On structural interfacing of trophic and parasite relations of nektonic squid Sthenoteuthis pteropus in the tropical atlantic: coevolutionary aspect

Ch.M. Nigmatullin and O.A. Shukhalter

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2009, 313(3): 338–349   ·   https://doi.org/10.31610/trudyzin/2009.313.3.338

Full text  


The paper describes the trophic and parasitic relations interfacing of mass abundant orangeback squid Sthenoteuthis pteropus (OS) in the open waters of the Tropical Atlantic. There are described the data on squid’s food, predator and helminth species compositions and theirs ontogenetic, sex and infraspecific variability, and on the place and role of distinct stages of OS life cycle in the trophic and parasite structures of oceanic communities. The predator-prey size relations are 8–20% absolute squid length. Due to this fact the shifts of the main food groups are taken place in squid ontogenesis and, accordingly, there are changes in helminthes species composition and infection rates. The place and role of squids of different ontogenetic stages in the helminths life cycles is also different. These helminthes are transmitted by oceanic trophic webs. Thereupon there are demonstrated the existence of important differences between various life cycle stages, sexes and infraspecific groups of OS in oceanic tropho-parasitic structure. The working hypothesis on mechanism of coevolution of nektonic squids and their helminthes is formulated on the base of «using» by helminthes a quasi-stable trophic web of the vast oceanic pelagic zone.

Key words

coevolution, orangeback squid, trophic and parasitic relations, Tropical Atlantic

Submitted February 19, 2009  ·  Accepted June 1, 2009  ·  Published September 25, 2009


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