Pteroherpus surmachi sp. n., first record of the feather mite family Pteronyssidae (Acari: Analgoidea) from nuthatches (Passeriformes: Sittidae)

S.V. Mironov

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2011, 315(4): 452–460   ·

Full text  


A new feather mite species, Pteroherpus surmachi sp. n. (Analgoidea: Pteronyssidae), is described from the Chinese nuthatch Sitta villosa Verreaux, 1865 (Sittidae) from the Primorsky Kray, Russia. This is the first record of a pteronyssid mite from representatives of the family Sittidae. Feather mite fauna currently known from nuthatches is briefly discussed. Analges sittae Mironov, 1985 syn. n. is synonymized with A. picicola Cerny et Schumilo, 1973 (Analgidae).

Key words

feather mites, Pteroherpus, Pteronyssidae, systematics, host associations, Passeriformes, Sittidae

Submitted September 2, 2011  ·  Accepted October 20, 2011  ·  Published December 23, 2011


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