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Year 1973, Volume 7, Issue 6
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Issue 1
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Issue 6
Ultrafine structure of Nuttallia musculi Muratov, 1966 (Piroplasmida). P. 481-484.
Ultrastructure of Nuttallia musculi Muratov, 1966, a blood parasite of Mus musculus, was studied by means of electron microscopy. Two types of parasitic cells were found in erythrocites as follows: growing and actively feeding ones — trophozoites and young migrating ones — merozoites. Trophozoites of N. musculi are limited by one plasmatic membrane, the wall of merozoites consist of three plasmatic membranes. Both types of cells contain ribosome, mitochondria and rough endoplasmatic system. In the cytoplasm of trophozoites can occur lyzosomelike formations. The presence of conoid, roptria micronemae and ultracytostome in merozoites was not established. The feeding of trophozoites is apparently proceeds by means of pinocytosis. Bacterialike bodies are often found in the cytoplasm of Nuttallia.
in Russian
On the biology of Sphaerospora cristata Schulman, 1962 in the fry of the burbot (Lota lota L.). P. 485-488.
Plasmodiae of the myxosporidia Sphaerospora cristata were first discovered in the Bowman's capsules of kidneys in the fry of Lota lota L. The life cycle of the parasite lasts 15 to 20 days. The first infection occurs on the third month of the burbot's life when it comes down to the bottom and begins to feed on benthos. The invasion with the parasite lasts the whole year round. However, the infection rate increases during winter period.
in Russian
Parasitic ciliates (Peritricha, Urceolariidae) from some fishes of the Barents sea. P. 489-496.
In the Barents Sea the following species of Urceolariidae were discovered: Trichodina cottidarum Dogiel, 1948 and T. domerguei subsp. saintjohnsi Lom et Laird, 1969 (on the gills of Myoxocephalus scorpius), T. liparisi Zhukov, 1964 (on the gills of Liparis liparis) and Trichodina sp. (on the gills of Zoarces viviparus). The problem is to make a revision of the fauna of Urceolariidae of the USSR on the basis of the standard silver impregnation method.
in Russian
Redescription of Gyrodactylus gobii Shulman, 1953 and G. gobioninum Gussev, 1955 (Monogenoidea : Gyrodactylidae). P. 497-501.
A redescription is given of Gyrodactylus gobii Shulman, 1953 and G. gobioninum Gussev, 1955. The fish species Gobio gobio lepidolaemus, G. gobio cynoceppalus, G. albipinnatus and Hemibarbus maculatus are new hosts for G. gobii. The only form representing Gyrodactylus gobioninum is that from the host Pseudogobio rivularis. The areas of distribution of both species are given.
in Russian
New representatives and the composition of the order Litobothridea Dailey, 1969 (Eucestoda). P. 502-508.
Cestodes Litobothrium daileyi sp. n. and Renyxa amplifica gen. et sp. n. are described from the spiral valve of the big-eyed thresher, Alopias supereiliosus. The order Litobothridea contains now one family, Litobothridae Dailey, 1969, with two genera: Litobothrium Dailey, 1969 with four species (L. alopias, L. coniformis, L. gracile and L. daileyi sp. n.) and Renyxa gen. n. with the only species R. amplifica sp. n. A key to the genera and species is given.
in Russian
On the biology of cestodes of the genus Lateriporus Fuhrmann. P. 509-512.
Strobilocysts of three species of cestodes of the genus Lateriporus Fuhrmann, 1907 are described as follows: L. teres (Krabbe, 1869), L. clerci (Johnston, 1912) and L. skrjabini (Mathevossian, 1946). Strobilicysts were recorded from Gammarus (Rivolugammarus) lacustris found in the Cheljabinsk region of the USSR.
in Russian
Microphallus tauricus sp. n. (Microphallidae Travassos, 1920), a new species of trematodes from the Crimea. P. 513-517.
A new species of trematodes, Microphallus tauricus sp. n., is described. The trematodes were reared experimentally in two- and three days old ducklings. By a combination of its characters the new species is close to Microphallus primas (Jägerskiöld, 1909) and M. hoffmanni Rebecq, 1964. However, it differs from the above species in a smaller size of the body, shorter intestinal branches, size and shape of the male papilla and in an additional host. Cysts of metacercariae of M. tauricus sp. n. were found in Gammarus (Rivulogammarus) balcanicus Schaferna, 1922 from the mountain Burulcha River (the Crimea).
in Russian
The erection of a new superfamily of nematodes, Ascaridioidea superfam. n. P. 518-520.
As a result of a brief analysis of systems of various taxonomic groups of the suborder Ascaridata, their morphology, life cycles, ecology and other characters a new superfamily, Ascaridioidea, was erected. The erection is based on the presence of chitinous preanal suckers, parasitism only in birds and a peculiar life cycle (during ontogenesis larvae do not perform haematolymphogenic migration in the definitive host).
in Russian
Heterodera punctata, a parasite of wild grasses in southern Karelia. P. 521-525.
The mass species Heterodera punctata Thorne. was discovered on roots of Poa pratensis L., Festuca rubra L., Agrostis tenuis Sibth. and in the soil of meadows. Its morphology, biology, ecology are described. A comparative morphological characteristic of cysts, eggs and larvae from various habitats (Karelia, Lithuania, Novgorod region, Ukraine, England and Canada) is given.
in Russian
Some morphological peculiarities in the structure of chelicerae of bloodsucking mites of the fam. Haemogamasidae (Gamasoidea). P. 526-530.
The paper considers the structure of cheliceral digits in two obligate bloodsuckers of the fam. Haemogamasidae, Haemogamasus hirsutus (Berlese) and H. liponyssoides (Ewing). The chelicerae of females and deutonymphs of these mites are characterized by a narrow canal piercing through the poorly sclerotized terminal portion of the fixed digit opening at its apex. The movable digit of these mites also has common details of the structure: its distal portion consists of two parts the formation of which proceeds during ontogenesis.
in Russian
Two new species of Philopterus Nitzsch, 1818 (Mallophaga) from passerine birds. P. 531-535.
Two new species of the genus Philopterus are described. Ph. magnus sp. n. was found on Lanius minor Gm. in the Ukraine and Turkmenia. It differs from Ph. coarctatus (Scopoli), parasite of L. collurio L., by a larger size, structural details of theclypeal signature and tergopleural plate, and by genital area of ♀ and ♂. Ph. hypocolii sp. n. was found on Hypocolius ampelinus Bp. from Turkmenia. It is close to Ph. coarctatus and Ph. magnus sp. n. from which differs in size and some morphological characters.
in Russian
Bird louse flies (Diptera, Hippoboscidae) in natural nidi of the tick-borne encephalitis in the forest-steppe zone of Middle Povolzhje. P. 536-540.
As a result of examination of over 17 thousand birds 1236 louse flies were collected in two landscape provinces of the forest-steppe zone of Middle Povolzhie. They are as follows: Ornithomyia auicularia L. — 90.6%, O. fringillina Curtis — 8.4, O. chloropus Bergroth — 1.0, Ornithoica turdi Latr. — 1 specimen. O. avicularia was found on 42 species of birds from the IIId decade of May to the Ist decade of October. A dependence was established of the infection rate of birds on the body size, age, feeding, biotopic distribution and habitat of the host. O. fringillina was recorded from 26 species of birds from July to September, O. chloropus — from 5 species of birds during the whole vegetation period. O. avicularia is suggested to take part in the circulation of the virus of the tick-borne encephalitis.
in Russian
On breeding places of black flies (Diptera, Simuliidae) from Transcarpathia. P. 541-544.
From 1968 to 1972 investigations were undertaken in order to study breeding places of black flies in Transcarpathia. Water bodies in which black flies developed were arranged in groups according to their type. 98 984 larvae and 38 120 pupae were collected and identified. 42 species of black flies belonging to 9 genera are determined.
in Russian
On new subspecies of Amphipsylla kuznetzovi and some subspecies of Nosopsyllus laeviceps (Siphonaptera: Leptopsyllidae, Ceratophyllidae). P. 545-550.
Amphipsylla kuznetzovi transcaucasica ssp. n. from Azerbaijan and A. kuznetzovi tjanshanica ssp. n. from Kirghizia are described. Their differences from the previously described subspecies of this species are given. A distinct status of Nosopsyllus laeviceps consors (Roths., 1913) is reestablished. The places of collections of N. l. gorganus Klein, 1963 over the territory of the USSR are indicated.
in Russian
Changes in the taxonomic status of Amoebotaenia oophorae Belopolskaia, 1971. P. 551-552.
The proboscis of Amoebotaenia oophorae is surrounded by a double row of hooks. The species is excluded from the genus Amoebotaenia and a new genus, Paraliga Belopolskaia et Kulatschkova, with a single species, P. oophorae, is erected.
in Russian
On parasitism of Hypoderma bovis de Geer on horses in West Siberia. P. 552-553.
The paper presents information on the finding of 28 larvae of Hypoderma bovis de Geer in 7 horses (2 to 9 larvae per one horse) in four farms of the Tjumen district.
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Book review 1. P. 554-555.
Summary is absent.
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Book review 2. P. 555-556.
Summary is absent.
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Professor E.A. Davtian (on his 70 th birthday). P. 557.
Summary is absent.
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Index. P. 558-562.
Summary is absent.
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