award n.d. 1 item Box 1

    American Philosophical Society 1942-1975 10 items Box 1

    American Psychologist 1972 1 item Box 1

    American Scientist 1962-1974 2 folders Box 1

    Folder 1 1972-1974 3 items Box 1

    Folder 2 1962 1 item Box 1

    American Teilhard de Chardin Association 1970-1974 2 folders Box 1

    Folder 1 1970 19 items Box 1

    Folder 2 1970-1974 15 items Box 1

    Anderson, J. P. 1934 1 item Box 1

    Anderson, Mel 1971 2 items Box 1

    Anderson, Wyatt 1971-1975 2 folders Box 1

    Folder 1 1973-1975 11 items Box 1

    Folder 2 1971-1974 4 items Box 1

    Andros, Edward 1973 1 item Box 1

    Angelina, Maria 1974 1 item Box 1

    Anshen, Ruth Nanda 1972-1975 12 items Box 1

    Ardrey, Robert 1972 1 item Box 1

    Arieux, Marianne 1974 1 item Box 1

    Arizona State University 1969 2 items Box 1

    Arnold, Walter 1973 1 item Box 1

    Ashton, Geoffrey C. 1970-1972 5 items Box 1

    Astaurov, B. 1969-1974 9 items Box 1

    Ayala, Francisco J. 1970-1975 13 items Box 1

    Ayres, Manuel 1969-1970 4 items Box 1

    Babcock, E. B. 1934 1 item Box 1

    Babkov, Vasiili Vailevich 1972-1975 3 items Box 1

    Bajema, Carl J. 1971-1973 4 items Box 1

    Baker, William K 1961-1972 5 items Box 1

    Barker, J. S. F. 1973-1975 5 items Box 1

    Band, Henretta T. 1970-1975 8 items Box 1

    Bank, Lew 1975 1 item Box 1

    Banlutal, Corazon O. 1974 2 items Box 1

    Bannister, Thomas T. 1972 2 items Box 1

    Banque Française du Commerce Exterieur, Paris 1975 2 items Box 1

    Barbour, Ian 1974 1 item Box 1

    Barchas, Jack D. 1972 3 items Box 1

    Barigozzi, C. 1972-1974 6 items Box 1

    Barnes, Carole Wolff 1971 1 item Box 1

    Barnes, J. A. 1972 2 items Box 1

    Barnett, Thomas 1973 3 items Box 1

    Barondess, Jeremiah A. 1973 2 items Box 1

    Barr, Thomas C., Jr. 1970 1 item Box 1

    Barrett, Paul H. 1974-1975 4 items Box 1

    Bashor, Philip S. 1971 2 items Box 1

    Basic Books 1971-1975 3 folders Box 1

    Folder 1 1975-1975 17 items Box 1

    Folder 2 1972-1973 6 items Box 1

    Folder 3 1971-1972 14 items Box 1

    Battaglia, Bruno 1970 2 items Box 1

    Bauer, Hans 1936 1 item Box 1

    Beadle, George W. 1961-1972 11 items Box 1

    Beardmore, John A. 1962 17 items Box 1

    Bearn, Alexander G. n.d. 1 item Box 1

    Begon, Michael 1974-1976 4 items Box 1

    Behavior Genetics Association 1972-1973 5 folders Box 1

    Folder 1 1972-1973 19 items Box 1

    Folder 2 1972-1973 8 items Box 1

    Folder 3 1972-1973 9 items Box 1

    Folder 4 1973 6 items Box 1

    Folder 5 1973 6 items Box 1

    Belgovsky, 1930 1 item Box 1

    Beliaev, D. C. 1975 1 item Box 1

    Bell, Michael A. 1973-1975 11 items Box 1

    Beltran, Enrique 1958 1 item Box 1

    Bennett, Dorothea 1974-1975 4 items Box 1

    Bennett, H. Stanley 1961 1 item Box 1

    Bennett, William E. 1975 2 items Box 1

    Benoit, Jaques 1961 2 items Box 1

    Benzer, Seymour 1969 6 items Box 1

    Berg, L. S. 1935 1 item Box 1

    Berg, Paul 1969-1970 2 items Box 1

    Berg, V. 1969 1 item Box 1

    Berlin, Sir Isaiah 1970 6 items Box 1

    Bibliography n.d. 12 folders Box 2

    Folder 1 n.d. 4 items Box 2

    Folder 2 n.d. 2 items Box 2

    Folder 3 n.d. 2 items Box 2

    Folder 4 n.d. 1 item Box 2

    Folder 5 n.d. 1 item Box 2

    Folder 6 n.d. 7 items Box 2

    Folder 7 n.d. 1 item Box 2

    Folder 8 n.d. 4 items Box 2

    Folder 9 n.d. 5 items Box 2

    Folder 10 n.d. 1 item Box 2

    Folder 11 n.d. 5 items Box 2

    Folder 12 n.d. 1 item Box 2

    Bijou, Sidney W. 1970 1 item Box 2

    Bingham, Ronald H. 1972 1 item Box 2

    Biography 1973 1 item Box 2

    Birch L. Charles 1961-1975 37 items Box 2

    Birch, L.C., Review: The Biology of ultimate concern. n.d. 1 item Box 2

    Bird, Christopher 1975 2 items Box 2

    Birdsell, Joseph B . 1970-1971 2 items Box 2

    Biswas, P. C. 1973 1 item Box 2

    Blackwell Scientific Publications 1971 2 items Box 2

    Blair, W. Frank 1972 1 item Box 2

    Blitzer, Leon 1973 2 items Box 2

    Blyakher, Blacher 1972 1 item Box 2

    Boardman, Harry 1974-1975 2 folders Box 2

    Folder 1 1975 2 items Box 2

    Folder 2 1974-1975 1 item Box 2

    Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. 1972 1 item Box 2

    Bock, Carl 1974 1 item Box 2

    Bock, R. Darrell 1972 1 item Box 2

    Boerger, Mark 1972 2 items Box 2

    Boesiger, Ernest 1973-1975 4 folders Box 2

    Folder 1 1973 6 items Box 2

    Folder 2 1973-1974 8 items Box 2

    Folder 3 1974 15 items Box 2

    Folder 4 1975 21 items Box 2

    Bogart, James P. 1971 1 item Box 2

    Bogart Ralph 1973 1 item Box 2

    Book reviews 1938-1972 3 folders Box 2

    Folder 1 1971-1972 24 items Box 2

    Folder 2 1942-1962 18 items Box 2

    Folder 3 1938-1972 80 items Box 2

    Bose, Normal Kumar 1962 1 item Box 2

    Boslooper, Thomas 1975 1 item Box 2

    Boucot, Arthur J. 1975 3 items Box 2

    Boughey, A. 1970 2 items Box 2

    Bowman, Barbara H. 1973 1 item Box 2

    Bowman, Robert I. 1961-1962 2 items Box 2

    Boyd, William C. 1970-1973 3 items Box 2

    Bradshaw, A. D. 1969-1971 3 items Box 2

    Braidwood, Robert J. 1961 1 item Box 2

    Brauer, Jerald C. 1970 2 items Box 2

    Braver, Gerald 1971 2 items Box 2

    Brazil 1973 2 folders Box 2

    Folder 1 1973 22 items Box 2

    Folder 2 1973 1 item Box 2

    Braziller, George, Inc. 1974 6 items Box 2

    Breitenbach, Robert P. 1973 1 item Box 2

    Breitenbuch, Bernd von, Jr. 1972 2 items Box 2

    Bridges, Calvin B. 1931 2 items Box 2

    Brieger, F. G. 1970 1 item Box 2

    Briggs, Robert W. 1970 2 items Box 2

    British Broadcasting Company 1972-1975 12 items Box 2

    Broadhurst, Peter L. 1972 1 item Box 2

    Bronk, Detlev W. 1960-1970 7 items Box 2

    Brown, Sanborn C. 1974 7 items Box 2

    Bronowski, Jacob 1970 2 items Box 2

    Brncic, Danko 1962-1975 13 items Box 2

    Brumbach, Roger A. 1975 2 items Box 2

    Brune, Arno 1974 1 item Box 2

    Bryson Vernon 1962 1 item Box 2

    Burg Wartenstein Conference ca. 1972 1 item Box 3

    Burgers, J. M. 1961 1 item Box 3

    Burgers, Mrs. L. 1974 2 items Box 3

    Burhoe, Ralph W. 1970-1974 2 folders Box 3

    Folder 1 1970 15 items Box 3

    Folder 2 1972-1974 14 items Box 3

    Burla, U. 1962 1 item Box 3

    Bush Donald F. 1972 1 item Box 3

    Bush, Vannevar 1939-1940 2 items Box 3

    Butler, K. S. 1971 2 items Box 3

    Butler, Nicholas Murray 1944 2 items Box 3

    Buzzati-Traverso, Adriano A. 1935-1962 2 items Box 3

    Callahan, Daniel 1973-1975 2 items Box 3

    Camargo, Felisberto C. 1936 1 item Box 3

    Campbell, Bernard 1968-1975 9 items Box 3

    Campbell, Donald T. 1972-1975 2 folders Box 3

    Folder 1 1972-1975 3 items Box 3

    Folder 2 1975 3 items Box 3

    Camper, N. Dwight 1969 1 item Box 3

    Canadian Journal of Zoology 1975 2 items Box 3

    Canfield, Cass, Jr. 1961 1 item Box 3

    Cappelletti, Vincenzo 1975 4 items Box 3

    Carducci-Artenisio, Reine 1970 1 item Box 3

    Carey, Jack C. 1973 2 items Box 3

    Carlson, Albert D. 1970-1971 1 item Box 3

    Carlson, Elof Axel 1973 1 item Box 3

    Carlson, William D. 1971 1 item Box 3

    Carothers, J. Edward 1971-1974 5 items Box 3

    Carron, Malcolm 1974 3 items Box 3

    Carson, Hampton L. 1970-1975 5 folders Box 3

    Folder 1 1970-1972 17 items Box 3

    Folder 2 1973 9 items Box 3

    Folder 3 1973 5 items Box 3

    Folder 4 1974 4 items Box 3

    Folder 5 1975 9 items Box 3

    Carter, Jack L. 1972 2 items Box 3

    Caspari, Ernst W. 1970-1975 3 items Box 3

    Castle, William E. 1933 1 item Box 3

    Castri, Francesco di 1970-1971 2 items Box 3

    Catchside, D. G. 1971 5 items Box 3

    Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. 1970-1972 5 items Box 3

    Chase, Herman B. 1970-1971 2 items Box 3

    Chaudhuri, R. 1973 1 item Box 3

    Cheney, Brainerd 1971 1 item Box 3

    Chipman, Robert K. 1972 2 items Box 3

    "Chromosomal" 1973 2 items Box 3

    Clarendon Press 1971-1974 7 items Box 3

    Clarke, A. S. 1974 1 item Box 3

    Clarke, Bryan 1970 1 item Box 3

    Clarkson College of Technology 1965 1 item Box 3

    Clausen, Jens 1969 1 item Box 3

    Cleffmann, G. 1975 1 item Box 3

    Cobb, John B . Jr. 1972-1974 9 items Box 3

    Cock, Alan G. 1975 4 items Box 3

    Cockerell, Theo D. A. 1932-1937 4 items Box 3

    Coe, Mrs. Michael D. 1959-1962 8 items Box 3

    Cohen, Barry Mendel 1975 1 item Box 3

    Cohen, Bernice H. 1970 1 item Box 3

    Cohen, Chana Malogolowkov 1970 2 items Box 3

    Cohen, Mortimer Theodore 1971 1 item Box 3

    Cohn, Bradford 1973 1 item Box 3

    Coleman, John R. 1973 3 items Box 3

    College of Wooster 1945 2 items Box 3

    Collias, Nicholas E. 1973 2 items Box 3

    Colloque Mondial Biologie et Devenir de l'Homme 1973-1974 10 items Box 3

    Colombera, Dario 1973 1 item Box 3

    Colorado State University 1973 1 item Box 3

    Columbia Today 1975 1 item Box 3

    Columbia University 1949-1962 3 items Box 3

    Columbia University. Dept. of Zoology 1962 1 item Box 3

    Columbia University Press 1961-1975 19 items Box 3

    Coluzzi, Mario 1972 5 items Box 3

    Comas, Juan 1971 1 item Box 3

    Commentary 1974 4 items Box 3

    Commoner, Barry 1970 2 items Box 3

    Coon Carleton S. 1962-1975 2 items Box 3

    Cooper. Christopher J. 1972 1 item Box 3

    Corbiere, H. 1969 1 item Box 3

    Cordeiro, Antonio R. 1967-1973 7 items Box 3

    Cordón, F. 1962 1 item Box 3

    Corfman, Philip A. 1973 4 items Box 3

    Cornell University Press 1974 1 item Box 3

    Corning, Peter A. 1973-1974 4 items Box 3

    Corson, David W. 1974-1975 3 items Box 3

    Cory, Lawrence 1969-1971 13 items Box 3

    Coward-McCann, Inc, Publishers 1970 1 item Box 3

    Crackpot letters 1970-1974 3 folders Box 3

    Folder 1 1973-1975 8 items Box 3

    Folder 2 1971-1972 6 items Box 3

    Folder 3 1970-1975 15 items Box 3

    Crandell, Merrell E. 1971 2 items Box 3

    Cravdns, Hamilton 1972 3 items Box 3

    Crawford, M. H. 1970 2 items Box 3

    Creed, E. Robert 1970-1974 8 items Box 3

    CRM Books 1974 1 item Box 3

    Crow, James F. 1961-1972 2 folders Box 3

    Folder 1 1970-1972 8 items Box 3

    Folder 2 1961-1962 7 items Box 3

    Crowell, Thomas Y., Company 1974 1 item Box 3

    Cruise, John 1970 1 item Box 3

    Crumpacker, David Wilson 1969-1975 2 folders Box 3

    Folder 1 1975 13 items Box 3

    Folder 2 1968-1970 12 items Box 3

    Crutchfield, Richard S. 1971 1 item Box 3

    Cuenca, Carlos Luis de 1975 3 items Box 3

    Cullen, Joseph W. 1971 3 items Box 3

    Cunha, Antonio B da 1962-1975 18 items Box 3

    Current Anthropology Journal 1973 2 items Box 3

    Daeley, John 1970 2 items Box 4

    Dane, Albert E. 1974 1 item Box 4

    Dansereau, Pierre 1968 2 items Box 4

    Darlington, Cyril D. 1933-1974 6 items Box 4

    Darwin, Charles Robert 1958-1959 2 items Box 4

    Dausset, Jean 1971 1 item Box 4

    Davenport, Demorest 1970-1975 5 items Box 4

    Davenport, John W. 1970 4 items Box 4

    David, Edward E., Jr 1972 2 items Box 4

    David, Jean 1974-1975 2 items Box 4

    Davidheiser, Bolton 1975 12 items Box 4

    Davis, Bernard D. 1970-1974 1 item Box 4

    Davis, Fred 1973 8 items Box 4

    Davis, Kingsley 1970 1 item Box 4

    Davitashvili, 1966-1969 6 items Box 4

    Dawood, Mahoud 1971 3 items Box 4

    Dawson, Peter S. 1970-1973 2 items Box 4

    DeFries, John C. 1970-1972 3 items Box 4

    DeGaray, Alfonso Leon 1970-1975 4 folders Box 4

    Folder 1 1970-1971 2 items Box 4

    Folder 2 1971-1974 8 items Box 4

    Folder 3 1975 16 items Box 4

    Folder 4 1975 5 items Box 4

    Delden, W. V. 1970 2 items Box 4

    Delsol, Michel 1974 1 item Box 4

    Demrec Milislav 1936-1939 7 items Box 4

    Dempster, Everett 1970 3 items Box 4

    DaMurtas, A. 1972 3 items Box 4

    Dessauer, Herbert 1974-1975 2 items Box 4

    Dethier, Vincent G 1970 2 items Box 4

    Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina 1970 2 items Box 4

    DeVore, Irven 1970-1971 8 items Box 4

    Dewey, Maynard M. 1970-1973 2 items Box 4

    DeWit, J. J. Duyvené 1964 1 item Box 4

    Deinstman, Steven R 1970 2 items Box 4

    Dillé, John E. 1973 2 items Box 4

    Dimond, Stuart J. ca.1976 1 item Box 4

    Dingle, Hugh 1971 3 items Box 4

    Diplomas 8 items Box 4

    Dische, Zacharias 1973 1 item Box 4

    Ditfurth, Hoimar von 1973 2 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Are Men Born Unequal After All? 1970 1 item Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Autogiographical Note n.d. 1 item Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Belem do Para 1952 3 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Catholicity and Mission to the World n.d. 2 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Cedrus Libani 1956 3 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Columbia's Pacific Outlet 1958 5 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Concerning holes in academic gowns 1953 3 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Condor's feathers 1956 2 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Crisis of Soviet Biology 1954 2 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Crumbs from the table of Mr. Ford 1952 1 item Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Darkness in the Forest 1958 3 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Equator in the back yard 1952(?) 4 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Faces of Shiva 1960 2 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Finis Terrae 1956 2 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Guests Behaving Inconveniently Shall Be Asked to Leave the Hotel Immediately 1955 1 item Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., In the Bulge 1955 1 item Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Indonesia 1960 1 item Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Land of the Flatheads 1956 2 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Land of Friendly Cannibals 1960 1 item Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Mendelismus, Darwinismus und Evolutionismus 1967 1 item Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Personal 1973-1974 3 folders Box 4

    Folder 1 1973-1974 18 items Box 4

    Folder 2 1974 11 items Box 4

    Folder 3 1974 3 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Peru and the Andes 1955 1 item Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Photographs, etc. 1975 18 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Population Genetics of Mexican Drosophila 1975 1 item Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Revolution Brazilian style 1955 3 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Strangling Fig Trees 2 items Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., The Sweet River 1952 1 item Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Three Crowded Days in the Holy Land 1956 1 item Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Validity of the Gene Theory n.d. 1 item Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Venture that nearly failed 1952 1 item Box 4

    Dobzhansky, T., Where tourists never come, 1952 6 items Box 4

    Dodson, Edward O. 1971-1973 5 items Box 4

    Dolhinow, Phyllis 1971 2 items Box 4

    Dornfeld, Ernest 1970 2 items Box 4

    Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Inc. 1973 6 items Box 4

    Doxiadis 1971 2 items Box 4

    Doyden, John P 1975 1 item Box 4

    Dragan, M. 1974 2 items Box 4

    Dronamraju, K R. 1970-1971 2 items Box 4

    Druger, Marvin 1970-1973 10 items Box 4

    Dubinin, Nikolai Petrovich ca. 1968 3 folders Box 4

    Folder 1 1967-1969 7 items Box 4

    Folder 2 1936 1 item Box 4

    Folder 3 1936 1 item Box 4

    Duchrow, Ulrich 1970 1 item Box 4

    Duckett, Jeanie 1972 1 item Box 4

    Dunn, G. M. 1974 2 items Box 4

    Dunn, Leslie Clarence 1936-1974 3 folders Box 4

    Folder 1 1974 1 item Box

    Folder 2 1961 6 items Box

    Folder 3 1936-1940 11 items Box

    Dunn, Louise 1974-1975 11 items Box 4

    Dutton, E. P., and Company, Inc. 1970-1972 7 items Box 4

    Dyson Hudson, Rada 1970-1974 7 items Box 4

    Easton, Michael 1973 2 items Box 5

    Ebling, F. J. 1974 3 items Box 5

    Eccles, John C. 1970-1973 6 items Box 5

    Eckhardt, Robert B 1972 1 item Box 5

    Eckland, Bruce K. 1970-1974 12 items Box 5

    Eckstrand, Irene Anne 1974-1975 2 items Box 5

    Ecology Center Communications Council 1971 2 items Box 5

    Editora Pedagóga e Universitária Ltda 1975 1 item Box 5

    Edizioni Scientifiche e Tecniche, Mondadori 1970-1972 6 items Box 5

    Edlin, Gordon n.d. 1 item Box 5

    Edwards, A. W. F. 1972 2 items Box 5

    Edwards, Marvin L 1970 2 items Box 5

    Egyptian Journal of Genetics and Cytology 1971 1 item Box 5

    Ehrlich, Paul R. 1970-1971 2 items Box 5

    Ehrman, Lee Rothschild 1971-1976 3 folders Box 5

    Folder 1 1971-1972 7 items Box 5

    Folder 2 1972-1973 11 items Box 5

    Folder 3 1974-1976 6 items Box 5

    Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. 1974 2 items Box 5

    Eiseley, Loren 1972-1973 3 items Box 5

    Eisner, Thomas 1972 2 items Box 5

    Elens, A. I. 1970 1 item Box 5

    Elliot, Pamela 1971 1 item Box 5

    Elovson, Jo 1971 2 items Box 5

    Elston, Robert C 1972 1 item Box 5

    EMBO Workshop on Molecular Evolution 1974 12 items Box 5

    Emboden, William A. 1975 2 items Box 5

    Emerson, Alfred E. 1961-1962 2 items Box 5

    Encyclopedia Americana 1970-1971 2 items Box 5

    Encyclopaedia Britannica 1971-1974 7 items Box 5

    Encyclopaedia of the Puture 1973 2 items Box 5

    Encyclopedia Universalis 1972 1 item Box 5

    Endler John A. 1973 1 item Box 5

    Epling, Carl ca. 1963 3 items Box 5

    Erasmus, Charles J. 1974 1 item Box 5

    Erlenmeyer-Kimling, L. 1972-1975 3 items Box 5

    Estrada, Rodolfo Felix

    See Félix Estrada, Rodolfo

    Evans, E. Burke 1972 4 items Box 5

    Evolution (periodical) 1970-1975 12 items Box 5

    Evolution (book) 1973-1975 2 items Box 5

    Evolution Protest Movement 1961 1 item Box 5

    Evolutionary Biology 1967-1975 19 folders Box 5

    Folder 1 1967-1970 13 items Box 5

    Folder 2 1970 15 items Box 5

    Folder 3 1971 - 1972 19 items Box 5

    Folder 4 1972 13 items Box 5

    Folder 5 1972 17 items Box 5

    Folder 6 1972 2 items Box 5

    Folder 7 1972 1 item Box 5

    Folder 8 1972 1 item Box 5

    Folder 9 1972 14 items Box 5

    Folder 10 1973 14 items Box 5

    Folder 11 1973 20 items Box 5

    Folder 12 1973 14 items Box 5

    Folder 13 1973 14 items Box 5

    Folder 14 1974 14 items Box 5

    Folder 15 1974 17 items Box 5

    Folder 16 1974 27 items Box 5

    Folder 17 1974-1975 18 items Box 5

    Folder 18 1975 19 items Box 5

    Folder 19 1975 26 items Box 5

    Ewan, Joseph 1972 2 items Box 5

    Ewing, Arthur W. 1970 2 items Box 5

    Falek, Arthur 1971 1 item Box 5

    Falk, Raphael 1972 2 items Box 5

    Farber, Geraldine 1971-1973 2 items Box 5

    Farber, Seymour M 1971-1972 4 items Box 5

    Farmer, W. W. 1962 1 item Box 5

    Feldman, Jerry 1971 2 items Box 5

    Félix Estrada, Rodolfo 1961-1975 2 folders Box 5

    Folder 1 1973, 1975 9 items Box 5

    Folder 2 1975 8 items Box 5

    Fennell, Daniel J. 1970-1971 4 items Box 5

    Ferguson, Anthony 1974 2 items Box 5

    Field, Andrew 1970-1971 2 items Box 5

    Filipchenko, Yurii Aleksandrovich 1927-1930 4 folders Box 5

    Folder 1 1929 11 items Box 5

    Folder 2 1928 13 items Box 5

    Folder 3 1928 5 items Box 5

    Folder 4 1928 9 items Box 5

    Fisher, A. M., Jr. 1970 5 items Box 6

    Fisher, F. J. F. 1971 4 items Box 6

    Fisher, P. J. 1970 2 items Box 6

    Fisher, R. B., Jr. 1973 3 items Box 6

    Fitch, Walter M. 1970 1 item Box 6

    Fleming, Joyce Dudley 1973 2 items Box 6

    Fontdenla, Antonio 1974 1 item Box 6

    Forcey, Robert M. 1969 1 item Box 6

    Ford, C. E. 1971 2 items Box 6

    Ford, Donald C. 1972 1 item Box 6

    Ford, E. B. 1961-1975 4 folders Box 6

    Folder 1 1961-1962 10 items Box 6

    Folder 2 1970-1973 28 items Box 6

    Folder 3 1974 7 items Box 6

    Folder 4 1975 11 items Box 6

    FORGE (Fund of Overseas Research Grants and Education) 1970 2 items Box 6

    Fosberg, F. R. 1962 1 item Box 6

    Francoeur, Robert 1970 3 items Box 6

    Frankel, Otto H. 1961-1962 3 items Box 6

    Franklin, Esther 1974 2 items Box 6

    Franklin Institute 1973-1974 2 folders Box 6

    Folder 1 1973-1974 4 items Box 6

    Folder 2 1973 2 items Box 6

    Fraser, Alexander S. 1962-1970 5 items Box 6

    Fraser, G. R. 1975 2 items Box 6

    Freeman; Derek 1970-1972 6 items Box 6

    Freeman, W. H. and Company 1975 6 items Box 6

    Freeman, Walter J. 1971 2 items Box 6

    French C. Stacy 1971-1973 4 items Box 6

    Friedmann, Theodore 1974 2 items Box 6

    Fromn, Robert 1971 2 items Box 6

    Frota-Pessoa 1961 1 item Box 6

    Fu, Jack 1971 2 items Box 6

    Fugazy Travel Bureau, Inc. 1962 1 item Box 6

    Fuller, John L. 1972-1973 2 items Box 6

    Fundaçao Calouste Gulbenkian 1972 1 item Box 6

    Futch, David G. 1972 2 items Box 6

    Futurology -- Geneva 1975 1 item Box 6

    Gabrielian, Armen 1970 3 items Box 6

    Galpersne, Ch. 1974 1 item Box 6

    Gaman, Barbara 1969 1 item Box 6

    Ganesan, A. T. 1974 2 items Box 6

    Gantt, W. H. 1971 2 items Box 6

    Ganz, Aaron 1962 1 item Box 6

    Garcia, John David 1971-1972 4 items Box 6

    Gardelli, Raul N. 1970 2 items Box 6

    Garn, Stanley M. 1962-1970 2 items Box 6

    Garrelts, J. M. 1970 2 items Box 6

    Gasser, Herbert S. 1936 1 item Box 6

    Gause, G. 1970 1 item Box 6

    Gaustad, John E. 1972 3 items Box 6

    Geiger, H. H. 1973 2 items Box 6

    Genetic endowment and environment in the determination of behavior 1971 1 item Box 6

    Genetics (periodical) 1962 1 item Box 6

    Genetics Society of America 1 item Box 6

    Geneves, Santiago 1970-1975 5 items Box 6

    Georgievsky, A. B. 1975 4 items Box 6

    Geren, Preston ca.1972 2 items Box 6

    Gerking, Shelby 1973 1 item Box 6

    Ghent, Arthur W. 1962-1972 4 items Box 6

    Gianni, Ernesto 1972 1 item Box 6

    Gidari, Anthony S. 1970 1 item Box 6

    Giesel, James T. 1975 1 item Box 6

    Gilbert, G. M. 1971 2 items Box 6

    Gilbert, John J. 1975 1 item Box 6

    Gilbert, Larry 1 item Box 6

    Giles, Norman H 1972 1 item Box 6

    Gillham, Nicholas W. 1971 2 items Box 6

    Gillespie, E. C.

    See American Scientist (periodical)

    Gillette, H. M.

    See Rockefeller Foundation

    Gilmour, D. G. 1970 2 items Box 6

    Ginsberg, Benson E 1972-1974 2 items Box 6

    Glade, Richard W. 1973 1 item Box 6

    Glass, Bentley 1967-1972 2 items Box 6

    Globus, Gordon G. 1975 2 items Box 6

    Goddard, David R. 1975 1 item Box 6

    Goetz, Inge Steinvorth 1970 1 item Box 6

    Gogeizel, E. P. 3 items Box 6

    Gola, Hannswerfter 1971 1 item Box 6

    Gold, Albert

    See Rockefeller University

    Goldberg, Ivan K 1973 2 items Box 6

    Goldschmitt, Richard B. 1937-1940 2 items Box 6

    Golffing, Francis. 1962 2 items Box 6

    Goldbovsky, Mikail Davidovich 1972-1974 2 items Box 6

    Goodall, Jane 1972-1973 9 items Box 6

    Goodall, Varme 1973-1974 7 items Box 6

    Goodfield, June 1972 1 item Box 6

    Gordon, H. L. A. 1962 2 items Box 6

    Gorman, Teresa E. 1970 2 items Box 6

    Goswami, Usha 1975 2 items Box 6

    Gottesman, I. I. 1970-1971 7 items Box 6

    Gottlieb, Frederick J. 1972 1 item Box 6

    Goudge, P. A. 1973 1 item Box 6

    Gough, Harrison 1971-1972 5 items Box 6

    Gould, James A. 1971 3 items Box 6

    Gould, Stephen J. 1972 2 items Box 6

    Goy, Robert W. 1973-1975 6 items Box 6

    Gradmann, Hans 1972 2 items Box 6

    Graham, Loren 1971 3 items Box 6

    Grant, Peter R. 1975 3 items Box 6

    Grant, Verne 1970-1975 13 items Box 6

    Grant, Vernon W. 1974 1 item Box 6

    Graubard, Stephen R. 1974 3 items Box 6

    Great Ideas Today 1973-1974 13 items Box 6

    Grebecki, A. 1973 2 items Box 6

    Green, Christopher H. 1975 2 items Box 6

    Green, D. MacDonald 1970 4 items Box 6

    Green, M. M. 1970-1975 6 items Box 6

    Greene, John C. 1961-1969 17 items Box 6

    Greetings on 70th birthday 1969 6 folders Box 6

    Folder 1 1969 10 items Box 6

    Folder 2 1969 20 items Box 6

    Folder 3 1969 20 items Box 6

    Folder 4 1969 18 items Box 6

    Folder 5 1969 18 items Box 6

    Folder 6 1969 17 items Box 6

    Gregorovich, Andrew 1972-1974 1 item Box 6

    Grekulinski, Edmund 1971 2 items Box 6

    Grescitt, Lin 1975 1 item Box 6

    Griffin, David 1973-1974 5 items Box 6

    Griffin, Donald R 1970 4 items Box 6

    Griggs, Robert F. 1933 1 item Box 6

    Grimes, John V. 1975 4 items Box 6

    Grimm, Robert H. 1970-1971 5 items Box 6

    Grizzell, L. Anthony 1974 2 items Box 6

    Grobstein, Clifford 1970 1 item Box 6

    Gross, Paul R. 1973 3 items Box 6

    Grossfield, Joseph 1971-1973 7 items Box 6

    Grmek, M. D. 1969 3 items Box 6

    Guggenheim, John Simon, Memorial Foundation 1970-1974 4 items Box 7

    Gupte, Anand P. n.d. 1 item Box 7

    Gustafson, Perry 1972-1974 7 items Box 7

    Gustafsson, Ake 1969-1974 5 items Box 7

    Gutmann, James 1973-1975 16 items Box 7

    Gwilliam, G. F. 1973 2 items Box 7

    Haag, John 1973 1 item Box 7

    Haas, Peter 1974 1 item Box 7

    Haber, A. H. 1975 1 item Box 7

    Haidemenakis, G. D. 1971 1 item Box 7

    Haldane, J. B. S. 1961 3 items Box 7

    Hall, Thomas n.d. 1 item Box 7

    Halle, Louis J. 1974-1975 6 items Box 7

    Haller, John S., Jr. items Box 7

    Note: Item not found as of October 26, 2005

    Halsey, A. H. 1962 2 items Box 7

    Hamburg, David A. 1961-1974 20 items Box 7

    Hamburger, Viktor 1962 2 items Box 7

    Hamilton, Harold 1975 1 item Box 7

    Hamilton, John M. 1972-1973 4 items Box 7

    Hanks, George D. 1971 2 items Box 7

    Hanna, Eric 1975 1 item Box 7

    Hanson, Frank Blair 1934-1935 2 items Box 7

    Harbury, Henry A. 1970 3 items Box 7

    Hardin, Garrett 1971-1972 2 items Box 7

    Hardy, D. Elmo 1973 2 items Box 7

    Harland, S. C. 1933 1 item Box 7

    Harm, Walter 1972 1 item Box 7

    Harmon, N. Paul 1962 1 item Box 7

    Harper and Row, Publishers 1970 2 items Box 7

    Harris, Tom M. 1962 1 item Box 7

    Harrison, G. Ainsworth 1970-1975 9 items Box 7

    Hart, Benjamin L. 1975 4 items Box 7

    Harvard University 1962 1 item Box 7

    Harvard University Prather Lectures in Biology n.d. 1 item Box 7

    Harvard University Press 1961-1962 5 items Box 7

    Haskins, Caryl P. 1963-1974 5 items Box 7

    Hatch, Melville H. 1934 1 item Box 7

    Haury, Emil W. 1973 3 items Box 7

    Havender, William R. 1963-1975 2 folders Box 7

    Folder 1 1963-1975 2 items Box 7

    Folder 2 1975 3 items Box 7

    Hawkins, Tom 1972 1 item Box 7

    Hays, James D. 1971-1972 6 items Box 7

    Heath, Barbara, Honeyman 1971 1 item Box 7

    Heberer, Gerhard 1962-1971 2 items Box 7

    Hecht, Max K. 1970-1972 9 items Box 7

    Hecht, Stephen T. 1975 2 items Box 7

    Heed, William B. 1969-1973 4 items Box 7

    Heese, Wolfgang 1973-1975 3 items Box 7

    Hefner, Philip 1970 2 items Box 7

    Heim, Werner G. 1972-1973 8 items Box 7

    Hellenistic Society for Humanistic Studies. First International Symposiumj, Delphi 1969 2 items Box 7

    Henderson, Thomas Bain 1973 1 item Box 7

    Herrmann, Heinz 1971 1 item Box 7

    Hertz, Karl 1970 3 items Box 7

    Hiorns, Robert W. 1975 2 items Box 7

    Hirsch, Jerry 1961 4 items Box 7

    Hitch, Charles Johnston 1975 1 item Box 7

    Hoagland, Hudson 1971-1975 3 items Box 7

    Hobey, William D. 1972 2 items Box 7

    Hochstein, Lawrence I. 1974 1 item Box 7

    Hocking, B. 1970-1971 9 items Box 7

    Hodge, Ruth Patrick 1970-1975 4 items Box 7

    Hodgson, Edward S. 1969-1971 4 items Box 7

    Hoenigsberg, Hugo F. 1970-1971 8 items Box 7

    Hollaender, Alexander 1974 2 items Box 7

    Hollencamp, Charles 1973 2 items Box 7

    Holt, John V. van, Jr. 1961 1 item Box 7

    Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc 1970-1971 2 items Box 7

    Hook, Ernest B. 1974 4 items Box 7

    Hook, James 1974 2 items Box 7

    Horowitz, Norman H. 1974 2 items Box 7

    Horseman, H. G. 1972 1 item Box 7

    Houghton Mifflin Company 1971 2 items Box 7

    Howells, William White 1970-1971 3 items Box 7

    Hubby, John L. 1972 1 item Box 7

    Huether, Carl A. 1970 2 items Box 7

    Huffman, Donald M. 1969-1975 6 items Box 7

    Hulse, Frederick S. 1971 1 item Box 7

    Human Biology (Journal) 1975 1 item Box 7

    Hume, John C. 1971 2 items Box 7

    Hunter, Alice S. 1968-1975 14 items Box 7

    Hunziker, Juan H. 1969-1970 3 items Box 7

    Hutchison, Victor H. 1974 1 item Box 7

    Huxley, Julian S. 1938 1 item Box 7

    Imai, Midori 1972-1975 8 items Box 7

    Inamdar, N. B. 1970 1 item Box 7

    Ingle, Dwight J. 1972 3 items Box 7

    Institute for the study of Man in Africa 1975 4 items Box 7

    Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences 1971-1974 8 items Box 7

    International Association for Social Psychiatry 1973 2 items Box 7

    International Education Board 1927 6 items Box 7

    International Science Foundation 1970 2 items Box 7

    Invitations 1964 13 items Box 7

    Isik, Kani 1975 2 items Box 7

    Ives, Philip T. ca.1970 5 items Box 7

    Jackson, Ides 1972 1 item Box 7

    Jacquard, A. 1975 2 items Box 7

    Jain, Subodh K. 1970 1 item Box 7

    Jameson, David L. 1972-1974 10 items Box 7

    Jayakar, S. D. 1974 2 items Box 7

    Jeffery, Duane E. 1971-1975 5 items Box 7

    Jenkins, Iredell 1962 1 item Box 7

    Jensen, Arthur R. 1972-1975 2 folders Box 7

    Folder 1 1972-1973 7 items Box 7

    Folder 2 1973-1974 10 items Box 7

    Jensen, Tove S. 1975 3 items Box 7

    Jha, A. P. 1970-1975 20 items Box 7

    Joenike, John R. 1972 1 item Box 7

    John, Kenneth R. 1962 1 item Box 7

    Johnson, Ebba 1974 1 item Box 7

    Johnson, Frank M. 1974 1 item Box 7

    Johnson, George B. 1971 4 items Box 7

    Johnston, Shirley 1973 2 items Box 7

    Jones, Larry W. 1973 1 item Box 7

    Jones, Robert D. 1973 2 items Box 7

    Jones, Roger 1975 1 item Box 7

    Joravsky, David 1961 1 item Box 7

    Journal Club n.d. 1 item Box 7

    Journal of Heredity (periodical) 1962-1975 13 items Box 7

    Journal of Human Evolution 1970 2 items Box 7

    Journal of Molecular, Cellular and Behavioral Origins and Evolution 1975 2 items Box 7

    Judd, Burke H. 1970 6 items Box 7

    Jukes, Thomas H. 1969-1975 17 items Box 7

    Kadushin, Charles 1970 1 item Box 8

    Kalamazoo College 1966 2 items Box 8

    Kale, P. G. 1970 2 items Box 8

    Kalmus H. 1969 1 item Box 8

    Kambysellis, Michael P. 1970 1 item Box 8

    Kanaev, 1969-1974 6 items Box 8

    Kaplan, Arnold R. 1971 2 items Box 8

    Karavaev, V. 1935 2 items Box 8

    Kareev, Georgi 1928 1 item Box 8

    Karkalas, Elias 1970 2 items Box 8

    Karlin, Samuel 1975 1 item Box 8

    Karolyi, L. V. 1970 2 items Box 8

    Karpechenko, G. D. 1921 1 item Box 8

    Kass, Leon 1971-1973 6 items Box 8

    Kastritsis, Costas D. 1970-1973 17 items Box 8

    Katz, Solomon H. 1973 2 items Box 8

    Kenefick, D. G. 1975 1 item Box 8

    Kennedy, Joseph P, Jr., Foundation 1971-1973 17 items Box 8

    Kerkis, Julius 1920-1975 4 folders Box 8

    Folder 1 1920-1930 27 items Box 8

    Folder 2 1930-1931 19 items Box 8

    Folder 3 1969-1972 19 items Box 8

    Folder 4 1973-1975 17 items Box 8

    Kernaghan, R. Peter 1971-1973 5 items Box 8

    Kerr, Warwick Estevam 1970-1975 13 items Box 8

    Kershner, John R. 1972-1973 2 items Box 8

    Kessler, Seymour 1972-1973 2 items Box 8

    Kettlewell, H. B. D. 1970-1975 3 items Box 8

    Keyes, Frederick W. 1971 2 items Box 8

    Keys, Donald F. 1973 3 items Box 8

    Khailov, K. M. 1970-1974 9 items Box 8

    Kidwell, James F. 1971 1 item Box 8

    Kihara, H. 1970 2 items Box 8

    Kimball, R. F. 1971 1 item Box 8

    Kimball Makielski, Sally 1970 2 items Box 8

    King, Charles E. 1972 2 items Box 8

    King, Jack Lester 1972-1974 2 folders Box 8

    Folder 1 1970-1974 22 items Box 8

    Folder 2 1973-1976 2 items Box 8

    King, James R. 1972 3 items Box 8

    King, Robert C. 1971-1975 2 folders Box 8

    Folder 1 1971-1975 9 items Box 8

    Folder 2 1973 1 item Box 8

    Kinsey, Alfred C. 1936 1 item Box 8

    Kirichenko, A. N. 2 items Box 8

    Kirk, Dudley 1973 1 item Box 8

    Kirpichnikov, V. 1972-1974 1 item Box 8

    Kitagawa, Osamu 1969-1971 8 items Box 8

    Kitzmiller, James B. 1972-1974 3 items Box 8

    Klavins, John V. 1973 2 items Box 8

    Klein, Richard M. 1971 1 item Box 8

    Knapp, Byron H. 1970 2 items Box 8

    Kochanski 1969 1 item Box 8

    Koffler, Henry 1972 1 item Box 8

    Kohler, Richard C. 1973 2 items Box 8

    Kojima, Ken-ichi 1970-1971 5 items Box 8

    Koller, Pius Charles 1939-1972 4 items Box 8

    Kon, Mark A. 1 item Box 8

    Koref-Santibañez, Susi 1970-1974 14 items Box 8

    Korneev, Sergei G. 1963 1 item Box 8

    Kraft, R Wayne 1972 1 item Box 8

    Kreutzer, Richard D. 1974 2 items Box 8

    Knapp, W. 1975 1 item Box 8

    Krier, Timothy V. 1972 1 item Box 8

    Krimbas, Costa 1970-1975 11 items Box 8

    Krimbas, Costa B. and Spyros Tsakas: The Genetics of Dacus oleae ca.1969 1 item Box 8

    Kristiansen, Kristian ca.1957 1 item Box 8

    Kristof, Ladis K. D. 1973 1 item Box 8

    Krízenecky, Jaroslav 1961 1 item Box 8

    Kühn, Alfred 1961 1 item Box 8

    Kuhn, Barbara A. n.d. 2 items Box 8

    Kumamoto, Junji 1972 2 items Box 8

    Kunicki-Goldfinger, Weadyseaw 1974 3 items Box 8

    Kurth, G. 1975 3 items Box 8

    Kuspira, J. 1971 2 items Box 8

    Kuznicki, L. items Box 8

    Note: Item not found as of October 26, 2005

    Kvenvolden, Keith A. 1974 2 items Box 8

    Lämmel, E. 1975 1 item Box 8

    Lakhotia, S. C. 1972 2 items Box 8

    Lakovaara, Seppo 1970-1975 7 items Box 8

    Lamotte, Maxime 1969-1974 5 items Box 8

    Lanchester, Horace 1936 1 item Box 8

    Land, Barbara 1970-1973 16 items Box 8

    Landauer, Walter 1936 1 item Box 8

    Landers, Milton H. 1973 2 items Box 8

    Landis, Bernard 1970-1971 5 items Box 8

    Lang, Anton 1970 3 items Box 8

    Laszlo, Ervin 1970-1971 9 items Box 8

    Laughlin, William S. 1974 4 items Box 8

    Lavocat R. 1973 2 items Box 8

    Lawless, James G. 1974 2 items Box 8

    Layzer, David 1973-1975 3 items Box 8

    Leake, Chauncey 1972 1 item Box 8

    Leakey, L. S. B. Foundation 1973 2 items Box 8

    Leakey, R. E. 1971 1 item Box 8

    Lédoux, Andrée 1971 2 items Box 8

    Lee, Philip Randolph 1971 1 item Box 8

    Leikola, Anto 1971 1 item Box 8

    Leitner, Philip 1970 1 item Box 8

    Lejeune, Jérome 1970 1 item Box 8

    Le Manse, G. 1974 1 item Box 8

    Leopoldina Deutsche Akademie der Naturforacher 1970-1975 4 items Box 8

    Lepin, T. K. 1931 1 item Box 8

    Lerner, I. Michael 1970-1975 4 folders Box 8

    Folder 1 1970 19 items Box 8

    Folder 2 1970 12 items Box 8

    Folder 3 1970-1973 14 items Box 8

    Folder 4 1973 14 items Box 8

    Lestina, Letitia 1975 6 items Box 8

    Levene, Howard 1971 1 item Box 9

    Levey, David 1975 3 items Box 9

    Levin, Donald A. 1972-1974 5 items Box 9

    Levine, Louis 1973-1975 12 items Box 9

    Levins, Richard 1974 2 items Box 9

    Levit, M. M. 1930-1935 4 items Box 9

    Levitan, Max 1970-1971 3 items Box 9

    Levizky, G. 1930 1 item Box 9

    Lewis, E. B. 1974 1 item Box 9

    Lewis, Harlan 1972-1973 4 items Box 9

    Lewontin, R. C. 1961-1975 3 folders Box 9

    Folder 1 1961-1970 15 items Box 9

    Folder 2 1971-1973 17 items Box 9

    Folder 3 1974-1975 14 items Box 9

    Li, C. C. 1970 1 item Box 9

    Life (magazine) 1970 2 items Box 9

    Lindzey, Gardner 1971-1972 6 items Box 9

    Lippincott, William H. 1970-1972 10 items Box 9

    Ljubishev 1971 1 item Box 9

    Loehlin, John C. 1972-1973 3 items Box 9

    Löther, Rolf n.d. 1 item Box 9

    Loewenberg, Bert James 1970-1971 4 items Box 9

    Lofstrom, Bdward V. 1970 4 items Box 9

    Losada, Lewis David 1973 1 item Box 9

    Lowe, Charles H. 1970 1 item Box 9

    Lower, William R. 1970-1975 5 items Box 9

    Lowrey, George H 1973 1 item Box 9

    Ludwig, Robert 1972 1 item Box 9

    Luhmann, Dianne 1975 2 items Box 9

    Lundgren, D. G. 1968-1970 3 items Box 9

    Luria, Salvador E. 1970-1973 7 items Box 9

    Luria, Salvador E. Organic Biology 1969-1970 8 items Box 9

    McClearn, Gerald E. 1970-1972 3 items Box 9

    McCord, James I. 1971 2 items Box 9

    McDowell, Rebecca E. 1975 2 items Box 9

    MacFadyen, A. 1970 2 items Box 9

    McGill, Susan 1970 1 item Box 9

    McGreath, John C. 1970 2 items Box 9

    McGraw-Hill Book Company 1970-1972 6 items Box 9

    Machado, C. E. 1975 2 items Box 9

    McKusick, Victor A. 1969-1970 2 items Box 9

    McLachlan, Gordon A. 1974 2 items Box 9

    McLean, Donald D. 1974 1 item Box 9

    MacMillen, Richard 1972 1 item Box 9

    McNally, J. O. 1971 3 items Box 9

    McWhirter, Kennedy 1972 1 item Box 9

    Madden, Ward 1970-1971 13 items Box 9

    Maharishi European Research University 1975 items Box 9

    Mai Larry L. 1975 5 items Box 9

    Maillet, 1975 1 item Box 9

    Mainardi, Danilo 1974 1 item Box 9

    Malik, Kausar Sultana 1973 2 items Box 9

    Mallis, Donald 1971 2 items Box 9

    Malogolowkin-Cohen, Chana 1970-1975 3 folders Box 9

    Folder 1 1970-1974 6 items Box 9

    Folder 2 1974 15 items Box 9

    Folder 3 1975 13 items Box 9

    Man in the light of evolutionary biology, Lecture II-V ca.1970 1 item Box 9

    Man in the light of evolutionary biology, Lecture III ca.1970 1 item Box 9

    Man in the light of evolutionary biology, Lecture IV ca.1970 1 item Box 9

    Man in the light of evolutionary biology, Lecture V ca.1970 1 item Box 9

    Mandel, David 1973-1975 8 items Box 9

    Mankato State College 1973 2 items Box 9

    Manwell, Clyde 1970 1 item Box 9

    Margen, Sheldon 1975 2 items Box 9

    Margenau, Henry 1913 items Box 9

    Margulis, Lynn 1973 2 items Box 9

    Marinkovic, Dragoslav 1970-1975 13 items Box 9

    Markert, Clement L 1971 2 items Box 9

    Markow, Therese Ann 1974 2 items Box 9

    Marks, Louis S. 1971 1 item Box 9

    Marlies, Michael 1970 3 items Box 9

    Marshack, Alexander 1970-1971 5 items Box 9

    Martin, Joan 1974 2 items Box 9

    Martinovitch, Peter U. 1974-1975 1 item Box 9

    Masing, Rosa 1930 1 item Box 9

    Mason, Melynda 1975 1 item Box 9

    Massey, Gerald J. 1970 2 items Box 9

    Masson and Cie, S.A. 1970-1971 2 items Box 9

    Massopust. Thomas. 1974 4 items Box 9

    Mather, Kenneth 1970 1 item Box 9

    Mather, Wharton 1970-1975 5 items Box 9

    Mathieu, J. 1975-1976 2 items Box 9

    Matzinger, D. F. 1975 1 item Box 9

    Mavalwala, Jamshed 1971 2 items Box 9

    Mayr, Ernst 1960-1975 8 folders Box 9

    Folder 1 1960-1962 11 items Box 9

    Folder 2 1969-1971 10 items Box 9

    Folder 3 1972-1974 18 items Box 9

    Folder 4 1974 12 items Box 9

    Folder 5 1974 8 items Box 9

    Folder 6 1974 18 items Box 9

    Folder 7 n.d. 1 item Box 9

    Folder 8 n.d. 1 item Box 9

    Mead, Robert W. 1972 2 items Box 10

    Mears, James A. 1972 2 items Box 10

    Medem, Federico 1970 2 items Box 10

    Médioni, Jean 1974 1 item Box 10

    Medvedev, N. 1930-1975 17 items Box 10

    Medvedev, Zhores A. 1969-1972 3 folders Box 10

    Folder 1 1968-1969 14 items Box 10

    Folder 2 1969-1972 12 items Box 10

    Folder 3 1969 12 items Box 10

    Meinel, Werner 1975 2 items Box 10

    Mellen, Sydney 1975 2 items Box 10

    Membership materials 1976 3 items Box 10

    Menaker, Esther - Review: The Biology of Ultimate Concern n.d. 1 item Box 10

    Mendelian Society of Lund 1970 1 item Box 10

    Mendelsohn, Everett 1969 1 item Box 10

    Meredith, William M. 1972-1973 2 items Box 10

    Merrell David 1962 11 items Box 10

    Merriam, John Campbell 1937 2 items Box 10

    Merriam, John R. 1973 6 items Box 10

    Metz, Charles B. 1940-1962 2 items Box 10

    Meuron-Landolt, Monique de 1970 2 items Box 10

    Mexican trip 1938 3 folders Box 10

    Folder 1 1938 1 item Box 10

    Folder 2 1938 1 item Box 10

    Folder 3 1938 1 item Box 10

    Mexican trip 1974 2 folders Box 10

    Folder 1 1974 12 items Box 10

    Folder 2 1974 1 item Box 10

    Meyendorff, John 1971-1972 9 items Box 10

    Miglani, G. S. 1975 1 item Box 10

    Meyer, 1 item Box 10

    Meyer , Donald R. 1970 1 item Box 10

    Meyer, Merle E. 1973 2 items Box 10

    Mi, M. P. 1972 1 item Box 10

    Mihram, G. Arthur 1975 2 items Box 10

    Miller, Hal 1972 2 items Box 10

    Miller, Hugh 1962 1 item Box 10

    Mills, Loren F. 1970 3 items Box 10

    Millsaps, Knox 1966 1 item Box 10

    Miscellany 1973-1976 5 folders Box 10

    Folder 1 1963 10 items Box 10

    Folder 2 1937 8 items Box 10

    Folder 3 1961 8 items Box 10

    Folder 4 1961 8 items Box 10

    Folder 5 1976 7 items Box 10

    Mitchell, Lawrence C. 1962 1 item Box 10

    Mitton, Jeffry B. 1975 2 items Box 10

    Mohler, Dawson 1973-1974 2 items Box 10

    Mohr, Otto Lous 1938 1 item Box 10

    Monod, Jacques 1972 2 items Box 10

    Montagu, Ashley 1962-1974 1 item Box 10

    Montalenti, G. 1970-1972 4 items Box 10

    Moody, Paul A. 1962 1 item Box 10

    Mooney, Harold 1971 3 items Box 10

    Moore, Betty items Box 10

    Note: Item not found as of October 26, 2005

    Moore, John Alexander 1970-1975 2 folders Box 10

    Folder 1 1970-1975 5 items Box 10

    Folder 2 1972-1975 3 items Box 10

    Mora, Peter Tibor 1971 1 item Box 10

    Moree, Ray 1972 1 item Box 10

    Morgan, Lilian V. n.d. 1 item Box 10

    Morgan, Thomas Hunt 1927 2 items Box 10

    Moriwaki, Daigoro 1973-1975 7 items Box 10

    Morrish, Sandra 1975 1 item Box 10

    Mothes, Kurt 1971-1972 3 items Box 10

    Motulsky, Arno G. 1974 1 item Box 10

    Mourao, Celso 1970-1971 4 items Box 10

    MSS Educational Publishing Company 1970 1 item Box 10

    Müntzing, Arne 1970-1974 1 item Box 10

    Mukherjee, R 1970 1 item Box 10

    Mullahy, John H. 1970 1 item Box 10

    Muller, H. J. 1962 1 item Box 10

    Murca Pires, Joad 1971 2 items Box 10

    Muziegin, Oleg 1927 1 item Box 10

    Nabokov, Vladimir 1954 1 item Box 10

    Nalepka, Wolfgang 1971 2 items Box 10

    National Academy of Sciences 1970-1975 4 folders Box 10

    Folder 1 1970-1975 10 items Box 10

    Folder 2 1975 14 items Box 10

    Folder 3 1974 3 items Box 10

    Folder 4 1971-1974 15 items Box 10

    National Council for the Social Studies 1971 2 items Box 10

    National Institutes of Health 1974-1975 1 item Box 10

    National Science Foundation 1969-1970 3 items Box 10

    National Science Teachers Association 1971 4 items Box 10

    Natural History 1972 1 item Box 10

    Nature 1970-1975 10 items Box 10

    Nazarov, V. I. 1975 2 items Box 10

    Neel, James V. 1970-1971 5 items Box 11

    Nevo, Eviatar 1974-1975 10 items Box 11

    New American Library of World Literature 1954-1970 4 items Box 11

    New York Entomological Society 1970 1 item Box 11

    New York Times Book Review 1971-1973 4 items Box 11

    Newell, Norman D. 1973-1975 3 items Box 11

    Newspaper clippings 1937-1967 50 items Box 11

    Nilsson-Ehle, H. 1931 1 item Box 11

    Nogar, Raymond J. 1961-1962 3 items Box 11

    Noller, Harry F. 1974 5 items Box 11

    Nord, Walter 1970 2 items Box 11

    Norton, W.W., and Company 1970 1 item Box 11

    Notes n.d. 6 items Box 11

    Novitski, E. 1961 2 items Box 11

    Novojenov, 1966-1971 5 items Box 11

    Nowinski, Wiktor W. 1971-1972 2 items Box 11

    Oberlin College 1969 3 items Box 11

    Obrebski, Steven 1972 1 item Box 11

    Odegard, Holton P. 1970-1971 4 items Box 11

    Oglobin, A. n.d. 1 item Box 11

    Oliver, Jack E. 1969-1970 2 items Box 11

    Olson, David P. 1974 1 item Box 11

    Olson, Everett C. 1970 2 items Box 11

    Olvera, Ramírez Olga 1975 6 items Box 11

    Oliver, Charles G. 1972 3 items Box 11

    Olinger, Chauncey G. 1972 1 item Box 11

    O'Manique, John T. 1969 5 items Box 11

    Omenn, Gilbert S. 1971 1 item Box 11

    Organ, James A. 1973 3 items Box 11

    Oro, John 1973 1 item Box 11

    Ortega, Virgilio 1971 2 items Box 11

    Ortiz, Eugenio 1962 1 item Box 11

    Osborn, Frederick 1961-1974 7 items Box 11

    Osborne, Richard H. 1970-1973 6 items Box 11

    Osman, Florence 1961 1 item Box 11

    Otten, Charlotte M. 1972 2 items Box 11

    Otto, Gilbert F. 1971 3 items Box 11

    Padoa, Emanuele 1936 1 item Box 11

    Page, Ellis B. 1972 4 items Box 11

    Page, J. N. M. 1972 3 items Box 11

    Paik, Yong K. 1970-1972 6 items Box 11

    Painter, John H. 1970 1 item Box 11

    Pak, William L. 1970 2 items Box 11

    Palestrina, Andrea. 1970-1974 5 items Box 11

    Papers presented in honor of Dobzhansky's 70th birthday 1970 1 item Box 11

    Paris, Charles A. 1972 1 item Box 11

    Paris VII 1975 1 item Box 11

    Parisi, Paolo 1972 1 item Box 11

    Park, Thomas 1961 1 item Box 11

    Parker, Richard B. 1972 items Box 11

    Parry, D. Wynn 1970 1 item Box 11

    Parry, Renée-Marie 1970-1975 5 items Box 11

    Parsons, P. A. 1970-1973 9 items Box 11

    Parsons, Theran D. 1971-1972 2 items Box 11

    Pasteur, Georges 1970-1972 2 folders Box 11

    Folder 1 1970 5 items Box 11

    Folder 2 1972 13 items Box 11

    Paterniani, E. 1970 1 item Box 11

    Patterson, John Thomas 1936-1939 7 items Box 11

    Pattison, Joseph 1972 2 items Box 11

    Pattman, John 1970 2 items Box 11

    Paramonov, S. 1934-1935 2 items Box 11

    Parker, Richard B. 1970 2 items Box 11

    Pavan, C. 1956-1962 8 items Box 11

    Payne, John R. 1973 1 item Box 11

    Peacocks, Arthur 1972 1 item Box 11

    Pearson, Helen M. 1975 2 items Box 11

    Pearson, Woodring 1971 1 item Box 11

    Peissel, Jean Claude 1974 2 items Box 11

    Pellew, Caroline 1940 1 item Box 11

    Pentzo-Daponte, Athena 1971 2 items Box 11

    Perez-Salas, Santiago 1970-1974 10 items Box 11

    Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 1970-1975 17 items Box 11

    Peter, Marie Thérèse 1970-1971 3 items Box 11

    Peterson, Peter A. 1971-1972 2 items Box 11

    Petit, Claudine 1970-1975 2 folders Box 11

    Folder 1 1975 9 items Box 11

    Folder 2 1970-1974 15 items Box 11

    Pfaffman Carl 1970 1 item Box 11

    Phaidon Press, Ltd. 1973-1975 2 folders Box 11

    Folder 1 1973 9 items Box 11

    Folder 2 1975 13 items Box 11

    Phelphs, William H., Jr. 1969 4 items Box 11

    Phillpotts, James Surtees 1970 3 items Box 11

    Philosophy of Science 1970-1975 7 items Box 11

    Physical Anthropology: Man's Place in Nature 1972 14 items Box 11

    Piediscalzi, Nicholas 1972 1 item Box 11

    Pilbeam, David 1970-1971 5 items Box 11

    Pimentel, David 1972 3 items Box 11

    Pinevich, A. n.d. 1 item Box 11

    Pipkin, Sarah B. 1970 1 item Box 11

    Pisano, Michael A. 1974 2 items Box 11

    Pittendrigh, Colin S. 1970-1972 5 items Box 11

    Placid, Br. 1974 2 items Box 11

    Plyer, Daniel B. 1973 1 item Box 11

    Policansky, David 1970-1974 5 items Box 11

    Polivanov, Sergey 1970-1975 2 folders Box 11

    Folder 1 1974-1975 15 items Box 11

    Folder 2 1970-1974 6 items Box 11

    Pollitzer, William S. 1973 5 items Box 12

    Pontecorvo, G. 1970 1 item Box 12

    Popovici, Nicolae 1973 2 items Box 12

    Potapenko, G. 1969 2 items Box 12

    Poulson, Donald F. 1972 2 items Box 12

    Powell, Jeffrey R. 1970-1975 7 folders Box 12

    Folder 1 1972-1973 9 items Box 12

    Folder 2 1973-1974 6 items Box 12

    Folder 3 1974 13 items Box 12

    Folder 4 1974-1975 25 items Box 12

    Folder 5 1975 13 items Box 12

    Folder 6 n.d. 1 item Box 12

    Folder 7 1975 1 item Box 12

    Powelson, Elizabeth E. 1970-1971 4 items Box 12

    Prabhu, S. S. 1962 1 item Box 12

    Prakash, Satya 1970-1973 8 items Box 12

    Prance, Ghillean T. 1973-1975 4 items Box 12

    Prevosti, A. 1974 4 items Box 12

    Pringle, John W. S. 1971 5 items Box 12

    Prini, Pietro 1970 2 items Box 12

    Printed material ca. 1976 24 items Box 12

    Prosser, C. Ladd 1962 1 item Box 12

    Prout, Timothy 1972 2 items Box 12

    Provine, William 1974 4 items Box 12

    Pruxan, Anita 1975 3 items Box 12

    Psychological Abstracts 1972 2 items Box 12

    Psychology Today.. 1973-1974 4 items Box 12

    Punnett, R. C. 1935 1 item Box 12

    Pyati, Jagadeesh 1972 1 item Box 12

    Quarterly Review of Biology 1971-1975 10 items Box 12

    Quigley, Edward J. 1973 2 items Box 12

    Quinn, James H. 1973 1 item Box 12

    Ragland, Susan Garbini 1972 1 item Box 12

    Rajasekarasetty, M. 1972 3 items Box 12

    Rasmusen, B. A. 1974 3 items Box 12

    Raven, Peter H. 1973-1974 2 items Box 12

    Ray, James D., Jr. 1972 2 items Box 12

    Ray-Chaudhuri, S. 1970-1971 2 items Box 12

    Rayner, S. A. 1970-1975 12 items Box 12

    Rebert Charles S. 1971 2 items Box 12

    Redden, David R. 1973 1 item Box 12

    Reed, Edward 1975 1 item Box 12

    Reich, Warren T. 1975 2 items Box 12

    Reichel-Dolmatoff, Geraldo 1969 1 item Box 12

    Reitmeister, Louis A. 1970 3 items Box 12

    Remington, Charles L. 1971 3 items Box 12

    Rensch, Bernhard 1970-1975 3 items Box 12

    Reprint mailing list 1971 1 item Box 12

    Reynolds, John H. 1973 1 item Box 12

    Reynolds, Peter C. 1970-1974 3 items Box 12

    Rhoades, Donald H. 1974 5 items Box 12

    Richard, G. 1975 2 items Box 12

    Richards, Jim 3 items Box 12

    Richardson, Ralph W. 1973 3 items Box 12

    Richardson, Richard H. 1970-1973 3 items Box 12

    Richmond, Charles 1973 3 items Box 12

    Richmond, Rollin C. 1970-1975 8 folders Box 12

    Folder 1 1970-1971 5 items Box 12

    Folder 2 1971-1972 12 items Box 12

    Folder 3 1973 22 items Box 12

    Folder 4 1973 14 items Box 12

    Folder 5 1973 10 items Box 12

    Folder 6 1975 1 item Box 12

    Folder 7 1975 2 items Box 12

    Folder 8 1975 3 items Box 12

    Richter, Curt 1962 1 item Box 12

    Riggan, George A. 1972 1 item Box 12

    Riggs, Arad 1970 1 item Box 12

    Rimsky-Korsakov, M. 1934 2 items Box 12

    Ringo, John M. 1973-1974 3 items Box 12

    Rio-Jelliffel, R. 1971-1972 6 items Box 12

    Roberts, H. Radclyffe 1970-1971 8 items Box 12

    Robertson, Alan 1971 2 items Box 12

    Robertson, Forbes W. 1970 2 items Box 12

    Robinson, David 1971-1972 2 items Box 12

    Rockefeller Foundation 1934-1974 2 folders Box 12

    Folder 1 1973 9 items Box 12

    Folder 2 1934 1 item Box 12

    Rockefeller University 1967-1971 2 folders Box 12

    Folder 1 1971 1 item Box 12

    Folder 2 1967-1970 2 items Box 12

    Rockwell, Robert 1970-1974 5 items Box 12

    Root, Roscoe B. 1973 2 items Box 12

    Rosenzweig, M. L. 1974 1 item Box 12

    Rothchild, Miriam Lane 1971 2 items Box 12

    Rothen, Alexandre 1970 1 item Box 12

    Roy, Rustum 1971 2 items Box 12

    Royal Anthropological Institute 1970 1 item Box 12

    Royal Entomological Society of London 1961 2 items Box 12

    Royal Society of London 1971 1 item Box 12

    Roze, J. Arnold 1975 2 items Box 12

    Ruben, Laurens N. 1973-1974 2 items Box 12

    Rudkin, George T. 1971 1 item Box 12

    Ruffie, Jacques 1971-1975 8 items Box 12

    Rush, Kenneth 1975 2 items Box 12

    Sagan, Carl 1971 2 items Box 12

    Salceda, Victor Manuel 1973-1975 2 folders Box 12

    Folder 1 1974-1975 9 items Box 12

    Folder 2 1973 4 items Box 12

    Sargent, Theodore D. 1974 2 items Box 12

    Sanday, Peggy R. n.d. 1 item Box 12

    Sanderson, K. E. 1971 3 items Box 12

    Sanghri, Lalit D. 1970 2 items Box 12

    Sankaranarayanan, K. 1971 1 item Box 12

    Saura, Anssi 1972-1974 1 item Box 12

    Savostin, Peter 1970 1 item Box 12

    Scarr-Salapatek, Sandra 1973-1975 2 folders Box 12

    Folder 1 1975 11 items Box 12

    Folder 2 1973-1975 5 items Box 12

    Schaffer, Henry E. 1972 2 items Box 12

    Scharloo, W. 1974 4 items Box 12

    Scheer, Bradley T. 1975 2 items Box 12

    Scheffler, Harold W. 1974 2 items Box 12

    Scheinfeld, Amram 1963-1973 2 items Box 12

    Schimke, Robert T. 1970-1971 3 items Box 12

    Schindler, Dali 1971 1 item Box 12

    Schmalhausen, I. I. 1930 1 item Box 12

    Schmemann, Alexander 1971 2 items Box 12

    Schmitt, Francis O. 1971 3 items Box 12

    Schmitz-Moorman, Karl 1971 2 items Box 12

    Schnell, F. W. 1970 1 item Box 12

    Schocken Books Inc. 1974 2 items Box 12

    Schrader, Franz 1933-1940 14 items Box 12

    Schreiber, M. 1970-1971 3 items Box 12

    Schulzer, Michael 1971 2 items Box 12

    Schwarz, A. L. 1968-1973 3 items Box 12

    Schwartz, Alan W. 1972 3 items Box 12

    Schweber, Miriam Schurin 1974 2 items Box 12

    Science (periodical) 1971-1974 8 items Box 13

    Science Year 1969-1970 8 items Box 13

    Scientia 1970 2 items Box 13

    Scossiroli, R. 1972 2 items Box 13

    Scott, J. P. 1972 2 items Box 13

    Scowcroft, W. R. 1971 4 items Box 13

    Scribners, Charles, Sons 1965-1971 11 items Box 13

    Scudder, G. G. E. 1970-1971 7 items Box 13

    Sebastiani C., Federico L 1973 2 items Box 13

    Seeger, Raymond J. 1970 2 items Box 13

    Segal, Robert 1974 2 items Box 13

    Segre, Beniamino 1971 1 item Box 13

    Seiger, Marvin B. 1970 2 items Box 13

    Seitz, Frederick 1970-1971 2 items Box 13

    Selander, Robert K. 1973 3 items Box 13

    Serebrowsky, A. S. 1 item Box 13

    Sessions, George 1974-1975 6 items Box 13

    VII Congreso Cientifico Americano 1935-1938 3 items Box 13

    Seyffert, W 1970 2 items Box 13

    Shack, William A. 1972 2 items Box 13

    Shackman, Arthur O. n.d. 1 item Box 13

    Sheldon, Bruce L. 1961 1 item Box 13

    Sheldon, Eleanor Bernert 1972 2 items Box 13

    Sheppard, Phillip M. 1961-1971 4 items Box 13

    Shiekh, El Shiekh Mohamed El 1975 2 items Box 13

    Shinn, Roger L. 1971-1974 4 items Box 13

    Shockley, William 1970 5 items Box 13

    Shropshire, W., Jr. 1971 3 items Box 13

    Shtohryn, Dmytro M. 1975 1 item Box 13

    Sigma Xi 1928-1962 1 item Box 13

    Sills, David L 1971 1 item Box 13

    Simon, Harold J. 1962 1 item Box 13

    Simon, Mike 1975 1 item Box 13

    Simons, Elwyn L. 1972 4 items Box 13

    Simpson, George Gaylord 1957-1974 2 folders Box 13

    Folder 1 1973-1974 17 items Box 13

    Folder 2 1975-1972 18 items Box 13

    Singer, Ronald 1970 3 items Box 13

    Singer, S. J. 1972 2 items Box 13

    Singh, Shri B. N. 1970 4 items Box 13

    Sioli, Harald 1970 3 items Box 13

    Siotis, Narcos 1969-1970 2 items Box 13

    Siverzev family n.d. 5 items Box 13

    Skolimowski, Henryk 1972 2 items Box 13

    Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1971 2 items Box 13

    Smedes, Lewis B. 1974 3 items Box 13

    Smirnov, E. 1969 1 item Box 13

    Smith, Emil L. 1973 1 item Box 13

    Smith, T. L. 1961 1 item Box 13

    Smith, Vincent E. 1971 2 items Box 13

    Smithsonian Institution 1961 1 item Box 13

    Sobelman, Max 1971 2 items Box 13

    Sobels, F. H. 1970-1974 5 items Box 13

    Society for the Study of Human Biology 1970-1975 2 items Box 13

    Society for the Study of Humane Genetic Applications 1973 3 items Box 13

    Sokal, Robert R 1972-1973 5 items Box 13

    Sokoloff, Alexander 1962-1970 4 items Box 13

    Solar, Eduardo del 1973-1974 7 items Box 13

    Solberg, Richard A. 1970 3 items Box 13

    Solmo, Eva 1 item Box 13

    Sondhi, K. C. 1971 2 items Box 13

    Sonneborn, Tracy M. 1968 1 item Box 13

    Sonnenblick, B. 1970 1 item Box 13

    Sorsa, Marja and Veikko 1971 1 item Box 13

    Souelé, Michael 1975 1 item Box 13

    Soyfer, V. N. 1971-1973 8 folders Box 13

    Folder 1 1971-1972 1 item Box 13

    Folder 2 1973-1975 5 items Box 13

    Folder 3 n.d. 4 items Box 13

    Folder 4 n.d. 2 items Box 13

    Folder 5 n.d. 1 item Box 13

    Folder 6 n.d. 1 item Box 13

    Folder 7 n.d. 1 item Box 13

    Folder 8 n..d. 1 item Box 13

    Sperlich, Diether. 1971-1975 19 items Box 13

    Spiegel, Melvin 1973 1 item Box 13

    Spett, Georgi J. 1930-1972 7 items Box 13

    Spiegel, Der 1974 2 items Box 13

    Spiess, Eliot B. 1961-1975 2 folders Box 13

    Folder 1 1961-1971 5 items Box 13

    Folder 2 1972-1975 15 items Box 13

    Spieth, Herman T. 1970-1974 7 items Box 13

    Spieth, Philip T. 1971-1972 2 items Box 13

    Spoehr, H. A. 1934 1 item Box 13

    Spofford, Janice B. 1973 2 items Box 13

    Spriggs, Darrell L. 1971-1972 8 items Box 13

    Springer, Konrad F. 1970 4 items Box 13

    Spuhler, J. N. 1970-1972 2 items Box 13

    Stanfield, Boris 1974-1975 3 items Box 13

    Staples, John H. 1973 1 item Box 13

    Starr, Louis M. 1974 3 items Box 13

    Stebbins, Barbara 1974-1975 9 items Box 13

    Stebbins, G. Ledyard, 1961-1975 3 folders Box 13

    Folder 1 n.d. 1 item Box 13

    Folder 2 1961-1973 18 items Box 13

    Folder 3 1973-1975 16 items Box 13

    Stebbins, Robert C. 1961-1962 2 items Box 13

    Steinbach, H. Burt 1961 3 items Box 14

    Stent, Gunther 1972 1 item Box 14

    Stephens, Stanley G. 1970 2 items Box 14

    Stern, Curt 1975 1 item Box 14

    Stern, Herbert 1970 1 item Box 14

    Stiers, Vern 1972 2 items Box 14

    Still, Joseph W. 1974 2 items Box 14

    Stinson, Harry T., Jr. 1970-1971 3 items Box 14

    Stockard, C. R. 1936 1 item Box 14

    Stocker, Ann J. 1971 2 items Box 14

    Stone, Wilson S. 1961-1962 5 items Box 14

    Stonehouse Press 1973 2 items Box 14

    Strasser, Hans 1 item Box 14

    Streisinger George 1961 1 item Box 14

    Strelnikov, Iv 1971 1 item Box 14

    Strickberger, Monroe W. 1970-1974 5 items Box 14

    Stroun, Maurice 1974 1 item Box 14

    Stubbs, Hans 1975 2 items Box 14

    Sturtevant, Alfred H. 2 items Box 14

    Suomalainen, Esko 1969-1975 14 items Box 14

    Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia 1972 1 item Box 14

    Surget, Larry and Sheilah 1971 1 item Box 14

    Susin, Angelo Madalozzo 1962 2 items Box 14

    Sussman, Marvin B. 1975 2 items Box 14

    Sutt, Toomas 1970 1 item Box 14

    Sved, John 1969-1975 6 items Box 14

    Swain, Donald C. 1973 2 items Box 14

    Swenson, K. G. 1972-1973 2 items Box 14

    Syracuse University 1967 1 item Box 14

    Szarski, Henryk 1972 1 item Box 14

    Taft, J. R. Corporation 1973 1 item Box 14

    Tagiuri, Renato 1971 1 item Box 14

    Tantawy, A. O. 1962-1973 2 items Box 14

    Tandy, Mills 1974 2 items Box 14

    Tatum, Edward L. 1971 1 item Box 14

    Tatum, E. L. Man in the light of evolutionary biology lecture 1 item Box 14

    Taylor, Charles 1975 3 items Box 14

    Taylor, Jeremy 1974 2 items Box 14

    Taylor, John D. 1971 1 item Box 14

    Taylor, Walter K. 1972 2 items Box 14

    Teachers College Record 1974 1 item Box 14

    Teilhard de Chardin Centre for the Future of Man 1970-1975 6 folders Box 14

    Folder 1 1970 4 items Box 14

    Folder 2 1970 9 items Box 14

    Folder 3 1971 4 items Box 14

    Folder 4 1972 23 items Box 14

    Folder 5 1973-1974 11 items Box 14

    Folder 6 1970 1 item Box 14

    Templeton, A. 1974 1 item Box 14

    Terzian, Annette 1974-1975 3 items Box 14

    Tewfik, Helmy R. 1970-1972 3 items Box 14

    Thacker, Franklin P., Jr. 1972 1 item Box 14

    Thames Television 1972 3 items Box 14

    Thimann, Kenneth V. 1973 3 items Box 14

    Thoday, J. M. 1970 2 items Box 14

    Thode, Barbary 1970 1 item Box 14

    Thoms School 1969-1970 3 items Box 14

    Thompson, Peter E. 1970 2 items Box 14

    Throckmorton, Lynn H. 1970 1 item Box 14

    Tigerstedt, P. M. A. 1974-1975 2 items Box 14

    Tilley, Robert J. 1972-1975 9 items Box 14

    Time Magazine 1967 1 item Box 14

    Timoffeef-Ressovsky, N. W. 1969-1970 2 items Box 14

    Tobach, Ethel 1973-1975 7 items Box 14

    Tobias, Phillip V. 1972-1975 10 items Box 14

    Tollefson, Bruce E 1972 2 items Box 14

    Tombaugh, Richard 1961 1 item Box 14

    Tonelli, Livia 1970 1 item Box 14

    Topping, Milton S. 1972 3 items Box 14

    Tordoff, Harrison B. 1974 1 item Box 14

    Towers, Bernard 1968-1972 7 items Box 14

    Towle, Patricia G. 1970 2 items Box 14

    Tracey, Martin L. 1971-1974 5 items Box 14

    Travis, Janet L. 1970-1972 7 items Box 14

    Truesdell, C. 1974 1 item Box 14

    Tschernezky, W. 1969 1 item Box 14

    Tsekeris, Pericles 1973 1 item Box 14

    Turner, B. L. 1970-1972 4 items Box 14

    Turner, Perry Edward, Jr. 1971 2 items Box 14

    Twitty, Victor C. 1961-1962 3 items Box 14

    Tyler, Ralph 1962 1 item Box 14

    Ukranian Academy of Arts and Sciences (in the U.S, Inc.) 1961 1 item Box 14

    UNESCO 1972 7 items Box 14

    U.S. Forest Service 1934 2 items Box 14

    U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare 1970 2 items Box 14

    U. S. International University 1972 2 items Box 14

    University of California Extension, Davis 1972 1 item Box 14

    University of California, Davis, Genetics Department 1974-1975 21 items Box 14

    University of Chicago 1959 1 item Box 14

    University of Helsinki 1970 2 items Box 14

    University of Houston 3 items Box 14

    University of Minnesota 1974 1 item Box 14

    University of Western Australia 1975 2 items Box 14

    University of Wisconsin-Parkside 1970 2 items Box 14

    Unknown 1962-1975 7 items Box 14

    Urbanek, Adam 1971-1974 5 items Box 14

    Uvarov, B. P. 1937 1 item Box 14

    Vaidya, V. G. 1972 2 items Box 14

    Valentine, James W. 1975 3 items Box 14

    Vance, B. Dwain 1972 2 items Box 14

    Van Frank, Richard 1974 2 items Box 14

    Van Gelder, Richard G. 1974 1 item Box 14

    Vandel, A. 1969-1971 3 items Box 14

    Vandenberg, Steven G 1974 1 item Box 14

    Varela, E. A. 1939 2 items Box 14

    Vargas, Luis Alberto 1975 1 item Box 14

    Varley, George C. 1961-1970 2 items Box 14

    Vasiliev, Boris 1930 1 item Box 14

    Vavilov, N. I. 1929-1931 8 items Box 14

    Vaz, Zeferino 1970 1 item Box 14

    Venezuela. Universidad Central de 1968 1 item Box 14

    Vernadsky, George 1962 1 item Box 14

    Viking Press Inc. 1969-1971 2 items Box 14

    Villa Serbelloni 1970-1971 9 items Box 14

    Vives, Miguel Garcia 1975 1 item Box 14

    Voelker Robert A. 1969 2 items Box 15

    Volkart, E. H. 1973 1 item Box 15

    Volkmann, Brigitte 1975 2 items Box 15

    Vollmar, Philip M. 1969-1970 2 items Box 15

    Von Borstel, R. C. 1972 1 item Box 15

    Von der Pahlen, Alejo 1975 1 item Box 15

    Vorontsov, N. N. 1973 1 item Box 15

    Vuilleumier, François 1972 3 items Box 15

    Waddington, Conrad Hal 1959-1974 12 items Box 15

    Wade, Alex N. 1970-1971 2 items Box 15

    Walker, Norma Ford 1962 1 item Box 15

    Walker, Warren F., Jr. 1971-1974 11 items Box 15

    Walker and Company 1970 4 items Box 15

    Wallace, Bruce 1971-1975 3 folders Box 15

    Folder 1 1972-1975 13 items Box 15

    Folder 2 1972 5 items Box 15

    Folder 3 1971 9 items Box 15

    Wanjoh, Gerald J. 1970-1974 7 items Box 15

    Ward, Richard H. 1975 2 items Box 15

    Warder, Michael Young 1974-1975 3 items Box 15

    Waring, H. 1971 2 items Box 15

    Washburn, Sherwood L. 1962-1971 5 items Box 15

    Wasserman Marvin 1970 2 items Box 15

    Weaver, John 1972 2 items Box 15

    Weinstein, Paul R. 1970 1 item Box 15

    Weisbrot, David 1971-1975 11 items Box 15

    Weiss, Wolkmar 1968-1969 2 items Box 15

    Welch, Bruce L. 1972 3 items Box 15

    Wellesley-Wesley, James 1972 1 item Box 15

    Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research 1968-1971 5 items Box 15

    Went, F. W. 1972 1 item Box 15

    Went, L. N. 1971 2 items Box 15

    Wermstrom, Martha 1938i 1 item Box 15

    Werner, Henry James 1972 1 item Box 15

    Wesner, Gordon E. 1973 2 items Box 15

    Westergaard, Charles 1972 1 item Box 15

    Wettstein, Fr. V. 1936-1938 2 items Box 15

    Whaley, W. Gordon E. 1973 1 item Box 15

    Wheeler, Harvey 1973 3 items Box 15

    Wheeler, John Archibald 1973 1 item Box 15

    Whelan, Sidney S., Jr. 1971 1 item Box 15

    Whitaker, Douglas 1970-1971 2 items Box 15

    White, David C. 1970 2 items Box 15

    White, Michael J. D. 1961-1975 3 folders Box 15

    Folder 1 1961-1972 20 items Box 15

    Folder 2 1975 3 items Box 15

    Folder 3 n.d. 1 item Box 15

    Whitson, Gary L. 1970 2 items Box 15

    Whittinghill, Maurice 1973 1 item Box 15

    Wickett, R. M. 1971 2 items Box 15

    Wiley, Haven, Jr. 1970 12 items Box 15

    Wiley, John, and Sons, Inc. 1957-1971 11 items Box 15

    Wiley-Interscience 1973 1 item Box 15

    Williams, Curtis A. 1973-1974 4 items Box 15

    Williams, James S. 1971-1975 9 items Box 15

    Williams, Mary B. 1972 1 item Box 15

    Willie, Charles V. 1974 2 items Box 15

    Wills, Christopher 1970-1973 9 items Box 15

    Wilson, E. O. 1971 2 items Box 15

    Wilson, Katherine S. 1974 2 items Box 15

    Wilson, Kent H. 1973 2 items Box 15

    Wimsatt, William C. 1972 1 item Box 15

    Wispe, Lauren G. 1974-1975 4 items Box 15

    Wistrand, Harry 1974-1975 6 items Box 15

    Witkin, Ewlyn M 1973 1 item Box 15

    Wittenberg University 1970 3 items Box 15

    Wojciechowski, Jerry A. 1975 2 items Box 15

    Wolf, Thomas M. 1970 2 items Box 15

    Wolfson, Jane L. 1973-1974 4 items Box 15

    Wolverton, Robert E. 1974 2 items Box 15

    Woodford, F. Peter 1971 2 items Box 15

    Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 1969-1970 4 items Box 15

    Woodward, Herbert N. 1972 1 item Box 15

    Woolf, Charles M. 1969-1975 14 items Box 15

    World Council of Churches 1972 6 items Box 15

    World Health Organization 1970-1974 9 items Box 15

    World Society for Ekistics 1972 2 items Box 15

    Worth Publishers Inc. 1973 2 items Box 15

    Wright, L. H. 1971 1 item Box 15

    Wright, Sewall 1973-1975 6 items Box 15

    Wright, Theodore R. F. 1973 1 item Box 15

    Yablokov, Alexey V. 1971-1975 6 items Box 15

    Yale University 1966-1971 2 items Box 15

    Yale University Press 1969-1974 2 items Box 15

    Yamazaki, Tsuneyuki 1970 1 item Box 15

    Yolton, John W. 1973 6 items Box 15

    Young, James R., Jr. 1972-1973 3 items Box 15

    Zähner, H. 1973 2 items Box 15

    Zavadskii, Killil Mikhailovich 1973-1974 3 item Box 15

    Zavadovskii, B. 1930 2 items Box 15

    Zelenzov, N. 1971 1 item Box 15

    Zelinsky, P. 1930 1 item Box 15

    Zimmerman, Elwood C. 1972 2 items Box 15

    Zinn, Grover A., Jr. 1971 1 item Box 15

    Zirkle, Conway 1962 3 items Box 15

    Zucchi, Ronaldo 1970 2 items Box 15

    Zuckerkandl, Emile 1972-1974 8 items Box 15

    Zwart, Bob 1973 1 item Box 15

    Zygon Journal of Religion and Science 1970-1975 8 items Box 15

    Series II: Correspondence with Ernst Mayr 1937-1975 0.25 linear feet

    Correspondence 1937-1975
    Box 1

    Series III: Research notebooks ca.1917-1974 54 volumes; 1.0 linear feet

    Coccinellid data ca.1920
    Box 1

    Coccinellid data ca.1920
    Box 1

    Notes (I) 1934
    Box 1

    Notes (II) 1934
    Box 1

    Notes (III) 1935
    Box 1

    Notes (IV) 1935
    Box 1

    Notes (V) 1935
    Box 1

    Notes (II) 1942
    Box 1

    Notes (III) 1942-1943
    Box 1

    Notes (Black cover) 1948
    Box 1

    Notes (Brown cover) 1948
    Box 1

    Notes (1) 1949
    Box 1

    Notes (2) Brazil 1949
    Box 1

    Notes (3) 1949-1951
    Box 1

    Notes (black cover) 1951
    Box 1

    Notes (brown cover) 1951
    Box 1

    Notes (1) 1952
    Box 1

    Notes (2) 1952
    Box 1

    Notes: Brazil-Texas Sep. 1952-1953
    Box 1

    Notes 1953
    Box 1

    Notes 1954
    Box 1

    Notes: Flies received 1955
    Box 1

    Notes 1955
    Box 1

    Notes 1955-1956
    Box 2

    Notes 1955-1957
    Box 2

    Notes 1956
    Box 2

    Notes 1958
    Box 2

    Notes 1958-1959
    Box 2

    Notes 1960
    Box 2

    Notes 1960-1961
    Box 2

    Notes 1962
    Box 2

    Notes 1963
    Box 2

    Notes 1963
    Box 2

    Notes 1964
    Box 2

    Notes June 1964-Sep. 1965
    Box 2

    Notes 1964-1966
    Box 2

    Notes: Experimental data 1965
    Box 2

    Notes Sept. 1965-June 1966
    Box 2

    Notes June 1966-Oct. 1969
    Box 2

    Notes Jan. 1967-Aug. 1968
    Box 2

    Notes Aug. 1968-Feb. 1969
    Box 2

    Notes Mar. 1969-Aug. 1970
    Box 2

    Notes: Travelogue 1969-1970
    Box 2

    Notes Oct. 1969-Sep. 1971
    Box 2

    Dobzhansky, Theodosius. Passports (4) 1952, 1959, 1964, 1974
    Box 2

    Dobzhansky, Natalia. Passports (2) 1959, 1964
    Box 2

    Pocket diary 1971
    Box 2

    Pocket diary 1972
    Box 2

    Pocket diary 1973
    Box 2

    Pocket diary 1974
    Box 2

    Notes 1970-Mar. 1973
    Box 3

    Notes Feb. 1971-Oct. 1971
    Box 3

    Notes Oct. 1971-Aug. 1972
    Box 3

    Notes 1972 Mar.-1973 Nov.
    Box 3

    Notes 1972 Aug.-1973 Feb.
    Box 3

    Notes 1973 Nov.-1974 June
    Box 3

    Notes 1974 June-1974 Nov.
    Box 3

    Notes 1974 Dec.
    Box 3

    Series IV: Human Culture (manuscript)
    0.25 linear feet

    Human Culture (manuscript)
    1 vol. Vol. 1

    Series V: Papers dedicated to Dobzhansky 1970 2 vols., 0.25 linear feet

    Authors Ayala-Hoenigsberg 1969-1970
    Vol. 1

    Authors Kalmus-Zucchi 1969-1970
    Vol. 2

    Series VI: Reminiscences 1962 2 vols., 0.25 linear feet

    Columbia Oral History interview, part 1 1962
    Vol. 1

    Columbia Oral History interview, part 2 1962
    Vol. 2

    Series VII: Journal 1926 0.25 linear feet

    Journal (in Russian) 1926
    Vol. 1

    Series VIII: Awards and memorabilia 1935-1975 1.0 linear feet

    Plaque: American Institute of Biological Sciences Distinguished Service Award 1973
    Box 1

    Plaque: Benjamin Minge Duggar Lecturer, Auburn University 1971
    Box 1

    Plaque: Council of the Society for the Study of Evolution 1970
    Box 1

    Medal: Addison Emery Verrill Medal, Peabody Museum, Yale 1966
    Box 2

    Medal: American Museum of Natural History 1969
    Box 2

    Medal: Chancellerie des Universités de Paris 1975
    Box 2

    Medal: Columbia University Bicentennial commemorative 1954
    Box 2

    Medal: Daniel Giraud Elliot Award 1941
    Box 2

    Medal: Deutsche Akademie der Naturfoscher Leopoldina 1959
    Box 2

    Medal: Helsingienensis Universitas
    Box 2

    Medal: Jardin du Roy, Paris 1935
    Box 2

    Medal: Kimber Genetics Award, National Academy of Sciences 1958
    Box 2

    Medal: National Academy of Sciences 1963
    Box 2

    Medal: National Medal of Science 1964
    Box 2

    Medal: Societé Zoologique de France
    Box 2

    Medal: St. Louis University 1968
    Box 2

    Medal: Umberto d'Ancona commemorative ca.1967
    Box 2

    Medal: Université de Rennes 1974
    Box 2

    Series IX: Photographs ca.1929-1974 1.5 linear feet