New and little-known Nabidae from North America (Heteroptera)

I.M. Kerzhner

Abstract. New species: Lasiomerus andabata (USA, Mexico, Guatemala), Pagasa confusa (USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Puerto Rico). New synonymies: Pagasa subg. Lampropagasa Reut. = subg. Parapagasa Hussey, P. pallipes Stål = P. luctuosa Van Duzee. Other taxonomic changes: Hoplistoscelis pallescens Reut. restored from synonymy with H. sordida Reut. (the last one does not occur in USA), Pagasa fusca var. nigripes Harris raised to specific rank. Hoplistoscelis dentipes Harris is excluded from the list of North American species, Nabis americanus Rem. recorded from Texas. Lectotypes of 4 nominal species are designated.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 1992, 1(1): 37–45  ▪  Published in print 10 March 1993



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