Alexander A. Kudryavtsev

Web of Science ResearcherID:
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Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
Academic title: No title
Position: Head of Laboratory
Contact phone: ---
Educational background: Master in biology, Saint-Petersburg State University, 2000
Dissertations: “Biodiversity, systematics and phylogeny of the order Himatismenida Page, 1978 (Rhizopoda).” (PhD)
Research interests: Protistology, in particular: Taxonomy, systematics and molecular phylogeny of the naked lobose amoebae (Amoebozoa), Species problem and DNA-barcoding in amoebae, Phylogeography and distribution patterns of Amoebozoa, Communities of extremophilic protists.
Professional membership:
Pedagogical activity: Teaching at the Faculty of Biology, Saint-Petersburg State University:
  • Summer Practice in Invertebrate Zoology (1st year bachelor students)
  • Methods of Light and Electron Microscopy (master students)
  • Molecular Methods in Zoology (master students)
Scientific projects and grants:
  • RSF 20-14-00181, supervisor; “Amoebozoa of the World Ocean: phylogeny, community composition and global distribution patterns”.
  • RFBR 12-04-33229-mol-a-ved, supervisor; “Biodiversity of the naked lobose amoebae (Amoebozoa) in marine deep-sea habitats”.
  • RFBR 14-04-10181-k, supervisor; “Research project of the complex field expedition for collection of lobose amoebae and heliozoan in theecosystems with salinity gradients”.
  • RFBR 15-04-06239-a, supervisor; “Size does matter: nanoamoebae and the evolutionary reconstruction of Amoebozoa”.
  • RFBR 15-29-02749-ofi_m, supervisor; “Complex revision of the biodiversity of amoeboid protists on the territory of Russian Federation”.
  • EC grant № 283 within the frames of Assemble Plus Transnational Access Program; supervisor. Project title: “Assessment of amoeboid protists in a planktonic community of the Bay of Villefranche”.
Selected Publications:
  • Kudryavtsev A., Völcker E., Clauß S., Pawlowski J., 2021. Ovalopodium rosalinum sp. nov., Planopodium haveli gen. nov, sp. nov., Planopodium desertum comb. nov. and new insights into phylogeny of the deeply branching members of the order Himatismenida (Amoebozoa). Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 71: 004737.
  • Volkova E., Kudryavtsev A., 2021. A morphological and molecular reinvestigation of Janickina pigmentifera (Grassi, 1881) Chatton 1953 - an amoebozoan parasite of arrow-worms (Chaetognatha). Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 71: 005094.
  • Kudryavtsev A., Volkova E., Voytinsky F., 2021. A checklist of Amoebozoa species from marine and brackish-water biotopes with notes on taxonomy, species concept and distribution patterns. Protistology 15: 220-273.
  • Kudryavtsev A., Parshukov A., Kondakova E., Volkova E., 2022. Vannella mustalahtiana sp. nov.(Amoebozoa, Vannellida) and rainbow trout nodular gill disease (NGD) in Russia. Dis. Aquat. Org. 148: 29-41.
  • Adl S.M., Bass D., Lane C.E., Lukeš J., Schoch C.L., Smirnov A., Agatha S., Berney C., Brown M.W., Burki F., Cárdenas P., Čepička I., Chistyakova L., del Campo J., Dunthorn M., Edvardsen B., Eglit Y., Guillou L., Hampl V., Heiss A.A., Hoppenrath M., James T.Y., Karpov S., Kim E., Kolisko M., Kudryavtsev A., Lahr D.J.G., Lara E., Le Gall L., Lynn D.H., Mann D.G., Massana i Molera R., Mitchell E.A.D., Morrow C., Park J.S., Pawlowski J.W., Powell M.J., Richter D.J., Rueckert S., Shadwick L., Shimano S., Spiegel F.W., Torruella i Cortes G., Youssef N., Zlatogursky V., Zhang Q. 2018. Revisions to the classification, nomenclature, and diversity of eukaryotes. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 66: 4-119.
  • Kudryavtsev A., Pawlowski J., Smirnov A. 2018. More amoebae from the deep-sea: two new marine species of Vexillifera (Amoebozoa, Dactylopodida) with notes on taxonomy of the genus. European Journal of Protistology 66: 9-25.
  • Kang S., Tice A.K., Spiegel F.W., Silberman J.D., Panek T., Cepicka I., Kostka M., Kosakyan A., Alcantara D.M.C., Roger A.J., Shadwick L.L., Smirnov A., Kudryavtsev A., Lahr D.J.G., Brown M.W. 2017. Between a Pod and a Hard Test: The Deep Evolution of Amoebae. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 34(9): 2258-2270.
  • Kudryavtsev A., Pawlowski J. 2015. Cunea n. g. (Amoebozoa, Dactylopodida) with two cryptic species isolated from different areas of the ocean. European Journal of Protistology 51(3): 197–209.
  • Cavalier-Smith T., Fiore-Donno A.M., Chao E., Kudryavtsev A., Berney C., Snell E.A., Lewis R. 2015. Multigene phylogeny resolves deep branching of Amoebozoa. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 83: 293-304.
  • Keeling P.J., Burki F., Wilcox H.M., Allam B., Allen E.E., Amaral-Zettler L.A., Armbrust E.V., Archibald J.M., Bharti A.K., Bell C.J., Beszteri B., Bidle K.D., Cameron C.T., Campbell L., Caron D.A., Cattolico R.A., Collier J.L., Coyne K., Davy S.K., Deschamps P., Dyhrman S.T., Edvardsen B., Gates R.D., Gobler C.J., Greenwood S.J., Guida S.M., Jacobi J.L., Jakobsen K.S., James E.R., Jenkins B., John U., Johnson M.D., Juhl A.R., Kamp A., Katz L.A., Kiene R., Kudryavtsev A., Leander B.S., Lin S., Lovejoy C., Lynn D., Marchetti A., McManus G., Nedelcu A.M., Menden-Deuer S., Miceli C., Mock T., Montresor M., Moran M.A., Murray S., Nadathur G., Nagai S., Ngam P.B., Palenik B., Pawlowski J., Petroni G., Piganeau G., Posewitz M.C., Rengefors K., Romano G., Rumpho M.E., Rynearson T., Schilling K.B., Schroeder D.C., Simpson A.G.B., Slamovits C.H., Smith D.R., Smith G.J., Smith S.R., Sosik H.M., Stief P., Theriot E., Twary S.N., Umale P.E., Vaulot D., Wawrik B., Wheeler G.L., Wilson W.H., Xu Y., Zingone A., Worden A.Z. 2014. The marine microbial eukaryote transcriptome sequencing project (MMETSP): illuminating the functional diversity of eukaryotic life in the oceans through transcriptome sequencing. PLoS Biology 12(6): e1001889.