Research Collections of the Zoological Institute RAS — Biting Midges (Ceratopogonidae)   •   Specimen

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= Culicoides aquilinus Smatov et Kravets, 1976

Culicoides stepicola Remm, in Remm et Zhogolev, 1968

Collection number:


Original label left:

Paratype Culicoides aquilinus Sm. et Krav. ♂

Original label right:

Turgay Province, Tosum sands, nest of imperial eagle [Aquila heliaca], Kazakhstan, 14.07.1971 4760

Collection place:

Kazakhstan, Turgayskaya obl.


Turgay province, Tosun sands

Zoogeographical region:

Turanian province


Smatov J.S., 14.07.1971

GenBank catalogue number:


Number of specimens in collection unit:




Ontogenetic stage:



Canada balsam

Specimen presence:

in collection

Related publications, remarks:

Smatov Z.S. and G.A. Kravets. 1976. New species of midges (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae, Culicoides) from Kazakhstan // Parasitologiya. 10: 282-286.

Specimen images

General view:

Specimen details:

Specimen preparation

Taxonomical identifications of specimen

Culicoides aquilinus Smatov et Kravets, 1976 — Smatov Zh.S., 14.07.1971 (Accepted)