Genus Pratylenchus Filipjev: multientry and monoentry keys and diagnostic relationships (Nematoda: Tylenchida: Pratylenchidae)

A.Y. Ryss

Abstract. Tabular (multientry) key to Pratylenchus is presented, and functioning of the computerized multientry image-operating key developed on the basis of the stepwise computer diagnostic system BIKEY-PICKEY is described. Monoentry key to Pratylenchus is given, and diagnostic relationships are analysed with the routine taxonomic methods as well as with the use of BIKEY diagnostic system and by the cluster tree analysis using STATISTICA program package. The synonymy Pratylenchus scribneri Steiner in Sherbakoff & Stanley, 1943 = P. jordanensis Hashim, 1983, syn. n. is established. Conclusion on the transition from amphimixis to parthenogenesis as one of the leading evolutionary factors for Pratylenchus is drawn.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 2001, 10(2): 241–255  ▪  Published in print 22 April 2002  ▪  Open full article  


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