大澤 直哉

Last Update: 2013/06/03 12:29:23


Name(Kanji / Kana / Abecedarium Latinum)
大澤 直哉 / オオサワ ナオヤ / Naoya Osawa
Date of Birth
Primary department(Org1 / Org2 / Org3 / Job title)
農学研究科 / 地域環境科学専攻生物環境科学講座 / 准教授
Org1 Org2 Org3 Job title
農学部 准教授
Contact address
Type Address(Japanese) Address(English)
Office 〒606-8502 京都府京都市左京区北白川追分町 Kitashirakawa Oikaecyou, Kyoto, 606-8502 Japan
Type Number
Office 075-753-6077
Affiliated academic organization(s) (Japanese)
Organization name(Japanese) Organization name(English)
Ecological Society of America The British Ecological Society
British Ecological Society The Ecological Society of America
Linnean Society of London The Linnea Society of London
個体群生態学会 The Society of Population Ecology
日本生態学会 The Ecological Society of Japan
日本森林科学会 The Japanese Forest Society
日本昆虫学会 The Japan Society of Tropical Ecology
日本熱帯生態学会 The Entomological Society of Japan
Academic degree
Field(Japanese) Field(English) University(Japanese) University(English) Method
農学修士 京都大学
農学博士 京都大学
Graduate school
Graduate school(Japanese) Graduate school(English) Faculty(Japanese) Faculty(English) Major(Japanese) Major(English) Degree
京都大学 大学院農学研究科博士後期課程農林生物学専攻 修了
京都大学 大学院農学研究科修士課程農林生物学専攻 修了
University(Japanese) University(English) Faculty(Japanese) Faculty(English) Major(s)(Japanese) Major(s)(English) Degree
京都大学 農学部林学科 卒業
Work Experience
Period Organization(Japanese) Organization(English) Job title(Japanese) Job title(English)
1990/04/-1992/03/ 日本学術振興会特別研究員 JSPS Fellow
1995/01/-1998/01/ 国際協力事業団派遣専門家 マレイシア森林研究所研究員 Researcher(JICA Expert) Forest Research lustitute Malaysia
Personal Profile
1991-1992 日本学術振興会特別研究員、1995-1998 国際協力事業団派遣専門家 1998-京都大学大学院農学研究科
Research Topics
Overview of your research
Fields of research (key words)
Key words(Japanese) Key words(English)
Fields of research (kaken code)
Kaken code
Environmental agriculture
Authors Title Bibliography Date Peer-review Language
大澤 直哉 Osawa N. Sibling and non-sibling cannibalism by larvae of a lady beetle Harmonia axyridis PALLAS(Coleoptera : Coccinellidae)in the field Researches on Population Ecology,31/,153-160 1989 English
大澤 直哉 Osawa N. A Life table of the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis PALLAS(Coleoptera : Coccinellidae)in relation to the aphid abundance Japanese Journal of Entomology,60/,575-579 1992 English
大澤 直哉 Osawa N. Effect of pupation site on pupal cannibalism and parasitism of the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis PALLAS(Coleoptera : Coccinellidae) Japanese Journal of Entomology,60/,131-135 1992 English
大澤 直哉 Osawa N. Nishida T. Seasonal variation in elytral colour polymorphism in Harmonia axyridis(the ladybird beetle) : the role of non-random mating Heredity,69/,297-307 1992 English
大澤 直哉 Osawa N. Sibling cannibalism in the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis : fitness consequences for mother and offspring Researches on Population Ecology,34/,45-55 1992 English
大澤 直哉 Osawa N. The effect of shoot growth of Spiraea thunbegii(Roseceae)on colonization of Aphis spiraecola PATCH(Hemiptera : Aphididae) Applied Entomology and Zoology,27/,557-563 1992 English
大澤 直哉 Osawa N. Population field studies of the aphidophagous ladybird bettle Harmonia axyridis PALLAS(Coleoptera : Coccinellidae) : life tables and key factor analysis Researches on Population Ecology,35/,335-348 1993 English
大澤 直哉 Osawa N. The occurrence of multiple mating in wild population of the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis PALLAS(Coleoptera : Coccinellidae) Journal of Ethology,12/,63-66 1994 English
大澤 直哉 Osawa N. Colonization patterns of Aulacorthum magnolide(Aphididae : Hemiptera)on Sambucus sieboldiana(Caprifoliaceae) ; the impact of predatory disturbance on an aphid colony and the effects of aphid colonization on plant structure Japanese Journal of Entomology,64/,93-109 1996 English
大澤 直哉 Osawa N. Lawrence G. kirton A new host record of the Common Posy, Drupadia ravindra moorei(Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae), in Malaysia Japanese Journal of Entomology,65/,853-854 1997 English
大澤 直哉 Osawa N. Population field studies on aphidophagous ladybird beele Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera : Coccinellidae) : resource tracking and population Characteristics Population Ecology,42: 115-127 2000 English
大澤 直哉 Osawa N. The effect of hibernation on the seasonal variations in adult body size and sex ratio of the polymorphic ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis: the role of thermal melanism Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae,65/, 269-278 2001 English
大澤 直哉 Osawa N. Sex-dependent effects of sibling cannibalism on life history traits in the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) Biological Journal of the Linnean Society,76/, 349-360 2002 English
大澤 直哉 Osawa N.The influence of female oviposition strategies on sibling cannibalism in the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis. European Journal of Entomology,100/43-48 2003 English
大澤 直哉 Mizumachi E., Osawa N., Akiyama R., Tokuchi N.The effects of herbivory and soil fertility on the growth patterns of Quercus serrata and Q. crispula saplings at the shoot and individual levels Population Ecology,46: 203-211 2004 English
大澤 直哉 Ishimaru K., Tokuchi N., Osawa N., Kawamura K., Takeda H. Estimating the suitability of four broad-leaved tree species in different successional stage for revegetating an eroded granite hill slope. Journal of Forest Research,10: 27-34 2005 English
大澤 直哉 Mizuki I., Osawa N., Tsutsumi T.Thrips (Thysanoptera; Thripidae) on the flowers of a dioecious plant, Dioscorea japonica (Dioscoreaceae). The Canadian Entomologist,137: 712-715 2005 English
大澤 直哉 Ohhashi K., Sakuratani Y, Osawa N., Yano S., Takafuji A.Thermal microhabitat utilization by the ladybird beetles, Coccinella septempunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and its life history consequences. Environmental Entomology,34: 432-439 2005 English
大澤 直哉 Osawa N., Terai A., Hirata K., Nakanishi A., Makino A., Sakai S., Sibata S.Logging impacts on forest carabid assemblages in Japan. Canadian Journal of Forest Research,35: 2698-2708. 2005 English
大澤 直哉 Osawa N.The effect of prey availability on ovarian development and oosorption in the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). European Journal of Entomology,102: 503-511 2005 English
大澤 直哉 Yamashita H., Tanaka C., Nakayama H., Tuno N., Osawa N. New host record for three species of scuttle fly, Megaselia flava, M. kanekoi, and M. gotoi (Diptera: Phoridae), on a poisonous fungus, Amanita ibotengutake (Agaricales: Amanitaceae). Entomological Science,8: 223-225 2005 English
Osawa N Ecology of Harmonia axyridis in natural habitats within its native range. BioContol 56 (in press) 2011 Yes English
Suzuki N, Osawa N, Nishida T Prey capture performance in hatchlings of two sibling Harmonia ladybird species in relation to maternal investment through sibling cannibalism Ecological Entomology 36: 282-289 2011 Yes English
Osawa N, Toft R, Tuno N, Kadowaki K, Fukiharu T, Buchanan PK, Tanaka C The community structures of fungivorous insects on the Fly Agaric Amanita muscaria in New Zealand New Zealand Entomologist 34: 40-44 2010 Yes English
Imanishi A, Morimoto J, Imanishi J, Shibata S, Nakanishi A, Osawa N, Sakai S Sprout initiation and growth for three years after cutting in an abandoned secondary forest in Kyoto, Japan Landscape Ecology and Engineering 6: 219-234 2010 Yes English
今西亜友美、柴田昌三、今西純一、寺井厚海、中西麻美、境慎二朗、大澤直哉、森本幸裕 ヒノキ林化した都市近郊二次林における小面積伐採後初期の木本種組成の変化 日本緑化工学会誌 34: 641-648 2009 Yes Japanese
Nakanishi A, Inagaki N, Shibata S, Osawa N, Hirata K Effects of patch cutting on leaf nitrogen nutrition in hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endlicher) at different elevations along a slope in Japan Journal of Forest Research 14: 388-393 2009 Yes English
Matsuyama S, Osawa N, Sakimoto M Generalist pollinators in the dioecious shrub Rhus trichocarpa Mig. (Anacardiaceae) and their role in reproductive success Plant Species Biology 24: 215-224 2009 Yes English
Osawa N, Yoshinaga A The presence of micropyles in the shells of developing and undeveloped eggs of the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) European Journal of Entomology 106: 607-610 2009 Yes English
中西麻美、稲垣善之、深田英久、柴田昌三、大澤直哉 ヒノキの雄花生産量に土壌条件と強度間伐が及ぼす影響 森林立地 50: 167-173 2008 Yes Japanese
Osawa N, Ohashi K Sympatric coexistence of sibling species Harmonia yedoensis and H. axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and the roles of maternal investment through egg and sibling cannibalism European Journal of Entomology 105: 445-454 2008 Yes English
Mizumachi E., Mori A.S., Akiyama R., Tokuchi N., Osawa N. Variation in herbivory-induced responses within successively flushing Quercus serrate seedlings under different nutrient conditions Journal of Forest Research 17: 175-183 2012 Yes English
Noriyuki S., Osawa N., Nishida T. Asymmetric reproductive interference between specialist and generalist predatory ladybirds Journal of Animal Ecology 81: 1077-1085 2012 Yes English
Noriyuki S., Kawatsu K., Osawa N. Factors promoting maternal trophic egg provisioning in non-eusocial animals Population Ecology 54: 455-465 2012 Yes English
Noriyuki S., Osawa N. Intrinsic prey suitability in specialist and generalist Harmonia ladybirds: a test of the trade-off hypothesis for food specialization Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 144: 279-285 2012 Yes English
鈴木紀之、大澤直哉、西田隆義 繁殖干渉による寄主特殊化の進化 日本生態学会誌 62: 267-274 2012 Yes Japanese
Iidzuka H., Goto H., Yamasaki M., Osawa N. Ambrosia beetles (Curculionidae: Scolytinae and Platypodinae) on Fagus crenata Blume: community structure, seasonal population trends and resource utilization patterns Entomological Science 16 (in Press) 2013 Yes English

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Invited speech
Title Conference name Organization name Date Language
The ecology of Harmonia axyridis in its native range Harmonia axyridis and other invasive ladybirds: the first meeting of IOBC/WPRS study group “benefits and risks associated with exotic biological control agents”Sep. 6-10, Engelberg, Switzerland 2009 English

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Authors Title Publisher Date Language
Tuno N, Osawa N, Tanaka C Fungal toxins relevant to animals – the case study of Amanita In: Wen Zhang, Hong Liu (eds.). Behavioral and Chemical Ecology, pp235-250, Nova Science Publishers, New York 2010 Japanese
Osawa N 虫を見て森の変化を知る 小規模森林伐採が地上徘徊性昆虫に与える影響 藤崎憲治、西田律夫、佐久間正幸編 昆虫科学が拓く未来,pp 498-505.京都大学学術出版会, 京都 2009 Japanese

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Other book
Authors Title Publisher Date Language
Osawa N The ecology of Harmonia axyridis in its native range In: Babendreier D., Aebi A., Kenis M., Roy H. (eds.). Benefits and Risks of Exotic Biological Control Agents, IOBC/wprs Bulletin 58: 69-73 2010 English

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External funds, competitive funds and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(kaken)
Type Position Title(Japanese) Title(English) Period
基盤研究(B)(海外学術) Representative 人為的に導入された日本在来の海外侵入生物の管理システムに関する応用生態学的研究 2008-2011
基盤研究(A)(海外学術) Representative 捕食性侵入種による在来種の競争排除に関する群集生態学的研究 2012-2015
基盤研究 (A) Representative 物質循環と動植物の相互作用システムに関する群集生態学的研究 2001-2004
Non-external, competitive funds or grants other than grants-in-aid for Scientific research (kaken)
System Main person Title(Japanese) Title(English) Period
植物と昆虫の相互関係に関する研究 The study on plant insect interactions -
熱帯及び温帯の昆虫群集の動態と構造に関する研究 The study on dynamics and composition of insect commuinty in tropical and temperate area -
テントウムシの共食いに関する研究 The study of cannibalism in ladybird beeltes -
森林の伐採が地上徘徊性昆虫群集に与える影響 Logging impacts on carabid assemblages -
毒キノコと毒キノコを利用する昆虫群集の相互作用システムに関する群集生態学的研究 Community studies on covolution processes among toxic mushrooms and the inssect assemblages -
Teaching subject(s)
Name(Japanese) Name(English) Term Department Period
群集生態学 後期 農学部 2011/04-2012/03
応用生態学実験及び実験法 後期 農学部 2011/04-2012/03
基礎生態学実験及び実験法 後期 農学部 2011/04-2012/03
森林生物学実験及び実験法 前期 農学部 2011/04-2012/03
森林科学実習I 前期 農学部 2011/04-2012/03
生物圏の科学ー生命・食糧・環境ー Science of Biosphere-Life, Food and Environment 後期 全学共通科目 2011/04-2012/03
研究林実習II 後期 農学部 2011/04-2012/03
森林生態学専攻実験 農学研究科 2011/04-2012/03
森林生態学専攻演習 農学研究科 2011/04-2012/03
基礎生態学実験及び実験法 Basic Laboratry Course in Ecology 後期 農学部 2012/04-2013/03
応用生態学実験及び実験法 Laboratory Course in Applied Ecology 後期 農学部 2012/04-2013/03
森林生物学実験及び実験法 Laboratory Course in Forest and Biomaterials Biology 前期 農学部 2012/04-2013/03
森林科学実習I Laboratory Course in Forest and Biomaterials Science I 前期 農学部 2012/04-2013/03
生物圏の科学ー生命・食糧・環境ー Science of Biosphere-Life, Food and Environment 後期 全学共通科目 2012/04-2013/03
研究林実習II Practice in Forest Research Station II 後期 農学部 2012/04-2013/03
群集生態学 Community Ecology 後期 農学部 2012/04-2013/03
群集生態学 Community Ecology 後期 農学部 2013/04-2014/03
応用生態学実験及び実験法 Laboratory Course in Applied Ecology 後期 農学部 2013/04-2014/03
基礎生態学実験及び実験法 Basic Laboratry Course in Ecology 後期 農学部 2013/04-2014/03
研究林実習I Practice in University Forests I 後期 農学部 2013/04-2014/03
研究林実習II Practice in Forest Research Station II 後期 農学部 2013/04-2014/03
森林生態学専攻演習 Seminar in Forest Ecology 通年 農学研究科 2013/04-2014/03
森林生態学専攻実験 Special Laboratory Work in Forest Ecology 通年 農学研究科 2013/04-2014/03
生物圏の科学 Science of Biosphere-Life, Food and Environment 後期 全学共通科目 2013/04-2014/03