Strategies of search behaviuor in trematode Cercariae

V.V. Prokofiev and K.V. Galaktionov

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2009, 313(3): 308–318   ·

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On the base of analysis of original and literature data four basic strategies were distinguished in host-search behaviour of trematode cercariae. There are active search (1), passive waiting (2), active waiting (3) and prey mimetism (4). Many of the Xiphidiocercaria, cercariae of some Echinostomatidae, Psilostomatidae, Acanthocolpidae and Lepocreadiidae as well as cercariae of Fasciolidae, Haploporidae, Notocotylidae, Pronocephalidae, Gladorchiidae and some Haplosplanchnidae encysting on surface of underwater substrates follow the first strategy. These cercariae demonstrate a continuous swimming and photo-, geo- and sometimes chemoreactivity. The second strategy is characteristic for cercariae of Microcerca group with ambuscade behaviour. These cercariae exhibit pronounced oscilloreactions whereas other orienting reactions are feebly marked or even absent. Cercariae of Bucephalidae and Hemiuroidea which float passively in the water column also follow the strategy of passive waiting. The strategy of active waiting is characteristic of cercariae (Furcocercaria, Pleurolophocerca, Parapleurolophocerca, etc.) with an intermittent type of locomotion, where periods of active movement alternate regularly with periods of repose. These cercariae demonstrate a wide range of orienting reactions. The pray mimetism strategy exhibit cercariae of some trematodes (Azygiidae, Bivesiculidae, some Echinostomatidae, Heterophyidae, Lepocreadiidae, Gyliauchinidae, etc.) infecting their hosts passively per os. The active searching cercariae (strategy 1) usually infect sedentary animals or mobile ones but during periods of their minimal locomotory activity. The cercariae exploiting strategies 2–4 predominantly infect mobile animals. It was emphasized that the model of foraging strategies produced by Schoener (1971) and Huey and Pianka (1981) for free-living animals could be applied to analysis of cercarial hostsearch behaviour.

Key words

orientation reactions, parasites, host-search behaviour, foraging strategies, trematodes, cercariae

Submitted February 10, 2009  ·  Accepted June 1, 2009  ·  Published September 25, 2009


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