Dr., Professor Oleg Bauer
Leading Research Worker
MSc, St.Petersburg University, Department of Invertebrates Zoology
1947: Ph.D, Moscow State University
1960: Doctor of Sciences , Department of parasitic worms ZIN
1965: Professor, Department of parasitic worms ZIN RAS
1968 - 1976: Depute president of National Committee for realizing of International Biological Programm
1939-1973: from Senior Technical assistant to Depute Director of
1973-1985: Senior Scientific Researcher and Head of the Scientific group
for investigating of parasitic worms, ZIN RAS
1985-present: Leading Research Worker, Department of parasitic worms ZIN
1. Bauer O.N., Spread of parasites and diseases of aquatic organisms by acclimatization: a short review. J. Fish Biology, 1991. 39, p.679-686.
2. Bauer O.N., The Ecology of Parasites of Freshwater Fishes. Izvestiya Gosudarstvennogo Instituta Ozernogo i Rechnogo Rybnogo Khozyaistwa. 1959, 49, p.5-206 (English Translation. 1962, IPST, No.622, Jerusalem,
3. Bauer O.N., two co-authors. Diseases of Pond Fishes. Two Editions. 1969. Publishing House "Kolos", Moscow. 335p.; 1981. Publishing House "Light and Food Industry", Moscow, 319p. (English Translation; 1973, IPST, No.601189,
4. Bauer O.N., three co-authors. Ichthyopathology. 1977. Publishing House "Food Industry", Moscow, 432p.
5. Key to Parasites of Freshwater Fish of Palaearctic and Amur Region. English Variant. [ In 1984-1987 Bauer O.N. (ed. in chief). Key to Parasites of Freshwater Fish of USSR Fauna has been published in three volumes]. Now an English variant is in preparation. First volume has been already translated by us with comments for West European Countries and is put in a Computer. Second and third volumes are now in translation by our Group.
Total number of publications: about 400