International Symposium
"Data Retrieval Systems in Biodiversity Research"

St. Petersburg, Russia, May 22 - 28, 1999


Computer Image Analysing in Biodiversity Research


Image analyzing system "ZOOARM - Nematologist" and its use for the nematode identification

Image analyzing system and original software "ZOOARM - Nematologist" (operating in WINDOWS) are used for the taxonomic study of freeliving marine nematodes. Image analyzing system permits to obtain the catalogue of images of different morphological structures for every specimen of nematodes. It also contains the information about collecting place (label), preliminary taxonomic identification and attributes of its place in data base in the collection. The software working in interactive regime allows to receive, accumulate and process morphometrical measurements, ratios, indexes using for the nematode identification. These data are distinguished as separate protocol - description. It contains taxonomic information, geographical label, indexes, morphometrical data, ratios and descriptive data. Now we have use image analyzing system for the construction of data base of nematodes of Laptev Sea.

Zoological Institute RAS, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia, Tel. 812 328-12-12, Fax 812 328-02-21, E-mail