Anatoly P. Shapoval

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Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
Academic title: No title
Position: Senior Researcher
Contact phone: +7 (401) 504-12-51
Educational background: Lvov State University, 1976
Dissertations: “The sex and age structure of migrating passerines on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea.” (PhD)
Research interests: Migration, morphology, demography, ecology of birds; migration of insects.
Field studies: Russia, Middle Asia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine.
Professional membership: Member of Saint-Petersburg Naturalist Society,
Scientific projects and grants:
  • RFBR 03-04-49648-а, PI L.V. Sokolov. “Analysis of the influence natural factors on number population dynamics passerine birds”.
  • RFBR 05-04-48174-а, PI V.A. Payevsky. “The study of number regulation in populations of migratory species: importance of wintering or breeding as the most limitative period”.
  • RFBR 06-04-48774 а, PI L.V. Sokolov. “The impact of recent global climate warming upon bird annual cycles”.
  • RFBR 09-04-00407-а, PI V.A. Payevsky. “Investigation of mechanisms regulating the number of migratory birds : whether mortality during migration is selective”.
Selected Publications:
  • Payevsky V.A., Shapoval A.P. 2000. Survival rates, life spans and age structure of bird populations. Trudy Zool. Inst., 286: 101-106.
  • Payevsky V.A., Shapoval A.P. 2002. Long-term monitoring of annual and seasonal differences in age structure of migratory passerine birds. Многолетняя динамика численности птиц и млекопитающих в связи с глобальными изменениями климата. Мат-лы международного симпозиума: 83-89.
  • Паевский В.А., Высоцкий В.Г., Шаповал А.П. 2004. Демографические параметры и размещение мигрирующих популяций дроздов, подверженных прессу охоты. Зоологический журнал, 83 (3): 342-354
  • Соколов Л.В., Ефремов В.Д., Морозов Ю.Г., Марковец М.Ю., Шаповал А.П. 2005. Многолетний мониторинг численности воробьиных птиц на Куршской косе Балтийского моря. Труды Звенигородской Биологической станции, 4: 203-210
  • Payevsky V.A., Shapoval A.P., Vysotsky V.G. 2005. Spatial distribution of Thrushes migrating through the eastern Baltic area as shown by ring recoveries. OMPO Newsletter, 18: 5-12
  • Chernetsov N., Sokolov L.V., Kosarev V., Leoke D., Markovets M., Tsvey A., Shapoval A.P. 2006. Sex-related natal dispersal of Pied Flycatchers: How far away from home? Condor, 108: 711-716[711:SNDOPF]2.0.CO;2