Natalia D. Voinovich

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Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
Academic title: No title
Position: Senior Researcher
Contact phone: +7 (812) 714-04-42
Educational background: Leningrad State University, Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences, Chair of Entomology, 1977.
Dissertations: “Peculiarities of parasitism of chalcids (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea), infesting the Small Spruce Coccid and the Birch Coccid (Homoptera, Coccidea) in the Taiga zone of the European part of the USSR.” (PhD)
Research interests: Ecology and physiology of hymenopteran parasiztoids.
Field studies: European Russia, Murmansk province.
Professional membership: All-Russian Entomological Society,
Scientific projects and grants:
  • Program of fundamental studies of Biological Department of RAS “Rational use of biological resources of Russia: fundamental bases of management”, PI S.Ya. Reznik, project “Scientific and methodological bases of quality control in laboratory and mass rearing of entomophagous insects” (2015-2017).
  • Program of the Department of Biological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Biological Resources of Russia: Evaluation of the Current State and Fundamental Bases of Monitoring,” PI N.B. Ananyeva, project “Dynamics and Prognosis of the State of the Most Important Resources,” registration number АААА-А18-118042390186-9 (2018-2019).
Selected Publications:
  • Reznik S.Ya., Voinovich N.D. 2022. Photoperiod-independent diapause-inducing thermal response of Trichogramma larvae: Pattern and mechanisms. Journal of Applied Entomology, 146 (5): 586-595.
  • Reznik S.Ya., Voinovich N.D. 2021. Influence of temperature on the restoration of the ability of Trichogramma principium to undergo diapause. Journal of Insect Physiology 132: 104271.
  • Reznik S.Ya., Voinovich N.D., Samartsev K.G. 2020. Grandmaternal temperature effect on diapause induction in Trichogramma telengai (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Journal of Insect Physiology 124: 104072.
  • Reznik, S., & Voinovich, N. 2019. The photoperiodic response to single nights suggests a rapidly damping oscillator in Trichogramma telengai (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) // The Canadian Entomologist, 151 (4): 456-464.
  • Voinovich N. D. & Reznik S. Y. 2017. On the factors inducing the inhibition of diapause in the progeny of diapause females of Trichogramma telengai // Physiological Entomology. 42(3): 274-281.
  • Vaghina N.P., Voinovich N.D., Reznik S.Ya. 2014. Maternal thermal and photoperiodic effects on the progeny diapause in Trichogramma telengai Sorokina (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) // Entomological Science, 17(2): 198–206.
  • Reznik S.Ya., Vaghina N.P., Voinovich N.D. 2012. Multigenerational maternal effect on diapause induction in Trichogramma species (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) // Biocontrol Science and Technology, 22(4): 429–445.
  • Reznik S.Ya., Voinovich N.D., Vaghina N.P. 2011. Maternal regulation of Trichogramma embryophagum Htg. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) diapause: Photoperiodic sensitivity of adult females // Biological Control, 57(2): 158–162.
  • Reznik S.Ya, Kats T.S., Umarova T.Ya. & Voinovich N.D. 2002. Maternal age and endogenous variation in maternal influence on photoperiodic response in the progeny diapause in Trichogramma embryophagum (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) // Europ. J. Entomol. 99, 2: 175-181.
  • Reznik S.Ya, N.D.Voinovich and T.Ya.Umarova. 2001. Long-term egg retention and parasitization in Trichogramma principium (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) // Journal of Applied Entomology. 125, 4: 169-175.
  • N.D.Voinovich, T.Ya.Umarova and S.Ya.Reznik, 1999. Host spatial pattern influences induction of parasitization by Trichogramma // European Journal of Entomology. 96, 4: 369-373.
  • Reznik S.Ya., Umarova T.Ya. and Voinovich N.D. 1997. The influence of previous host age on current host acceptance in Trichogramma. // Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 82(2), 153-157.
  • Reznik S.Ya., Voinovich N.D. and Umarova T.Ya. 1997. Carbohydrate suppresses parasitization and induces egg retention in Trichogramma. // Biocontrol Science and Technology 7(2), 271-274.