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Year 2016, Volume 50, Issue 6
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Issue 6
Parasites fauna of the Lake Kronotskoe charrs (Salvelinus), Kamchatka. P. 409-425.
The new data on the parasites fauna of the Lake Kronotskoe sympatric charr forms (genus Salvelinus (Nilsson) Richardson, 1836) is presented. Parasites fauna of Bigmouth and Smallmouth charr forms are described for the first time. The information about Longhead charr, Nosed charr and White charr parasites is added. 29 species of parasites from 9 classes were found: Oligohymenophorea, Myxosporea, Monogenea, Trematoda, Cestoda, Nematoda, Acantocephala, Crustacea and Hirudinea. Longhead charr was the most intensively infected by Proteocephalus longicollis (Zeder, 1800) (abundance 306.0) and Neoechinorhynchus salmonis Ching, 1984 (abundance 230.0). White charr was mostly infected by Crepidostomum Braun, 1900 (abundance 242.2) and P. longicollis (abundance 183.4). Nosed charr group that feed on gammarids was infected mostly by Crepidostomum spp. (abundance 3461.3), Cyathocephalus truncatus (Pallas, 1781) (abundance 179.9) and Cystidicola farionis Fisher, 1798 (abundance 169.0); while Chironomidae consumers group was infected mostly by Diplostomum Nordmann, 1832 (abundance 62.3) and Phyllodistomum umblae (Fabricius, 1780) (abundance 27.3). Bigmouth charr was infected mostly by P. longicollis (abundance 17.0) and Eubolhrium salvelini Schrank, 1790 (abundance 11.0), Smallmouth charr form — by P. longicollis (abundance 67.0) and Diplostomum sp. (abundance 64.2). Sympatric flock of charrs form the Lake Kronotskoe (Kamchatka) is the most polymorphic for the genus Salvelinus in Eurasia. According to the parasitological analysis this flock consists six ecological forms.
in Russian
First record of Rhadinorhynchus cololabis (Acanthocephala: Rhadinorhynchidae) from the cherry salmon in the Sea of Japan. P. 426-431.
Drawing, description and characteristics of Rhadinorhynchus cololabis, registered for the first time from Oncorhynchus masou in the Sea of Japan (northern part of Primorye Territory) are given. Ten species of acanthocephalans from the cherry salmon in the Primorsky Territory were recorded.
in Russian
The system of xenobiotics biotransformation of helminths. Resemblance and differenses from similar host systems (rewew). P. 432-445.
The three phases system xenobiotic biotransformation in cells as prokaryotes as eukaryotes was formed during the process of evolution. Clear and managed function of all three links of this system guarantee the survival of living organisms at alteration of chemical component of environment. Oxidation, reduction or hydrolysis of xenobiotics realize in phase I by insertion or opening reactive and hydrophilic groups in structure of drug molecule. In phase II xenobiotics or their metabolites from phase I conjugate with endogenic compounds, main of there are glutathione, glucuronic acid, amino acids and sulphates. Active transport of substrata, metabolites and conjugates through cell lipid membranes special transport proteins carry out (phase III). The system of xenobiotics biotransformation of helminths has essential differences from the same of vertebrate hosts. In particular, parasites do not reveal the activity of prime oxidases of phase I, such as CYP or FMO, in spite of the genes of these enzymes in DNA. As this phenomenon displays mainly in adult helminths, living in guts of vertebrates, then the hypothesis was formulated that this effect is related with adaptation to conditions of strong deficiency of oxygen, arise in a process of evolution (Kotze et al., 2006). Literature data testify the existence in helminths of unique forms of enzymes of phase II, the investigation of which present doubtless interest in relation with possible role in adaptation to parasitic mode of life. Notwithstanding that many of helminths GST in greater or lesser degree similar with enzymes of M, P, S and О classes of other organisms, nevertheless they have essential structural differences as compared with enzymes of hosts that makes perspective the search of specific anthelminthics vaccines. Transport of xenobiotics is now considered phase III of biotransformation. It was shown that proteins of this phase (ATP binding cassette transporters (ABC ) of parasites) play a key role in efflux of lipophilic xenobiotics, hydrophilic metabolites and conjugates and take part in forming of anthelminthics resistance. Some of these transporters, such as P-glycoprotein (Pgp), are important for drug resistance of helminths. In particular, a correlation between the level of expression of Pgp and resistance of S. mansoni and F. hepatica to widely used anthelminthics as praziquantel and triclabendazol exist.
in Russian
Host specificity in Microsporidia. P. 446-459.
The host specificity of Microsporidia, obligate intracellular parasites of Metazoa and other eukaryotes (Ciliophora, Gregarinia) is analyzed in the present review. Previously it was assumed that all the species of microporidia were characterized by narrow host specificity and microsporidians from vertebrate and invertebrate hosts belonged to different taxa of the family rank or even higher ranks. In the end of the last century and in the beginning of the present century, the first evidence that microsporidia from blood-sucking mosquitoes do infect mammals and human and vice versa were obtained, together with the fact that microsporidia from warm-blooded animals are able to develop in blood-sucking arthropods. Recent studies showed that the same species of microsporidia can simultaneously infect fishes and crustaceans or humans and orthopteran insects. At present, only a single group of monophyletic narrow-specialized microsporidians of the family Amblyosporidiae is known, with the group of hosts limited to two arthropod familes: Culicidae (Diptera: Insecta) and Cyclopidae (Crustacea: Copepoda). All other phylogenetic branches include microsporidians revealed in different host species, including humans. Host variability is most diverse in representatives of the genera Anncaliia and Tubulinosema of the family Tubulinosematidae. Belonging of insect microsporidians to certain phylogenetic groups can predict their potential ability to infest humans. This circumstance must be taken into account during estimation of prospects of the use of these parasites in the control of population density of harmful arthropods, and also during the analysis of probable results of microsporidian epizooties in nature. Microsporidians developing in invertebrate and vertebrate hosts must not be treated separately in medical, veterinary, and agricultural practice.
in Russian
Fleas (Siphonaptera) of mammals and birds in the Ciscaucasia. P. 460-470.
Flea fauna of Ciscaucasia is represented by 76 species, 13 of which are associated with birds and all the other with mammals. Rodent parasites are most numerous; fleas associated with predators, bats and insectivora are less abundant. Fleas parasitize on different species of birds of the orders Passeriformes, Anseriformes, Falconiformes, and Strigiformes. Among 41 flea genera known from the Caucasus, species of the genera Amalaraeus, Araeopsylla, Atyphloceras, Caenopsylla, Callopsylla, Doratopsylla, Paraneopsylla, Peromyscopsylla, Phaenopsylla, Tarsopsylla, and Wagnerina are absent in the Ciscaucasia. Only two subendemic species were revealed in this area. Thirty three flea species are distributed over the entire territory; the distribution of other species is limited to landscapes of one or two natural areas.
in Russian
Experience in the application of databases on bloodsucking insects in zoological studies. P. 471-482.
The paper summarizes long-term experience of accumulating and summarizing the faunistic information by means of separate databases (DB) and information analytical systems (IAS), and also prospects of its representation by modern multi-user informational systems. The experience obtained during development and practical use of the PARHOST1 IAS for the study of the world flea fauna and work with personal databases created for the study of bloodsucking insects (lice and blackflies) is analyzed. Research collection material on type series of 57 species and subspecies of fleas of the fauna of Russia was approved as a part of multi-user information retrieval system on the web-portal of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. According former investigations, the system allows depositing the information in the authentic form and performing its gradual transformation, i. e. its unification and structuring. In order to provide continuity of DB refill, the possibility of work of operators with different degree of competence is provided.
in Russian
Chronicle. P. 483-485.
in Russian
Index. P. 486-488.
in Russian