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Year 1979, Volume 13, Issue 4
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Issue 1
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Issue 6
Parasitic infections of cultured fishes. P. 377-385.
Summary is absent.
in Russian
Changes in the contents of some inorganic ions in the haemolymph of freshwater mollusks during their infection with parthenites of trematodes. P. 386-390.
Changes in the concentration of ions of sodium, potassium, calcium and chlorine in the haemolymph of Lymnaea stagnalis and Planorbis corneus were studied during their infection with sporocysts and rediae of trematodes. Statistically reliable disturbances in the ion balance caused by the infection were established.
in Russian
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in the trematode Calicophoron erschowi. P. 391-396.
The trematode Calicophoron erschowi possesses high active phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. Enzyme activity is concentrated in the cytoplasm. The enzyme has the optimum pH 6.0 and is active in the presence of ions Mn++ and inosine diphosphate. Alanine does not affect its activity. Sulphide oxinide in concentration 1.4*10-6 M inhibits the activity up to 93%. Some kinetic characteristics are presented.
in Russian
Peculiarities of the cuticle structure of Aporcelaimellus obtusicaudatus at the mechanical injury. P. 397-401.
The fine structure of the cuticle of A. obtusicaudatus (Dorylaimidae) during the turgor unbalance was studied. Mechanical injury causes the delamination of the cuticle and reveals the tonofibrillary interrelations between its structures. The cortex and basal layer were found to possess the highest tensile strength. The peculiarities of the structures destruction dynamics depending on the removal from the perforation place were recognized.
in Russian
The blood digestion and plague blockformation in fleas Ceratophyllus tesquorum. P. 402-406.
The fleas of С. tesquorum are characterized by high protease activity in the epithelium and contents of the stomach, quick hemolysis of erythrocytes and low blood coagulation. Rare blockformation in C. tesquorum and its long terms under experimental conditions are apparently associated with changes in the quantity of plague microbes in the digestive tract depending on the stage of blood digestion: reduced during the hemolysis of erythrocytes and increased when it was over.
in Russian
On the fauna of fleas of small mammals from the northern part of the Amur district (Aphaniptera). P. 407-413.
In June-September of 1975 on the southern slope of the Stanovoy ridge, in the region of construction of the Baikal-Amur main line 2014 small mammals of 14 species were examined, on which 1499 fleas of 13 species were collected. Most species of fleas are widely distributed throughout the territory. Ceratophyllus penicilliger, C. advenarius, Catallagia dacencoi, C. ioffi are mass species, Ceratophyllus calcarifer, C. indages, Leptopsylla ostsibirica, Doratopsylla birulai, Rhadinopsylla pseudodahurica are common species. Ceratophyllus taiganus, Amphipsylla marikovskii, Neopsylla acanthina and Tarsopsylla octodecimdentata are rather rare.
in Russian
Age changes and some problems of ecology of preimaginal stages of Mansonia richiardii (Culicidae). P. 414-417.
Age changes in the meristic and linear characters of the head and abdominal end of I—IV stage larvae of M. richiardii are shown. Eco-etology was studied both under laboratory conditions and in natural biotopes.
in Russian
Gamasid mites (Gamasoidea) from small mammals of Charskaya hollow. P. 418-422.
Zooparasitological investigation of small mammals (17 species) was carried out in one of the regions of construction of the Baikal-Amur main line, Charskaya hollow. 8475 gamasid mites belonging to 8 families and represented by 25 species were collected. In addition, in the nests of the northern redbacked vole and root vole there were found gamasid mites belonging to 6 families. The mass species, Haemogamasus ambulans Thorell and Hirstionyssus isabellinus Oud., were recorded from all landscape zones, of the territory under investigation.
in Russian
Study of Flagellata isolated from sand flies in various zones of Turkmenia and cultures of agents of leishmaniosis and Leishmania of reptiles similar with them. P. 423-428.
188 strains of Flagellata from 6 species of sand flies and 42 strains from reptiles were isolated in various landscape-geographic zones of Turkmenia. 70 and 35 strains of Flagellata isolate from sand flies were studied by means of bio-assay on white mice and by the Adler's serological method (modification of Safjanova), respectively. 64 strains of Flagellata of different origin were studied by means of "temperature" method. It has been established that the transmission of the agent of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniosis takes place nearly throughout the whole territory of Turkmenia. To identify an unknown strain of Leishmania by means of the Adler's method an antiserum for any studied "standard" strain of different species of Leishmania is enough to be used.
in Russian
The effect of parasitic protozoans on the physiological state of tenebrionid beetles (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). P. 429-435.
Studies were conducted of diseases of Tribolium destructor and T. confusum caused by parasites of the fat body, microsporidians of Nosema whitei and coccidians of Adelina tribolii. The infection of larvae of tenebrionid beetles with microsporidians and coccidians results in substantial changes in the metabolism of insects-hosts (respiratory metabolism is disturbed and activity of tissue catalase is reduced). Physiological characteristics of uninfected larvae of T. confusum and T. destructor differ considerably. In T. destructor the disease is more acute in its character and is accompanied by more sharp changes in metabolism as compared to T. confusum. On the basis of experiments conducted the author came to the conclusion that parasitic protozoans affect the physiological state of tenebrionid beetles in many ways. On the other hand the tenebrionids themselves are somehow affected by the host that apparently is stipulated by physiological and biochemical peculiarities of the organism of the latter.
in Russian
Myxobolus tauricus sp. n., a new species of myxosporidians (Cnidosporidia: Myxosporidia) from Barbus tauricus. P. 436-437.
While studying the parasite fauna of freshwater fishes of the Crimea (1971 to 1977) a new species of myxosporidians, Myxobolus tauricus sp. n., from Barbus tauricus (Kessler, 1887) was erected. A description, figure and differential diagnosis are given. The location sites are indicated as follows: the rivers Salgir, Alma, Bijuk-Karasu, Chernaja, Uchan-Su (the Crimea, USSR). The places of localization are indicated too: gills, fins, liver, kidneys, urinary bladder, brain, spiral cord, muscles.
in Russian
Two new species of myxosporidia of the genus Myxoproteus from the Celtic Sea fishes. P. 437-439.
Two new species of Myxosporidia of the genus Myxoproteus from the Celtic Sea fishes are described. M. scoleciformis was found in the biliary bladder of the John dory, Zeus faber (on 1 from 4 fishes), M. formosus was found in the urinary bladder of the whiting Merlangius merlangus (on 2 from 9 fishes).
in Russian
On the mosquito Aedes nigrinus from Middle Povolzhje. P. 440-442.
Peculiarities of the morphological structure and biology of the mosquito Ae. nigrinus from Middle Povolzhje are described.
in Russian
Modification of the standart method for bringing out the infection rate of black flies larvae (Simuliidae) with microsporidians. P. 442-444.
At a water temperature of +1 to +4° black flies larvae and microsporidians from them develop asynchronously that can be used for the diagnostics of microsporidiosis. The infection rate of black flies larvae increases after their being maintained at a temperature of +1 to +4° during 8 days. This is 2.5—3 times higher as compared to the infection rate determined by the known method just after the sampling.
in Russian
Seasonal dynamic of the development and reproduction of parthenogenetic generations of Xiphidiocercaria sp. VII Odening 1962 (Trematoda: Plagiorchiidae) in the snail Coretus corneus. P. 444-448.
Intensity of reproduction of parthenogenetic generations of Xiphidiocercaria sp. VII Odening 1962 was shown to exhibit a seasonal dependence. Comparative studies of generative and somatic cell nuclei size, amount of divisional cells, quantity of cercariae and embryos were conducted in summer and winter.
in Russian
Book review 1. P. 449-450.
Summary is absent.
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Book review 2. P. 450-451.
Summary is absent.
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Book review 3. P. 451-453.
Summary is absent.
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Book review 4. P. 453-455.
Summary is absent.
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Chronicle 1. P. 456-457.
Summary is absent.
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Chronicle 2. P. 457-459.
Summary is absent.
in Russian