New and rare species of calanoid copepods from the central Arctic Basin (Crustacea, Copepoda)

E.L. Markhaseva & K.N. Kosobokova

Abstract. Disco triangularis sp. n. (Discoidae) is described from females and Onchocalanus cristogerens sp. n. (Phaennidae) from a male, both species collected in the central Arctic Basin. Scolecithricella laminata (Farran, 1926) (Scolecitrichidae) is recorded for the first time from the central Arctic Basin. Disco triangularis sp. n. is clearly distinguished from the related discolds by its larger size, presence of 5 setae at P2 Enp2 and 5 setae at P3-P4 Enp3, by Md Gn with 2 teeth, and 2-segmented P5 in females. Onchocalanus cristogerens sp. n. is similar to O. cristatus (Wolfended, 1904) and O. subcristatus (Wolfenden, 1906) in the presence of a crest, while in other representatives of the genus the crest is lacking. In P5 longer than urosome the species is similar to O. hirtipes Sars, 1905 and O. magnus (Wolfenden, 1906), differing from the remaining Onchocalanus males with P5 as long as urosome.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 1998, 7(1): 45–53  ▪  Published in print 25 June 1998

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