On Euplectrus thanhi Yefremova, 1994 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)

Z.A. Yefremova

Abstract. The following new synonymy is established: Euplectus thanhi Yefremova, 1994a (September) = E. thanhi Yefremova, 1994b (October), syn. n.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 2002, 11(2): 330  ▪  Published in print 25 June 2003

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Yefremova, Z.A. 1994a. A new species of the genus Euplectrus Westwood from Vietnam (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). In: Gorochov, A.V. & Kireichuk, A.G. [Eds.] Novosti sistematiki i faunistiki nasekomykh Vietnama [Advances in systematics and faunistics of insects of Vietnam], 4. Trudy Zool. Inst. Russ. Akad. Nauk, 257: 145-148. (In Russian). [Published 19 September1994].

Yefremova, Z.A. 1994a. A new species of the genus Euplectrus Westwood from Vietnam (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Russ. entomol. J., 3(1-2): 149-150. (In Russian). [Published 19 September 1994].

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