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A contribution to the knowledge of the Doryctinae of Taiwan (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)

S.A. Belokobylskij

Abstract. Sixteen genera and 41 species of the subfamily Doryctinae are recorded for the Taiwan fauna. Ten new species are described and figured: Ipodoryctes korotyaevi sp. n., Doryctes denticoxa sp. n., D. henryi sp. n., Ontsira gratia sp. n., Heterospilus hemitestaceus sp. n., Spathiomorpha enderleini sp. n., Spathius paracritolaus sp. n., S. wusheensis sp. n., S. convexitemporalis sp. n., S. taiwanicus sp. n. Redescriptions of Rhaconotus concinnus (Enderlein), Rh. sauteri (Watanabe), Rh. sulcativentris (Enderlein), Leptospathius triangulifera Enderlein, Spathius annuliventris (Enderlein) and S. mimeticus (Enderlein) are given. New synonyms: Spathiohormius sauteri Watanabe, 1934 = Rhaconotus cleanthes Nixon, 1939; Hormiopterus sulcativentris Enderlein, 1912 = Rhaconotus oryzae Wilkinson, 1929 = Rh. flavistigma Telenga, 1941; Stenophasmus apicalis Westwood, 1882 = S. enderleini Strand, 1913. Euryphrymnus Cameron is considered as subgenus of Rhaconotus Ruthe. Lecotypes of Hormiopterus sulcativentris Enderlein, 1912, Neotrimorus bicolor Enderlein, 1912, Leptospathius triangulifera Enderlein, 1914 and Stenophasmus mimeticus Enderlein, 1912 are designated. The new combination is established: Ipodoryctes rubriceps (Cameron) (from Rhyssalus). 17 species are recorded for Taiwan for the first time. Keys to the Taiwanese genera and species of Doryctinae are given.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 1996, 5(1): 153–191  ▪  Опубликовано в печати 25 июня 1996 г.

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