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Том 3, Номер 1, 1994, стр. 1–160

Выпускающий редактор: Б.А. Коротяев

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A.W. Jankowski. 1994. Vostonica gen. n. from psammonic copepods in the Pacific (Suctorida Vermigenea). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 1–4.


The new genus and species Vostonica tenax was discovered in copepods collected in washings of the shoreline sand in Vostok biological station, near Nakhodka on the coast of the Sea of Japan. Vostonica is distinct genus of lower (rhabdophryid) vermigemmines with a unique disposition of tentacles on the widely expanded antesoma. Known genera of lower vermigemmines, without shell and retractile actinophore, are listed for comparison, with indication of type species and hosts.

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T.A. Platonova & V.O. Mokievsky. 1994. Revision of marine nematodes of the family Ironidae (Nematoda: Enoplida). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 5–17.


The family Ironidae comprising 8 marine and 1 freshwater genera is revised and keys to genera and species are presented. Diagnoses of all genera are specified and new combinations established in the most poorly defined genera – Dolicholaimus, Syringolaimus, Thalassironus and Trissonchulus. Short descriptions for most of the valid species are provided based on literature and original data. Five new (Dolicholaimus filipjevi, D. minor, Syringolaimus marisalbae and Ironella riemanni) or poorly known (D. major) species are described. A new diagnosis of Ironidae is presented instead of the one suggested by Andrassy.

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A.F. Emeljanov. 1994. The species of Perkinsiella introduced into Florida is the genuine P. saccharicida Kirkaldy (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 18.


The species of Perkinsiella introduced into Florida has been examined. It proves to be the genuine P. saccharicida Kirkaldy.

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L.V. Lemzina & V.G. Gagarin. 1994. New species of free-living nematodes from thermal waters in Kyrghyzstan. Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 19–21.


Three new species are described from springs with temperature of water 33-52 °C. Achromadora thermophila sp. n. differs from A. ruricola in having supplements, Diploscapter tokobaevi sp. n. may be distinguished from all species of Diploscapter by nonreflexed ovaries, Cephalobus maximus sp. n. differs from C. quadrilineatus in the longer body.

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I.M. Kerzhner. 1994. On the distribution of Rhyparochromus phoeniceus Rossi and Rh. sanguineus Douglas & Scott (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 22.


All records of Rh. phoeniceus from Moldavia, Ukraina, southern part of European Russia, Transcaucasia and Turkmenistan refer to Rh. sanguineus. In the former USSR, Rh. phoeniceus is found only in the south of the Leningrad Province.

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V.M. Epshtein & A.U. Utevsky. 1994. A new marine leech Cryobdella ljadovi sp. n. from Antarctic seas (Hirudinea: Piscicolidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 23–25.


Cryobdella ljadovi sp. n., parasitic on gills of Muraenolepis marmoratus and M. microps from coastal waters of the Kerguelen and South Orkney Islands, is described. Individuals reach a maximum length of 17.5 mm and have no eyes, ocelli, papillae, posterior crop caeca. The anterior sucker is small, indistinctly separated from the trachelosome. The posterior sucker is of an unusual form and adapted to the gill raker attachment.

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V.B. Golub. 1994. On the synonymy of some Palaearctic Miridae and Tingidae (Heteroptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 26.


The following new synonymies are established: MIRIDAE: Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirk.) = T. procerus Jorigtoo & Nonnaizab; TINGIDAE: Sphaerista paradoxa (Jak.) = S. xinganicus Qi & Nonnaizab; Tingis capillata Kir. = T. pallida Štusák & Stehlík; T. helvina (Jak.) = T. similicrispata Qi & Nonnaizab; Catoplatus fulvicornis (Jak.) = Tingis bucharica Baehr.

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M.V. Malyutina. 1994. Caecijaera kussakini sp. n., a new asellote isopod from Vietnam (Crustacea, Isopoda: Janiridae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 27–33.


Caecijaera kussakini sp. n. from the intertidal zone of several islands in the South China Sea is described. It is the first record of a species of this genus in South-East Asia.

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A.V. Gorochov. 1994. A new species of Anepitacta from Cameroon (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 34.


A new species of the genus Anepitacta (Meconematini) is described from Cameroon.

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N.Ju. Kluge. 1994. Habrophlebiinae subfam. n. with description of a new species of Habroleptoides from the Caucasus (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 35–43.


The phylogeny of the Leptophlebiidae is discussed. The paraphyletic subfamily Leptophlebiinae is divided into Leptophlebiinae s. str. (which is also probably paraphyletic) and the holophyletic subfamily Habrophlebiinae subfam. n. Nymphs and imagos of the Caucasian species Habroleptoides pontica sp. n. and H. caucasica Tshernova are described.

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A.V. Gorochov. 1994. New data on the Meconematini from Vietnam (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 44.


1 new species is described. 2 species are recorded from Vietnam for the first time.

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L.A. Zhiltzova. 1994. Aubertiana gen. n. – a new genus of stoneflies (Plecoptera: Perlodidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 45–47.


The taxonomic position of Perlodes (Skobeleva) cachemirica Aubert is discussed; on the basis of clear differences between this species and those of the genus Filchneria a new genus Aubertiana is established.

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I.M. Kerzhner. 1994. On the synonymy of two Oriental species of Stenonabis (Heteroptera: Nabidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 48.


The following new synonymy is established: Stenonabis bussyi (Poppius, 1914) = S. imitator Kerzhner, 1970; S. orientalis (Reuter, 1910) = S. philippinensis Kerzhner, 1970.

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S.Yu. Storozhenko. 1994. Permian fossil insects of Northeast Europe: new Atactophlebiidae, Ideliidae and Megakhosaridae (Grylloblattida). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 49–52.


New Permian taxa of the order Grylloblattida from North-East Europe are described: Atactophlebia sharovi sp. n. (Atactophlebiidae), Pinidelia sukatshevae gen. et sp. n. (Ideliidae) and Parakhosara magna sp. n. (Megakhosaridae). Genera Liomopterina Riek, 1973 and Miolopterina Riek, 1976 are transferred from Liomopteridae to Megakhosaridae. The position of the family Atactophlebiidae within Grylloblatiida is discussed.

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A.V. Gorochov. 1994. New data on Triassic Orthoptera from Middle Asia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 53–54.


Dzhajloutshellidae fam. n. of the suborder Caelifera is established, and two new genera and two new species of this family are described. A new genus of the family Bintoniellidae of the suborder Ensifera is described.

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I.M. Kerzhner & A. Matocq. 1994. Type specimens of Palaearctic Miridae and Nabidae in the collection of the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (Heteroptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 55–68.


A list of type specimens is given (except most species of Miridae described in the last 50 years and species of Nabidae for which data on types in Paris have been recently published). Lectotypes for 155 nominal species-group taxa (151 in Miridae and 4 in Nabidae) are designated. New synonymies in Miridae: Atractotomus mali (Meyer-Dür, 1843) = A. vireti Wagner, 1955; Macrotylus nigricornis Fieber, 1864 = Miris fuscicornis Brullé, 1839 (nomen oblitum); Macrotylus nigripes (Puton, 1874), stat. n. = M. paykullii var. nigripes = M. interpositus Wagner, 1951; Orthotylus salsolae Reuter, 1875 = O. rubidus f. fuscescens Stichel, 1933. Cyphodemidea Reuter, 1903 is transferred from Deraeocorini to Mirini. Some characters to recognize Fieber’s and Reuter’s types in the collection are indicated.

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R.S. Aglyamzyanov. 1994. Review of species of the genus Lygus in the fauna of Mongolia, II (Heteroptera: Miridae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 69–74.


L. elegans sp. n. (Kazakhstan and Mongolia), L. izyaslavi sp. n. (Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia), L. monticola sp. n. (Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Mongolia) and L. orientis sp. n. (Kazakhstan and Mongolia) are described. Distribution of L. dracunculi Josifov is precised. A key to species occuring in Mongolia and the former USSR is given.

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A.S. Zamotajlov. 1994. The carabid genus Deltomerus Motschulsky, 1850 of the Caucasus, 3. Description of new species and preliminary diagnoses of larvae (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 75–92.


Five new species of Deltomerus are described: D. lailensis sp. n. (Georgia: Svanetia), D. chachalgensis sp. n. (Chechnia), D. dariae sp. n. (Chechnia), D. abdurakhmanovi sp. n. (Ingushetia), and D. miroshnikovi sp. n. (Balkaria). Descriptions of third-instar larvae of D. elongatus (Dejean, 1831) (N Ossetia), D. tibialis Reitter, 1887 (Abkhazia), and D. pseudoplatynus Reitter, 1887 (Krasnodar Terr.) and notes on some other Deltomerus larvae are given.

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O.L. Kryzhanovskij & A.K. Tishechkin. 1994. New data on distribution of Palaearctic Histeridae with description of a new species of Saprinus (Coleoptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 93–95.


Saprinus lopatini sp. n. closely related to S. lautus Er. is described from the lowlands of Middle Asia. New data on distribution of 8 poorly known species are given.

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V.A. Trjapitzin. 1994. New data on the Encyrtidae of Spain (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 96.


Twelve species are added to the list of Spanish fauna.

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M.Yu. Kalashian. 1994. Contribution to the knowledge of the jewel-beetles of Vietnam. II. Addition to the genus Aphanisticus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 97–98.


Data on 8 species of Aphanisticus from Vietnam are given. A. volkovitshi sp. n. is described.

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M.G. Volkovitsh & M.Yu. Kalashian. 1994. A new subgenus and species of Sphenoptera from Uzbekistan with taxonomic and nomenclatural notes (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 99–104.


Sphenoptera (Sphenopterella) margaritae subgen. et sp. n. is described from the Nuratau Mts., Uzbekistan. Type species are designated for genus Sphenoptera and its subgenera Deudora Jakovlev, 1898; Chilostetha Jakovlev, 1889; Cyphostetha Jakovlev, 1893 (= Rhaphidochila Jakovlev, 1900, syn. n.); Hoplistura Jakovlev, 1889; Tropeopeltis Jakovlev, 1901; and Chrysoblemma Jakovlev, 1889. Suggestions to conserve some commonly accepted names are put forward.

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A.L. Lobanov. 1994. Phytoecia natali sp. n. – a new species of longicorn beetle from the Caucasus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 105–106.


Phytoecia natali sp. n., related to Ph. iranica Villiers, 1960, is described from a male found in Azerbaijan.

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B.A. Korotyaev. 1994. New and a little known species of the weevil genus Rhamphus from Sri Lanka, Ethiopia and Namibia (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 107–110.


Rhamphus medvedevi sp. n., with single tarsal claws, from Sri Lanka is the first record of the genus Rhamphus Clairv. from the Oriental Region. Two new species are described from Ethiopia: Rhamphus amplipennis sp. n. and Rh. kazabi sp. n., and Rh. namibicus sp. n. – from Namibia. Rh. kiesenwetteri Tourn. is recorded from Ethiopia.

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B.A. Korotyaev. 1994. New weevils of the subfamily Ceutorhynchinae from the Far East (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 111–114.


Mecysmoderes kerzhneri sp. n. from Kunashir I. and Japan, Ceutorhynchus murzini sp. n. and Mogulones koreanus sp. n. from N Korea are described.

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A.G. Zinovjev. 1994. Revision of sawflies of the genus Aglaostigma, subgenus Neurosiobla (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 115–127.


Ten species of Aglaostigma from Eastern Asia are segregated into a separate subgenus Neurosiobla Conde, 1935, stat. n. (Laurentina Malaise, 1937, syn. n.). Aglaostigma (Neurosiobla) tertium sp. n. from the Russian Far East and North Korea, A. (N.) potanini sp. n. from China (Sichuan), the females of A. (N.) malaisei Conde, 1935 and A. (N.) sachalinense Conde, 1935 (A. togashii Zombori, 1973, syn. n.) are described. A key to the species of the subgenus is given.

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V.A. Kirpichnikova. 1994. A new species of the genus Catoptria from Northeastern Russia (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 128.


Catopria tristis sp. n. from Northeastern Russia is described.

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S.A. Belokobylskij. 1994. New Oriental species of the genus Ipodoryctes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Doryctinae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 129–140.


The taxonomy and composition of the genus Ipodoryctes Granger are discussed. Five new Oriental species of Ipodoryctes are described and figured: I. peregrinus sp. n. (Vietnam, Taiwan), I. tamdaoensis sp. n. (Vietnam), I. longi sp. n. (Vietnam), I. rugosiscutum sp. n. (Vietnam), I. annulicornis sp .n. (Vietnam). New combinations are established: I. ashmeadii (Baker), comb. n. and I. roslinensis (Lal), comb. n. (both from Rhaconotus). A key to the Oriental species of Ipodoryctes is given.

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S.A. Belokobylskij. 1994. A new tribe of the subfamily Doryctinae from Papua New Guinea (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 141–145.


Siragra nitida Cameron from New Guinea is redescribed and figured. This genus has such important morphological characters as loss of the prepectal and occipital carinae, presence of propodeal bridge (“pseudosternite”) and special apical process of scapus margined by strong lateral carinae. The new tribe Siragrini trib. n. is established for this genus.

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V.A. Richter & B. Zhumanov. 1994. The tachinid genus Goniophthalmus new to the fauna of Middle Asia (Diptera: Tachinidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 146.


Goniophthalmus Vill. is for the first time found in Middle Asia (Southern Uzbekiistan). G. halli Mesn. is reared from a new host, noctuid Heliothis viriplaca Hfn.

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V.A. Trjapitzin & S.N. Myartseva. 1994. A new species of the genus Teleterebratus from Israel (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 147–148.


Teleterebratus bytinskii sp. n. is described from Israel and key to world species of the genus Teleterebratus is given.

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O.G. Ovtshinnikova. 1994. Pleciidae as a separate family on the basis of the musculature of the male genitalia (Diptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 149–152.


There is no general agreement among authors on whether to rank Pleciidae (Diptera) as a subfamily or a family. The description of the muscles of the male genitalia in Penthetria sp. (Pleciidae, Bibionoidae) and comparison with Bibionidae (Bibionoidae) and Trichoceridae (Trichoceridae) are reported in this paper. Comparative studies confirm Pleciidae to be a separate family (Rohdendorf, 1964, 1977: Krivosheina, Mamaev, 1967; Krivosheina, 1969, 1972, 1986; Nartshuk, 1990).

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E.P. Nartshuk. 1994. Revision of the Chloropidae described by von Roser from Württemberg with lectotype designations (Diptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 153–158.


The Chloropidae from von Roser’s collection deposited in the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde in Stuttgart are revised. New synonymies are established: Lasiambia coxalis v.Roser, 1840 (Chlorops) = oophila Henning, 1943 (Goniopsita); Siphunculina aenea Macquart, 1835 (Siphonella) = albinervis v.Roser, 1840 (Diastata); Meromyza virescens v.Rosre, 1840, sp. dist. (not synonym of M. nigriventris Mcq., 1835) = M. hercyniae Duda, 1933 = M. lucida Péterfi, 1962. Lectotypes of the following von Roser species are designated: Camarota rufimana, Diastata albinervis, Chlorops quadrimaculata, Ch. distincta, Ch. basalis, Ch. cingulata, Ch. nigrimana, Ch. aenea, Crassiseta flaviventris. The type specimens of Ch. nigricornis, Ch. fulviceps, Crassiseta annulipes, C. fuscipes have not been found.

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V.V. Zlobin. 1994. On the status of Cerodontha (Poemyza) nowakowskii Zlobin, 1985 (Diptera: Agromyzidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(1): 159–160.


Cerodontha (Poemyza) nowakowskii Zlobin, 1985 is a valid name and its synonymy to C. (P.) calamagrostidis Nowakowski, 1972 is incorrect.

Том 3, Номер 2, 1994 [1995], стр. 161–320

Выпускающий редактор: И.М. Кержнер

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V.I. Mikhalevich. 1994. A new classification of the class Astrorhizata (Foraminifera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 161–174.


A new classification of Astrorhizata Saidova, 1981 is proposed. It is based mainly on the plan of the structure of the organism reflected in its test building, with consideration of the wall structure as of essential but secondary importance in classification. The class includes 5 orders (Astrorhizata, Dendrofryida, Saccamminida, Parathuramminida, and Hippocrepinida), 2 suborders, 7 superfamilies, 35 families, 38 subfamilies and 192 genera, among them families Normaninidae and Lacustrinellidae, subfamilies Amphifenestrellinae, Causiinae, Tholosininae, Daitroninae, Saccamminidinae, Amphicervicinae, Eoammosphaeroidinae, Hemithurammininae, Jaculellinae, and Saccorhininae are new. The subfamilies Vanhoeffenellinae, Astrorhizinae, Rhabdammininae, Dendrophryinae, Psammosphaerinae, Saccammininae, Hemisphaerammininae, Crithioninae, Hyperammininae, and Hippocrepininae undergo considerable revision, taxonomic position of 1 order, 6 families, 6 subfamilies and 28 genera and rank of some taxa was changed. The diagnoses and composition of all suprageneric taxa are given.

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T.A. Platonova & L.V. Kulangieva. 1994. Marine Enoplida from the East Siberian Sea (Nematoda). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 175–180.


Freeliving marine nematodes from the East Siberian Sea are described for the first time. The material was collected in the Chaunskaya Bay. Six species of the order Enoplida (families Leptosomatidae, Enoplidae, Rhabdodemaniidae, Oncholaimidae) are found, three of them (Pseudocella septentrionalis, Rhabdodemania koltchaki and Oncholaimium tchesunovi) described as new.

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A.V. Adrianov & V.V. Malakhov. 1994. The phylogeny and classification of the phylum Cephalorhyncha. Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 181–201.


The phylum Cephalorhyncha is a taxon including headproboscis worms: Priapulida, Loricifera, Kinorhyncha, Nematomorpha. The body of all Cephalorchyncha is divided into proboscis (= introvert) and trunk. The introvert is capable of invaginating into the trunk and is subdivided into the mouth cone, central part with sensory-locomotory scalids, and neck region. The central nervous system consists of nerve ring located in the introvert at the base of mouth cone, and ventral cord. The cephalorhynch worms of Middle Cambrian Burdgess Shale fauna are reviewed. Ancalagon and Fieldia are the most primitive cephalorhynchs. Their proboscis is not able to invaginate completely. Ancalagon and Fieldia could be included into a separate subphylum Protocephalorhyncha. Another subphylum, Eucephalorhyncha, is characterized by the introvert being able to invaginate into the trunk. Subphylum Eucephalorhyncha includes the classes Louisellida (MiddleCambrian only), Priapulida (with Middle Cambrian Ottoia and Selkirkia, Carboniferous Priapulites and several recent genera), Loricifera (considered to be neotenic group), Kinorhyncha, and Nematomorpha, the most advanced group, where only larvae retain the structure of headproboscis worm. Diagnoses of the phylum Cephalorhyncha, new subphyla Protocephalorhyncha and Eucephalorhyncha, and all classes and orders of extinct and extant cephalorhynchs are presented.

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A.V. Gorochov. 1994. On the systematic position of the genera Arachnoscelis, Poecilomerus, and Parateuthras (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 202.


The genera Arachnoscelis Karny, Poecilomerus Bol. are transferred to the tribe Phlugidini of the subfamily Meconematinae.

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G.A. Stukalina. 1994. On the taxonomic position of the Silurian genus Dastaricrinus (Crinoidea). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 203–206.


Following a taxonomic evaluation of its diagnostic characters, the genus Dastaricrinus is revised and its systematic position clarified. Morphogenetic changes of the decilobate ligamentary field of the articular facets of the stem columnals make dastaricrinuses sharply distinct among known pentamerate Silurian crinoids and allow them to be separated in a new family. The paper presents a description of the family Dastericrinidae fam. n. and four species: Dastaricrinus digitatus Stukalina, 1986 (type species of the genus), D. primitivus (Milicina, 1973), D. barbarus sp. n. and D. petaloideus sp. n.

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O.G. Kussakin & G.S. Vasina. 1994. Antarctic hadal arcturids, with descriptions of a new genus and five new species (Isopoda: Valvifera: Arcturidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 207–228.


Six species of the family Acturidae are recorded from the western Antarctic, at depths more than 6000 m. All the six are new species belonging to six different genera, two of them new. Globarcturus angelikae was described by the authors earlier. Five new species (Rectarcturus tatianae, Neoarcturus caecus, Abyssarcturus averincevi, Cylindracturus leucophthalmus, and Antarcturus andriashevi) and the new genus Abysarcturus are described in this paper. All hadal arcturid species are probably blind; but two of them bear rudementary colourless eyes, and the others are without indication of eyes.

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E.L. Markhaseva. 1994. A new species of Paracomantenna from the eastern tropical Pacific (Crustacea, Copepoda: Aetideidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 229–233.


Paracomantenna wishnerae sp. n. from the eastern tropical Pacific is described. The new species is clearly distinguished from other species of the genus by the longer points of Th5 posterior corners, serrated margin of Re3 P2 between first and second and second and third external spines, and setation of oral parts.

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E.V. Kanyukova. 1994. Sigara albiventris (Horváth) does not occur in Daghestan and Azerbaijan (Heteroptera: Corixidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 234.


Records of Sigara albiventris (Horváth) from Daghestan refer to S. striata (Linnaeus) and those from Azerbaijan to populations intermediate between S. striata and S. albiventris.

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G.Sh. Kadjaia. 1994. Geographical variability in the Caucasian species of the genus Forcellinia (Acari: Acaridae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 235–236.


Population analysis of Forcellinia wasmanni (Moniez) and F. diamesa A.Z. from the Caucasus revealed their additional differentiating characters and geographical variability in some indices.

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D.V. Logunov. 1994. New and little known species of the jumping spiders from Central Asia (Araneae: Salticidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 237–246.


The following seven new species are described: Pseudicius chinensis sp. n. and P. szechuanensis sp. n. from China, Sichuan; Pellenes dilutus sp. n. from South Kazakhstan; P. pulcher sp. n. from North Kazakhstan and Tuva; P. tesin sp. n. from Turkmenistan; Ptocasius songi sp. n. from China, Sichuan; and P. variegatus sp. n. from Sourth Kazakhzstan. The female of Sitticus pulchellus Logunov, 1992 is described for the first time. Pseudicius braunsi (Peckham & Peckham, 1903), originally described from Sourth Africa, is recorded from Palaearctic (Turkmenistan) and redescribed. New faunistic records for Salticus dzhungaricus Logunov, 1992 are given.

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L.I. Podgornaya. 1994. Mishtshenkotetrix, Uvarovitettix and Depressotetrix as separate genera (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 247–248.


Three species originally described as Tetrix brachyptera, Mesotettix (Uvarovitettix) transsylvanicus and Tetrix depressa are considered as representatives of three monotypic genera: Mishtshenkotetrix, Uvarovitettix and Depressotetrix respectively.

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A.V. Gorochov. 1994. Two new species of the genus Pseudomogoplistes Gorochov (Orthoptera: Mogoplistidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 249–250.


Pseudomogoplistes byzantius sp. n. from Crimea and Greece and P. turcicus sp. n. from Turkey are described.

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V.Ye. Rosenzweig. 1994. A new species of Loricula from Kyrghyzstan (Heteroptera: Microphysidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 251–252.


Loricula issykatensis sp. n. is described from the Kyrghyz Range.

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C.E. Lee & I.M. Kerzhner. 1994. Two new species of Dicyphini from Korea (Heteroptera: Miridae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 253–255.


Dicyphus parkheoni and Cyrtopeltis rufobrunnea are described from Sourth Korea.

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V.B. Golub. 1994. New records of lacebugs from the Palaearctic part of Asia (Heteroptera: Tingidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 256.


16 species are recorded for the first time from various countries Asia.

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P.V. Putshkov. 1994. Type specimens of Palaearctic Reduviidae in the collection of the Zoological Institute, St.Petersburg (Heteroptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 257–261.


A list of type specimens of 75 nominal species-group taxa is given. Lectotypes are designated for 48 of them. Characters for recognition of these lectotypes and holotypes of certain taxa are indicated. Reduvius komarowii (Jakovlev, 1885) is restored as a good species (not a synonym of R. tabidus Klug, 1830).

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B.M. Kataev & A.V. Matalin. 1994. Stenolophus portugalicus Matalin and S. lanzarotensis Klynstra are new synonyms of S. paulinoi Heyden, stat. n. (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 262.


A new synonymy Stenolophus paulinoi Heyden, stat. n. (discophorus var. paulinoi) = S. lanzarotensis Klinstra, = S. portugalicus Matalin is established.

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V.V. Derzhansky. 1994. Species of the genus Menaccarus in the fauna of the former USSR (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 263–264.


M. divaricatus (Jakovlev) and M. deserticola (Jakovlev) are restored as good species. M. transparens (Jakovlev) is placed in synonymy with M. deserticola. M. ovalis (Puton) is a synonym of M. dohrnianus (Mulsant & Rey) which does not occur in the studied area.

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O.L. Kryzhanovskij. 1994. New and poorly known Carabidae from North, Central and East Asia (Coleoptera). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 265–272.


Several new taxa are described: Notiophilus hyperboreus sp. n. from NW Siberia, N. ghilarovi sp. n. and N. stackelbergi sp. n. from Tien Shan Mts. (new data on some poorly known species of this genus are also given), Broscus kozlovi sp. n. (China: Inner Mongolia), and Andrewesius amicus sp. n. (China: Sichuan). Anchagonum gen. n. (tribe Platynini) is established for Anchomenus turkestanicus Ballion, 1870 from Middle Asia. New data on some Palaearctic Brachinus are given.

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B.M. Kataev. 1994. On taxonomic position of Nesarpax labiatus (Erichson), endemic to the Cabo Verde Islands, with remarks on Acinopi genus-group (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 273–278.


Examination of a male of Nesarpax labiatus (Erichs.), endemic to the Cabo Verde Islands, and comparison with specimens of various Palaearctic and African genera have shown that this species should be included in the Palaearctic genus Acinopus Dej. and that Nesarpax All. may be treated as one of its subgenera closest to Acinopus s. str. At the same time, Nesarpax may be considered a link between more plesiomorphic genera Nesarpalus Bed. and Nesacinopus Tschit. from Canaries and Madeira, on the one hand, and more apomorphic subgenera of Acinopus from Mediterranean Region, on the other hand. The distinguishing features of Dregus Motsch., Cratognathus Dej., and Pangus Dej., also probably related to Acinopus, are given.

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A.G. Kirejtshuk. 1994. Epuraea (Epuraea) dolosa sp. n. and notes on taxonomy of some Palaearctic species of the genus Epuraea (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 279–282.


Epuraea (E.) dolosa sp. n. from Northern Europe (Perm’ Province of Russia and Norway) is described with comments on the systematic position and taxonomy of some European species of the subgenus Epuraea similar to the new one. The new species is compared with E. (E.) angustula Sturm, 1844; E. (E.) boreella (Zetterstedt, 1828); E. (E.) drapeta Reitter, 1909; E. (E.) excisicollis Reitter, 1872; E. (E.) fussi Reitter, 1885; E. (E.) longula Erichson, 1845; E. (E.) marseuli Reitter, 1872; E. (E.) oblonga (Herbst, 1793); E. (E.) opalizans J. Sahlberg, 1889; E. (E.) rubronotata Reitter, 1873 and others.

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A.S. Konstantinov. 1994. New species of Clavicornaltica and Orthaltica from the Australian and Oriental Regions (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Alticinae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 283–288.


The following new species are described: Clavicornaltica australis (Australia), Orthaltica pahangi (Malaya), O. orientalis (Malaya), O. borneoensis (Borneo), O. australis (Australia), O. kirejtshuki (Australia), O. rangoonensis (Burma), O. mindanaoensis (Philippines), O. bakeri (Philippines), O. visayanensis (Philippines).

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V.I. Tobias. 1994. Species of the Microchelonus agathis group with description of M. subagathis sp. n. from Turkmenistan (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 289–291.


Microchelonus subagathis sp. n. belonging to the M. agathis group is described and figured. This group includes 5 species characterized by strongly developed cheeks. They are distributed in arid regions of the east Palaearctic. A key to species of the group is given.

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A.V. Frolov. 1994. Notes on species of Aphodius of the Russian Far East (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 292.


Aphodius quadratus Reiche and A. hammondi Dell. are reported from Russia for the first time. Data on distribution of A. notabilipennis Petr., A. rugosostriatus Waterh. (= raddei Berlov, syn. n.) and A. costatellus A. Schmidt are given.

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S.A. Belokobylskij. 1994. A new genus and ten new species of the subfamily Euphorinae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) from the Russian Far East. Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 293–312.


A new genus Asiacentistes gen. n. [type species Centistes (Centistes) alekseevi Belokobylskij, 1992] and ten new species [Centistes (Centistes) tsherskii sp. n., C. (Ancylocentrus) kaplanovi sp. n., Meteorus kunashiricus sp. n., M. rossicus sp. n., Perilitus coxator sp. n., P. chabarovi sp. n., Leiophron (Peristenus) pacificus sp. n., L. (P.) golovnini sp. n., L. (P.) gamayun sp. n., L. (P.) posjeti sp. n.] of the subfamily Euphorinae from the Russian Far East are described and illustrated.

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Z.A. Yefremova. 1994. A new species of the genus Zagrammosoma from Cuba (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 313–315.


Zagrammosoma velerii sp. n. is described from Cuba.

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A.V. Sharkov. 1994. A new species of the genus Pseudaphycus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) parasitizing the mealybug Coccura suwakoensis (Kuwayama & Toyoda) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) in the Far East of Russia. Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 316–318.


Pseudaphycus coccurae sp. n. is described. It is a common parasite of the Ussuri Plum Mealybug Coccura suwakoensis (Kuwayama & Toyoda) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) in the Far East of Russia (Amur Province and Primorsk Territory). Previously this species has been erroneously identified as P. malinus Gahan, a well known parasite of Comstock Mealybug Pseudococcus comstocki Kuwana.

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E.S. Sugonjaev. 1994. A new genus and species from the guild of flattened encyrtids (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) infesting scale insects on bamboo in Vietnam. Zoosystematica Rossica, 3(2): 319–320.


Vietmachus bambusicola gen. et sp. n. is described. The new genus belongs to the tribe Astymachini. It differs from the genus Astymachus in dentation of mandibles and hidden long ovipositor covered by strongly attenuated IX syntergite.

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