Crickets of the family Mogoplistidae (Orthoptera) from Ascension and Saint Helena islands, Atlantic Ocean

A.V. Gorochov

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2009, 313(1): 23–32   ·

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Six species of Mogoplistidae were found in Ascension and Saint Helena islands. All of them are members of the tribe Arachnocephalini. Five of them are new and belonging to a new genus (Discophallus, gen. nov.: D. ascension, sp. nov., D. philipi, sp. nov., D. myrtleae, sp. nov., D. pallidus, sp. nov., D. amplus, sp. nov.). Three of them are from Ascension I. and two, from Boatswainbird I. (a small island situated near the previous one); one species, Cycloptiloides canariensis (Bol.), is presented in Ascension and St. Helena islands. Descriptions of new taxa and a key for species determination are given.

Key words

Ascension and Saint Helena islands, Mogoplistidae, key for determination, new taxa, Orthoptera

Submitted June 10, 2008  ·  Accepted January 20, 2009  ·  Published March 25, 2009


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