Том 10, номер 1/2, 2010, стр. 3–74. Опубликован 22 июня 2010 г.

Кармазин А.П., Пескова Т.Ю. 2010. Использование гематологических показателей озерной лягушки Rana ridibunda (Pallas, 1771) для определения зоны токсического действия нефти. Современная герпетология, 10(1/2): 3–7.

Karmazin A.P., Peskova T.Yu. 2010. Usage of hematological indicators of marsh frog Rana ridibunda (Pallas, 1771) for oil toxic zone estimation. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(1/2): 3–7.


При действии нефти в пределах 0.2 − 10 ПДК в течение 5 суток наблюдается эритроцитоз и увеличение количества гемоглобина в крови озерной лягушки одновременно с лейкопенией. Кроме того, обнаружены разнообразные морфологические и генетические изменения клеток крови. Исследованные нами концентрации нефти оказывают однотипное воздействие на динамику изученных показателей как красной, так и белой крови озерной лягушки, изменяя их в зависимости от градиента концентрации нефти. Следовательно, гематологические показатели озерной лягушки и их динамика могут быть использованы для достоверного и достаточно просто проводимого определения концентраций, входящих в зону токсического действия нефти.

On 5-day oil action within 0.2 - 10 MPC, erythrocytosis and a hemoglobin increase in marsh frog blood are observed, simultaneously with leukopenia. Besides, various morphological and genetic changes of blood cells are found out. The oil concentrations studied have the same influence on the dynamics of the examined indicators of both red and white blood of marsh frog, changing them depending on the oil concentration gradient. Hence, the hematological indicators of marsh frog and their dynamics can be used for reliable and simple estimation of concentrations within the toxic zone of oil.

Минеева О.В. 2010. Сезонная динамика численности и возрастного состава гемипопуляции марит Prosotocus confusus (Fasciolida, Pleurogenidae) из озерной лягушки Саратовского водохранилища. Современная герпетология, 10(1/2): 8–13.

Mineeva O.V. 2010. Seasonal dynamics of the number and age structure of the hemipopulation of marits Prosotocus confusus (Fasciolida, Pleurogenidae) in lake frog from Saratov reservoir. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(1/2): 8–13.


Рассмотрены особенности возрастной структуры и динамики численности гемипопуляции трематоды Prosotocus confusus (Looss, 1894), паразита кишечника озерной лягушки (Rana ridibunda Pallas, 1771). В период активной жизнедеятельности хозяина (с мая по октябрь) гемипопуляция P. confusus представлена двумя генерациями, которые находятся у хозяина менее 1 года и отличаются темпом созревания.

Peculiarities of the age structure and abundance dynamics of the hemipopulation of trematodaProsotocus confusus (Looss, 1894), an intestinal parasite of Rana ridibunda Pallas, 1771, are considered. In the host's active life period (May - October), the hemipopulation of P. confusus are presented by 2 generations, who have lived in the host less than one year and distinguish in ripening rate.

Смирнов Н.А. 2010. К изучению морфометрической изменчивости карпатского тритона (Lissotriton montandoni) северо-восточного макросклона Украинских Карпат. Современная герпетология, 10(1/2): 14–25.

Smirnov N.A. 2010. On study of morphometric variability of Carpathian newt (Lissotriton montandoni) in north-eastern macroslope of Ukrainian Carpathians. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(1/2): 14–25.


Проанализирована внутри- и межпопуляционная изменчивость карпатского тритона (Lissotriton montandoni) из шести пунктов на северо-восточном макросклоне Украинских Карпат. Установлено, что самцы, по сравнению с самками, имеют меньшие размеры тела и некоторые специфические пропорции: они характеризируются более длинными конечностями и укороченным туловищем. Обнаружено ослабление уровня морфологической дивергенции между самцами и самками в градиенте увеличения гипсометрической высоты обитания и удаленности от края видового ареала.

The intra- and interpopulation variability of Carpathian newt (Lissotriton montandoni) from six points on the north-eastern macroslope of the Ukrainian Carpathians is analyzed. Males have shorter bodies and some specific proportions, namely, longer limbs and shorter trunks, as compared to females. We have found a decrease of the morphological male-female divergence level along the gradient of the hypsometric height and the distance from the distributional limits.

Сурова Г.С. 2010. Изменение абиотических условий при содержании головастиков с разной плотностью (на примере личинок травяной лягушки — Rana temporaria и серой жабы – Bufo bufo). Современная герпетология, 10(1/2): 26–39.

Surova G.S. 2010. Changes of abiotic parameters during tadpole development with different densities in laboratory conditions (with Rana temporaria L. and Bufo bufo L. as examples). Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(1/2): 26–39.


В лаборатории исследовали изменение абиотических условий среды (t°C, pH, O2%) в течение онтогенеза личинок Rana temporaria L. и Bufo bufo L. при изолированном содержании и в группах с разной плотностью: низкой, высокой и высокой с дополнительной продувкой воздухом. Показано, что изменение температуры не зависит от объема воды и способа содержания личинок. Уровень рН несколько снижается по мере развития особей (на 1 - 1.5 ед. рН, причем при высокой плотности сильнее, чем при низкой), но не достигает порога толерантности особей, определяемого как рН = 5.0 (Freda, 1986). Количество растворенного кислорода в процессе развития мало изменяется у одиночек и при продувке воздухом. В группах резкое снижение O2% наблюдается в середине периода свободно плавающей личинки (у личинок лягушки в 3 - 5, у личинок жабы в 5 - 7 раз), что выходит за границу толерантности, определяемую как 2.0 - 3.0 мг/л (Costa, 1967). На этом фоне повышение плотности приводит к усилению гибели и замедлению процессов роста и развития особей. Дополнительная продувка является стрессирующим воздействием из-за постоянного потока пузырьков воздуха, создающего течение воды. Это приводит к сильной задержке роста и развития, высокой смертности особей и изменению формы их тела. Личинки серой жабы оказались более чувствительны к повышению плотности, продувке и к недостатку кислорода, чем личинки травяной лягушки. Высказывается предположение, что угнетающее воздействие «эффекта группы» в лабораторных условиях может быть в значительной степени связано с ухудшением абиотических условий жизни личинок.

Changes of several abiotic environmental parameters (t, °C, pH, O2%) during the development of Rana temporaria L. and Bufo bufo L. tadpoles were studied in laboratory conditions. The animals were kept as singletons, in groups with low and high densities, and with a high density with additional air pumping. Temperature changes have been shown not to depend on the water volume and larvae maintenance conditions. pH decreases (by 1 - 1.5) in the process of tadpole development with a high density faster than with a low one, but does not reach the tolerance limit 5.0 (Freda, 1986). The O2content altered a little for singletons and while air pumping. In the low- and high-density groups, O2% decreased sharply (by 3 - 5 and 5 - 7 times for frog and toad tadpoles, respectively), which overstepped the O2% limits for these species (2.0 - 3.0 mg/l (Costa, 1967)). Higher densities lead to an increase of mortality and decreases in the growth and development rates under oxygen deficit. Additional air pumping creates constant water current and leads to a tadpole growth and development delay, a high mortality, and transformations of the body shape. The toad larvae turn out to be more sensitive to an increased density, air pumping, and oxygen deficit than the frog ones. The oppressive influence of the «group effect» is hypothesized to be mainly caused by worsened abiotic conditions of larvae's life.

Чхиквадзе В.М., Бондаренко Д.А., Шаммаков С. 2010. Морфология панциря среднеазиатской черепахи — Agrionemys horsfieldii (Gray, 1844) из Юго-Восточного Туркменистана и Северного Ирана и систематическое положение рода Agrionemys. Современная герпетология, 10(1/2): 40–46.

Chkhikvadze V.M., Bondarenko D.A., Shammakov S. 2010. Shell morphology of Central asian tortoise (Agrionemys horsfieldii) in Southeastern Turkmenistan and Northern Iran, and taxonomic status of Agrionemys genus. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(1/2): 40–46.


Большинство черепах из Юго-Восточного Туркменистана и Северного Ирана относятся к одному виду (Agrionemys horsfieldii). Подробно рассмотрена морфологическая изменчивость и подвижные зоны пластрона и карапакса этой черепахи (эпигиопластральная и гиогипопластральная подвижность, а также подвижность задней части карапакса). Сопоставление своеобразной морфологии среднеазиатской черепахи с балканской черепахой (род Eurotestudo) и с типичными представителями рода Testudo s.s. используется авторами как основа филогенетической и таксономической самостоятельности рода Agrionemys.

Most tortoises from the southeastern Turkmenistan and northern Iran belong to Agrionemys horsfieldii. A detailed description of the morphological variation of the tortoise plastron and carapace and the morphology of shell mobile zones (the epihyoplastral and hyohypoplastral mobility and the mobility of the back part of carapace) is proposed. On the basis of morphological comparison between Central Asian tortoise and Balkan tortoise (Eurotestudo) and Testudo s.s. we conclude that theAgrionemys genus has a separate phylogenetic and taxonomic position.

Шляхтин Г.В., Табачишин В.Г. 2010. Сезонная изменчивость пищевого рациона озерной лягушки — Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas, 1771) на севере Нижнего Поволжья. Современная герпетология, 10(1/2): 47–53.

Shlyakhtin G.V., Tabachishin V.G. 2010. Seasonal diet variability of Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas, 1771) in the northern Lower-Volga region. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(1/2): 47–53.


На основе анализа 1256 проб содержимого желудков рассматривается суточная и сезонная изменчивость пищевого рациона озерной лягушки - Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas, 1771) из разных биотопов Саратовской области. Установлено, что независимо от времени года и места обитания основу диеты озерных лягушек составляют насекомые, среди которых большой удельный вес имеют жесткокрылые (Coleoptera), перепончатокрылые (Hymenoptera) и полужесткокрылые (Hemiptera). Очевидно, к этим группам кормов у них есть некоторая предпочитаемость, которая также проявляется в более частой добыче жертв с определенными линейными и весовыми параметрами. В ряде водоемов в весенний период диета озерных лягушек насыщается личинками амфибий, включая и собственного вида. Представители других классов в диете лягушки имеют меньшее значение, за исключением брюхоногих моллюсков (Gastropoda). Мальки рыб за все годы наблюдений были встречены в содержимом только 3 желудков. Число водных, наземных и летающих животных зависит от времени года и места обитания, в связи с чем генерализованные данные имеют большой размах колебаний: 16.8 - 43.9% - водные, 56.1 - 83.2% - наземные и 36.2 - 69.4% - летающие. Число ежедневно добываемых ими животных колеблется от 10 - 15 до 20 и более экземпляров, а утилизуемая биомасса составляет более 1000 мг.

The daily and seasonal variability of the diet of Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas, 1771) from several biotops of the Saratov region is analyzed on the basis of 1256 stomach content samples. Independently of the season and habitat, the basis of P. ridibundus' diet is constituted by insects, of which Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, and Hemiptera have a high position. Apparently, they show some preference to these forage groups, which also manifests itself in more frequent catching victims with certain linear and weight parameters. In several reservoirs in the spring period the diet of P. ridibundusis enriched with amphibian larvae, including their own species. The representatives of other classes in the diet of P. ridibundus are less important, with the exception of Gastropoda. Young fishes were met in the content of 3 stomachs only for the whole period of our observation. The number of aquatic, terrestrial and flying animals depends on the season and habitat, and the generalized data strongly oscillate: 16.8 - 43.9% (aquatic), 56.1 - 83.2% (terrestrial), and 36.2 - 69.4% (flying). The number of daily caught animals varies from 10 - 15 to 20 and more individuals, the utilized bioweight being above 1,000 mg.

Бакиев А.Г., Литвинов Н.А., Шуршина И.В. 2010. О питании восточной степной гадюки Vipera renardi (Christoph, 1861) в Волжском бассейне. Современная герпетология, 10(1/2): 54–56.

Bakiev A.G., Litvinov N.A., Shurshina I.V. 2010. On diet of renard's viper Vipera renardi (Christoph, 1861) in the Volga river basin. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(1/2): 54–56.


Приводятся данные о сезонных изменениях питания восточных степных гадюк из Красноярского района Астраханской области. Отмечаются различия пищевого предпочтения у молоди двух подвидов (номинативного и гадюки Башкирова), населяющих Волжский бассейн.

Data on the seasonal diet changes of Renardi Vipers from Krasnyi Yar district of the Astrakhan region are presented. There are some differences in the food preference of young vipers between two subspecies (nominative and Bashkirov vipers), which inhabit the Volga river basin.

Кайбелева Э.И., Завьялов Е.В., Табачишин В.Г. 2010. Особенности межпопуляционной изменчивости кариотипа озерной лягушки Rana (Pelophylax) ridibunda на севере Нижнего Поволжья. Современная герпетология, 10(1/2): 57–60.

Kaybeleva E.I., Zavialov E.V., Tabachishin V.G. 2010. Features of the interpopulational karyotype variability of Rana (Pelophylax) ridibunda in the northern Lower-Volga region. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(1/2): 57–60.


Изучены хромосомные наборы популяций озерной лягушки (Rana (Рelophylax) ridibunda) из различных пойменных биотопов севера Нижнего Поволжья. Установлено, что по основным цитогенетическим параметрам кариотип изученных лягушек совпадает с таковым из других частей ареала (2n = 26, NF = 52). Региональные особенности кариотипа заключаются в морфометрических характеристиках отдельных хромосом, в частности, выявлен полиморфизм 7-й пары хромосом; хромосомная формула для R. ridibunda волжской популяции составляет 5V+6sV+2sT, а для донской - 6V+5sV+2sT. Ядрышковые организаторы на всех анализируемых метафазах располагаются на 11-й паре хромосом.

The chromosome sets of lake frog (Rana (Pelophylax) ridibunda) populations from several flood-land biotops of the Northern Lower-Volga region were studied. The karyotype of the frogs under study coincides, by basic cytogenetic parameters, with that from other parts of the habitat (2n = 26, NF = 52). Regional features of the karyotype are in the morphometric characteristics of separate chromosomes, in particular, polymorphism of the 7th chromosome pair has been revealed; the chromosome formula for R. (P.) ridibunda of the Volga and Don populations is 5V+6sV+2sT and 6V+5sV+2sT, respectively. The nuclear organizers on each metaphases analyzed are located on the 11th chromosome pair.

Малимонов В.В. 2010. Морфофизиологические особенности и фолидоз живородящей ящерицы из лесопарковой зоны г. Екатеринбурга. Современная герпетология, 10(1/2): 61–66.

Malimonov V.V. 2010. Morphophysiological features and folidosis of viviparous lizards of the Yekaterinburg forest-park zone. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(1/2): 61–66.


Рассматривается пространственное распределение живородящей ящерицы в лесопарковой зоне Екатеринбурга. Показаны территориальные различия морфофизиологических признаков и фолидоза Zootoca vivipara в пределах города. Обсуждаются причины подобных различий.

The spatial distribution of viviparous lizard in the Yekaterinburg park zone is considered. Territorial distinctions of the morphophysiological features and folidosis of Zootoca vivipara are shown. Possible causes of such distinctions are discussed.

Доронин И.В. 2010. Галина Пантелеймоновна Лукина (к 80-летию со дня рождения). Современная герпетология, 10(1/2): 67–72.

Doronin I.V. 2010. Galina P. Lukina (on her eightieth birthday). Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(1/2): 67–72.

Мельников Д.А. 2010. О первом террариумном семинаре при Герпетологическом обществе им. А.М. Никольского и создании при нём секции террариумистики и зоокультуры. Современная герпетология, 10(1/2): 73–74.

Melnikov D.A. 2010. On the first terrarium seminar at the Nikolski Herpetological Society and its concomitant section of terrariumistics and zooculture. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(1/2): 73–74.

Содержание журнала за 2009 г. Современная герпетология, 10(1/2): 75–78.

Table of contents 2009. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(1/2): 75–78.

Авторский указатель за 2009 г. Современная герпетология, 10(1/2): 79–80.

Author index 2009. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(1/2): 79–80.

Правила для авторов. Современная герпетология, 10(1/2): 81–83.

Authors guide. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(1/2): 81–83.

Том 10, номер 3/4, 2010, стр. 89–158. Опубликован 26 декабря 2010 г.

Белик В.П. 2010. Материалы к фауне и экологии земноводных степного Придонья. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 89–100.

Belik V.P. 2010. On amphibian fauna and ecology in the steppe part of the Don basin. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 89–100.


Дается краткое описание истории исследований батрахофауны Ростовской области, для которой в течение последних 100 лет было указано 14 видов земноводных. Сейчас 6 из них встречаются здесь регулярно (Triturus vulgaris, Bombina bombina, Pelobates fuscus, Bufo viridis,Rana ridibunda, Rana arvalis). Rana kl. esculenta обитает только в бассейне Сев. Донца, а находкаBufo bufo нуждается в дальнейшем подтверждении. 5 видов (Mertensiella caucasica, Triturus cristatus, Rana lessonae, Rana temporaria, Rana macrocnemis) были включены в фауну степного Придонья ошибочно, или их находки не были подтверждены здесь конкретными данными. Квакша (Hyla arborea), по-видимому, исчезла из фауны Придонья в XIX веке. Приводятся сведения по экологии и фенологии земноводных в низовьях Дона.

A historical review of amphibian studies in the Rostov region is presented. 14 species of amphibians have been noted there for the last 100 years. Now, only six of them are distributed in the Rostov region, namely, Triturus vulgaris, Bombina bombina, Pelobates fuscus, Bufo viridis, Rana ridibunda, Rana arvalis. Rana kl. esculenta lives only in the Seversky (Northern) Donets basin, and the occurrence of Bufo bufo needs further confirmation. Five species (Mertensiella caucasica, Triturus cristatus, Rana lessonae, Rana temporaria, Rana macrocnemis) were included in the fauna of the steppe part of the Don basin by mistake because their findings were not confirmed by further surveys. Tree frog (Hyla arborea) has apparently disappeared from the fauna of the Don region in the 19 century. Data on the ecology and pheno-logy of amphibians in the Lower Don are summarized.

Ермохин М.В., Табачишин В.Г. 2010. Динамика размерной и половой структуры сеголеток чесночницы обыкновенной — Pelobates fuscus (Laurenti, 1768) в пойме р. Медведицы. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 101–108.

Ermokhin M.V., Tabachishin V.G. 2010. Size and sex structure dynamics of Pelobates fuscus (Laurenti, 1768) toadlets in the Medveditsa river floodplain. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 101–108.


Рассматривается половая структура, динамика размеров тела у сеголеток чесночницы обыкновенной в период выхода на сушу по окончании метаморфоза на двух озерах поймы р. Медведицы в Лысогорском районе Саратовской области. Показано, что сеголетки чесночницы обыкновенной в озерах долины р. Медведицы завершают метаморфоз при длине тела у самцов 21.1 - 34.4 мм, у самок - 23.2 - 37.6 мм. Уровень полового диморфизма во всех озерах в 2009 - 2010 гг. в среднем равен 0.08 (0.06 - 0.12), что значительно ниже, чем у половозрелых особей в оз. Садок и соответствует таковому в оз. Коблóво. Последовательность трех аномально жарких лет (2008 - 2010 гг.) ведет к усилению существующего дисбаланса половой структуры (феминизации) локальных популяций чесночницы обыкновенной в условиях юга саратовского Правобережья, размножающихся в мелководных озерах с нестабильным гидрологическим режимом, а также уменьшению размеров сеголеток.

The sex structure and body size dynamics of Pelobates fuscus (Laurenti, 1768) toadlets during their exit to land after metamorphosis in two lakes of the Medveditsa river floodplain within Lysye Gory district (Saratov region) are considered. P. fuscus toadlets in the lakes of the Medveditsa river valley finish their metamorphosis with body sizes 21.1 - 34.4 and 23.2 - 37.6 mm for males and females, respectively. The sexual dimorphism level in all lakes in 2009 - 2010 was 0.08 (0.06 - 0.12) on the average, which was significantly lower than that of mature individuals in Lake Sadok and approximately the same as in Lake Koblovo. The sequence of three anomalous hot years (2008 - 2010) has led to enhancement of the existing disbalance of the sex structure (feminization) of those local P. fuscuspopulations in the southern Saratov Right-Volga-bank region which breed in shallow lakes with unstable hydrological regime, and to reduction of toadlet's body size.

Кидов А.А. 2010. К биологии гирканской лягушки (Rana macrocnemis pseudodalmatina Eiselt et Schmidtler, 1971) в Юго-Восточном Азербайджане. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 109–114.

Kidov A.A. 2010. Notes on the biology of iranian long-legged wood frog (Rana macrocnemis pseudodalmatina Eiselt et Schmidtler, 1971) in Southeastern Azerbaijan. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 109–114.


Приводятся данные о биологии гирканской лягушки (Rana macrocnemis pseudodalmatinaEiselt et Schmidtler, 1971) в Ленкоранской низменности, горно-лесном поясе Талыша и на плато Зуванд. Отмечается, что этот подвид населяет разнообразные биотопы, от уровня моря до 1500 - 2000 м н.у.м. Зимовка в горно-лесном поясе с конца октября по начало марта, в Ленкоранской низменности активные особи могут наблюдаться в течение всей зимы. Нерест отмечался с начала марта по конец апреля в зависимости от высотности расположения мест размножения. Количество яиц в кладках колебалось в пределах 133 - 2569 шт. Длина эмбрионов после выклева 0.65 - 0.98 см. Метаморфоз наблюдался с начала мая по начало августа. Размеры сеголетков после метаморфоза в горно-лесном поясе 1.62 - 2.11 см, на плато Зуванд - 1.83 - 2.28 см. Длина тела годовиков после первой зимовки в Зуванде от 3.02 до 4.50 см.

Data about the biology of Iranian long-legged wood frog Rana macrocnemis pseudodalmatinaEiselt et Schmidtler, 1971 in the Lankaran lowlands, mountain-forest zone of Talysh, and on the Zuvand plateau are reported. It is noted that this subspecies inhabits a variety of places, from the sea level up to 1500 - 2000 m above it. Its hibernation in the mountain-forest belt lasts from late October till early March, but in the Lankaran lowland, active individuals can be observed throughout the winter. Spawning was observed from early March till late April, depending on the altitude location of breeding sites. The number of eggs in clutches ranged from 133 to 2,569. The length of embryos after hatching is 0.65 - 0.98 cm. Metamorphosis was observed from early May till early August. Juveniles after their metamorphosis in the mountain-forest zone and Zuvand plateau had sizes 1.62 - 2.11 and 1.83 - 2.28 cm, respectively. Young frogs in the Zuvand plateau after their first hibernation had sizes from 3.02 to 4.50 cm.

Маленёв А.Л., Зайцева О.В., Бакиев А.Г., Зиненко А.И. 2010. Обыкновенная гадюка на границе речных бассейнов Волги и Дона: особенности морфологии змей и свойств их ядовитого секрета в популяции из Пензенской области. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 115–120.

Malenyov А.L., Zaitseva O.V., Bakiev А.G., Zinenko A.I. 2010. Common adder Vipera berus on the border of the Volga and Don river basins: morphological characteristics of snakes and venom properties in the Penza regional population. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 115–120.


Рассмотрены особенности ряда морфологических признаков обыкновенных гадюк Vipera berus из популяции в Пензенском районе Пензенской области (Россия), а также некоторые свойства их ядовитого секрета. У змей обнаруживаются морфологические признаки и свойства яда как номинативного подвида V. b. berus, так и гадюки Никольского V. b. nikolskii с преобладанием признаков последней. Гадюки данной популяции, по сравнению со всеми ранее исследованными популяциями Волжского бассейна, наиболее близки к гадюке Никольского.

Features of some morphological characters of common adder Vipera berus from its population in the Penza district (Penza region, Russia) and some properties of its venom are considered. The snakes feature the morphological body characters and venom properties of Nikolsky viper V. b. nikolskii as well as their nominative subspecies V. b. berus, with the prevalence of signs of the former one. The adders of the given population, in comparison with all the earlier surveyed populations in the Volga basin, are closest to Nikolsky vipers.

Ермолина Л.П., Доронин И.В. 2010. Герпетологическая коллекция зоологического музея Ставропольского государственного университета. 1. Амфибии (Amphibia). Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 121–127.

Ermolina L.P., Doronin I.V. 2010. Herpetological collection of the Zoological museum Stavropol State University. 1. Amphibians (Amphibia). Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 121–127.


Представлен каталог амфибий Зоологического музея Ставропольского государственного университета, в котором дается информация о 643 экз. 23 видов, собранных на территориях России, Грузии, Казахстана и Украины. Рассмотрена история создания Музея и формирования коллекции.

An amphibian catalogue of the Zoological Museum of Stavropol State University is presented. 643 specimens of 23 species collected within the territories of Russian Federation, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine are listed. The history of the Museum and the formation of its collection is given.

Сурядная Н.Н. 2010. Новые находки триплоидов Pelophylax esculentus (Linnaeus, 1758) на востоке Украины. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 128–131.

Suryadna N.N. 2010. New records of triploid Pelophylax esculentus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Eastern Ukraine. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 128–131.


Описаны новые места находок триплоидных Pelophylax esculentus с территории восточной Украины (окр. с. Снежковка, Изюмский р-н, Харьковская обл.; окр. с. Метелкино, Северодонецкий р-н, Луганская обл.). Приводится краткое описание кариотипа триплоидов (3n= 39, NF = 78). Их доля в исследуемых выборках составила - 3.6%, по отношению к числу гибридов - 7.7%. Триплоидные P. esculentus в исследуемых выборках совместно обитают с дипдоидными P. esculentus и родительским видом P. ridibundus.

New records of triploids Pelophylax esculentus in Eastern Ukraine are described (in the vicinity of Snizhkivka Village, Izium District, Kharkiv region; the vicinity of Metyolkino Village, Severodonetsk District, Lugansk region). A brief description of their karyotype is given to identify tryploidy (3n = 39,NF = 78). The percentage of triploids in the samples studied was 3.6%, or 7.7% among the hybrids. The triploids P. esculentus in the studied samples co-occur with the diploids P. esculentus and their parental species P. ridibundus.

Борисов И.В. 2010. Опыт разведения агам-бабочек Leiolepis reevesii rubritaeniata Mertens, 1961 в условиях террариума. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 132–137.

Borisov I.V. 2010. Captive care and breeding of Leiolepis reevesii rubritaeniata Mertens, 1961 in a terrarium. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 132–137.


Приводятся данные по содержанию в условиях террариума одного из подвидов агам-бабочек Leiolepis reevesii rubritaeniata Mertens, 1961. Затронуты вопросы обустройства террариума, адаптации животных, особенностей поведения и разведения в неволе.

Data on captive care and breeding of the butterfly lizards Leiolepis reevesii rubritaeniata in a terrarium are presented. Information on the terrarium design, adaptation, feeding, behavior and breeding of these animals is considered.

Ананьева Н.Б. 2010. Агамовые ящерицы: результаты и перспективы изучения таксономического и морфологического разнообразия. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 139.

Ananjeva N.B. 2010. Agamid lizards: results and perpectives of study of taxonomic and morphological diversity. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 139.


Резюме на русском языке отсутствует.

One of important aspect of integrative study of lizards of Agamidae family is an analysis of morphological diversity within this group of squamates according to recognizing compositional, structural and functional biodiversity (Noss, 1990). Agamidae is morphologically and ecologically diverse family belonging to Iguania that is a sister group to all the remaining squamates (Sukhanov, 1961; Moody, 1980; Estes, 1983, 1985). Agamid lizards are characterized by acro-pleurodont dentition, lack of the intravertebral autoto-my fracture plan existing in most other lizards and high structural diversity of integumental derivatives : scale sense organs, epidermal holocrine glands (femoral pores, callose scalation), and so on. There is a maximal diversity of attachment and replacement types in dentition within Iguania: pleurodont in Iguanidae, acrodont in Chamaeleonidae and pleuro-acrodont, or wholly acrodont (in Uromastyx and Moloch) in agamids. The study of structure and development of dentition revealed a special type of anlage of the eggteeth in Iguania in comparison with another squamates (Sergeyev, 1940; Ananjeva, Orlov, 1986). Family of Agamidae includes about 350 species belonging to about 50 genera. During last 20 years some more new genera and species of agamids were described and new concept on the phylogeny and biogeography of agamids was established basing on the results of study of the mitochondrial genome (Macey et al., 2000) and revealing of cryptic diversity within many genera and species complexes (Ananjeva, Orlov, 2006; Ananjeva et al., 2008). Agamids demonstrate a high diversity of epidermal holocrine glands (femoral/inguinal folllicular glands, or pores, and precloacal/abdominal callous glands (Maderson, Chiu, 1970; Moody, 1980; Sokolov et al., 1994). Femoral pores are typical for subfamilies Uromastycinae, Leiolepidinae, Hydrosaurinae, Amphibolurinae (exceptChelosania and Moloch). They are absent only in two most diverse subfamilies: Agaminae and Draconinae that characterized by the lack of lense-like scale sense organs. In agamids of genera Agama,Trapelus, Acanthocercus, Laudakia, only of Agaminae subfamily, unique morphological structures (epidermal holocrine glands) are recorded (Duisebayeva, 1995). There are contraversal points of view if these structures are homologous (Smith, 1935) or nonhomologous (Moody, 1980). Agamid lizards are interesting and perspective models to study speciation and taxonomic diversity of arid territories and tropical forest.

Ананьева Н.Б., Мельников Д.А., Назаров Р.А., Поярков Н.А. 2010. Предварительные данные по баркодингу ящериц подсемейства Agaminae с некоторыми таксономическими комментариями. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 140–141.

Ananjeva N., Melnikov D., Nazarov R., Poyarkov N. 2010. Preliminary data on DNA barcoding of Agaminae with some taxonomical comments. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 140–141.


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We studied more than 120 sequences (650 bp of COI-5P) of different forms of genera Laudakia,Trapelus and Pseudotrapelus. There are three forms with presumably specieslevel genetic distances inPseudotrapelus: south-east and central Jordan P. s. sinaitus, south-west Jordan - P. s. ssp., north Jordan and south Syria P. s. werneri (no molecular data). Trapelus has two main groups - Trapelus ruderatus complex and Trapelus agilis-sanguinolentus-persicus complex. There are four main clades inTrapelus ruderatus complex. Specimen from westernmost locality - Konya (Turkey) - occupies the most basal position and is a sister clade to three other subclades - from Ham, Fars and Azerbaijan - Zanjan - Kermanshah provinces of Iran. There are five clades and numerous subclades within Trapelus agilis-sanguinolentus-persicus complex. Also there is a surprisingly deep phylogeographic structure with high divergence levels between clades which do not seem to correspond with known geographic barriers. Basal position occupies the specimen of Trapelus persicus from Ham (Dehloran). Probably there are two sympatric forms in Khorasan. Trapelus sanguinolentus from Daghestan (Nogay) and Kazakhstan (Aral) forms a well supported clade which also includes one haplotype of agilis from Khorasan province.Laudakia consists of two main clades - L. tuberculata and L. nupta complexes and Laudakia stoliczkana-lehmanni-bochariensis-caucasia-microlepis-stellio. Laudakia caucasia complex consists of numerous clades showing strong phylogeographic structure that corresponds well with orography of Caucasus - Elburz - Kopeth-Dagh, but surprisingly small genetic distances between them. Laudakia microlepis is sister toLaudakia caucasia complex. In Laudakia stellio complex - L. brachydactyla (Petra, Jordan) is a sister species to L. stellio, with subspecies L. s. stellio (Turkey) and the Middle East Stellio (sensu Panov et Zykova) (Euphrates river, N Syria). Laudakia nupta complex consists of three forms of species level divergence: form from Khorasan - Esfahan, Hormozgan - Fars and Kermanshah - Khuzestan - Ham.Laudakia tuberculata is a sister species to Laudakia nupta.

Бёме В. 2010. Агамовые ящерицы в 60-летней истории герпетологии музея Александра Кёнига, Бонн. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 141–142.

Böhme W. 2010. Agamid lizards crossing the way of 60 years of herpetology in the Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 141–142.


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Brief historical sketch of Museum A. Koenig (ZFMK), Bonn. Founded by the St. Petersburg native Alexander Koenig (1858 - 1940) in 1900 as a purely ornithological research institution, it became a public museum in 1934 while the research part was extended to mammalogy and entomology. The herpetology department was founded only in 1951. It first housed merely few herps collected by Koenig and his assistants as by-catches during their mainly ornithological expeditions to North Africa. Remarkable is the Hoggar spiny tail lizard collected by Frhr. Hans Geyr von Schweppenburg and subsequently described by Lorenz Müller as Uromastyx geyri Müller, 1922, thereby becoming the first namebearing herpetological type of ZFMK. Important acquisitions of agamids followed only 4 - 5 decades later: rich Laudakia stelliomaterial from several Aegean islands (K.F. Buchholz); several rare and endemic Laudakia species from Afghanistan (Clas M. Naumann) and Pakistan (Khalid J. Baig); the Gottingen Museum collection with some historical agamid types; significant collections from West (Mauritania, Senegal) and East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia) as well as from SE Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam). Research on agamid lizards at ZFMK was and is carried out in the course of several doctoral theses since the late 1970-ies: with the two DAAD fellows Scott M. Moody (from Ann Arbor, USA), Khalid J. Baig (from Islamabad), Thomas Wilms and Philipp Wagner, the work of the two latter being strongly supported by Andreas Schmitz (formerly also ZFMK, now Geneva). Agamid research in Bonn culminated by organizing the 1st international symposium «DeAgamis» which now finds its continuation in the present meeting «DeAgamis II» in St. Petersburg.

Дунаев Е.А., Поярков Н.А. 2010. Филогения, филогеография и диагностика азиатских круглоголовок Phrynocephalus (superspecies versicolor). Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 142–143.

Dunayev E.A., Poyarkov N.A. 2010. Phylogeny, phylogeography and identification of Asian toad-headed agamas Phrynocephalus (superspecies versicolor). Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 142–143.


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We studied 16S and COI sequences of 42 specimens from 37 populations belonging to five taxa ofPhrynocephalus versicolor species complex. Most basal position in the NJ- and ML-trees occupies the clade comprising Ph. hispida. Within the remaining taxa, clearly separate position occupies the clade from Tuva and NW Mongolia - Ph. kulagini (Ph. versicolor kulagini) - this taxon is a sister clade to the group joining Ph. versicolor + (Ph. frontalis + Ph. przewalskii). Modern range of Ph. hispida occupies Dzhungarian and Transaltai Gobi in Mongolia and from the eastern part of Xinjiang to Gansu province in China. This territory is regarded as a possible area of origin of Ph. (superspecies versicolor) and Ph.(superspecies guttatus) ancestors (Dunayev, 2009). Further dispersal of versicolor-group ancestor went in two basic directions: first lineage crossed Mongolian Altai and along the Great Lakes depression reached southern Tuva (Russia), where Ph. kulagini was formed. Another lineage moved to the east and gave rise to Ph. przewalskii, Ph. frontalis and Ph. versicolor. Further differentiation of this group seems to be a subject of adaptive radiation and morphological differentiation of taxa since several substrate races were formed. Ph. przewalskii and Ph. frontalis are found in sandy areas in Ordos and Alashan deserts, whereas Ph. versicolor inhabit hammadas in Gobi desert. As a result of further dispersal of Ph. versicolor in southern Mongolia it formed narrow contact zones with two parapatrically distributed «cryptic» species (Ph. hispida and Ph. kulagini). All taxa can be distinguished from each other on the basis of colouration. Ph. frontalis and Ph. przewalskii are distinct from other species in having bright-orange (aurantiacus) underside of tail in juvenile and young specimens, and from each other they can be distinguished by size or absence/presence of dark dorsomedial stripe. Other species of Ph. (superspeciesversicolor) have yellow underside of tail in juveniles. Ph. hispida and Ph. versicolor are distinguished fromPh. kulagini in presence of pink (or orange) axillary spots, and from each other in white (in Ph. hispida) or black (in Ph. versicolor) end of tail undersurface in young and juveniles. Part of molecular analysis was completed within the international program «Consortium for the Barcoding of Life (CBOL)».

Фатиниа Б., Растегар-Пояни Н., Бахрами А., Андерсон С.К. 2010. Половой диморфизм Trapelus ruderatus ruderatus (Sauria: Agamidae) с примечаниями по биологии вида. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 143.

Fathinia B., Rastegar-Pouyani N., Bahrami A., Anderson S.C. 2010. Sexual dimorphism in Trapelus ruderatus ruderatus (Sauria: Agamidae) with notes on the natural history. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 143.


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In agamid lizards, both sexual selection and natural selection influence the form of dimorphism in secondary sexual traits The genus Trapelus Cuvier, 1816 comprises four species on the Iranian Plateau as follows: T. agilis (Olivier, 1804), T. lessonae (De Filippi, 1865), T. ruderatus (Blanford, 1881) and T. megalonyx (Gunther, 1865). The distribution of T. ruderatus (=the formerly T. persicus) in Iran is limited to southern and southwestern regions of the Iranian Plateau. Among the Iranian species of the genusTrapelus the study of sexual dimorphism has already been carried out in Trapelus agilis. In this relation, study of sexual dimorphism, coloration and color pattern, and natural history of the Persian agama (Trapelus ruderatus= the formerly T. persicus) is of interest and importance. The patterns of sexual dimorphism in the Persian agama, T. ruderatus, in relation to environmental issues are discussed. We studied sexual dimorphism and some aspects of natural history and behavior of the Persian agama (Trapelus ruderatus ruderatus) from southwestern Iran. Uni-and multivariate statistical procedures were employed to explore the paptterns of sexual dimorphism in the Persian agama. Based on the statistical analyses, some characters show significant differences between males and females.

Фу Дж. 2010. «Самцовый» дрейф генов у круглоголовки Пржевальского Phrynocephalus przewalskii. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 144.

Fu J. 2010. Male-mediated gene flow in the toad-headed lizards Phrynocephalus przewalskii. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 144.


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Using mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA data and a population genetic approach, we tested male-mediated gene flow in the toad-headed lizards Phrynocephalus przewalskii. The mitochondrial DNA (ND2 gene), on the one hand, revealed two major lineages and a strong population genetic structure (FST = 0.692; FST0 = 0.995). The pairwise differences between the two lineages ranged from 2.1% to 6.4% and the geographic division of the two lineages coincided with a mountain chain consisting of the Helan and Yin Mountains, suggesting a historical vicariant pattern. On the other hand, the nuclear microsatellite DNA revealed a significant but small population genetic structure (Fst = 0.017; Fst1 = 0.372). The pairwise Fst among the nine populations examined with seven microsatellite DNA loci ranged from 0.0062 to 0.0266; the assignment test failed to detect any naturally occurring population clusters. Furthermore, the populations demonstrated a weak isolation by distance and a northeast to southwest clinal variation, rather than a vicariant pattern. Morphological examination also corroborated the nuclear gene pattern. A historical vicariant event followed by male-mediated gene flow appears to be the best explanation for the observation. Approximately 2 - 5 Ma, climatic change may have created an uninhabitable zone along the Helan-Yin mountain chain and initiated the divergence between the two mitochondrial lineages. With further climatic changes, males were able to disperse across the mountain chain, causing sufficient gene flow that eventually erased the vicariant pattern and drastically reduced the population genetic structure, while females remained philopatric and maintained the mitochondrial DNA divergence. Although polygyny mating system and female philopatry may partially contribute to the reduced movement of females, other hypotheses, such as female intrasexual aggression, should also be explored.

Гризмер Дж.Л., Джекман Т., Бауэр А.М., Гризмер Л.Л., Тирахупт К., Аоуфол А., Онн Ч.К., Вуд П.Л. мл. 2010. Унисексуальность на пляже: филогения, биогеография и возникновение партеногенеза у Leolepis. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 144.

Grismer J.L., Jackman T., Bauer A.M., Grismer L.L.,Thirakhupt K., Aowphol A., Onn C.K., Wood P.L. Jr. 2010. Asexuality on the beach: phylogeny, biogeography and the origin of parthenogenesis in Leiolepis. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 144.


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The Southeast Asian agamid lizard genus Leiolepis Cuvier, (1829) is an enigmatic, lineage, differing form other lizard groups in general morphology and ecology. Currently, Leiolepis contains nine species that collectively range throughout Indochina and the Malay Peninsula. Of these nine species, four are all female, parthenogenic species. Unlike their sexual congeners, these asexual species have pocketed distributions throughout Southeast Asia and are only found in secondary, or perpetually disturbed habitat. Using the mtDNA gene ND2, and two rapidly evolving nuclear genes we investigated the origins of these asexual species, and present a species level phylogeny for Leiolepis.

Хартман Т., Бёме В. 2010. Комментарии к таксономии и экологии юго-восточноазиатских агаи-бабочек, род Leiolepis (Agamidae: Leiolepidinae). Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 145.

Hartmann T., Böhme W. 2010. Remarks on the taxonomy and ecology of SE Asian butterfly lizards, genus Leiolepis (Agamidae: Leiolepidinae). Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 145.


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We review recent taxonomic and ecological research on butterfly lizards (genus Leiolepis Cuvier, 1829) carried out at the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum A. Koenig (ZFMK) in Bonn. The remarkable parthenogenetic forms («species») of Leiolepis are either diploid (L. boehmei) or triploid (L.guentherpetersi, L. triploida). In the case of L. guentherpetersi, a hybrid status has been proven, L. guttata providing the maternal line and L. reevesii being the paternal one. L. triploida is best explained as a hybrid of diploid parthenogenetic boehmei females and L. belliana males, the origin of the L. boehmei strain itself remaining unknown. The taxon rubritaeniata, originally described as a subspecies ofL. belliana, was later, after the raise of L. b. reevesi to full specific rank, referred to as L. reevesii rubritaeniata. Partly, a subspecific status was not even conceded. However, new morphological and molecular genetic data clearly demonstrate specific status also for L. rubritaeniata, an inland inhabiting butterfly lizard known from Thailand, Laos and a small part of Central Vietnam. During field surveys in the Phnom Kulen National Park in Cambodia, L. rubritaeniata was recorded for the first time also from this country. Ecological data stem from an unpublished field study of a L. belliana population on Langkawi Id., West Malaysia. Apart from an unusual kind of locomotion during display, data were collected on spatial distribution, density, stomach contents, and social behaviour.

Хейдари Н., Хитсазан Х., Ками Х.Г., Шафией С. 2010. Половой диморфизм Laudakia melanura lirata (Blanford, 1874) (Sauria: Agamidae). Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 145–146.

Heidari N., Cheatsazan H., Kami H.G., Shafiei S. 2010. Sexual dimorphism of black rock agama, Laudakia melanura lirata (Blanford, 1874) (Sauria: Agamidae). Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 145–146.


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The Black Rock Agama, Laudakia melanura (Blyth, 1854), is one of the representative faunal elements of the southeastern periphery of the Iranian plateau which extends from southern Iran east to northwestern Punjab. 9 females and 12 males were captured between September 2008 and February 2009 from different localities in Gando Protected Area located in Sistan and Baluchistan province which extends from 25°03' to 26°16' N and 61°09' to 61°53' E on the southeastern border of Iran and Pakistan. Morphological analyses were performed using 14 metric and 9 meristic characters. T-test and principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on the log transformed matrix of metric and proportional characters. T-test shows significant differences in all metric characters with the exception of HL, HW and HH (p < 0.05). None of the meristic characters reached high enough probability to be used in discriminating between the two sexes. In this lizard, sexual dimorphism of head, in contrast to other congeneric species, is more due to the shape of head. In contrast to L. caucasia and L. microlepis in L. m. lirata patches of callous scales at abdomen and preanal regions usually occur independent to sex, nonetheless, in some females no callous scales was observed and others had some just in abdomen region.

Карунаратна С.Д.М.С., Амарасинге Т.А.А. 2010. Поведение, местообитания, распространение и экология Lyriocephalus scutatus (Linnaeus, 1758) на Шри-Ланка. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 146–147.

Karunarathna S.D.M.S, Amarasinghe T.A.A. 2010. A study of behaviour, habitat, distribution and ecology on Lyriocephalus scutatus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Sri Lanka. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 146–147.


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There are 18 species of agamid lizards distributed throughout Sri Lanka, 15 (83%) of them are endemic and the genera Ceratophora Gray, 1834, Cophotis Peters, 1861 and Lyriocephalus Merrem, 1820 are relic to the island. The genus Lyriocephalus Merrem, 1820 is monotypic and relict to Sri Lanka.Lyriocephalus scutatus is diurnal, sub-arboreal and slow moving agamid lizard. This colorful species is distributed in cool and shady forested areas with a dense canopy in wet & intermediate lowlands and mid hills up to elevations of 1600 m, snout-vent length (SVL) varies around 94 mm. Very little is known about the ecology, biology and behaviour of this species throughout its range, hence we have examined 52 localities (August 2004 to March 2007) throughout 11 districts. A total of 109 individuals (Males: 47, Females: 41 and Juveniles: 21) were observed in nature during dry and wet seasons. The analysis of habitat data has shown that species is widely spared within the well shading rive ted areas and poorly in the home gardens. The results of this survey indicate Lyricephalus scutatus lays eggs about 3 - 4 from March to May on shady, cool places nearly 1 foot away from the tree base. While laying eggs the females change their body color in to ground color. The eggs are 22.1 mm to 24.6 mm (mean 23.4 mm) long and 13.6 mm to 15.1 mm (mean 14.4.0 mm) wide. Mostly egg layings were recorded in mornings with high humidity. Hatchlings come out from June to August after 65 - 71 days of incubation. The hemipenis of males is com-pletely different comparative to the other agamid lizards in Sri Lanka. This species specially feed on earth worms, spiders, centipedes and other insects. These lizards' natural predators are Gray Hornbill, Blue Magpie, Shikra and other raptors, Cat snakes, Green Pitviper, Loris, Toque Monkeys and domestic cats. When a danger appears this lizard slowly climbs to the tree while moving around the stem. At night they sleep on the trees about 2.5 m to 4.5 m above ground level on branches diameter about 40 mm to 58 mm. Calotes calotes, Calotes liolepis, Calotes liocephalus,Ceratophora aspera, Otocryptis nigristigma and Otocryptis wiegmanni are recorded as other sympatric agamid lizards. The current habitat destruction shows a great warning to this species. The villagers inhabit in the forested areas believe several myths of this lizard. Therefore education awareness programs are needed to conserve this relict species.

Лиу Л., Гуо Щ., Ванг Ю. 2010. Филогеография Phrynocephalus vlangalii complex в верхнем течении р. Жёлтой по данным секвенирования мтДНК ND4-tRNAleu. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 147–148.

Liu L., Guo X., Wang Y. 2010. Phylogeography of Phrynocephalus vlangalii complex on the upper reaches of the Yellow River inferred from mtDNA ND4-tRNAleu sequences. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 147–148.


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A fragment of mtDNA ND4-tRNALeu from 189 samples in 26 populations was used to infer the phylogeographic structure of Phrynocephalus vlangalii complex on the upper reaches of the Yellow River. 703bp ND4-tRNALeu sequences defined 39 haplotypes. Both the Bayesian tree and MP tree comprised two Clades (A and B). Clade A included populations in Zoige Wetland (A1), populations in the west of Kuku-noor Lake (A2) and P. theobaldi; Clade B included populations in the south of Kuku-noor Lake (B1) and those in the north of Kuku-noor Lake (B2). AMOVA showed that these five groups were distinctly different (P < 0.01), with 88.63% of the total genetic diversity being attributable to variation among groups. There might be recent population expansion in A1 and A2, which corresponded to the dry climate of the last interglacial period. The expansion times were estimated at about 0.189 - 0.105 Ma and 0.102 - 0.057 Ma, respectively. Molecular clock estimation indicated that Clade A and Clade B diverged at ca. 4.29 - 2.38 Ma, which fell within the timeframe of the A phase of Qingzang Movement. The divergence between B1 and B2 at ca. 1.73 - 0.96 Ma may be caused by the geological event in Huangshui valley. In early Pleistocene, populations in B1 may have strong gene flow because of geographic linkage, following with a few extinct haplotypes related to the uplift of Tibetan Plateau and the change of Yellow River route. The divergence triggered by A'nyemaqen Mountains between A1 and A2 was estimated at ca. 0.66 - 0.37 Ma, which may occurred at ca. 0.7 Ma glaciations.

Медянников О., Трейп С., Манэ И., Трейп Ж.-Ф. 2010. Агамы Западной Африки: систематика, географическое распространение, экология и филогения. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 148.

Mediannikov O., Trape S., Mane Y., Trape J.-F. 2010. West African agamas: systematics, geographic distribution, ecology and phylogeny. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 148.


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Few published data are available on West African Agamid lizards. From 2003 to 2009, we have collected 1,020 specimens from 11 countries (Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Guinea, Liberia, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, Nigeria) and investigated their systematics, geographic distribution, ecology and phylogeny. For molecular studies, we have used two separate portions of mitogenome, coding for 16S rRNA and for cytochrome B. DNA from 100 mg of homogenized muscular tissue conserved in ethanol, was extracted using the QIAGEN BioRobot MDx Workstation with customized extraction protocol and stored at 4°C until use in PCR amplifications. Primers were manufactured by Eurogentec, Seraing, Belgium. Polymerase chain reactions were performed in automated DNA thermal cyclers. PCR products were visualized by electrophoresis on a 1.5% agarose gel, stained with ethidium bromide and examined using an ultraviolet transilluminator. The PCR products were purified using a QIAquick Spin PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Sequencing of amplicons was performed using the BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit with ABI automated sequencer. Obtained sequences were assembled, edited by BioEdit Sequence alignment editor v. and compared with those available in GenBank by NCBI BLAST. Sequences of both mitochondrial genes from studied lizards were concatenated and aligned with CLUSTAL W program, and a neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree was constructed with Geneious 4.7.6 software. Fourteen different species were recognized in the genusAgama in West Africa, excluding the easternmost part of Nigeria near the Cameroon border which was not included in our study: Agama africana, A. agama, A. boueti, A. boulengeri, A. castroviejoi, A. cristata, A. doriae benueensis, A. gracilimembris, A. insularis, A. paragama, A. sanka-ranica, A. weidholzi, and two undescribed species. According to biogeographic areas, four species were Sahelian, seven species were Sudanian, two species were Guinean, and one species was ubiquitous.

Мельников Д.А., Ананьева Н.Б. 2010. Обзор молекулярных исследований круглоголовок (Phrynocephalus). Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 149.

Melnikov D., Ananjeva N. 2010. Molecular studies of Phrynocephalus. Review. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 149.


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From 2003 more than 18 molecular papers on Phrynocephalus were published (from 1 in 2003 to 9 in 2009). In some of them lizards were considered just as good model organisms for study population genetic processes (group of Prof. Fu Jinzhong), in other molecular methods were used to resolve taxonomic relationships in some groups of Phrynocephalus (our group and group of Dr. Evgeniy Dunayev). Many papers are focused on widely distributed species as Ph. guttatus-versicolor and Ph. helioscopus-persicus complexes or Tibetan forms of Ph. vlangalii group. Most popular marker is mtDNA ND2 sequence and there are only one work with nDNA sequence and just a few with microsattelites. Different used markers show in general a good congruence of results with each other and with morphology. Unique situation of Ph. przewalskii and Ph. frontalis (Ph. guttatus-versicolor complex) with great morphological differences and no genetic barriers is one of the most intriguing.

Мельников Д.А., Бочков А.В. 2010. Клещи семейства Pterygosomatidae (Acari: Prostigmata) — постоянные паразиты ящериц и перспективы их использования в изучении филогении хозяев. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 150.

Melnikov D., Bochkov A. 2010. Mites of the family Pterygosomatidae (Acari: Prostigmata) – permanent parasites of lizards and perspectives of their implication in inference of host phylogeny. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 150.


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The mite family Pterygosomatidae is presented by permanent highly specialized ectoparasites. Most of them (about 200 species of 9 genera) are associated with lizards and live under or between host scales. Pterigosomatids are monoxenous parasites or associated with hosts belonging to the same genus; pterigosomatid genera or subgenera are limited in their diversity by particular lizard families. Hence, the pterygosomatid distribution on their hosts is generally highly non-random and the host-parasite associations of these mites may be used as a valuable data source to testify different host phylogenetic hypotheses. Parasitological data may also provide a unique window into the historical biogeography of lizards. Unfortunately the insufficient knowledge of pterygosomatid biodiversity and, as a result, the absence of their phylogenetic reconstructions prevents to the analysis of coevolutionary relationships between these mites and lizards. The hosts of the family Agamidae harbor mites of the subgenus Pterygosoma (about 50 species and subspecies). To date, these mites are known from hosts of 8 genera (from 48 known to date).Although several new species of Pterygosoma were recently described and many of them are under description two main problems impede to study the pterigisomatid biodiversity. (1) In agamid populations, the percentage of individuals infested by pterigisomatids is usually not so high. (2) In the herpetological expeditions, the dissection microscope which is necessary to find and accurately collect pterygosomatids is usually absent. Thus, the purposeful jointing efforts of herpetologists and acarologists are necessary for successful examination of pterygosomatid biodiversity and the following analysis of host-parasite relationships.

Мёрфи Р.В., Че Дж., Джин Дж.К., Грациотин Ф.Б., Нгуен Ш.Н., Захер Х., Орлов Н.Л., Ананьева Н.Б., Жан И.П. 2010. Баркодинг агамовых ящериц Вьетнама. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 151.

Murphy R.W., Che J., Jin J.Q., Grazziotin F.B., Nguyen S.N., Zaher H.,Orlov N.L., Ananjeva N.B., Zhang Y.P. 2010. Barcoding agamid lizards of Vietnam. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 151.


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The age of genomics has now arrived. It is feasible to gather the complete genomes of most vertebrate species. Because this effort requires a significant amount of both time and money, species identification is critical in order to avoid the innumerable errors present in online databases, such as GenBank. Agamid lizards, which are a major component of the Squamata, often form a dominant component of the herpetofauna throughout their range. Being diurnal, many species are commonly encountered by local residents. Some species are used as food and maintained as pets, yet others are rarely encountered owing to arboreality and crypsis. We undertook a barcoding analysis of species and populations in Vietnam while using global representative taxa. We surveyed about 120 species representing seven genera, and multiple populations of species occurring in Vietnam. Intergeneric divergence was usually sufficient to unambiguously assign unknown samples to genera. Within genera containing multiple species, interspecific divergence allowed the correct identification of species. Intraspecific divergence was significant in some species indicating the possibility of multiple cryptic species. The analysis also detected misidentified specimens and museum cataloging errors, which would be critical to resolve before pursuing whole genome analyses. The analysis indicated taxa requiring further investigation, while also finding those that exhibit very little genetic variation throughout the range of sampling.

Ота Х., Хонда М. 2010. Систематика и биогеография агам рода Japalura на островах Восточной Азии. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 151–152.

Ota H., Honda M. 2010. Systematics and biogeography of agamid genus Japalura in the East Asian islands. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 151–152.


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The agamid genus Japalura consists of 27 species and occurs from tropical to warm temperate region in the eastern half of Asia, ranging from northern India, Nepal, southern China, northern Indochina, Taiwan, and Japan. From the subtropical islands of East Asia, five morphologically poorly diverged but chromosomally and genetically distinct endemic species have been recognized - Japalura polygonata, J. swinhonis, J. brevipes, J. makii, and J. luei. All these species occur in the mainland Taiwan, with partial syntopy in various combinations. Of these, only J. polygonata also occurs in the Ryukyu Archipelago of Japan and is polytypic, consisting of four subspecies - J. p. xanthostoma from northern Taiwan, J. p. donan from Yonagunijima Island of the Southern Ryukyus, J. p. ishigakiensis from some other islands of the Southern Ryukyus, and J. p. polygonata from the Central Ryukyus. The karyotype consisting of 2n = 46 all telocentric chromosomes in a graded series is shared by all broadly ranging lowland (< 1,200 m asl.) populations of J. polygonata and J. swinhonis. In contrast, the remaining three species, all confined to montane habitats of mainland Taiwan (1,000 - 2,200 m asl.) exhibit remarkable karyotypic variations involving the chromosome number (2n = 40 in J. makii, and 36 inJ. brevipes and J. luei), arm number (NF = 70 in J. makii, 46 in J. brevipes, and 52 in J. luei), and the number of size groups (two in J. brevipes, and three in J. makii and J. luei). Analyses of sequence variations in the mitochondrial 12S and 16S ribosome RNA genes supported monophyly of the three Taiwanese montane species with rather small genetic distances and their sister-group relationships to J. polygonata, leaving J. swinhonis outside. The result strongly suggests that the three montane species have recently originated through a series of speciations within Taiwan with driving forces from rapid chromosomal rearrangements. The analyses also strongly suggest an occurrence of initial divergence ofJ. polygonata in Taiwan and its subsequent, relatively rapid dispersals to most islands of the Ryukyu Archipelago, most likely via repetitive rafting. They further suggest that during the Late Pleistocene glacier period J. swinhonis, a species currently ranging almost throughout the lowland of Taiwan, entirely disappeared in its northern and western parts due to colder and more arid climate there, leaving surviving populations in only a few refuges of the southern and eastern parts. This also explains the absence of this quite adaptive lizard in eastern continent, which is separated from Taiwan only by fairly narrow (< 150 km) and shallow (< 100 m) Taiwan Strait. Current conservation status of the East AsianJapalura populations is also briefly reviewed with a discussion of desirable conservation measures.

Растегар-Пояни Э., Растегар-Пояни Н., Йогер У., Винк М. 2010. Молекулярная филогения и внутривидовые различия иранских и среднеазиатских видов рода Trapelus (Sauria: Agamidae) по данным секвенирования митохондриальной ДНК. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 152–153.

Rastegar-Pouyani E., Rastegar-Pouyani N., Joger U.,Wink M. 2010. Molecular phylogeny and intraspecific differentiation of the Iranian and Central Asian species in the genus Trapelus (Sauria: Agamidae) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 152–153.


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The steppe agamas of the genus Trapelus Cuvier, 1816, are an old clade of agamid lizards with an Afro-Arabian origin. The genus consists of about 14 - 15 species which are distributed from northwestern Africa, along the Saharan border, through the Near East to southwest and central Asia. They constitute one of the major components of the Iranian Plateau and central Asian fauna and are highly adapted to steppe, semi-deserts and desert environments. To date, published morphological and molecular phylogenetic hypotheses of Trapelus are only partially congruent, and the relationships within the genus are still far from clear. We investigated the phylogenetic relationships and intraspecific differentiation among the Iranian and Central Asian species of these lizards (69 individuals collected from 14 populations of four well-defined species and several unidentified specimens using two mitochondrial gene fragments (ND2 and cytochrome b)). The partition-homogeneity tests indicated that the combined dataset was homogeneous, and maximum-parsimony (MP), maximum-likelihood (ML) and Bayesian (BI) analyses were performed on this combined dataset. The trees reconstructed by different methods were generally very similar. Relationships among the examined species and populations were highly resolved. The basal position in the tree was always occupied by Trapelus ruderatus (= the formerly T. persicus) which in turn formed the sister taxon for populations of T. lessonae. The phylogenetic analysis together with genetic distances among the major clades suggested that, in the Iranian Plateau, T. agilis, genetically, represents a species complex containing at lease three well distinct taxonomic entities at the species level. The analyses also showed that, despite their vast distribution range, the Central Asian populations are genetically very homogenous, just representing a single taxonomic entity (i.e., T. sanguinolentus).

Растегар-Пояни Н. 2010. Номенклатурная дилемма Trapelus ruderatus-lessonae-persicus (Sauria: Agamidae): решение головоломки. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 153.

Rastegar-Pouyani N. 2010. Nomenclatural dilemma of Trapelus ruderatus-lessonae-persicus (Sauria: Agamidae): solving the puzzle. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 153.


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Based on extensive study and collecting material in the field and examining the relevant material in the museums and zoological collections, including the type specimens of Trapelus ruderatus ruderatus(Olivier), T. megalonyx Gunther, T. lessonae (De Filippi), T. persicus (Blanford) and T. ruderatus baluchianus (Smith), the taxonomic status of the ground agamids Trapelus ruderatus ruderatus, T persicus and T. lessonae has been re-evaluated. Based on this study, it was found that the holotype ofTrapelus ruderatus ruderatus is a subadult of the conventional T. persicus and that of T. lessonae is a typical form of the conventional T. ruderatus ruderatus. With regards to these remarkable mis-identifications by the original describers and in order to resolve the taxonomic and nomenclatural status of the three above-mentioned taxa, some major nomenclatural changes are proposed as follows: SinceT. lessonae is the oldest available name, it is revived for all populations of the conventional T. ruderatus ruderatus and the specific name «ruderatus» is, in turn, assigned for all populations of the conventionalT. persicus (due to priority rule). Therefore, the specific name «persicus» comes under the synonymy of «ruderatus» and is no longer available.

Сабер С.А. 2010. Предпочитаемая температура тела агамы Laudakia stellio (Linnaeus, 1758) (Agamidae) в естественных условиях в Египте. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 154.

Saber S.A. 2010. Preferred body temperature of free-ranging starred agama Laudakia stellio (Linnaeus, 1758) (Agamidae) from Egypt. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 154.


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Preferred body temperature of Starred Agama Laudakia stellio collected from Western Coastal Desert of Egypt was monitored telemetrically in a temperature gradient. This species was found to be a good thermo regulator lizard. Behavior played the major role for body temperature regulation. Shuttling behavior between the hot and cold sides of the temperature gradient and voluntary hypothermia were found to be the main means of body temperature regulation. The mean selected body temperature was 35.9°C, 37.7°C at day and 32.9°C, 37.2°C at night in males and females respectively. Circadian rhythm was investigated under different light regime. At LD this species showed a well defined circadian rhythm with high selected body temperature during photophase and low value during scotophase. Under LL and DD the amplitude of the body temperature rhythm was greatly reduced. It was found that Laudakia stellio selected lower body temperature at night in spite of the availability of a wide range of temperatures in the temperature gradient which may prolong potential foraging time the following day.

Сандера М. 2010. Как идентифицировать особей Uromastyx без мечения. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 154.

Sandera M. 2010. How to identify specimens of Uromastyx lizards without marking. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 154.


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Microchipping and other marking are always a bit risk procedures for animals, namely for endangered species. A set of photographs was created to identify confiscated Uromastyx specimens which were illegally imported from Morocco. A determination of subspecies was important for possible breeding.

Соловьева Е.Н. 2010. Молекулярные отличия и распространение форм видового комплекса Phrynocephalus helioscopus (Reptilia: Agamidae). Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 154–155.

Solovyeva E.N. 2010. Molecular differentiation and distribution within the species complex of Phrynocephalus helioscopus (Reptilia: Agamidae). Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 154–155.


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Phylogenetic inference was based on the analysis of 2 mtDNA fragments (1st subunit of the Cytochrome c-oxidase (COI) and 16S rRNA gene; 1156 bp in total) for 86 samples from 59 localities. To provide a nuclear perspective on phylogenetic relationships between the revealed lineages we carried out the InterSINE-PCR analysis (for the first time for agamid lizards) using two independent primer systems. In addition we used demographic analysis of mtDNA data estimating mismatch distribution for the revealed lineages. Modern range of Ph. helioscopus-complex encompasses vast areas from Araks river valley in easternmost Turkey and southern Armenia in the west to Dzhungarian Gobi in western Mongolia in the east and from Altai territory of Russia (Kulunda) in the north to Fars province in central Iran in the south (Abadeh). We analyzed distribution data of the species complex and scrutinized locality information from 100 published literature sources and catalogues of 23 herpetological collections. Altogether 726 localities were revealed, for 627 of them we were able to identify exact geographic coordinates. After the locality information was plotted on the map, distribution of species and revealed lineages was analyzed using range modeling algorithm BIOCLIM using the software DIVA-GIS ver. 5.2. Results of molecular survey show that at least 12 separate phylogenetic lineages (4 within Ph. persicusand 8 within Ph. helioscopus) within the species complex, all lineages are have high support values. Furthermore, analysis of InterSINE-PCR fingerprinting profiles confirmed deep genetic differentiation within the revealed lineages and resulted in highly congruent topology with high or moderate support values. Spatial analysis of distribution patterns within the species complex indicated significant structuring of the range in general coinciding with the revealed distributions of mtDNA lineages. Thus, presence of two isolated lineages of Ph. helioscopus in Turkmenistan is confirmed. Lineages of Ph. persicus have different altitude preferences and are isolated with mountain barriers. Ecological range modeling proved to be useful for comparing potentially optimal habitats of different lineages. Peripheral areas surrounding the species complex range and central Turkmenistan deserts in the middle had the lowest suitability. The area of potentially unsuitable areas in central Kazakhstan separating subspeciesPh. h. helioscopus and Ph. h. varius is not well coinciding with revealed mtDNA pattern (according to molecular data this border is located further to the east). Spatial analysis of potential habitats indicated specific ecological preferences of each of the studied lineages. However, lineages restricted to isolated mountain valleys have much better model fits and their potential habitats are almost not overlapping, whereas optimal habitats of lineages inhabiting lowland and plain territories significantly overlap. Part of the molecular analysis was completed within the international program «Consortium for the Barcoding of Life (CBOL)».

Табачишин В.Г. 2010. Пространственное размещение и тенденции изменения численности круглоголовки-вертихвостки Phrynocephalus guttatus на севере ареала в Поволжье. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 155–156.

Tabachishin V.G. 2010. Spatial distribution and abundance trends of spotted toad-headed agama, Phrynocephalus guttatus, in its northern habitat in the Volga region. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 155–156.


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During our 1998 - 2008 field surveys in the Volgograd region and adjacent territories of the Astrakhan region and Republic Kalmykia, data on the distribution and abundance of Phrynocephalus guttatus (Gmelin, 1789) were collected. Now the population of Phrynocephalus guttatus in the Volgograd region is located on an isolated sandy massif on the left bank of the Don river within the Kalach-on-Don and Gorodishche districts. The abundance indices of Phrynocephalus guttatus substantially change within the limits of the peripheral population's habitat, which is caused by the high mosaicity of microstacies, the dynamics of projection vegetation covering parameters and its character, and some other factors. E.g., in the summer 2005 and 2008 periods the abundance of Phrynocephalus guttatus varied from 3.6 and 4.1 ind./ha, respectively, on sites in inter-knoll depressions up to 34.7 and 32.9 on weakly-fixed barkhan-type hilly sands with rare motley-grass and shrubby vegetation. In view of the trend of the gradual increase of average-annual temperatures within the surveyed territory and some stabilization of humidifying parameters, reduction of the numbers of Phrynocephalus guttatus could probably be expected.

Вагнер Ф. 2010. Предварительные исследования рода Acanthocercus (Sauria: Agamidae) в контексте аридного коридора Африки. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 156–157.

Wagner Ph. 2010. Preliminary studies of the genus Acanthocercus (Sauria: Agamidae) in the context of the arid corridor in Africa. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 156–157.


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African lizards in the genus Acanthocercus are widespread in wooded savannahs from northeastern to southwestern Africa. Therefore, they are an ideal group for testing biogeographic hypotheses and evolutionary studies of arid corridor distributions and colonization events in Africa. However, to test these hypotheses a clear systematic and phylogenetic framework for the genus is needed but currently lacking. Constructing a phylogeny like this requires the solution of problems in different aspects of species determination, taxonomy and relationships. In general, higher relationships in the genus Acanthocercus and its relationships to other Agaminae genera are poorly understood, but especially the understanding of the different species and subspecies of the atricollis species group should be reviewed for the understanding of the zoogeographic history of eastern Africa. A dense sampling within the genus and to related genera is lacking but necessary for testing monophyly, identifying sister taxa and distribution corridors. Herein a preliminary phylogeny is presented to show radiations within the genus, taxonomic problems on species level and results on distribution pattern in comparison with other arid species groups in Africa.

Вилмс Т. 2010. К термобиологии и особенностям активности пустынной ящерицы Uromastyx aegyptia microlepis Blanford, 1875 на охраняемой территтории Махазат Ас-Саид, Саудовская Аравия. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 157.

Wilms T. 2010. On the thermobiology and activity pattern of the large herbivorous desert lizard Uromastyx aegyptia microlepis Blanford, 1875 at Mahazat As-Sayd protected area, Saudi Arabia. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 157.


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Field active body temperatures (Tb) and operative temperatures (Te) were assessed in a population of Uromastyx aegyptia microlepis at Mahazat as-Sayd Protected Area, Saudi Arabia to gain information on the extent and effectiveness of the thermoregulation in these animals. In summer Tbranged between 23.2 and 47.2°C, in winter between 23.0 and 45.1°C and in spring between 25.5 and 45.9°C. There is a significant difference between respective Tb and Te distributions and all applied indices of thermoregulation suggest that U. a. microlepis is an active thermoregulator. Above ground activity, inferred from Tb data, is very variable between seasons, with the highest activity level in spring. In winter the animals showed a unimodal activity profile, with the highest activity between 11:00 and 15:00. In spring and summer the lizards exhibit bimodal activity profiles with afternoon activity being generally lower than morning activity levels. At midday activity is generally significantly lowered.

Вилмс Т., Вагнер Ф., Бёме В. 2010. Обзор таксономии родов Uromastyx и Saara. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 157.

Wilms T., Wagner Ph., Böhme W. 2010. A review on the taxonomy of the genera Uromastyx and Saara. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 157.


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The taxonomic relationships within the genus Uromastyx Merrem, 1820 were assessed using morphological and genetic methods, resulting in the resurrection of the genus Saara Gray, 1845 for Saara hardwickii, S. asmussi and S. loricata. A synopsis of all taxa considered to be valid withinUromastyx and Saara is provided.

Вуд П.Л. мл., Джекман Т.Р., Бауэр А.М., Гризмер Л.Л., Тирахупт К., Аоуфол А., Гризиер Дж.Л., Онн Ч.К., Ахмад Н. 2010. Биогеография и систематика рода Acanthosaura Gray 1931 (Squamata: Agamidae) по данным секвенирования митохондриальных и ядерных генов. Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 158.

Wood P.L. Jr., Jackman T.R., Bauer A.M., Grismer L.L.,Thirakhupt K., Aowphol A., Grismer J.L., Onn C.K., Ahmad N. 2010. Biogeography and systematics of the genus Acanthosaura Gray 1931 (Squamata: Agamidae) inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear genes. Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 158.


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The Southeast Asian lizard genus Acanthosaura is distributed throughout Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, China, Malaysia, and its offshore islands, Pulau Aur, Pulau Tioman, Pulau Penang, Pulau Perhentian, and Pulau Langkawi. I investigated the phylogenetic relationships of all nine of the currently recognized species of Acanthosaura using one mitochondrial gene (ND2 859bp) and three nuclear genes (KIF24 502bp; PRLR 583bp; MXRA5 860bp). Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses of the mitochondrial DNA recover the wide-ranging Acanthosaura lepidogaster as a paraphyletic group. Acanthosaura lepidogaster from Vietnam, Laos, and China form a monophyletic group, but A. lepidogaster from Myanmar are sister to A. crucigera from Thailand and southern Myanmar and an undescribed species from Cambodia. Acanthosaura bintangensis and A. titiwangsaensis form a monophyletic group with A. armata. There are two distinct clades within in the A. armata clade, one from the Seribuat Archipelago and the rest from Peninsular Malaysia and its other adjacent islands. The nuclear gene trees resolve the shallow nodes except that A. crucigera comes out paraphyletic with the undescribed species from Cambodia and A. armata from Peninsular Malaysia. This could be due to incomplete lineage sorting.

Мельников Д.А., Ананьева Н.Б. 2010. О Втором Международном симпозиуме по Агамовым ящерицам «DeAgamis2». Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 159–160.

Melnikov D.A., Ananjeva N.B. 2010. 2nd International symposium jn Agamid lizards «DeAgamis2». Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 159–160.

О первом конкурсе террариумного дизайна на выставке «Зоосфера2010». Современная герпетология, 10(3/4): 160–161.

On the first terrarium design competition at «ZOOSPHERE 2010». Current Studies in Herpetology, 10(3/4): 160–161.