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Year 2008, Volume 42, Issue 3
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Issue 6
Coccidia (Eimeriida) from fishes of the continental waters of Russia. P. 169-178.
Data on the Coccidia parasitizing fishes of 12 orders (Acipenseriformes, Clupeiformes, Salmoniformes, Anguilliformes, Siluriformes, Atheriniformes, Gadiformes, Gasterosteiformes, Syngnatiformes, Mugiliformes, Scorpaeniformes, and Pleuronectiformes) are given. Authors and year of description, synonymy, morphofunctional organization of exogenic stages, and list of hosts are presented for each coccidian species.
in Russian
Taxonomic diversity of parasites in agnathans and fishes from the Volga River basin. VI. Acanthocephala, Hirudinea and Bivalvia. P. 179-190.
The checklist of Acanthocephala, Hirudinea, and Bivalvia parasitizing agnathans and fishes in the Volga River basin is presented. Hosts and areas of distribution are indicated for each parasites species. The checklist includes 10 species of acanthocephalans, 7 species of leeches, and 9 species of Bivalvia (at the glochidium stage) from 45 fish species. None of the given parasite species is alien for the Volga River basin.
in Russian
The influence of Myxidium gadi Georgievitsch, 1916 (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) on the level of lipid reserves in the tissues of the Black Sea whiting Merlangius merlangus euxinus at different periods of the annual cycle. P. 191-196.
Concentration of total lipids and main lipid classes in the tissues of the Black Sea whiting males and females under different degrees of their infestation with the myxosporean Myxidium gadi is studied. Fishes were examined during the periods of fattening and spawning. Decrease of the total lipid (2—3 times) and triacylglycerol (3—4 times) concentration in the liver of heavily ingested males is revealed, as compared with the weakly infested fishes. However this effect has not been found in the fish females.
in Russian
Vertical distribution of Acanthocephalans of the order Echinorhynchida in Lake Baikal. P. 197-203.
Vertical distribution of acanthocephalans of the order Echinorhynchida is studied in Lake Baikal. Four species and subspecies from cottid fishes (Perciformes: Cottoidei) were examined, namely Pseudoechinorhynchus borealis (Linstow, 1901), Metechinorhynchus salmonis salmonis (Muller, 1780), M. s. baicalensis Bogolepova, 1957, M. truttae (Schrank, 1788). In the littoral (0—5 m) and sublittoral (5—100 m) areas all these species and subspecies were occurred, white in the profundal (100—300 m) and abyssal (900—1600 m) areas only Metechinorhynchus salmonis baisalensis has been found.
in Russian
On the occurrence of the nematode Oswaldocruzia filiformis (Strongylida: Molineidae) in Karelia. P. 204-209.
Contents of the intestines of the viper Vipera berus (L., 1758) from Kizhi archipelago (Lake Onego) was examined. Helminth fauna of the viper was found to include single nematode species, Oswaldocruzia filiformis Goeze, 1782 (Strongylida: Molineidae). Prevalence of the invasion was 60%, intensity of the invasion was 1—8 specimens per host, index of abundance was 1.92 specimens. Measurements and pictures of the parasite are given. Morphometry data on the nematode from viper are compared with those from other host species.
in Russian
Detection of the West Nile virus and its genetic typing in ixodid ticks (Parasitiformes: Ixodidae) in Tomsk City and its suburbs. P. 210-225.
Four tick species, Ixodes persulcatus, I. pavlovskyi, I. trianguliceps, and Dermacentor reticulatus, were found in Tomsk and its suburbs in 2006. The species I. pavlovskyi was found to be dominant in the localities situated in Tomsk City, and I. persulcatus was dominant in its suburbs. Viral RNA and viral antigen of the West Nile virus (WNV) were detected in the ticks I. pavlovskyi and I. persulcatus collected in the city and its suburbs by the RT PCR method and enzyme immunoassay with monoclonal antibodies against protein E of the WNV. Average rate of the WNV infected ticks varied from 5.2 up to 11.7% in different localities. Identification of the nucleotide sequence of the protein E gene fragment allowed classifying the cDNA obtained as genotype Ia of the WNV. The sequences are proved similar to the strain LEIV-Vlg99-27889-human of the WNV isolated in Volgograd. The obtained data showed that natural foci of the WNV virus can appear in the city and its suburbs probably involving two dominant tick species. The WNV infected imagoes, larvae, and nymphs of I. persulcatus and I. pavlovskyi were collected from small mammals, lizards, and birds. Therefore we presume that these hosts can be involved in the circulation and distribution of WNV on the territory of Tomsk Region.
in Russian
Morphology of the blackfly species group macropyga of the genus Prosimulium Roubaud, 1906, and re-establishment of the generic name Taeniopterna Enderlein, 1925 for this group (Diptera: Simuliidae). P. 226-234.
The genus Taeniopterna with the types species Melusina macropyga Lundstrom, 1911 was proposed by Enderlein in 1925. Later this taxon was considered as the species group macropyga in the genus Prosimulium Roubaud, 1906 by many authors (Rubzov, 1956; Crosskey et Howard, 1997; Adler et al., 2004, and others). However, differences between this group and the remaining species of Prosimulium s. str. (species group hirtipes / mixtum) seem to be not lesser, than those between other genera (or subgenera) of the tribe Prosimuliini (in our sense), namely Helodon Enderlein, 1921, Urosimulium Contini, 1963, Parahelodon Peterson, 1970, and Distosimulium Peterson, 1970. Taeniopterna differs from other genera of Prosimuliini by the following characters. Imago differs from all other genera in having shortened proboscic (1.5 times shorter than clypeus, while in other genera it is of the same length with clypeus). It differs from all genera except Helodon in having relatively prolonged and lightly pointed distally wings (in other genera wings are wide and rounded distally). Male differs from all other genera of the tribe, except Urosimulium, in having narrow frons between the eyes. It differs from the Urosimulium male by conic gonostyles (in Urosimulium gonostyles bear the large heel). Female differs from all other genera of tribe by very small spermatheca (1/3—1/5 of the lenght of the branch of genital fork (while in other genera spermatheca is equal or longer, than the branch of genital fork) and by the absence of serration on maxillae and mandibles. Female also differs from other genera of the tribe, except Prosimulium, by very long hypo-gynal valves and by missing or very small and pressed basal tooth of claws (in Helodon, Urosimulium, Parahelodon, and Distosimulium hypogynal valves are short and rounded, basal tooth of claws is moderate or large and put aside). It differs from Prosimulium by smaller head (more narrow than thorax, while in Prosimulium head is near equal by width with thorax) and by absence of sclerotization on the medial edges of hypogynal valves. Larva differs from all other genera of the tribe, except Prosimulium, in having long dor-soventral projections of wide sclerotized band of prothorax (in other genera this band is narrow and without projections). It differs from Prosimulium by another pattern of the hy-postomal teeth. Pupa differs from all other genera of the tribe, except Distosimulium, by cocoon covering all the pupal body (in other genera cocoon covers only posterior part of the pupal body). It differs from Distosimulium by long and strong caudal thorns (in Distosimulium caudal thorns are of moderate length and more thin). These and some other characters give the base for the proposition to consider the species group macropyga as a a separate genus Taeniopterna Enderlein, 1925. A list of Taeniopterna species is given.
in Russian
Characteristics of the parasite fauna of the perch Perca fluviatilis L. from the Bolshaya Lindalamba Lake in comparison with other small lakes in Karelia. P. 235-239.
Parasite fauna of the perch Perca fluviatilis L. is investigated in the Bolshaya Lindalamba Lake, Republic of Karelia. It is shown, that formation of fish parasite fauna in small lakes depends mainly on the type of the lake ecosystem.
in Russian
Eimeria of cattle in the Republic of Dagestan. P. 240-242.
Data on Eimeria (Sporozoa: Coccidia) parasitizing cattle in different regions of the Republic of Dagestan are given. Eight species of the genus were found. Eimeria zuernii, E. subspherica, and E. bovis appeared to be the dominate species. Total infestation rate in the republic is 67.7%, while in mountain regions of Dagestan in is 83%.
in Russian
Information. P. 243-245.
Summary is absent.
in Russian
Book review. P. 246-248.
Summary is absent.
in Russian