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Ground beetles of the tribe Bembidiini (Carabidae): atlas of beetles of Russia

Oleg Berlov

The tribe Bembidiini according to Bousquet and Larochelle (1993) includes ground beetles that considered in tribes Bembidiini, Tachyini, Lymnastini, Anillini, Horologionini and Micratopini before.

Ground beetles of the tribe Bembidiini of Russia:

  • Genus Tachys Stephens, 1829
  • Genus Polyderis Motschulsky, 1862
  • Genus Elaphropus Motschulsky, 1839
  • Genus Porotachys Netolitzky, 1914
  • Genus Tachyta Kirby, 1837
  • Genus Lymnastis Motschulsky, 1862
  • Genus Asaphidion Des Gozis, 1886
  • Genus Ocys Stephens, 1829
  • Genus Cillenus Samouelle, 1819
  • Genus Bembidion Latreille, 1802


КРЫЖАНОВСКИЙ О.Л. 1983: Триба Tachyini // Фауна СССР, Жесткокрылые (Том I, вып. 2).- Ленинград, "Наука", 236-238.

КРЫЖАНОВСКИЙ О.Л. 1983: Триба Bembidiini // Фауна СССР, Жесткокрылые (Том I, вып. 2).- Ленинград, "Наука", 238-246.

ЛАФЕР Г.Ш. 1989: Подсем. Bembidiinae // Определитель насекомых Дальнего Востока СССР (Том III, Часть 1).- Ленинград, "Наука", 134-138.

BOUSQUET Y. and LAROCHELLE A. 1993: Catalogue of the Geadephaga (Coleoptera: Trachypachidae, Rhysodidae, Carabidae including Cicindelini) of America North of Mexico // Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, No. 167, 1-397.

KRYZHANOVSKIJ O.L. et al. 1995: A Checklist of the ground-beetles of Russia and Adjacent Lands (Coleoptera, Carabidae). - Sofia: Pensoft Series Faunist. 3, 271 pp.