New species from the order Cyclostomata (Bryozoa) from the northern and middle Kurile Islands

V.I. Gontar

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2009, 313(1): 41–57   ·

Full text  


Six new species of cyclostome bryozoans are reported from the shelf of the northern and middle Kurile Islands. These include one new genus Paulina (type species P. taylori, sp. nov.), which is distinguished from Stomatopora Milne-Edwards, 1838 in having a basal gonozooid with a suborbicular shape, ultrastructure of frontal exterior wall with longitudinal stripes of calcification and unique ultrastructural fabric of coarse chevrons. The other five species are represented by Crisiella chirpoiensis, sp. nov., Desmatelesia repens, sp. nov., Desmeplagioecia pastiliformis, sp. nov., Heteropora urupae, sp. nov., and Tubulipora duplicatocrenata, sp. nov.

Key words

Bryozoa, Cyclostomata, epifauna, Kurile Islands, new taxa

Submitted May 7, 2008  ·  Accepted January 20, 2009  ·  Published March 25, 2009


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