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H. Ozdikmen. Genus longhorn beetles Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 (Cerambycidae) from Turkey

Huseyin Ozdikmen (2003)
The Genus Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera) in Turkey
Phytoparasitica, 31(5):433-441

Data are presented on the occurrence of 15 species of the genus Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 in Turkey. The faunistic data add to our knowledge on their distribution in Turkey. The occurrence of Cortodera cirsii Holzschuh, 1975, C. holosericea (Fabricius, 1801), C. pseudomophlus Reitter, 1889, and C. alpina xanthoptera Pic, 1898 is determined in this work, thereby adding four taxa to the known taxa in Turkey. One of them, C. holosericea, is reported for the first time in the Turkish fauna, and a short description is given. C. cirsii and C. omophloides Holzschuh, 1974 are endemic to Turkey. C. umbripennis Reitter, 1890 (in N. Lodos, 1998) is determined as a synonym of C. alpina (Menetries, 1832).

KEY WORDS: Cortodera holosericea, new record; fauna; Cortodera; Cerambycidae; Coleoptera; Turkey.

Complete copy of article in file-PDF: cortodera_turkey.pdf