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Year 1972, Volume 6, Issue 5
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Issue 1
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Issue 5
Issue 6
On the centenary year of the discovery by A.P. Fedchenko of the Guinea worm life cycle. P. 403-407.
Over 100 years have passed since the discovery of the intermediate host of Dracunculus medinensis by A.P. Fedchenko, which facilitated elucidation of the epidemiology of dracunculosis and outlined measures for its prevention. Control of dracunculosis organized by L.M. Isaev in Bukhara resulted in complete eradication of this helminthic disease, which since 1932 has not been reported in man in the USSR.
in Russian
Stochastic pattern of helminthological invasion. I. The building of model. P. 408-415.
Mathematical pattern was made. It explains the Poisson and Negative binomial distribution of helminths in their animal-hosts. This pattern suggests that processes of reproduction, invasion and mortality of helminths are stochastic. Possibility of expansion of this pattern in cases of autoinvasion and immunological reactions of the host's organism, which prevents the development of helminths, was discussed.
in Russian
On some yearly changes in the number of monogeneans of the genus Dactylogyrus. P. 416-418.
In years with different weather conditions in spring and early in summer there occurs a shift in the dates when monogeneans of Dactylogyrus reach their optimal numbers. The lower the thermal regime of a water body in spring or early in summer, the greater the value of this shift.
in Russian
Diphyllobothrium dendriticum (Nitzsch, 1824) a parasite of man in the Tjumen district. P. 419-425.
The paper contains morphological characteristics and figures of the mature stage of Diphyllobothrium dendriticum (its two age forms) of man. Studies of the internal structure of these worms revealed serious functional braaks in the sexual organs, due to which the autor suggests that D. dendriticum is little adapted to parasitism in the intestine of man. The species D. nenzi Petrov, 1938, on the basis of great similarity is reduced to a synonym of D. dendriticum.
in Russian
Larvae of cestodes of the genus Phyllobothrium Beneden, 1850 (Tetraphyllidae), parasites of whales and other marine animals. P. 426-435.
Larvae of cestodes, Scolex pleuronectis Müller, 1788, are first described from mucosa of cachalot stomach and duodenum. Studies of the structure and geographic distribution of phyllobothriid larvae, parasites of various marine animals, indicate that marine mammals, squids and some predatory fishes become infected with small plerocercoids of these cestodes through teleost fishes. In stomachs and intestines of squids and predatory teleost fisches they develop into relatively large plerocercoids with plicate bothridia on scolex. In marine mammals they become tissue parasites, then round and show convergent resemblance to cysticercus. Due to a wide range of adaptive abilities young plerocercoids of phyllobothriids are potentially dangerous for terrestrial animals and man.
in Russian
On the life cycle of Skrjabinotrema ovis Orloff, Erschoff et Badanin, 1934 (Brachylaemidae). P. 436-438.
In contrast to I. S. Kasjanov's data (1954), the development of Skrjabinotrema ovis, parasitic in small intestine of sheep, proceeds with one, rather than with, two, intermediate host, terrestrial mollusks of Pupilla muscorum and Vallonia costata. Cercariae of Skrjabinotrema are formed in sporocysts and just here turn into metacercariae. The infection of sheep carries out via mollusks infected with sporocysts containing mature metacercariae.
in Russian
New species of the trematode Hysterogonia bychowskyi sp. n. from Australian Boarfish. P. 439-440.
The paper describes a new species of the trematode, Hysterogonia bychowskyi sp. n., from the intestine of the yellow-spotted boarfich, Paristiopterus gallipavo, of the Great Australian Bay.
in Russian
The nematode Alfortia edentatus (Looss, 1900) from the intestine of Upper Pleistocene horse. P. 441-443.
The paper describes ancient Alfortia edentata (Looss) found in a fossil horse from Upper Pleistocene (33 ± 2 thousand years). The comparison was made of this ancient form with the living one.
in Russian
Pleistocene gamasid mites from narrow-skulled vole. P. 444-450.
On five mummified corpses of the fossil narrowskulled vole, Microtus (Stenocranius) gregalis Pall., found in perma frost of the Indigirka basin (Yakutia) there were collected ectoparasites of Pleistocene Time (37±2 thousand years). Studies of Pleistocene gamasid mites of the genera Hyperlaelaps (one female, one male and two deutonymphs) and Hirstionyssus (one male) enabled the author to refer them to the recent species Hyperlaelaps arvalis (Zachv.) and Hirstionyssus isabellinus (Oudms.).
in Russian
On the system of entomoparasitic mites of the family Otopheidomenidae Treat, 1955 (Parasitiformes). P. 451-456.
A group of genera is separated from the family Otopheidomenidae and included in the family Phytoseiidae as a new subfamily Treatiinae. Three genera are assigned to the family Otopheidomenidae, viz. Otopheidomenis Treat, Noctuiseius Prasad and Prasadiseius Wainstein gen. nov. with Otopheidomenis pholusis Prasad as a type. The genera Nabiseius Chant et Lindquist and Treatia Krantz et Khot are transferred to the family Phytoseiidae. The genera Entomoseius and Hemipterosieius are reduced to synonyms of Treatia. Keys to genera and species of Otopheidomenidae, subfamilies of the family Phytoseiidae, genera and species of the subfamily Treatiinae of the family Phytoseiidae are given.
in Russian
On ecology of burrow-nest parasites of birds from Tataria. P. 457-464.
The paper deals with the life cycles of burrow-nest parasites of certain species of birds from Tataria showing a close adaptation to the life cycles of their hosts.
in Russian
On the scheme of the abdominal structure of fleas on the example of castrated males (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae, Leptopsyllidae). P. 465-468.
It was corroborated that after castration the processes of formation and development of modificated segments break at various stages. The author specifices some details of 12-segmented scheme of abdominal structure of fleas developed by Ju.N. Wagner in 1932. In some castrated males of Nosopsyllus laeviceps (Wagner, 1909) 8th sternite is fully developed and bears some strong setae. Between pygidium and anal segment there are sclerites developed to various extent, usually absent in normal specimens which are referred by the author to 11th segement.
in Russian
Nosema diplostomi sp. n. (Microsporidia: Nosematidae), a hyperparasite of trematodes of the genus Diplostomum. P. 469-475.
A new microsporidia, Nosema diplostomi, is described from metacercariae of the genus Diplostomum. These trematodes are common parasites of freshwater fishes injuring the crystallines of eyes. Amoebulae, schizonts, sporonts, sporoblasts and spores were discovered. Spores are pyriform, 3.5 mk in length and 1.8 mk in width. The polar filament reaches 44 mk.
in Russian
Parasitic Ciliates (Peritricha, Urceolariidae) from fishes of the Alpine Pamirs (the Murgab basin). P. 476-480.
The paper deals with Ciliates of the family Urceolariidae from fishes inhabiting the basin of the Murgab river. Two new forms were described: Trichodina schizothoracis sp. n. from the urinary bladder of Schizothorax intermedius of the Bartang river (Western Pamirs) and T. strelkovi f. badachschanica f. n. from the skin and gills of Nemachilus stoliczkai of the Murgab and Oksu rivers (Eastern Pamirs) and Lake Sarez (Central Pamirs). T. nigra f. kamchatika G. Stein, 1967, is regarded as a synonym of T. strelkovi Chan, 1961.
in Russian
The distribution of toxoplasmosis latent form among horned cattle in the Lvov district according to the data of serological investigations. P. 481-482.
In order to solve the problem of the practical importance of the reaction of complement fixation with toxoplasmodic antigen in 10 animal farms fo the Lvov district were examined 1655 heads of horned cattle, the same sera with brucellosis antigen being investigated simultaneously. As a result, there vere found 86/4, 1 positively responding cows at 1 : 5 serum delution with toxoplasmodic antigen. In no case positive indices of the reaction for brucellosis were traced. The obtained data suggest the idea of the distribution of toxoplasmosis latent form among horned cattle.
in Russian
Lutte biologique contre les arhropodes hematophages. Pathologie des vecteurs, Montpellier, 29 septembre—2 octobre 1969. P. 483-487.
Summary is absent.
in Russian
O.S. Osmanov. The parasites of fishes of Uzbekistan. P. 487-488.
Summary is absent.
in Russian