Postnatal development and some features of reproduction of the two species of rats (Rattus rattus Linnaeus, 1758 and Rattus tanezumi Temminck, 1844)

S.A. Sablina and E.P. Tikhonova

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2012, 316(1): 71–82   ·

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Laboratory rat colonies, belonging to two different chromosome types: Oceanian (2n = 38), Rattus rattus and Asian (2n = 42), Rattus tanezumi have been studied. Fifteen litters (93 pups) of R. rattus and 27 litters (131 pups) of R. tanezumi were weighed and measured every day. From the first through the 17th day weight, lengths of body, tail and foot were recorded, characteristic features of development of pups (time of separation of ears, divergence of fingers on the fore- and hind limbs, eruption of upper and lower incisors, opening of eyes) were noted, changes of coloration and forming of fur and behavioral patterns were fixed. Higher viability, larger sizes and higher rates of development of pups of R. rattus, and also essential differences in breeding (seasonality in R. rattus and year-round cycle in R. tanezumi) have been discovered. The differences in development of behavior and moving activity are slight.

Key words

ontogeny, reproduction, comparison, Rattus rattus, Rattus tanezumi

Submitted June 30, 2011  ·  Accepted February 27, 2012  ·  Published March 23, 2012


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