Review of type specimens of fish and mammals from the paleontological collection of the Stavropol State Museum-Reserve

I.V. Doronin and A.K. Shvyreva

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2022, 326(2): 59–65   ·

Full text  


The review of type specimens in the paleontological collection of the Stavropol State Historical, Cultural and Natural-Landscape Museum-Reserve named after G.N. Prozritelev and G.K. Prave is given. Fish: syntypes of Clupea stauropolitana Bogachev, 1933; lectotype and paralectotypes of Mugil chadarini Bogachev, 1933; holotype of Mugil minax Bogachev, 1933; holotype of Mugil radobojanus var. gracilicosta Bogachev, 1933; holotype of Sarmata prozritelevi Bogachev, 1933; mammals: holotype of Anacharsis orbus Bogachev, 1956; holotype of Megaloceros stavropolensis Titov et Shvyreva, 2016; holotype and paratype of Archidiskodon garutti Maschenko, 2010. Localities, collector’s names and dates of capture of the type specimens are clarified.

Key words

Bogachev V.V., Caucasus, Miocene, Pleistocene, type specimens

Submitted January 10, 2022  ·  Accepted March 26, 2022  ·  Published June 25, 2022


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